The Sexdemic: Why Infections Seem Worse Than Eve…
Many Americans gathered with friends and family over the holidays. That meant hugs and togetherness. There have also been sporting events. College basketball is a big deal where we live. Duke and UNC …
Show 1415: Can Home Remedies Help Overcome Cold …
This week, Joe & Terry invite listeners to share their favorite home remedies for colds. No one expects a remedy to shorten the duration of a cold–although perhaps one or two could! But many may…
Should You Worry About Norovirus or Germs on You…
Do you pay attention when you visit your local coffee shop? Can you observe the person who fills your mug or places the lid on your paper cup? Does that person wear disposable gloves? Are the gloves c…
Vitamin C Strikes Back in Combatting the Common …
Modern medicine has been unkind to Dr. Linus Pauling. Even though he is the only scientist in the world to have received two unshared Nobel Prizes, a lot of nutritionists and medical experts have crit…
Zinc for the Common Cold
People have been searching for a cure for the common cold for centuries. To date, we have seen nothing that actually overcomes cold viruses the way antibiotics conquer bacteria. (By the way, antibioti…
Show 1369: What to Do If You Catch the Flu (Arch…
This week, we hear from pulmonologist Roger Seheult, MD, about ways we can strengthen our immune responses to respiratory infections. Seasonal influenza activity is high and still rising in most parts…
Linus Pauling Was Right About Vitamin C for Canc…
Modern medicine has not been kind to Dr. Linus Pauling. He is the only person to have received two unshared Nobel Prizes: one for Chemistry in 1954 and one for Peace in 1962. But it is his research in…
Vitamin C and the Common Cold: Will Ascorbic Aci…
One of the most contentious issues in modern medicine revolves around vitamins, especially vitamin C (aka ascorbic acid). For reasons that mystify us, most health professionals dismiss the value of vi…
Home Remedies or Brand Names for the Common Cold…
Doctors have abbreviations for anything that causes coughing, sneezing, sore throat, congestion and/or runny nose: URTI (upper respiratory tract infection) or the shorter version URI (upper respirator…
Show 1408: Roots & Remedies: The Practice a…
This week, we discuss how making your own herbal medicine at home can provide you with safe, inexpensive and effective ways to ease symptoms of common problems like colds, cuts and scrapes or heartbur…
Can You Boost Your Immune System with Extra Zinc…
Most people would like to improve their immune function at this time of year. Viruses that cause colds and influenza are everywhere and even vigorous hand washing may not protect you from coming down …
Taking Garlic at the First Sign of a Cold
During cold season, it can be difficult to follow all the rules that are supposed to protect us from cold viruses. We can certainly wash our hands many times a day and refrain from touching our faces.…
Have You Tried Elderberry to Ease Your Cold Symp…
What is your favorite cold remedy? Sometimes people rely on drugstore products, but they may not be aware of the potential side effects from a multi-symptom cold product. As a result, we frequently pr…
Skip Cough and Cold Remedies for Something Bette…
When people come down with sniffles, sneezes, sore throats and coughs, they often turn to pain relievers and fever reducers like acetaminophen or ibuprofen. They sometimes add decongestants or cough s…
Show 1378: Rediscovering the Power of Medicinal …
This week, two guests describe their work with the healing power of medicinal herbs. They draw upon family histories of herbalism along with their own studies of how to use botanical medicines. You ma…
Can Science Explain Why Vicks on the Feet Calms …
Around the year 2000 a nurse called into our syndicated radio show to tell us that she calmed nighttime coughs by applying Vicks VapoRub to the soles of her children's feet. She then put socks on the …
Doctor Says Vicks on the Feet Calms Night Cough:…
We have no idea why someone first experimented with Vicks VapoRub on the soles of the feet. We do know that whenever we publish a story about putting Vicks on the feet for a nighttime cough we hear fr…
Is Phenylephrine a Worthless Decongestant? FDA…
What took the Food and Drug Administration so long to determine that a common cold and allergy drug does not work? Phenylephrine (PE) is almost 100 years old, having received a patent in 1927. Its eff…
Reader Spanks Us Over Phenylephrine Decongestant…
Last fall I wrote a nasty article chiding the FDA for its delayed action against cold, cough and allergy pills containing the phenylephrine decongestant. That’s because I had written about this prob…
Will You Make a Condiment to Fend Off Colds?
Every so often, a reader shares a remedy that gets a lot of attention. Last month, we heard from a person whose special sauce helps her family fend off colds. Wendi wrote: “I have been making a hot …
Overdosing on Acetaminophen in Cold and Flu Reme…
Many over-the-counter medicines marketed for treating colds and flu contain acetaminophen (paracetamol in Europe, Australia and New Zealand). This non-aspirin pain reliever helps lower fever. Acetamin…
Can Cod Liver Oil Strengthen Your Immune System?
As cold and flu season sets in, it makes sense to do what we can to strengthen the immune system and ward off these respiratory infections. Will cod liver oil help? To protect yourself from the flu, p…
Show 1360: The Pros & Perils of OTC Drugs
In this broadcast, we answer listeners’ questions about over-the-counter drugs. If you have bought a medicine without a prescription, how do you use it wisely? Dr. Stefanie Ferreri, Distinguished Pr…
Show 1274: Can We Make Sick Buildings Healthy? (…
Are you getting enough fresh air? More than a century ago, Florence Nightingale insisted that hospitals needed good ventilation to get lots of fresh air. That would keep patients from spreading danger…
Is There a Natural Herbal Remedy for Colds?
Colds that hit late in the season can be especially nasty. We heard from a reader who has really suffered. Might an herbal remedy for colds offer relief? Spring Colds Are Miserable: Q. I have a terrib…
How to Beat Nose Spray Dependence One Nostril at…
Decongestant nose spray is fabulous when your nasal passages are so congested you can't breathe. Just a spritz can open clogged sinuses. However, such nasal sprays have a big downside: nose spray addi…
Why You Should Leave the Vent On in an Airplane
Is it possible to improve the air you breathe on an airplane? What about that little vent over your seat? Is it doing anything to help? Most people realize that air travel increases the chance of catc…
Swallow Zinc Pills Instead of Sucking Zinc Lozen…
Have you stocked up on zinc lozenges for the coming cold season? You may have learned in middle school that nothing you take will change the course of a cold. However, that's no longer true. Science h…
What Cold Medicine Is Safe for People With High …
If your blood pressure is elevated, there are all sorts of things you are supposed to avoid. Pretzels and potato chips, for example, along with other foods that contain a lot of salt. You may have hea…
Onion Cough Remedy
Every winter, we hear from people who'd like to share their favorite family remedies for coughs, colds and flu. We haven't conducted research on any of these, but one that keeps cropping up year after…
FDA Cracks Down on Claims for Hand Sanitizers
When infections like colds or influenza are spreading rapidly, people may rely on hand sanitizers to try to stay healthy. Public health experts acknowledge that hand hygiene is crucial for disease pre…
Why You Should Sip Chicken Soup for a Cold
When cold viruses are on the loose, you need a few trustworthy remedies to help with sniffles and coughs. One of our favorites is a hot bowl of homemade chicken soup for a cold. When our kids were lit…
Show 1191: What Are Your Favorite Home Remedies?
For centuries, people have been using home remedies as their first treatment for common ailments. With easy access to over-the-counter drugs, though, people have turned away from home remedies in the …
What Is the Impact of Herbal Treatments for Coug…
Cold and cough season is well underway in most parts of the country by now. Are there natural approaches to help you stay healthy? And if you do come down with a cold or other respiratory infection, c…
How Can You Find Natural Cough Medicine That Wor…
Have you ever looked for a natural cough medicine that you can take until you recover from your cold or bronchitis? Some readers have encountered cold remedies in Europe that they found helpful. When …
What Happened to Cod Liver Oil as a Home Remedy?
The origin of many a home remedy is lost in the mists of time. Usually we don't have a good record of who started using it or when, and we also rarely have information on when and how it falls out of …
Did the Maker Recall Ibuprofen for Your Baby?
Parents across the country have been alarmed today to hear that some brands of ibuprofen sold as fever medicine for infants have been recalled. What led the manufacturer, Tris Pharma Inc., to recall i…
Terpin Hydrate Helped World War I Veteran
Terpin hydrate, with or without codeine, used to be a highly popular cough remedy. It was available without a prescription from the 1880s until the 1990s. That’s when the FDA decided there wasn’t …
Should You Pay Less for Vicks VapoRub®?
Vicks VapoRub® is a familiar household product with a venerable history. It has been around since the turn of the 20th century, and for much of that time, it contained natural essential oils. In the …
How to Take Care of Kids with Colds
Ask a pediatrician how to treat kids with colds, and you'll probably learn that there are few, if any, medicines that speed recovery or even ease symptoms. During cold season, parents often search for…