By: Terry Graedon May 13, 2021 3 Comments
    Show 1223: How to Care for Summer-Stressed Skin …

    During the pandemic, fewer people by far have been making ordinary appointments with the dermatologist to have their skin checked. However, some skin conditions can become much worse if they are negle…

    By: Terry Graedon November 1, 2018 0 Comments
    How Aysa, an AI App, Helped a Mother with her Ch…

    Nicole Pharr is used to keeping a close eye on her daughter Madison’s skin. Madison is prone to eczema and has had highly sensitive skin since she was a baby. Still, Nicole was concerned after her d…

    By: Joe Graedon May 12, 2008 7 Comments
    Dermatologist Disputes Acne Remedy

    Q. As a dermatologist, I am dismayed by your article suggesting that milk of magnesia could treat cystic nodular acne. This is not a recommended treatment, and the false belief that it might be helpfu…

    By: Joe Graedon April 14, 2008 64 Comments
    Milk of Magnesia as Home Remedy for Acne

    It is amazing how many uses there seem to be for milk of magnesia. This old-fashioned remedy dates back to 1873 when pharmacist Charles Henry Phillips concocted a milky white liquid of hydrate of magn…