By: Terry Graedon October 1, 2023 1 Comments
    Stinging Nettles Soothe Seasonal Allergy Symptom…

    Allergy season may differ depending on geography and what plants grow in the area. Seasonal allergy symptoms usually trouble people most during autumn or spring seasons. Many people use antihistamines…

    By: Terry Graedon September 18, 2023 27 Comments
    Should You Take NasalCrom for Your Seasonal Alle…

    Are your allergies ferocious this fall? Many people would still welcome advice on how to cope with hay fever and other seasonal allergies. Decongestant sprays work quickly, but you can only use them f…

    By: Terry Graedon March 6, 2023 12 Comments
    How to Beat Nose Spray Dependence One Nostril at…

    Decongestant nose spray is fabulous when your nasal passages are so congested you can't breathe. Just a spritz can open clogged sinuses. However, such nasal sprays have a big downside: nose spray addi…

    By: Terry Graedon August 8, 2022 38 Comments
    Can Quercetin Control Your Allergy Symptoms?

    Hay fever season is looming, and many allergy sufferers may be wishing they had a way to prevent the misery of sneezing and sniffling. One reader made a serendipitous discovery: quercetin taken for gl…

    By: Terry Graedon September 9, 2019 3 Comments
    Will You Breathe Better by Cutting Out Dairy?

    Allergy sufferers know frustration. The difficulties of just trying breathe through the nose during hay fever season are significant. That's without counting other allergy symptoms such as trying to n…

    By: Terry Graedon August 24, 2014 5 Comments
    Hay Fever Sufferers Could Get Relief from Ragwee…

    Q. I am allergic to ragweed. Every fall I suffer miserably until the first big frost. My allergist has suggested shots, but I hate getting stuck every week and they are expensive. What else can I do b…