By: Joe Graedon July 25, 2024 107 Comments
    How To Stop Tramadol Without Withdrawal Symptoms…

    We have heard from hundreds of visitors to this website about the serious side effects of tramadol (Ultram). They include nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, constipation, headache, drowsiness, dizzin…

    By: Terry Graedon July 22, 2024 0 Comments
    Don’t Forget Your Medications When You Tra…

    We are in the middle of travel season. Getting out the door on vacation can be a stressful time. In all the fuss, people may forget to pack crucial medications. What can you do if you arrive at your d…

    By: Joe Graedon July 10, 2024 32 Comments
    Why Is Antidepressant Withdrawal So Hard?

    A few years ago it was estimated that one out of eight Americans took an antidepressant medication (JAMA Internal Medicine, Feb. 2017) daily. According to my current calculations, 46 million people no…

    By: Terry Graedon July 1, 2024 64 Comments
    Stopping Antihistamine Leads to Unbelievable Itc…

    Every so often, doctors discover something from their own experience as patients that they didn't learn in medical school and haven't heard from their colleagues. Often, the symptoms of withdrawal fr…

    By: Joe Graedon June 24, 2024 1961 Comments
    Duloxetine (Cymbalta) Side Effects & Withdr…

    We have received so many complaints about duloxetine (Cymbalta) side effects that we have lost count. Far more disturbing are the number of people who tell us how hard it is to discontinue this drug. …

    By: Joe Graedon June 24, 2024 32 Comments
    Prolia for Osteoporosis Can Cause Low Calcium an…

    The CDC estimates that over 10 million Americans have osteoporosis. Another 43 million have “low bone mass.” Bones can become weak because of illness, nutritional deficiencies, low levels of estro…

    By: Joe Graedon June 19, 2024 5 Comments
    Does Your Medicine Have a Boxed Warning? Why You…

    When people are poised to participate in risky activities, they are supposed to follow safety protocols. For example, sky divers exercise proper precautions and procedures before each jump. No commerc…

    By: Terry Graedon June 13, 2024 4 Comments
    Show 1389: Getting Off the Medication Treadmill

    This week, Joe and Terry Graedon welcome your questions and stories about difficulties in stopping medicines, whether prescription or OTC. Dr. Richard Friedman, an expert on drugs to treat anxiety and…

    By: Joe Graedon June 3, 2024 113 Comments
    Intense Itching From Stopping Zyrtec (Cetirizine…

    When do you need to keep taking a medication? If you have a chronic health problem, such as high blood pressure or diabetes, you probably need to keep taking the medicine that controls it. Sometimes, …

    By: Joe Graedon May 27, 2024 855 Comments
    Tramadol Side Effects and Withdrawal are Dauntin…

    Doctors love tramadol (Ultram, Ultracet) because it is perceived as far safer than narcotics like hydrocodone (Lortab, Norco, Vicodin, etc.) or oxycodone (Oxycontin, Percocet, etc). Many doctors are a…

    By: Terry Graedon May 23, 2024 5 Comments
    Legalization of Cannabis Resulted in Problems fo…

    In 2020, Canada legalized the sale of edible cannabis products. Researchers wondered about the impact of legalization on older adults. Legalization and Emergency Department Visits: To find out they an…

    By: Joe Graedon May 20, 2024 74 Comments
    New Concerns About Gabapentin and Pregabalin (Ly…

    Several years ago, a review of the FDA’s Adverse Event Reporting System (FAERS) revealed some disconcerting data about commonly prescribed drugs for nerve pain (ISMP QuarterWatch Reports (March 27, …

    By: Terry Graedon May 9, 2024 14 Comments
    Show 1315: Are We Medicating Normal Emotions? (A…

    This week on our nationally syndicated radio show, we examine the consequences of prescriptions for anxiety or grief. All of us, at some point in our lives, will experience some of these emotions. If …

    By: Joe Graedon January 1, 2024 38 Comments
    Do Doctors Know How to Help Patients Stop Medica…

    Imagine for a moment that you are the CEO of a major drug company. What is the ideal product? Sadly, it’s all about money. In other words, what would be a highly profitable medication that doctors w…

    By: Joe Graedon December 18, 2023 16 Comments
    Deprescribing: Can You Ever Stop Taking So Many …

    Once upon a time, a doctor needed a pen and prescription pad to provide a patient a new medication. Horrible handwriting often made such prescriptions hard for pharmacists to translate. Now, a few key…

    By: Terry Graedon December 4, 2023 40 Comments
    Multiple Strategies May Be Needed to Get Off Nex…

    Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) have gone from doctors' darlings when they were first introduced to having a much darker side acknowledged. These medications were originally intended to treat serious d…

    By: Terry Graedon October 5, 2023 16 Comments
    How to Sleep During Anxious Times

    This is a terrible time to be an insomniac. Headlines are designed to provoke anxiety or fear. Contentious political clashes and war make the nighttime news distressing. When the days get shorter and …

    By: Joe Graedon September 18, 2023 15 Comments
    The Love-Hate Relationship with Anti-Anxiety Ben…

    Throughout recorded history, there have been huge challenges: famines, floods, fires, earthquakes, pandemics and wars. People have been complaining about anxiety and stress for hundreds, if not thousa…

    By: Terry Graedon September 10, 2023 9 Comments
    Multiple Strategies Are Needed for Stopping Hear…

    When your doctor hands you a prescription, do you ask about the exit strategy? Most people don't, but perhaps you should. Some drugs are very difficult to quit once you have been taking them for a whi…

    By: Joe Graedon September 7, 2023 53 Comments
    Benzodiazepine Dependence | A Hard Habit to Kick

    When most people hear the words “drug abuse” they think of opioids like oxycodone, hydrocodone, fentanyl or heroin. Other contenders include stimulants like cocaine and methamphetamine (“meth”…

    By: Joe Graedon June 22, 2023 15 Comments
    How Long Will Dizziness Last After Stopping Lexa…

    It is always smart to have an exit strategy. That is just as true when you begin taking a prescription medication as when you take a new job that might or might not be quite suitable. Doctors and phar…

    By: Joe Graedon June 8, 2023 28 Comments
    Why Popular Heartburn Drugs PPIs Are Linked to P…

    Millions of people take proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) to suppress the secretion of stomach acid. The last time we checked, doctors wrote over 100 million prescriptions for drugs like dexlansoprazole (…

    By: Joe Graedon May 29, 2023 189 Comments
    Clonidine (Catapres) Side Effects & Complic…

    Clonidine is an old drug by any standard. It was developed by Boehringer Ingelheim in the early 1960s to treat nasal congestion. The idea was to administer clonidine as nose drops. But the medication …

    By: Joe Graedon May 21, 2023 7 Comments
    Are You “Addicted” to Your Prescription Medi…

    Before you read another word, rethink the term addiction! It is loaded with emotional baggage and is a terrible description of drug dependence. It often implies character flaws or vulnerability and fr…

    By: Joe Graedon May 15, 2023 268 Comments
    Getting Off Omeprazole Can Be Challenging!

    Most people assume that over-the-counter heartburn medicines are completely safe. Why else would the FDA allow them to be sold without a prescription? The trouble is that proton pump inhibitors (PPIs)…

    By: Terry Graedon April 10, 2023 14 Comments
    Why Is Pharmacy Pushing to Refill Prescriptions?

    Sometimes the decisions a business makes appear obvious, but at other times you wonder why they make particular choices. We are all familiar with pharmacies as the place to fill a prescription that th…

    By: Terry Graedon March 6, 2023 11 Comments
    How to Beat Nose Spray Dependence One Nostril at…

    Decongestant nose spray is fabulous when your nasal passages are so congested you can't breathe. Just a spritz can open clogged sinuses. However, such nasal sprays have a big downside: nose spray addi…

    By: Dennis Miller, RPh February 16, 2023 11 Comments
    What Pharmacists Don’t Tell You

    This critical perspective is from retired pharmacist, Dennis Miller. There’s a huge amount of important information about drugs that pharmacists rarely discuss with customers. Chances are you feel y…

    By: Joe Graedon January 16, 2023 15 Comments
    Stopping Zolpidem (Ambien) for Insomnia Can Be C…

    Tens of millions of Americans have a hard time getting a good night’s sleep. They are caught in a terrible double bind. On one hand, they know that their health may suffer if they don't get enough s…

    By: Terry Graedon January 2, 2023 21 Comments
    Can You Get Off a PPI Without Suffering Heartbur…

    Have you ever tried to get off a PPI like esomeprazole (Nexium) or lansoprazole (Prevacid)? If so, you might have experienced rebound heartburn. People who encounter this problem–and many do–may f…

    By: Terry Graedon December 5, 2022 2 Comments
    People in Pain Need Access to Suicide Hotline Nu…

    When a reader calls us on an important omission, we try to correct our error. That happened recently when we wrote about the CDC guidelines for opioid use. We were so focused on access to adequate pai…

    By: Joe Graedon November 21, 2022 46 Comments
    Are People In Pain Committing Suicide For Lack o…

    The opioid epidemic has been with us for decades. It has resulted in untold misery and death. The pandemic only made matters worse. Overdose deaths spiked, in part because the synthetic opioid fentany…

    By: Joe Graedon November 3, 2022 14 Comments
    What’s Up with Paxlovid COVID Rebound Infectio…

    When Paxlovid (nirmatrelvir + ritonavir) was given emergency use authorization (EUA) on December 22, 2021, by the FDA, there was a lot of excitement. At long last, there was an oral anti-viral medicin…

    By: Terry Graedon October 24, 2022 299 Comments
    Zyrtec Withdrawal Is a Nightmare

    Cetirizine (Zyrtec) is an antihistamine often used to treat allergies, nasal congestion or hives. It is considered a second-generation non-sedating antihistamine. In other words, it doesn't make you d…

    By: Joe Graedon September 1, 2022 20 Comments
    Stopping Duloxetine (Cymbalta) Suddenly Flipped …

    Antidepressants like desvenlafaxine (Pristiq), duloxetine (Cymbalta), sertraline (Zoloft) and venlafaxine (Effexor) have become extremely popular. Millions take such drugs regularly. We have even seen…

    By: Joe Graedon June 20, 2022 19 Comments
    Prednisone Withdrawal: Can You Ever Stop Cortico…

    Corticosteroids are powerful double-edged swords. One side of the blade is beneficial. It can save lives. The other side can do incredible harm. Balancing the benefits against the risks of drugs like …

    By: Joe Graedon March 7, 2022 13 Comments
    Prozac Poop Out and Other Drug Drop Offs

    Why do drugs stop working? That is a question that has plagued doctors for decades. When antidepressant medications like fluoxetine no longer control depression, we call it Prozac Poop Out. If a once …

    By: Joe Graedon February 7, 2022 28 Comments
    How Dangerous Is It to Stop Taking Aspirin?

    Aspirin gets very little respect. Perhaps that's because it is well over 100 years old, or because it is inexpensive and available over the counter. Whatever the reason, it's our observation that peop…

    By: Joe Graedon January 3, 2022 261 Comments
    How To Stop Duloxetine (Cymbalta) Without Withdr…

    Based on what we hear from readers of our syndicated newspaper column and visitors to this website, most patients are not warned about how to stop duloxetine (Cymbalta). Perhaps the prescriber assumes…

    By: Joe Graedon October 4, 2021 24 Comments
    Stopping Zyrtec (Cetirizine) Led to Itchy Nightm…

    Over six years ago we heard from a reader who had used the antihistamine cetirizine (Zyrtec) to ease allergy symptoms. In preparation for allergy tests he tried stopping Zyrtec. He noted that: "w…