By: Terry Graedon September 24, 2023 12 Comments
    Don’t Smear Molasses on Hemorrhoids!

    Hemorrhoids (also known inelegantly as piles) are swollen veins in or near the anus. They are rather like varicose veins, although their awkward location can cause trouble. They may bleed during bowel…

    By: Terry Graedon December 6, 2021 121 Comments
    Is Vicks Dangerous Against Hemorrhoids?

    We are always astonished at the remedies people use to treat hemorrhoids. We once made the mistake of sharing one of those remedies on public television. Ooops! We are stating for the record: Do Not P…

    By: Terry Graedon April 1, 2021 8 Comments
    Show 1179: What Should You Do About Digestive Di…

    Have you ever had horrible heartburn or a really bad bellyache? Most of us have experienced digestive distress at one time or another. When do you need to seek medical attention for your problem? What…

    By: Joe Graedon March 9, 2020 27 Comments
    Bidet Lovers Come Out of the Closet: What About …

    We don’t understand why most Americans are shy about bidets. Bidets are commonplace in Italy, France, Portugal, Japan and South Korea, to name just a few countries that have embraced these bathroom …

    By: Joe Graedon January 27, 2020 88 Comments
    Would You Ever Use a Bidet to Clean Your Bottom?

    Have you ever seen a bidet in a fancy hotel or while traveling? Many Americans are puzzled by these bathroom fixtures. They have no idea what they are for or how to use them. Traditionally, there were…

    By: Terry Graedon June 12, 2017 9 Comments
    What Will Ease Painful Hemorrhoids After Giving …

    Women have to make a lot of adjustments right after giving birth. Their bodies change dramatically in that process. While many of the alterations are nature's way of helping a mother nurture the infa…

    By: Joe Graedon December 8, 2014 26 Comments
    Old-Fashioned Face Cream Soothes Itchy Bottom

    Q. I've been plagued with external hemorrhoids for years. They weren't particularly painful, but the itch was unbelievable and kept me awake at night. I tried every hemorrhoid cream on the market, si…

    By: Joe Graedon October 15, 2014 105 Comments
    Home Remedies for Hemorrhoids

    Over the last few decades we have collected an amazing array of remedies for hemorrhoids, from blackstrap molasses and rutabaga to banana peel and green tea. They keep coming in like the tide. We have…

    By: Joe Graedon October 13, 2014 13 Comments
    Are You Pooping the Wrong Way?

    For roughly a million years our ancestors performed natural bodily functions in a squatting position. It is only in recent times that toilets have become commonplace. The first patent for a flush toil…

    By: Terry Graedon March 17, 2014 8 Comments
    Horse Chestnut Extract Helped Heal Hemorrhoids

    Hemorrhoids, while rarely serious, are very common and can be quite unpleasant. Sometimes they can bleed quite profusely, which is frightening to say the least. There are a number of remedies worth co…

    By: Terry Graedon May 19, 2013 0 Comments
    Help for Hemorrhoids

    Hemorrhoids, while rarely serious, are very common and can be quite unpleasant. We asked gastroenterologist Nicholas Shaheen, MD, Director of the Center for Esophageal Diseases and Swallowing and pro…

    By: Joe Graedon October 18, 2012 40 Comments
    Can Hemorrhoid Cream (Prep H) Work for Wrinkles?

    Have you looked in the mirror lately? If you are like us, chances are pretty good that you have noticed a few (or perhaps more than a few) wrinkles. They come with age. Sun exposure can also cause pre…

    By: Joe Graedon December 26, 2008 1 Comments
    Zinc Oxide for Hemorrhoid Relief

    Q. A reader recently reported using zinc oxide to treat hemorrhoid symptoms. I just wanted you to know that I have been using zinc oxide for this purpose for years. I thought no one else knew about it…

    By: Joe Graedon November 19, 2008 6 Comments
    Zinc Oxide Cream for Hemorrhoids

    Q. Someone wrote to you about using zinc oxide as a deodorant. I tried it but it didn't work for me. At the same time my hemorrhoids were burning and itching, and even Preparation H didn't seem to hel…

    By: Joe Graedon June 23, 2008 36 Comments
    Banana Peel and Cabbage for Hemorrhoids

    Q. When I first developed hemorrhoids I could hardly believe this was happening to me. I called my doctor and she suggested surgery, but I didn't want to go under the knife. A favorite book about food…

    By: Joe Graedon September 26, 2005 0 Comments
    Baby Wipes Do Double Duty For Hemorrhoids

    Q. From my first pregnancy until about ten years ago, I had two or three very painful attacks of hemorrhoids a year. I would have to go to bed for up to a week at a time. I haven't had a single attack…