Intestinal Bleeding
Will Certo and Grape Juice Help Your Sore Knees?
People with sore joints face a terrible dilemma. Pain interferes with quality of life. On the other hand, medications like diclofenac and other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can make p…
Show 1179: What Should You Do About Digestive Di…
Have you ever had horrible heartburn or a really bad bellyache? Most of us have experienced digestive distress at one time or another. When do you need to seek medical attention for your problem? What…
New Eliquis (Apixaban) Alert: Unexpected Side Ef…
A few years ago we received alerts about an increasing number of serious bleeding episodes associated with the anticoagulant Eliquis (Apixaban). This medication is prescribed to prevent blood clots in…
Older Acid Suppressors Work Better for Hospitali…
Two different categories of medication are commonly used to protect the gastrointestinal tract from damage. One type, called H2 blockers, consists of drugs like Tagamet or Zantac. The other type, call…
New Study Fails to Clarify Which Blood Thinner I…
Using anticoagulants is a bit like walking a tightrope. If the dose is too high, there is a danger of hemorrhage. If the dose is too low, there is risk of a deadly blood clot. For years, warfarin, ori…
Pain Medicine Triggered Life-Threatening Bleedin…
Q. My husband was just released from the hospital as a result of taking naproxen for tendinitis. He used it exactly as prescribed, and it still caused more trouble than it was worth. He had severe gas…
Aspirin Benefits vs Risks
A British meta-analysis of aspirin users suggests that this common preventive medicine may carry significant risks along with modest benefit. Investigators analyzed nine randomized, placebo-controlled…
Popular Pain Relievers Boost Heart Risk
Q. I have taken naproxen regularly for the last several years, having had knee replacement and shoulder surgery. When I take naproxen, my blood pressure goes up from 115/70 to about 145/94. I was told…
Arthritis Sufferers Caught In Dilemma
Pity anyone with pain that lasts more than 10 days. That's how long the FDA says you can safely take an over-the-counter analgesic such as Advil, Aleve or Tylenol on your own. The trouble is that one …