Skin Tags
Can You Remove Skin Tags With a Remedy?
Have you wondered about skin tags? These little growths are not dangerous, but they certainly can be annoying. They tend to grow in places where they may encounter the friction of skin rubbing against…
New Ways to Get Rid of Skin Tags
Skin tags have a fancy medical name: acrochorda (a single tag is called an acrochordon). Dermatologists also call them fibroepithelial polyps. These are soft, fleshy growths that often show up in armp…
To Avoid Skin Tags, Cut Back on Sweets
People often want to know how to make skin tags go away. These fleshy growths often appear near skin folds and in areas such as the eyelids, armpits, neck or groin. They are not dangerous, but having …
Will Apple Cider Vinegar Make Skin Tags Disappea…
Skin tags are tiny (or sometimes not-so-small) growths on the skin. Although they are not dangerous in themselves, doctors regard them as potential markers for metabolic problems like diabetes (Clinic…
Will Castor Oil Help Clear Up Your Actinic Kerat…
Have you had a dermatologist examine the lumps and bumps on your skin? It is a good idea to have these checked periodically, especially if they have changed in any way. The doctor might diagnose some …
How Aysa, an AI App, Helped a Mother with her Ch…
Nicole Pharr is used to keeping a close eye on her daughter Madison’s skin. Madison is prone to eczema and has had highly sensitive skin since she was a baby. Still, Nicole was concerned after her d…
Will Castor Oil Get Rid of Skin Tags?
Skin tags are not dangerous, but they can be annoying. These benign growths are usually small, and often occur in underarms, on the neck or near skin folds. Dermatologists can remove them surgically, …
Is the Raisin Remedy Good for Skin Tags?
Q. My husband and I have each eaten nine golden raisins soaked in gin daily for six months. I have arthritis in my neck from an automobile accident, and find that the pain in my neck is reduced. As go…
Will Liquid Bandage Banish Skin Tags?
Skin tags are benign fleshy growths that frequently appear where the skin folds, such as the armpit, neck or groin. They are not dangerous, but they can be annoying. Dermatologists can remove them, bu…