Styptic Pencil: How Does It Work and Is It Safe?
Have you ever heard of a styptic pencil? Most young people today have no idea what such a thing is. Even a lot of older people are clueless. First and foremost, it is not a writing instrument! It is s…
Should You Pour Black Pepper on Your Cut?
Who knows where home remedies come from? Most of the time, their history is untraceable. Who first thought to pour black pepper on a cut to staunch the bleeding? We have no idea. If you search the int…
What Is in Your First Aid Kit?
This summer we have been urging people to assemble a first aid kit that is ready to go at the drop of a hat. Some of the things we put in our first aid kit are a little unorthodox, but they're not too…
Watch Out for Wire Bristles from Cleaning the Gr…
While preparing your holiday cookout, think about this: Beware wire bristles that may linger on the grill next time you bite into a burger. Cleaning Off Your Grill: With grilling season underway, many…
Home Remedies for Holiday Accidents & Healt…
Between now and New Year's is a dangerous time of the year. Think about it for a moment. On Thursday, there are likely to be too many cooks in the kitchen. Everyone wants to be helpful on Thanksgiving…
Home Remedies for Holiday Hazards
Coughs & Colds: As much as we look forward to Christmas and New Years, this time of year can be fraught with unexpected hazards. For one thing, there is the traveling to gather with family and fri…
Black Pepper to Stop Bleeding
Q. Black pepper works great to stop bleeding! I build cabinets. While moving a large cabinet on rollers across a gap in my concrete floor, the cabinet slipped back into the gap and onto my middle fing…
Stop Bleeding Fast With Low Or High Tech
There is something about the sight of blood that really gets your attention--especially if it is your own. Stopping the bleeding can be a challenge.When your father nicked himself shaving, the chances…