How Can You Avoid Norovirus 2025?
Norovirus is nasty! You do not want to catch this "stomach flu." It is also called "winter vomiting disease" and "cruise ship virus." This pathogen is incredibly contagious and is circulating far and …
Will Ginger Help You Avoid Motion Sickness?
Have you ever been seasick? If you've never been on a boat, you might have felt ill in the back seat of a car navigating mountain roads. People can experience nausea or queasiness and dizziness in any…
Beware Norovirus, Coffee Cup Lids and Dirty Mone…
The most recent update from the CDC (March 7, 2024) reveals norovirus on the rise across the four regions of the US: Southern, Northeastern, Midwestern and Western Census Regions. The Northeast seems …
The Inside Story of Tamiflu Side Effects & …
One of the most familiar drugs for fighting influenza is Tamiflu (oseltamivir). Some people think it's great. They believe it helps prevent family members from catching the flu when one person is sick…
Ginger Is Brilliant Remedy for Post-Operative Na…
Post-operative nausea can be very troubling. People who have had any type of abdominal surgery definitely want to avoid throwing up. In addition to the usual unpleasantness, vomiting after surgery cou…
Show 1340: Were the Old Wives Right?
This week’s episode begins with an interview. We talk with Dr. Craig Hopp of the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health about why doctors so often dismiss home remedies as old wive…
Aromatherapy | Can a Sniff of Alcohol Relieve Na…
Have you ever experienced nausea? Who hasn’t? It’s a terrible feeling. It can be brought on by vertigo or medications. Cancer chemotherapy drugs are notorious for triggering unrelenting nausea and…
Will Sniffing Alcohol Ease Nausea After Surgery?
Most of the time when we learn about an unusual home remedy, we have no idea how or even whether it works. So we were thrilled last year when we came across an actual placebo-controlled trial of sniff…
Show 1179: What Should You Do About Digestive Di…
Have you ever had horrible heartburn or a really bad bellyache? Most of us have experienced digestive distress at one time or another. When do you need to seek medical attention for your problem? What…
New Eliquis (Apixaban) Alert: Unexpected Side Ef…
A few years ago we received alerts about an increasing number of serious bleeding episodes associated with the anticoagulant Eliquis (Apixaban). This medication is prescribed to prevent blood clots in…
Peppermint Oil for Digestive Woes (IBS) vs. Side…
Q. I've heard that taking enteric-coated peppermint oil can help IBS. My worst symptoms are stomach cramps and flatulence, but I'm reluctant to eat out or travel. Some of my friendships have suffered.…