Halitosis (bad breath)
Many Causes and Cures for Bad Breath
Bad breath (halitosis in doctorspeak) is not a topic for polite conversation. In fact even your dentist or best friend may not bring up the subject of dragon breath. Many people are painfully aware of…
Sulfur Metabolism as Source of Bad Breath
What causes bad breath? It turns out that there are numerous situations that could be the source of bad breath. Which one might be relevant for you? Reader Identifies Defective Sulfur Metabolism as So…
Bad Breath Cured With Antibiotics
Q. I want to thank you because your article on a potential cause of bad breath has solved a long-standing problem of mine. No doctor was able to tell me why I had halitosis and standard tests were not…
Solving the Puzzle of Bad Breath
Q. I have a problem with terrible bad breath after eating anything with dairy in it, and also anything with sugar. I have had this problem since my early twenties and am now in my sixties. My husband …
Can Milk Cause Bad Breath?
Q. I have seen some questions in your column regarding bad breath. I'd like to share my personal experience. I used to have bad breath and had seen my dentist and my doctor about it, but found no solu…
Vitamin Pill Linked To Bad Breath
Q. We have had a strange experience with prescription drugs combined with a multiple vitamin. My husband takes Verelan, Altace and Proscar. His doctor also recommended a daily multi-vitamin. Shortly a…
Bad Breath Is All In His Head
Q. My husband believes that he has halitosis. However, after living with him for 18 years, I can assure you that he does not. Because of this belief, he has begun buying a special mouthwash product co…