Cognitive Dysfunction
Show 1416: Exposing Fraud and Arrogance in Alzhe…
This week, we explore the evidence that some respected researchers in the field of Alzheimer’s disease took shortcut or even manipulated their data to get the results they wanted. How did our guests…
Should You Be Taking Vitamin Supplements?
Vitamins were among the most exciting discoveries of the early 20th century. Since then, however, doctors have been expressing a lot of skepticism about the value of taking vitamin supplements. A pron…
Memory Makers or Memory Takers: Medications and …
Visitors to this website and subscribers to our newsletter know that we have been highly critical of the FDA’s approval of anti-amyloid drugs for Alzheimer’s disease (AD). They are expensive, ba…
Simple Steps to Stay Sharp and Prevent Dementia
Many people would like more information on how to prevent dementia. Perhaps they have taken care of a family member during a long, slow decline. Or maybe they have watched a neighbor or friend gradual…
What Is the Difference Between Healthspan and Li…
Healthspan and lifespan are such similar words that it is only reasonable to wonder about their differences. In short, lifespan refers to how long you live, regardless of your state of health. Healths…
Show 1412: Beyond Amyloid: The Science That Coul…
This week, we look at the new pharmaceuticals that the FDA has approved for treating Alzheimer disease. Although they are effective at removing amyloid plaques from the brain, they don’t seem to hel…
Will a Mediterranean Diet Benefit Your Brain?
The Mediterranean diet has earned a reputation for promoting heart health, as we discuss below. A Harvard study suggested it might also be good for the brain, especially for people with type 2 diabete…
Microbes on the Mind: How the Brain Microbiome A…
Everyone is aware that we have a microbiome within our digestive tract. It’s a whole ecological system unto itself containing bacteria, viruses and fungi. For decades, medical students learned that …
What Are the Health Benefits of Cocoa Flavanols?
Do you think of chocolate as a sinful snack or a healthy bite? Chocolate candy itself probably should be considered sinful. It usually contains too much sugar to count as health food. The cocoa flavan…
What Is the Evidence That Cocoa Flavanols Improv…
An ongoing argument often surfaces around certain holidays, especially Valentine's Day, Easter and Halloween. You'll see a number of feature pieces suggesting that chocolate is actually good for you. …
Choline Boosts Brain Power Throughout Lifespan
Researchers have known for a long time that the biochemical choline is critical for the proper neurological development of newborns. This compound is the basic building block for the neurotransmitter …
Can a Mediterranean-Style Diet Protect Your Brai…
How can you protect cognitive function as you age? Several studies suggest that a Mediterranean-style diet plan can help. What does that entail? Lots of veggies, fruits and whole grains like farro, no…
Can Low Blood Pressure Raise Dementia Risk in Ol…
Many physicians believe that a good blood pressure (BP) is right around 120/80, regardless of age. Some aggressively prescribe several blood pressure medicines to achieve that goal. There is, however,…
Which Berries Are Best for Your Brain?
Would you like to stay sharp as you grow older? Almost everyone would. Memory lapses can be extremely frustrating as well as embarrassing, particularly when they start to become more frequent. Experts…
Will Your Diet Help You Avoid Dementia?
A diet rich in fruits, vegetables, nuts, beans, olive oil and fish is good for the heart. Might it also be good for the brain? Evidence increasingly points in that direction. Analyses show that follow…
Show 1395: Gut Check–How Digestive Health Infl…
This week, we talk with integrative gastroenterologist Robynne Chutkan about why our digestive health is so important. Of course, our digestion provides us with the nutrients that power our bodies, in…
How to Eat to Maintain Your Brain
If you are an older person who wants to maintain your brain, you should be very careful about what you eat. You may feel that lifestyle changes after age 65 couldn't make much difference for your heal…
Show 1394: Viruses, Vaccines and Alzheimer Disea…
This week, we explore the role viruses may play in the development of dementia. That certainly sounds like a downer, but here is the brighter side: vaccines can significantly lower the risk! Joe and T…
New Blood Tests for Alzheimer Disease
Detecting Alzheimer disease is complicated. There are no simple tests. Doctors can perform cognitive function evaluations and order brain imaging. To date, though, definitive diagnosis relies on autop…
Show 1374: Marvelous Medicinal Mushrooms (Archiv…
This week, we talk with 4th-generation herbalist, research scientist and mycologist, Dr. Christopher Hobbs. He extolls the benefits of mushrooms not only as nutritious foods, but also as important com…
Sauna Bathing and Its Health Benefits
Finnish researchers have been studying the health benefits of sauna bathing for years. A study published several years ago in the Mayo Clinic Proceedings reviewed the evidence for cardiovascular and o…
Can Your Gut Microbiome Affect Your Memory?
A decade or so ago, no one would have imagined that the bacteria in your digestive tract could in any way interact with your brain. We assumed that the brain and the belly were completely isolated. Bu…
Are Non-Sugar Sweeteners a Healthy Choice?
When people hear that sugar-sweetened beverages pose health hazards, some respond by switching to diet soft drinks. That certainly seems reasonable, but evidence now suggests it might not be the best…
June Is Brain Health Awareness Month
Did you know, June is Brain Health Awareness Month! There are many ways to support brain health with different lifestyle choices. Eating a balanced diet, getting enough sleep, and engaging in regular …
Personalized Approach Can Lower Risk for Dementi…
Alzheimer disease and other types of dementia are among the most common and feared conditions of older people. According to the CDC, nearly six million American currently suffer from on of these disor…
Vitamin B12 Deficiency Can Cause Cognitive Probl…
As people grow older, they may begin to have difficulty with memory or complex cognitive tasks. The family might chalk the problem up to encroaching dementia due to aging. In some cases, though, cogni…
Could a Daily Multivitamin Help You Stay Sharp?
A common multivitamin may provide some protection against cognitive decline as we age. Findings from the COSMOS study were published last year in the journal Alzheimer’s & Dementia. This year th…
Conflicting Results from Anti-Alzheimer’s Trea…
The Alzheimer's Association estimates that nearly 7 million Americans have Alzheimer's disease (AD)..."About 1 in 9 people age 65 and older (10.7%) has Alzheimer's." It is a crisis! That's why effecti…
Could Exercise Save Your Brain?
There are a couple of health problems that everyone dreads. A diagnosis of cancer is most unwelcome. Neurological conditions run a close second, though. If a doctor diagnoses Parkinson's disease or AL…
Do Older People Improve Their Memories with Exer…
Exercise can make your muscles stronger. Research indicates that people who stay active may also improve their memories. Most of the relevant research considers physical activity such as walking, runn…
Can You Avoid Post-Operative Cognitive Dysfuncti…
When you are told you need surgery, there is a lot to think about. What kind of surgery, and what is the recovery like? Will you need to spend time in the hospital? You need to know the risks and bene…
Show 1366: How a Pharmacist Helps Doctors with D…
In this week’s interview, a board-certified geriatric pharmacist explains why taking an older person off a medication might be just as important as putting them on one. In fact, since prescriptions …
Show 1364: Staying Sharp Through Better Hearing
This week’s interviews focus on the benefits of better hearing. Dr. Frank Lin describes the results of the ACHIEVE study, in which some participants got a very significant delay in the onset of cogn…
Reduce Your Risk of Dementia with Physical Activ…
Older people who would like to stay sharp can take one simple step: keep moving! Research from Rush University Medical Center suggests that physical activity can reduce elders' risk of dementia ( Neu…
Calculating the Burden of Dementia in Dollars an…
Dementia takes a devastating toll on people’s ability to organize, learn or even manage ordinary activities of daily life. It often places a huge strain on family members, both physically and emotio…
Can Your Medicine Cause Confusion or Memory Loss…
Have you ever experienced trouble finding the right word? What about forgetting someone’s name you should know? How about having a hard time finding your car at the supermarket or airport? Most of t…
Adult Education Courses Help Seniors Reduce thei…
There is a popular saying “Use it or lose it!” Does it apply to your brain? A new study of approximately 280,000 volunteers in the UK Biobank suggests that it does. People who participate frequent…
Could Research in Mice Change How We Look at Alz…
A study in mice suggests that the usual way neuroscientists look at Alzheimer disease might be wrong. What's more, recent research suggests that a supplement available without a prescription might off…
Soccer Players Putting Their Brains in Danger
Soccer is normally considered a safe sport, relatively speaking. Compared to football players, for example, soccer players are thought to be less vulnerable to head injury. When concussions occur in s…
Can You See Alzheimer Disease with Retina Scan?
Technology allows for non-invasive imaging of the retina. Now, such a retina scan may allow eye doctors to diagnose Alzheimer disease (see below). If doctors could diagnose neurological dysfunction ea…