By: Joe Graedon April 8, 2024 19 Comments
    Is Celecoxib Safe To Prevent Nighttime Urination…

    There is nothing more annoying than waking up in the middle of the night with a strong urge to pee. Well, actually there is. Waking up to discover that you have had an accident in bed is uncomfortable…

    By: Terry Graedon September 5, 2022 50 Comments
    How Often Do You Get Up to Pee at Night?

    Do you have to get up to pee several times a night? Many people report that this is a problem, especially as they grow older. Having to urinate several times during the night is a major factor interfe…

    By: Terry Graedon August 17, 2020 4 Comments
    Will Pectin and Grape Juice Make Bleeding Worse?

    Could a home remedy interact with a common OTC drug to make bleeding worse? Doctors might have a tough time figuring out exactly what a patient was drinking, eating or taking that led to excessive ble…

    By: Terry Graedon June 15, 2020 16 Comments
    Will Raisins Solve Two Problems at Once?

    People can get pretty creative with home remedies. One reader has noticed similar recommendations for two completely different conditions: joint pain, and frequent nighttime urination. The question is…

    By: Terry Graedon December 24, 2018 23 Comments
    Will Raisins Help You Sleep More Soundly?

    Would you like to sleep more soundly? Many readers complain that they need to rise to urinate several times a night. Then they frequently have trouble getting back to sleep. Several years ago, one per…

    By: Terry Graedon November 26, 2018 6 Comments
    Will Pumpkin Pie Help You Sleep All Night?

    How often do you have to get up in the night and trek off to the bathroom? Nocturia (nighttime urination) is a pesky problem for a lot of people. We recently heard from a reader who reported that taki…

    By: Terry Graedon November 5, 2018 38 Comments
    Will Pumpkin Seed Oil Help Your Urinary Problem?

    How often do you have to get up at night to visit the bathroom? Some people sleep through the night with no difficulty but others have their sleep disrupted because they need to urinate every few hour…

    By: Joe Graedon June 18, 2018 22 Comments
    Will Raisins in the Evening Help You Stay in Bed…

    Have you ever had to get up at night to urinate? Most of us have. Going once or even twice in the course of the night may not be much of a problem, but having to trek to the bathroom multiple times ca…

    By: Joe Graedon April 16, 2018 13 Comments
    Is NyQuil A Good Way To Stay Asleep?

    We often wonder whether people read the label of their over-the-counter medicines. If they did, would most know what they were taking? Nyquil Cold & Flu formula is advertised to “relieve your s…

    By: Joe Graedon August 14, 2017 7 Comments
    Why Was Aleve Better Than Tylenol for Bed-Wettin…

    Bed-wetting is not just a child's problem. Enuresis, as it is known medically, can also affect older people. Doctors sometimes prescribe anticholinergic drugs such as oxybutynin (Ditropan, Oxytrol) an…

    By: Terry Graedon September 26, 2016 16 Comments
    Will Raisins at Bedtime Reduce Bathroom Visits?

    Anyone who has to get up many times during the night to urinate knows these interruptions can disrupt sleep. So when readers started reporting that eating a few raisins before bed could reduce bathr…

    By: Joe Graedon August 22, 2016 13 Comments
    Is Prostate Drug – Tamsulosin – Safe…

    Q. My family doctor has prescribed tamsulosin for frequent urination at night. I am a 75-year-old woman, and after reading about the side effects of this drug, I am concerned. I can live with the freq…

    By: Joe Graedon June 9, 2016 13 Comments
    Side Effects, Interactions and Problems with Pro…

    A lot of men who never contemplated problems peeing are now taking drugs to help them urinate: tamsulosin (Flomax, Jalyn), alfuzosin (Uroxatral), silodosin (Rapaflo), doxazosin (Cardura) and terazosin…

    By: Joe Graedon January 4, 2016 22 Comments
    Raisin Remedy Helps Reduce Midnight Bathroom Vis…

    One of the most common complaints we hear from readers is that they have to get up a few times at night to pee. That wakes them out of a sound sleep and sometimes they have a hard time going back to …

    By: Joe Graedon October 26, 2015 71 Comments
    Reduce Nighttime Urination (Nocturia) With a Han…

    Do you have to get up a couple of times a night to pee? If so, you are not alone. Tens of millions of people find that nighttime urination (nocturia) is a challenge. For one thing, it wakes you up and…

    By: Joe Graedon April 16, 2015 6 Comments
    Cutting Caffeine Reduces Nighttime Bathroom Runs

    Q. You have written about how people can reduce the number of trips they make to urinate during the night. I think they might want to get caffeine products out of the diet because caffeine stimulates…

    By: Joe Graedon January 7, 2013 50 Comments
    Solving Nighttime Urinary Problems

    Q. I hate having to get up three or four times a night to urinate. Around 3 or 4 in the morning I have trouble getting back to sleep. I have discovered that when I take ibuprofen for post-exercise sor…