Osteopenia (bone weakening)
Should You Take Vitamin D Supplements for Strong…
Vitamin D is essential for strong bones. When young children don’t get enough vitamin D, they can develop a bone deformity called rickets. This nutrient acts as a hormone in the body. It is vital fo…
How Did Doctors Go So Wrong on Calcium and Vitam…
For decades, physicians have been advising their older female patients to take extra calcium and vitamin D for bone strength. It seemed logical. Both calcium and vitamin D play a role in building bone…
Thyroid Treatment Linked to Osteoporosis
Doctors have long known that people who make too much thyroid hormone are at risk for weakened bones. This is also a problem for those who take synthetic levothyroxine to supplement their underactive …
Prolia for Osteoporosis Can Cause Low Calcium an…
The CDC estimates that over 10 million Americans have osteoporosis. Another 43 million have “low bone mass.” Bones can become weak because of illness, nutritional deficiencies, low levels of estro…
Alendronate Makes Dental Correction More Difficu…
Are your bones strong and healthy? Or have they begun to weaken? As we age, many of us develop osteoporosis, a condition that leaves our bones porous and at risk of fractures. To address this problem,…
How Well Does Vitamin D Help Fight Osteoporosis?
Vitamin D has a reputation for building strong bones, so you might expect that taking supplements would help fight osteoporosis. Unfortunately, a study published in JAMA suggests that might be unreali…
Will Boniva Interact with Her Pain Reliever?
You may think of bones as hard and unchanging, but that is a misconception. Living bones are constantly undergoing remodeling. Some cells break down bone tissue while other cells build it up. If the b…
Antibacterial Chemical Boosts Risk of Osteoporos…
For decades, Americans embraced antibacterial products. They sought out hand sanitizers, soaps, kitchen cleansers, toothpastes and cosmetics with an ingredient called triclosan. Toys, clothing and kit…
Show 1139: Will Supplements Keep Your Bones Stro…
For years, people were urged to take calcium supplements to avoid losing bone density. This advice was aimed particularly at menopausal and postmenopausal women because they are especially susceptible…
Will Osteoporosis Drugs Make Your Joints Hurt?
As people age, both muscle mass and bone density begin to fade. The consequences of bone loss can be devastating. When bones become weak, they break easily. If an older person fractures a hip, they ma…
The Inside Story on Zoledronate (Reclast) and Bo…
The headlines have been enthusiastic: “Osteoporosis drug Shows Promise for Fracture Prevention.” NPR ran a story that emphasized the strong evidence supporting zoledronate as a safe drug to preven…
Will You Get Osteoporosis If You Take Omeprazole…
Do you take omeprazole (Prilosec) or another proton pump inhibitor such as esomeprazole (Nexium) or lansoprazole (Prevacid)? Such PPI drugs were once thought to be relatively free of side effects, but…
An Old Drug (Zoledronate) Offers New Hope Agains…
Weakened bones are a very big deal. If an older person falls and breaks a hip the outcome can be grim. There is pain. There is also lack of mobility. That can lead to blood clots that migrate from leg…
Can You Boost Your Bone Density with Exercise?
Weakened bones with low bone density put a person at risk for fracture. When an older person breaks a hip, the consequences can be devastating. As a result, it makes sense to look for ways to boost yo…
New Calcium Study Has People Confused and Upset
A new calcium study has created a lot of confusion and consternation. To refresh your memory: a randomized trial of calcium supplements has revealed an unexpected complication (Gut, March 1, 2018). Do…
Should You Worry About Calcium Side Effects Like…
Until recently, extra calcium was considered essential for good health. Millions of women popped a calcium pill or two every day. They assumed there were no calcium side effects, though some complaine…
Show 1093: How to Keep Your Bones Strong
Osteoporosis, weakened bones, affects about 10 million Americans. But low bone density is even more common. According to the National Osteoporosis Foundation, about half of adults over 50 are at risk …
Is the Calcium Added to Almond Milk Helpful or R…
Certain sacred cows in health keep showing up time and again. Take calcium supplements as an example. Even doctors who are extremely skeptical of the value of vitamin and mineral supplements in genera…
Why You Should Take Magnesium for Strong Bones
The usual recommendations for keeping bones strong are a bit too simplistic. Generally, women are told to take high-dose calcium supplements. (Men can also get osteopenia-decreased bone mass-and oste…
Are Calcium Supplements A Waste of Money?
Vitamins Are Worthless: For decades, many doctors have told their patients not to bother with vitamin and mineral supplements. The argument is that such pills are a waste of money. Calcium is Wonderfu…
Calcium Supplements Do NOT Prevent Broken Bones
Can you keep your bones strong by taking calcium supplements? Older people, particularly older women, have long been advised to get 1,200 mg of calcium daily, primarily from supplements. Many doctors …
Drug Interaction Could Lead to Disastrous Osteop…
Doctors may not always keep up with the latest research on drug side effects. To an extent, that is understandable. A busy family practice physician, internist or OB/GYN may have to see more than 20 p…
Did Heartburn Medicine Undermine His Bone Streng…
Most people think that weak bones are only a problem for older women. That is not necessarily the case. Certain medications can make men as well as women more susceptible to osteopenia. What is the be…
Lower Bone Mineral Density Was Found in People w…
People with asthma may also be at greater risk for bone loss, called osteoporosis. Researchers at Johns Hopkins University examined data of more than 7,000 asthmatic individuals in South Korea and fou…
Exercise Boosts Bone Strength
The benefits of exercise are well recognized for the heart, but now scientists have evidence that physical activity can also benefit bones. Approximately 1,200 premenopausal women were included in the…
Strengthening Bones without Upsetting Stomach
Q. I am 62 years old and just had my second bone density test. I was told I have osteopenia and should take Boniva. I have been lactose intolerant for many years. Consuming milk gives me smelly gas, u…