CDC Warns of Walking Pneumonia in Little Kids
Babies and toddlers are susceptible to many different infections. Some youngsters seem to get sick every time you turn around, with seven or eight infections a year. Because their immune systems are s…
Why Is It So Hard to Diagnose Pneumonia Correctl…
A study published in JAMA Internal Medicine, March 25, 2024, has uncovered some very disappointing stats. The researchers analyzed the medical records of 17,290 hospitalized older adults across 48 Mic…
Vaseline Should Stay Out of the Nostrils
When the weather turns cold and the heat comes on, many people find that their noses become uncomfortably dry. As a result, they reach for any remedy that might offer some relief. Some people prefer V…
The Law of Unintended Consequences Strikes Hospi…
Have you ever heard of the law of unintended consequences? This is when something that was supposed to be beneficial turns out to bite you in the butt. Here is just one example: Kudzu is an ornamental…
Why Does the Flu Kill So Many Healthy People?
Influenza continues to make millions of people sick around the country. There have been way too many deaths. Clearly, this year’s influenza epidemic caught health professionals by surprise, even tho…
Doctors Disagree About Putting Petroleum Jelly i…
A decade ago we responded to a reader who put Vicks VapoRub in her nose before bed to control symptoms of post-nasal drip. We suggested that this might not be such a good idea and quoted the manufactu…