Bedwetting (enuresis)
Why Was Aleve Better Than Tylenol for Bed-Wettin…
Bed-wetting is not just a child's problem. Enuresis, as it is known medically, can also affect older people. Doctors sometimes prescribe anticholinergic drugs such as oxybutynin (Ditropan, Oxytrol) an…
How to Stop Having Embarrassing Bathroom Dreams
Have you ever wet the bed? This is embarrassing enough at age 5 or 6, when a child is striving to be taken seriously as one of the "big kids." It can be mortifying as an adult. We heard from one reade…
DDAVP Helped Child Stop Wetting the Bed
Q. At eleven, my daughter was still wetting the bed. Alarms and waking her up before we went to bed were completely ineffective. The doctor explained that she was lacking a particular hormone and pres…
Many Ways To Handle Bed-Wetting
Topics that were once taboo are now seen on prime time television, at least in the commercials. Erectile dysfunction, overactive bladder and constipation are discussed openly. But bedwetting remains c…