Want an Ingenious Solution for Blepharitis?
Blepharitis is the technical term for inflamed eyelids. There are many potential causes of symptoms such as redness, itching and swelling of the eyelid, so an eye care specialist should make the diagn…
Show 1320: The Fascinating World of Tiny Animals…
This week on our nationally syndicated radio show, we explore the ecology of our bodies, especially our skin. Our faces, our armpits and even our bellybuttons harbor a multitude of tiny animals that w…
How Aysa, an AI App, Helped a Mother with her Ch…
Nicole Pharr is used to keeping a close eye on her daughter Madison’s skin. Madison is prone to eczema and has had highly sensitive skin since she was a baby. Still, Nicole was concerned after her d…
How to Use Dandruff Shampoo for Blepharitis
Blepharitis, inflamed eyelids, can be annoying as well as painful. It is frequently quite difficult to treat. The usual recommendation is to use hot compresses on the affected eyelid, but one reader f…
Dandruff Shampoo Eases Eyelid Problem
Q. After having increasingly itchy and swollen eyelids for over a year, I tried the dandruff shampoo solution mentioned in your column. It worked and I have had no problems at all in over two months. …
T/Gel Solved Eyelid Problem
Q. I'd had a problem for months with a flaky, itchy eyelid and swelling near my eyelashes. It was miserable. My doctor prescribed an antibiotic ointment that helped but didn't cure it. Wiping with a b…