By: Terry Graedon June 25, 2023 0 Comments
    Challenge–Find Safe Vitamin Formulation for Ex…

    For years, some doctors have insisted that taking vitamins is a waste of effort, not to mention money. They believe that simply eating a well-balanced diet should provide all the nutrients any of us n…

    By: Terry Graedon July 9, 2020 0 Comments
    Can Blood Pressure Pills Cut Risk of Colon Cance…

    Millions of people take blood pressure medicines called ACE inhibitors such as lisinopril. Many others use ARBs such as losartan or valsartan. Some previous studies hint that ACE inhibitors might incr…

    By: Terry Graedon October 31, 2019 7 Comments
    Yogurt and Fiber Lower Your Chance of Lung Cance…

    It makes sense that diet could help lower the risk of cancer. On the other hand, you might be surprised to learn that people who eat a lot of yogurt have a lower chance of lung cancer (JAMA Oncology, …