Show 1417: Examining the Pros and Cons of Water …
This week, we offer the first of a two-part series on water fluoridation. The practice of adding fluoride to drinking water to prevent tooth decay has been controversial for some time. Why? What shoul…
When Do Americans Develop a Sweet Tooth?
How early do Americans develop their sweet tooth and a taste for added sugar? A new study found that 99 percent of toddlers less than two years old consumed more than seven teaspoons of added sugar a …
Children Born to Women with Low Levels of Vitami…
Pregnant women with low levels of vitamin D circulating in their bloodstreams are more likely to have children who develop cavities in their baby teeth. Researchers took blood samples from 207 Canadia…
Extract from Cacao Helps Heal Sensitive Teeth
People with sensitive teeth search for toothpaste that will reduce the discomfort from heat, cold and acid foods. A new study of 80 patients compared a toothpaste containing a cacao extract (Theodent …
Dentists Watch Out for Zinc
Dentists are starting to warn their patients about the dangers of zinc. That's because dental adhesives have traditionally contained zinc because it enhances the sticking power. This mineral may also …
Xylitol Protects Baby Teeth from Cavities
For decades Finnish researchers have been studying the effect of a natural sugar derived from birch trees. The sweetener called xylitol can be used as a sugar substitute. It has been used in chewing g…