Ear Wax
Are Cotton Swabs Really Risky?
There are few things in the bathroom medicine chest that look less scary that cotton swabs. They have no sharp blades like nail scissors. They don't contain potentially dangerous drugs, like cough med…
Laxative Helps Remove Earwax
Over 15 years ago a listener to our syndicated public radio show sent us a question about ear wax (cerumen). This person wanted to know why putting a laxative in the ear helps remove earwax: Q. I was …
Beware the Dangers of Cotton-Tipped Swabs
Ear, nose and throat specialists like to caution us never to stick anything smaller than our elbows in our ears. It seems too many of us don't pay close enough attention, however, especially when it c…
Cleaning Ears at Home
Ear wax can be annoying or even make it hard to hear. Otolaryngologists tell people not to put objects in their ears to remove wax. That includes cotton swabs which may actually push wax further into …