Have you seen the ad blitz for Lyrica (pregabalin)? A LOT of money is being spent trying to convince the American public that Lyrica is the answer to diabetic nerve pain. One of the most compelling commercials stars a retired policeman:
“Hi, I’m Terry and I have diabetic nerve pain. I worked a patrol unit for 17 years in the city of Baltimore. When I first started experiencing the pain it’s hard to describe because you have a numbness but yet you have the pain like thousands of needles sticking in your foot.”
This sounds awful, and indeed people with diabetic neuropathy suffer terribly. Symptoms can include:
Symptoms of Diabetic Neuropathy
- Burning, tingling or a feeling of needles sticking into your skin
- Numbness in toes and feet; an inability to sense a needle prick; reduced sensitivity to temperature change
- Difficulty walking because of numbness, pain or weakness
- Intense stabbing jolts of pain, especially in the evening
- Sexual dysfunction
- Swallowing difficulties
- Poor stomach emptying, leading to feelings of fullness and bloating
- Bladder problems
- Dizziness on standing
It’s hardly any wonder that patients with neuropathy and nerve pain would be looking for help. A commercial like the one with Terry, the retired Baltimore police officer, is very appealing. When Terry says the “pain started subsiding” after taking Lyrica, we imagine that lots of viewers might think that they too might benefit from this drug. Are they paying attention, though, when the voice-over announcer says:
“Lyrica is not for everyone. It may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. Tell your doctor right away if you have these: new or worsening depression or unusual changes in mood or behavior, or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, changes in eye sight including blurry vision, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling or skin sores from diabetes. Common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain, and swelling of hands, legs and feet. Don’t drink alcohol while taking Lyrica. Don’t drive or use machinery until you know how Lyrica affects you.”
While you listen to the on-air announcer speed through this long list of complications you see Terry working in his backyard planting and watering pretty flowers. Somehow, the scary side effects seem less worrisome in such a bucolic setting.
Here are some real stories from our website to bring the side effects into focus:
This comes from LCB:
“I started taking Lyrica 10 days ago for RLS [restless leg syndrome] and fibromyalgia. I was taking gabapentin but it had stopped working. I gained 14 pounds on the gabapentin, and now I’ve gained 5 pounds more on the Lyrica. I have edema [fluid retention] as well. I’m sleepy for most of the day and I feel like I’m dragging my body around. I have no energy. My husband tells me I’m irritable with the kids, and that I can’t seem to remember things anymore.
“All of this is quite a drastic change from my usual energetic, tireless self. I don’t like how I feel, and to make the most important point: Lyrica doesn’t seem to help much. I still have tons of pain, and RLS at night. So, I have an appointment with my doctor to ask for a change. I believe that these medicines work very well on some people, but we are all so different. It doesn’t work for me.”
T. had a very scary story to share:
“After almost eight years on Cymbalta, it had lost the effectiveness. My doctor added Lyrica to help with fibro. Soon after, I started to have a deep depression and wanted to end the pain that I have lived with for so long. The stress of life was so great, that I attempted suicide. I was put in the hospital for four days.
“At that point, no more meds! The symptoms are what everyone has described. I feel alone and lost in my own brain fog hell. Not one of my family has a clue what a nightmare this is.”
Kathy listed these complications:
“I was on the drug eight months for fibromyalgia prescribed by a rheumatologist. I, too, started having problems with eyesight (my eye doctor could NOT update my lenses due to Lyrica causing severe blurriness). I also had memory loss, anxiety, and trouble sleeping. I suffer from chronic constipation due to diverticulitis, and the Lyrica was making this worse. I weaned off over a three-week period. OMG! The withdrawal was/is terrible.
“I am 9 weeks into it, and still have terrible throbbing ongoing headaches, difficulty swallowing, and went from 134 lbs to 118! I feel like I’m dying most of the time. I went to my current neurologist today and was told there were no such symptoms from Lyrica withdrawal!
“Google it, doctor! Please, if anyone reading this is considering taking Lyrica, reconsider! If you have side effects like I did, then decide to go off; you may be looking at a long recovery and NO help from a doctor. They are all denying any problems with this medication. Please read the “Lyrica Withdrawal” posts first!”
Getting off drugs that affect the central nervous system can sometimes be challenging. As we mentioned recently with our post on Abilify, the track record of psychiatry and neurology has been abysmal when it comes to studying sudden withdrawal from commonly prescribed medications. It took years for researchers to discover that when patients suddenly stopped benzodiazepines such as alprazolam (Xanax), diazepam (Valium) or lorazepam (Ativan) they often experienced very unpleasant withdrawal symptoms. Ditto for antidepressants like citalopram (Celexa), duloxetine (Cymbalta), escitalopram (Lexapro), sertraline (Zoloft) and venlafaxine (Effexor).
The story of Lyrica (pregabalin) withdrawal is also murky. There is very little in the medical literature on this topic. The prescribing information does mention, though, that some patients report symptoms such as insomnia, nausea, headache, anxiety, sweating or diarrhea if they stop suddenly. The advice: taper the dose over at least a week rather that stopping suddenly. We fear that such information is not always that helpful, especially since there is not much practical information about actual dosage reduction.
Lyrica Side Effects
- Vertigo, dizziness, unsteadiness, coordination problems, abnormal gait
- Sleepiness, fatigue
- Confusion, abnormal thinking, difficulty with attention and concentration, accidental injury
- Dry mouth
- Fluid retention in hands or feet, edema
- Blurred vision, difficulty with eyesight
- Weight gain
- Constipation, gas
- Pain
- Skin reaction, rash, dermatitis (requires immediate medical attention!)
- Depression, suicidal thoughts or actions
- Muscle breakdown (rhabdomyolysis), tremor
- Blood disorders
- Withdrawal symptoms, discontinuation syndrome, seizures
We recognize that some people with hard-to-treat neuropathy or fibromyalgia may do quite well on Lyrica and not suffer side effects. That’s great. But some patients don’t get much benefit and do suffer complications. For them, Lyrica is not a blessing.
To learn about some other approaches to neuropathy, you may want to check these links about benfotiamine (link 1 and link 2) and alpha lipoic acid.
Please share your own story about Lyrica or your experience with neuropathy and what has worked for you below so others can benefit from your experience.
I was on Lyrica for 5 years and just weaned off of it about 2 weeks ago. It was rough but I am glad I did it. However, I am still nauseated at times and not hungry most of the time. The muscle fatigue and exhaustion is a lot too. Don’t take Lyrica because it is not worth it!
I was prescribed Lyrica (150 mg) taken twice a day in Aug 2022 to help with nerve pain in my foot after a plantar fasciitis release and Baxter’s nerve surgery. I reduced to 75 mg (taken at night only) after about two weeks due to my so-called “brain fog. “ I continued taking this for almost a year – but wanted to taper off because initial foot pain had improved.
I slowly started reducing the dose over a three month period. My last dose was 25mg per night which I completed a week ago. Since then I am feeling very irritable, depressed, and generally low energy. I am having trouble sleeping and have pins and needles in my feet.
I hope these feelings subside soon. Lyrica is a bad idea I take with caution .
My doctor prescribed Lyrica for back pain. I took one pill and could not walk down hall without holding walls because of dizziness. He wanted me to take one at work also. Impossible. In addition, I experienced white flashes in peripheral vision while night driving for a week. Doctor “pooh-poohed” this as unconnected. I took no more Lyrica.
Does anyone experience dizziness in withdrawal symptoms from lyrica? I do everytime I run out. This is from not having it. I hate the dizziness I feel, like I might faint at times. It’s confusing because I’ve been taking it for years and never experienced this until a few months ago. I’m thinking I should stop taking it at this point.
Terry Graedon
Elizabeth, please discuss this with your physician. Don’t just quit on your own.
Yes, definitely.
I took Lyrica for three years for acute sciatica after a failed diagnosis for cauda equine. Within three months of taking it I was starting to feel different: confused, loss of focus, blurry delayed vision, missing time, ED, fatigue, headaches, sleepless, sweating in the morning with feelings of palpitations and anxiety. I reported this to my doctor who advised me these feelings will settle down. Three months later I attempted to take my life and tried two more times.
I went to a therapist who helped me to understand the feelings were associated with Lyrica. I continued to take it as the doctor said I needed it because I could not walk properly without it. After years of complaining about the side effects which included a numb face (sent to the hospital as they thought I was having a stroke twice), they changed my medication to Pregablyin, and there was no change in my symptoms.
I was taking this medication from 2014 till I weaned myself of it in late 2020 ( my Dr. did want me to). After six months I was clean, free from all the negative side effects that Lyrica/Pregablyin gave me.
But now I see I suffered with it to the point it’s ruined my life: every action, every thought I had on that stuff leaves me confused now. It makes no sense. I became irrational, had no self-control, and remembering events now feels like it wasn’t even me. Like it was me watching another version of me, almost as if I was behind myself.
Don’t take it, please, it’s not worth the hell you will suffer.
I’m in week 6 of Lyrica withdrawal. I don’t see an end in sight. I’m sweating so bad I’m always wet, I throw up all day long and I feel like I’m dying. This is torture. All because of a bad doctor. I’m all alone in this as medical care doesn’t exist where I live. I feel like my body is cooking from the inside out.
Thank you for sharing, I only took it for 3 weeks and at the 25mg dose. I am on day 7 of not having it. Please share more about your withdrawal story.
This drug definitely has a withdrawal effect. I have been without this medication for 3 days now and have been feeling restless and very, very nauseous to the point I am eating tums every 2 hours. Now I have to wait on my doctor’s refill. Hopefully it will come soon. Hope I never have to go without this drug again. I will definitely be on this forever because I can’t bear the consequences without it!!
I am currently pregnant. My nausea is so bad I couldn’t keep lyrica down. I feel like I’m dying. It happened when I had Covid as well. I’m wanting off it but I literally CAN NOT handle this. My body is so dependent on it it’s disgusting, I projectile-vomited for days, sweating, shaking, my brain on fire. I finally kept a single pill down yesterday! I do not want to take this, but I kid you not, the vomiting stopped. Shaking stopped. But the headache is unbearable.. and each time this has happened to me I never am the same. My brain is fried. I couldn’t even remember my friend’s dogs name today.. and I’ve known this dog for 4 years. Did it help my fibromyalgia pain, tremendously but if I had known this I would have preferred the pain. I need off it, and my body can not take it, and I fear my baby will be screwed.
I was prescribed Pregabalin for nerve pain. Like a fool I blindly accepted it with no research. I took it for 18 months before I finally told myself it was doing nothing for the pain. My first doctor gave me a ridiculous tapering plan, which had me seeking help in emergency room 3 times in one week. Now, over 12 months into my taper, I am in excruciating leg pain all night. My leg muscles have withered dramatically, which leaves me with very weak legs, principally at night. I have very little sleep as the pain is so bad it wakes me after about an hour. I walk the rooms for hours at night, trying to get some relief from the pain. Each new taper, which are 2mg every 2 weeks or so, adds to the pain. I had dreadful nausea, too, when I tapered, but the acupuncture I am having has greatly helped this. The pain is all-consuming, and nothing I do gives any relief from it. My first doctors was of no help whatsoever. Latest doc is happy for me to taper at my own rate, and that is the sum total of his input. I still have over a year to taper before I am finally off this vile poison, and with each taper the pain gets worse.
Doctors are oblivious to the very dark side of Pregabalin, refusing to believe that it causes so many vile withdrawal symptoms. I am desperately tired and in so much pain. No pain killer touches the pain and docs will noy help with the sleep issue. This drug is dangerously taking a terrible toll on the many thousands who are trying to get off it. It should be banned around the world, or at very least only prescribed for its original usage. Also doctors need educating on what they have done to their poor, pain gripped,patients.
I have been taking Lyrica for years. I was prescribed this medication as a pain reliever, as I was already on so much Oxycodone. I have greatly reduced the Oxycodone due to insistence from my doctor. When prescribed Lyrica, I asked if it was addictive. I was told no, not at all. I have twice been in a position that I had to go for a day or two without Lyrica. I did not sleep at all. My body hurt so badly that I could not get comfortable. I had bad headaches. I had cramping and gas. This was after missing (1) dose. Reading the ‘withdrawal’ symptoms and side effects of this medication that I was told was not addictive, I found that I have many of them. With the recent addition of a video doorbell, I have gotten to see that my ‘gait’ is also affected. I also have significant memory issues, weight gain, foot numbness and poor stomach emptying (massive constipation) (along with others. Just these past (2) days (and nights) when I realized that I was out of Lyrica, I reduced my allotment to half. In so doing, I slept less than (4) hours total these past two nights, not to mention the achy pain.
I hope this helps someone. I will be looking to get off this medication, but I am very concerned after this fresh experience. Is there another medication that can be used to help? My almost complete inability to sleep, along with the pain etc, have me worried. Any suggestions? I am off now to pick up my prescription.
This episode is over, but I cannot say that I do not foresee that I will again have at least (1) sleepless night (etc) again in my future.
Looking for some help! I have been taking pregabalin for around 5 years. I recently stopped taking it along with other medications, and I can’t stop itching. My right eye swells so badly that at times I can’t open it at all. My hands, fingers, palms, and feet are extremely itchy but nothing there. Could it be that not taking pregabalin anymore has caused it?
The terror, not nervousness, was scary. The dark urine with rancid smell was nasty. 5 days of not sleeping, unsteady gait,tremors,jerking limbs, severe vomiting, sweating,all thanks to 6 months of Lyrica and trying to quit.
London England
I was put on lyrica 18 months ago for severe anxiety and social anxiety disorder. I was originally put on 75mg x2 daily. At first I thought this drug was amazing. My stomach anxiety disappeared, and I began socialising again, but my medication over the following months was upped to 200mg x2 daily, and I became withdrawn and avoided any kind of social event. I gained 3 stone in weight. I would stay in bed for days on end never washed or got dressed.
I managed to wean my self down to 100mg x2 daily, and 3 times I got down, with the doctor’s advice, slowly to 0 Lyrica per day. The withdrawal symptoms from this drug are horrendous. I only ever managed a couple of days off the drug, and I was back on it. Lyrica was turning me into a zombie. I hated myself. I was having suicidal thoughts. It stripped me of my whole identity. I needed to get off this drug.
I am currently coming off lycria but I am using codeine for the pain and diazepam to help me sleep. It is the only way I am ever going to get off this horrible drug. If I knew what was ahead of me I would have never have taken it. This drug is soul-destroying, and I find it crazy that a lot of GPs don’t know how horrid being on and coming off this drug is. If anyone is thinking of starting Lyrica I would say “NO. Don’t do it.”
Dee P
Hi, Beverly,
I hope your Thanksgiving was blessed and a good time. I have many of the other symptoms folks have mentioned in their comments as I have AS and severe nerve damage that causes me a lot of nerve pain and also traditional pain. These diagnoses come with the symptoms that was being discussed as Lyrica withdrawal symptoms.
Without knowing if they have nerve or traditional pain it’s hard for me to differentiate some of their Lyrica withdrawal symptoms talked about with regard to my story. For me, Lyrica does not help at all with my traditional pain but it reduces and makes my “nerve” pain somewhat bearable at times, and for that reason at this time Lyrica is a must-do of my routine.
Beverly, when I run out of Lyrica and have a problem of any sort with the pharmacy refill, on about the second day I have an allergic reaction where I begin to itch severely, turn red, feel like I am swelling up and am beyond miserable. Needless to say, I’m not able to sleep but I regularly go 4 – 6 days straight without sleep because of my pain, and that has nothing to do with Lyrica. And this itch you questioned is a whole new level of added pain. I am very proactive in making sure I don’t run out of Lyrcia.
The thing that I don’t get is that when the itch starts it generally takes me another day or two to figure out I am out of Lyrcia. It has happened 4 times: the first time in a rehab unit after surgery where I figured out after 3 weeks they were accidentally withholding my Lyrica. After they put me back on my normal Lyrica dose the itching stopped within several hours. FYI: I had no symptoms that were described like being taken off drugs. I take 300 mG 2 times a day and have for over 7 years. I do not know if any other medication I am taking would answer why I had no withdrawals. According to what they were saying I should have had them. The other times were unusual pharmacy issues that it took me several days of severe painful allergic itching reaction to remember to check to see if I was out of Lyrica. DUH.
The time to ask myself “Do you have Lyrica?” is getting smaller, and I am hopefully, in this area, getting wiser. I do mainly worry about my reaction to the Lyrica withdrawal symptom of itching, as over time it with time begins to adversely affect my breathing like an allergic reaction. I feel the continuous itching and possible brewing allergic reaction over a longer period of time begins to compromise my upper body, throat, tongue and etc.in this way. I think: could it progressively get realty bad?
My major concern, as well as staying calm, is our isolation; you are the first person that has mentioned the itch. If a person has an itch they might not mention it in their comments or even think it is a Lyrica withdrawal symptom. BUT if a person has THE ITCH in their Lyrica withdrawal symptoms like I do it’s very major and not something you miss or leave out of your comments. They would surely include it in their Lyrica withdrawal symptoms, almost as a stand-alone symptom, such as you did. I also understand you had a questionable itch but I do not know if you had THE ITCH. I know THE ITCH symptom cause and effect for me is Lyrcia withdrawal. I am having a major problem understanding why you and I are the only people to mention it even after you questioned itching as a Lyrica symptom withdrawal.
Well, Beverly, I’ve sent a novel I know you did not expect and am sure at the moment your fingers are scrolling over the “block this person.” But to answer your question. Yes, Yes, Yes!
Let me know if anyone else itched.
I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia 12 years ago, and I’ve been taking Lyrica for 7 years now. For years I was taking 300mg twice a day (two 75mg tablets 2x’s a day). I walked around like a zombie for years. The first time I missed my dosage for almost two days, it took me a day and a half to realize that I had been on my floor crying and trembling all day the day prior because I was out of Lyrica. Since that day I’ve always tried to make sure I didn’t skip a full dosage. After walking around and driving around like a zombie for 3 years I had an accident while leaving work due to being zoned out on Lyrica. Thankfully, I just hit a parked car in the parking lot, but I fled the scene due to fear of getting a DUI. My car was a little damaged and I didn’t know what to do. After getting home, I called my sister who used to be a cop. I was crying hysterically. My sister took me back to the crime scene and had me call in a report. Thankfully, I had sobered up by then, and the cop appreciated that I called in the incident.
After that day I took myself down to 225mg a day (1 pill during the day and 1 at night). I experienced more body aches but if I wanted to drive and protect everyone around me I had to change my dosage. I never told my doctor that I lowered my dosage because some days during a flare-up I’d take my prescribed dosage and stay home. My body fully adjusted to the lower dosage after a year. The side affects of Lyrica are terrible. My brain is always foggy. I forget things and peoples’ names. I have terrible migraines. Learning new things now take me longer. Before Lyrica I considered myself to be a quick learner. Now, Im slow at learning. I have terrible constipation and have to drink prune juice almost everyday. I’m 39 not 89!
My vision has gotten worse. I’ve waked up practically blind for about 15 mins several times. The doctors have always said it was due to allergies. I’m figuring out now that all of this stuff is most likely due to Lyrica. Lately, I’ve been experiencing an issue with my speech. I’ve begun stuttering. It doesn’t happen every day but it happens at least 3-4 times a month. I’m waiting now to see a neurologist, and I have an MRI next week. Hopefully, I can get some answers. I’d like to get off of it but I feel stuck. Every time there’s an issue at the pharmacy, and I have to go a day or two without my Lyrica, I’m in pretty bad shape. I get “The Itch,” trembling, nausea, body aches and other flu like symptoms. I even gotten sent home from work one day because I looked terrible and had flu symptoms. I was too embarrassed to say it was because I had missed a day of my meds. SMH (shaking my head). I’m afraid to get the full effect of withdrawal due to already having so many other health issues.
I missed one dose last night due to the pills coming up because I had an upset stomach. I was unable to keep anything down. I didn’t want to risk overdosing or wasting two more pills. Last night I had an anxiety attack. This morning I woke up with night sweats, trembling, crawling skin “the itch,” and nausea. I took one Lyrica pill because I have a few meetings today that I can’t reschedule. Unfortunately, I’m still nauseous, and I just don’t feel well. I don’t have a virus. I’m sure because the upset stomach was because I couldn’t turn down a strawberry cheek cake milkshake. SMH.
Anyway, hopefully this feeling subsides soon.
Margaret Johnson
Currently on week 3 of withdrawal from Lyrica, 50 mg 3 x day.
I was taking it for nerve pain re: cervical nerve entrapments.
Before I took Lyrica, I was on Gabapentin for 4 years. Developed Parkinson-like symptoms, so I wanted to get off the Gabapentin as I suspected it was causing those issues. I chose to try Lyrica, and at first it seemed good. Helped with pain, but the neurological problems continued.
I developed worsening gait instability, tremors and hallucinations. I forgot everything. I lost everything I picked up. Then I lost my spacial, directional faculties.
Then, disaster. After almost 2 years, there was a problem with my prescription, the holidays… I ran out. I saw it coming, and tried to take less every day for a week. Then cold-turkey.
I thought I’d die for a few days. Hot and cold, could not sleep, my o2 sats were at 92% for 3 days. My head hurt, and I was grieving. Sweating profusely. Crying for hours. Shaking. It was like a junkie coming off Heroin or something. Heroin, I imagine. Not over completely but I’m no longer suicidal.
The edema in my arms and legs is subsiding. Still no appetite.
I will never take this drug again. I took it as prescribed.
My medical provider has not responded to any of the texts I’ve sent him.
Mary Jo
Severe reaction to Lyrica. 4 months on it and currently 22 months off. Confirmed diagnosis related to Lyrica: small fiber neuropathy, sensory neuropathy, musculoskeletal on-going pain and weakness, despite 2 years of therapy. Also have stomach and colon ulcers and inflammation, short-term memory loss. None of this prior to taking the med. No underlying medical condition found to date. It was givien for a herniated disc. OMG, stay away from this drug.
New England
I don’t see anyone on here talking about the price. I hate that my previous Dr. took me off very addictive drugs just to put me on a drug that costs me over $400 a month, makes me feel horrible, and will probably cause suicidal thoughts if I try to get off it. Gabapentin did cause suicidal thoughts. I went off a bunch of drugs. It was an opioid cold turkey because I was suicidal and had to be on an antidepressant. Lyrics is what they put me on. I can’t afford it but am scared to death to withdraw!
Maria W
My doctor prescribed Lyrica for 1 month trial for Labyrinthitis-(constantly dizzy. Only when I lie down does my dizziness stops). I have now been on Lyrica for almost 2 weeks but my dizziness has worsened. I am sleepy and feel fatigued all day. I have been retaining fluid in feet, legs and hands, have a hard time concentrating. I didn’t weigh myself before I started Lyrica but I know I have gained weight. I feel it. I am also feeling depressed. I just wanted to share my experiences while taking Lyrica. It’s definitely not working in MY case.
Christine D.
Trying Lyrica withdrawal: On the first day I was irritable, hot, had a headache and pain everywhere. But I have to do it, as I’m getting fatter and fatter and almost starving to prevent weight gain. I have a family to feed and want to be in garden but can’t do it. I’m not giving in. I’m doing this. Have been poisoned and must do this.
I am 6 days Pregablin free…so I guess that means I am almost over the withdrawal! I wish I had never been put on it. It took me a while to figure out what was going on as I was very low, I had suicidal impulses (ooo look a bridge-lets jump off it), I cried a lot, I had no energy, my legs and arms stopped working and this was scary as I drive a lot for work, I got larger (and I eat crazy healthy) and overall it had a huge impact on my life. I was told to up my dose to 300mg morning and night…and things got worse-this is when it finally clicked that pregablin was not working for me! I was not told about how bad it can be for people and was not told how awful it was to come off it-so on advise from my doctor I did just stop! Now…the most worrying thing I think was that I looked online at the symptoms to figure out what was happening to me and realised that I was going through withdrawal symptoms and that I was actually very poorly…headaches, diohrea, hot and cold, flu like sypmtoms, didn’t sleep for 5 nights, no interest in ANYTHING! No concentration…sick…hungry and sick…hot…cold…pain! AGH!!!! I had no idea it was like this. I posted on some online groups and people being useful told me to go back on it…I didn’t as I figured I was over the worst by that part (so far I’m right but who knows).
I guess all I know is its horrible. I’m sure it has a use and I’m sure for some people its amazing…but it ruined me! I lost a lot of friends over the last year of my life…im starting to feel human and I slept last night which was lovely. I’m going to try running this evening but it still hurts to lie down (feels like people are pricking me all over) but this is nothing compared to the past week! Doctors need to tell people all about this drug before they take it!
If like me you have googled withdrawal and are wanting positive stories…I do want to say you can do it! I don’t know what life brings, or how long it lasts…but I do know I am starting to hear things I haven’t heard for ages…to dream again…to like cups of tea, to fidget….and I’m back in my size 12 clothes (not even a week after my last dose so that is some water retention right there)
I was om gabapentin from a psychiatrist who worked for Contra Costa County of Northern .California. He prescribed it as an off use-med that was originally for strokes or similar.It makes you fuzzy and sleepy.its been known to give you Edema.NOW they prescribe it for nerve pain, cause i have nerve damage in MY FEET.WELL,I got more info. from home-care givers of Oregon,and many of them say,by experience, gabapentin does nothing for nerve pain.
I also have fibromyalgia. I learned that A LOT OF FIBROMYALGIA is a damage of the brain;your brain is signaling “pain” when there is no hurt damage of the body,It is a NERVE-DAMAGE caused by an error of your BRAIN.MANY people especially women, who have bad fybromyalgia as adults, often had sexual abuse and/or physical abuse as kids and teens.–If you doubt this last,ask a whole lot of therapists;ask them how many of their abuse patients also have Fybromyalgia.–I did, and a lot of them said,”Yes, it often goes with the trauma of past abuse.We don’t know why.”Don’t take my word for it,look yourself.
I go to a chiropractor for my back,(works very well) and i found many chiropractors can affect the nerves in your limbs thru skilled manipulation.If you are typing too much on ‘puter, yes, it can affect the muscles and nerves in your arms.I had to take over care of my FEET for arthritis,)which a bone doctor could see forming in xrays of my feet(it got worse.cause i kept aggravating it by walk on feet.START LISTENING TO YOUR BODY.If it wants to not use the limb(like my feet)stay off it.I have to do that. I got tendonitis, it took years,and much ice,and not walking, to fix it.I also put ice on them to take down inflammation(got that about runners’ feet)or mild heat if that helps. Massage your toes and small arch,balls of feet, but not if its too sore.that helps cramping. I almost got put in a nursing home from not able to walk,I got a power-chair.–it kept me out.A lot of us self-damage a limb, and the nerves, cause we walk on feet when they hurt badly.–STOP HURTING YOURSELF. I am presently refusing to have a physical therapist continue at my home, cause I already walked all over the rehab, (I got pneumonia.)and my feet are very SORE. NOW I have to stay off them for some time—physical therapists don’t listen to you say”I got bad feet,bad inflammation, i have to stop walking on them.”–and let the inflammation heal up. Your ancestors would say”if your arm is broken,don’t use it.” If the medication does not work,and only gets more problems, stop taking it. And use your own judgement and common sense on what works for your pain. I did, and it helped me a lot.
Took pregabalin for over 2 years and have told my Dr that I wanted to get off it. Dr said to just stop but the pharmacy said I needed to come off slowly. I am on the 2nd week and seem to have withdrawal symptoms yet I was told it was not addictive. How long before I get over withdrawal?
Terry Graedon
Mary, people do have different experiences so we can’t predict how long your withdrawal might last.
I wish I had not been given that drug. It made my body pain or fibro worse. It also made me return to ultram 50mg 2x day. I had been weaning myself down to 25mg. But then caught flu virus, and something triggered severe nerve pain; went to hospital and given pregabalin. Now I want off of it. Stomach too bloated, feel feverish, mood is cranky, weight gain, a.m. headaches every morning. I am also weaning off of zopiclone. The pregabalin can be useful for initial sleep. Overall it did stop the pain in my armpit. Found out I have tendonitis and bursitis and waiting to see neurologist for nerve test. GP said h1n1 flu virus can attack nerves.
I’ve been on 150 mg Pregabalin 3 times a day for 18 months. This is prescribed by a consultant psychiatrist to help me get off diazepam. I was on 60 mg diazepam a day and have now tapered to 5mg. I’ve also been on Zopiclone which stopped 2 weeks ago and withdrawal from that is awful.
Reading all your experiences terrified me. Has anyone been able to taper slowly with no or minimal side effects? The psychiatrist tells me Prefabs are not in the same ballpark as Valium.
I’d love to hear any positive stories! Part of me thinks if you expect it to be awful it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. This is in no way to suggest anyone is not reporting genuinely experiences. I just think it would be helpful to counterbalance ‘,if’ there are people who have had a milder experience.
I was on Lyric for 3 months after spinal fusion surgery. You definitely have to be your own advocate regarding this particular drug. The doctors are not going to disclose the true horrific side affects that this drug does to your body while on it and while trying to wean off it. My entire world flipped upside down as soon as I tried to wean off the drug. I had diarrhea, nausea, headaches, chills, sweats, numbness in arms and hands, restlessness in all joints, fatigue, lethargy, dizziness, anxiety, depression, hopelessness, and more and this was all in the first week of trying to wean. Unfortunately it got worse before it started to calm down a bit.
This is a horrible horrible drug so please do not use it, if you don’t have to. I was using it for nerve pain, and while it took away some of the nerve pain, it actually increased my all-around pain. It was a lose-lose situation. I wish I would have known then but I had to research a lot to find out what was going on with me. I am completely off this drug by about 10 days but still have around 10 side affects. I stay strong in my faith and just keep praying every day that each day gets a bit better than the day before.
Prayers to all of you!
I’ve been taking Lyrica for fibromyalgia 2 years 150mg day. Started tapering after 2 months now and it’s living a new hell. I recommend nobody take this drug at all. Worst withdrawal symptoms I’ve ever experienced. I felt like I was dying.
New York
To all who have written their stories here, it is hard to hear your troubles and what your individual experiences have been to get off this medication. I myself have Fibromyalgia, CRPS, and permanent nerve damage in both upper & lower extremities resulting from a variety of cirmstances over the years. It has been 20 years now on this medication at a dosage of 450mg daily.
I never experienced any of the side affects mentioned in the posts up until approximately 3 years ago when I started having severe edema in both lower limbs. I got a stat sonogram within 1/2 hour. Lucky it was not a DVT blood clot. My MD told me that day after the results that he did not think it was a DVT, rather he thought it was a reaction to the Lyrica. I thought to myself he doesn’t know what he is talking about since I was on this for 20 years without an issue. Well the dosage was reduced to what it is now, 150mg.
I take my meds at night when I get into bed so I do not experience issues some people have stated. I am not a diabetic, and I can’t really say what this stuff is doing for me if anything at all. I am also on Cymbalta 30 mg. Next month I see my pain management doctor and discuss getting off the Lyrica. The lowest dose of this med is 75 mg.
Wish you all the best and I’ll include myself as well. Unfortunately for me my nerve damage is widespread and permanent. I have a steady diet of pain relieving meds that I will not go into but will state the obvious which is the less you can get by with the better. Also, if you ask any doctor they will all say the same thing which is don’t Google the net for answers to your conditions, ask a qualified doctor.
Hi, All —
I have been on Lyrica for about five weeks at 50mg. 2x day. I am starting the weaning process today — I am skipping my first dose now. I had blurred vision, head full of marshmallow, forgetfulness, word loss, uncoordinated feeling, just felt poisoned by this drug. Wish me luck on the withdrawals, as it looks as though I will need it!! I hope that the Facebook page for Lyrica sufferers does start a class action against Pfizer — they should be held accountable for pushing this mess!
Lyman sc
I just took Lyrica for the first time today. I have a fill-in doctor that almost took me off my oxycodone. She took me from 30 mg 4 x daily to 10 mg 2 x daily I switched Drs. They can’t change another doctor’s dosage so the new doctor added the Lyrica. Every time I get out of bed I can’t walk normally. I kind of run from one wall to another. I’m not thinking right. I’M JITTERY. I’LL NEVER TAKE ANOTHER ONE AFTER READING THESE ARTICLES. I’M SCARED TO DEATH RIGHT NOW AND DONT KNOW HOW LONG THIS IS GOING TO LAST. When will I get back to normal? This isn’t something that’s going to last long after just one pill.
Christine H.
I have been on Lyrica for four yrs. I’m trying to get off of it. I feel like bugs are all over me. And am dizzy when I stand. Headaches. Nausea. I took one in the morning and one at night 75mg. And now I am only taking one each morning. And it’s been one week so far. Next week I will take one every other day. This is what my doc. recommended. I feel horrible. If anyone knows of a better way please let me know. Praying I can get off this med. It’s a terrible drug.
I have been on Lyrica for a week now. No pain relief at all. But instead, my pains are getting worse, especially in the hands. Pain is worse at a rate of 3 times. My dr had started me on 50 mg three time a day and had said he would increase the dosage if 50 mg didn’t work. 50 mg is knocking me off my feet. I wonder if 100mg or 150 mg would leave me sensible. 7 days of suffering while on Lyrica is not worth giving it a try. Gabapentin didn’t work on me either.
For 10 years, I took Tramadol for my Neuropathy. I had my symptoms under control, and was able to sleep at night with the help on an OTC sleep aid. As my pain got worse Gabapentin was added to the mix.
I only took one Tramadol and usually one Gabapentin a night. THEN, I moved to another state and the NP wouldn’t give me Tramadol, instead increasing Gabapentin to 4 @ day.
It’s not working, and I have gained 40 pounds. Ten days ago, she prescribed Lyrcia. It also doesn’t give me relief. I’m thinking about going off everything. I have to work on losing my weight gain.
I’ve been on lyrica for quite some time. My pain is chronic and has been going on for 18yrs & does involve nerve pain.
My chronic pain issues stem from having 10 abdominal surgeries that started with fixing a messed up hysterectomy, prolapsed fallopian tube on two separate occasions, etc., etc. You get that if anything that could go wrong it did! Worse every time until now 10yrs after the last surgery & there is not a thing they can do to fix me. I live with this pain and drastic change in my life every day.
Fourteen years ago my gyno put me on the Fentanyl patch. It was life changing. I could actually get out of bed and be with my kids & my husband. It was so awesome! Before that getting out of bed, cleaning house, relations with my husband, were pretty much at nil. So I know & understand how pain, especially chronic pain, can ruin a life, a marriage, a child’s life and relationship with the affected parent.
That’s why some of us will jump at the opportunity to try something new that may help us, even if it is a small amount. When you lose so much & it wasn’t your fault you do what you can. I say that because I have read some interesting comments that I didn’t know what to think about but then I forget sometimes it’s not only frustrating for the chronic painers to get across how they feel but also frustrating for the ones who do not deal with pain to get it or understand.
I started on lyrica because after being on 50mcg patch every 3 days for 10yrs, I needed to be bumped up a little. My gyno figured 6-8yrs but I stretched it out to ten.
But my GP had a real issue putting me up to 75mcg patch every 3 days. He wanted me to go on lyrica. I really didn’t want to. I’d been on gabapentin & IT did nothing for me, so I said I would try his new drug but only if he upped me. I had a whole big list on pros/cons, etc. It was quite the debate. I get why he was being careful & most times it feels like he understands me and my PAIN. It’s there every day, many different layers, all day & night. That day I was questioning where he stood, after being on that drug for a month with no pain relief – then being upped – again nooothing – then upped til I was @ 300 in the am & 300 in the pm. I’ve always been willing to try anything to make sure I made everyone involved I was not ONLY using opiates.
I’m on topamax, ketoralac, 2 different antidepressants that apparently help with pain to the sum of 11, well now 10 different Meds in the am & 3 in the pm. It’s CRAZY! I know each drug helps a tiny little bit with my horrific chronic pain. Now all these little bits are supposed to all add up and be way better than the three meds I was using before that HARDLY had any side effects for me at all, & actually dealt with my pain.
You can tell if you yourself (or if you’re a Dr., your patient) really needs them or not. If you don’t need pain meds then there aren’t any pain receptors for the drug to bind to & you get really good and high I’ve been told. If you are in horrible horrific pain the pain receptors are there to bind to the pain meds and use them.
I’ve been trying to get myself OFF this drug lyrica for a couple months now, and it’s killing me. Thank God my kids are all grown and out of the house or I don’t think I could do it. It’s work just trying to make sure my Hunny has food for supper. Then I’m done for the day AGAIN. my headache is worse than any migraine or migraine hangover I’ve ever had. I’m still having trouble talking, walking; my head is still shaking off & on and this all happened **Boom**.
When I brought it to my Dr.s attention he was a little confused about what I was trying to tell him but not too concerned. So I started weaning myself, and it slowed down some. I could actually talk again, get words out of my mouth; my balance was back, kind of. That’s when I knew I had to get off this drug, as soon as I could, HaHaHaHa that was a funny thought! Fast with lyrica is not good.
Anyway, my mind wanders alot which I’m pretty sure I DID on here, sorry. This is another issue I apparently picked up from this drug, AND I really hope it disappears.
I have taken Lyrica for 3+yrs (severe lower limb nerve/muscle damage & loss) I take 150mg three times a day I will say it took abt 2-3wks to show effectiveness (dosage changes,etc) for me it’s a miracle medication, BUT certainly heed the warnings and DO NOT stop it suddenly! It will welcome you to a fresh hell, that you never knew existed! Best wishes!
Brisbane, QLD
Omg! I am so annoyed that I blindly got on this evil ride. I feel like I’m in the Twilight Zone. I took 75mg of Lyrica last night and 75mg in the morning. I suffered such awful side effects…like I was outside my body, and I couldn’t walk properly or think or speak.
I had an ilioinguinal nerve block done then went straight to the GP to discuss my symptoms. He gave me a script for 25mg so I can start tailoring my dose.
I’ve reduced to 25mg day and 50mg night.
Last night I couldn’t sleep but this morning I feel a bit less brain fog.
I’m hopeful I can come off in the next few days and just up my tramadol dose.
Thank you all for sharing. It’s awesome knowing you’re not on your own!
I just wish I’d read your posts before I started Lyrica!
Take care and God bless you! ❤??
I stopped taking Lyrica about 4 months ago. The rls and neuopothy was helped by taking pramoxcle. I start itching like crazy, tear my skin off crazy. Welts, bumps terrible rash…it was awful and I have been trying to figure this out myself because the Doctors are NO help at all. I started taking it again two day ago, 75mg…..and the itching and rash are gone. The nausea is gone. The headaches, sweats and stmach problems are gone. I have been SO miserable that I will take my chances. My life was not good….now, it is 100% better. They’ve got me right were they want everyone.
I was prescribed lyrica when pain pills were not taking care of my nerve pain. Drs would not increase the dose. I now do research since having
issues with side effects from drugs I had a lot going on at that time so only looked at ‘the info from pharmacy. I quickly noticed it wasn’t helping the nerve pain.
I was on low dose 25? I had been on it 3 weeks Dr increased the dose to twice what I was taking within short time 2 days? Pain dr recommended nerve block it made nerve pain worse! Was 3 weeks until I had relief with kidney transplant he went to close to kidney.
I had a bruise where he put the needle in I had been very clear to stay
away he showed where he would go!…I trusted him.
I began severe reactions; spaced out couldnt understand what was being said my nerve pain was getting worse; couldnt talk words wouldnt come
Out. I had depression n crying jags I was jittery and shaky.
On some occasions I had a seizure which was not common for me to do. I was losing touch with reality. I knew I had to get off soon as possible! I cut back as slow as I could. By the time I was off had been 1 month from when I had started Lyrica.
Then the Nightmare began!! I was not in control of myself. I will try to list what all I dealt with. Brain fog; couldn’t remember names etc; I had muscle pain felt like ,y muscles were drawing up tight; sometimes shaking was awful had night sweats; I couldnt sleep even with taking sleep pills I would go up to 3 days with no sleep. I couldn’t eat yet. I gained weight!!!…Which I can’t lose”!” I was a emotional mess!
I was a mess physically couldnt hardly keep balance (should mention I had a kidney transplant got a deadly bacteria which I got a stroke from antibiotics the setback from Lyrica made it hard to do therapy).
I at one point had hallucinations; can’t talk;.light headed; dizzy; I’m sure I’m leaving some out.
It’s been 5 months. Blurry vision; hair loss; hearing loss when I had to get new one he commented I had drop in my hearing on the chart. He had on me which was alarming for me.
Basic opinion?
I’m researching hard for an answer to detox this drug from your system!!
With me lyrica makes me obsessive , over talking and emotionally a wreck. I’ve never been dx as manic but it sure does seem to make me that way. Normally I’m a lay back quiet person. On it I’m a vocal spinning top. These side affects are too much for my family and me to take. I’ve been on again off again on it for over 2 years. Even at a low dose of just 50 mg I’m still having these problems.
I have been on Lyrica since 2008.It was prescribed for fibro pain,and whiplash pain in my neck and shoulders.I was also given Tramadol as a booster for pain as I was taking so many over the counter drugs my doctor thought I would injure myself.In the beginning it seemed to help.I had been taking Cymbalta but it stopped working, so I was elated when the Lyrica seemed to help.It was short lived though and I can’t understand why I have stayed on it for so long.Within a few weeks I realized I was gaining significant weight(about 5 lbs a month,and it has never stopped)I always feel hungry and my eyes have felt the effects too with dry eyes and blurring vision.I do sleep better at night,but I am also on a CPAP machine now,and I wasn’t when I first started the drugs.I have the foggy thinking and loose of cognitive abilities I used to have.My ankles swell,my skin is dry and peeling all the time,my muscles are slowly weakening and I am fatigued feeling before the day is even started.I am slowly weaning myself off of both the Lyrica and Tramadol this week and hoping to have them both out of my system in a couple of weeks.I hope I will recover enough of my old functions and abilities that I can live a closer to normal life.The chronic fibro pain I can recognize,the whiplash pain I know too.The symptoms from the drugs are the confusing ones.I am tired of being confused and being in pain too.Wish me luck.
Sandra R
Pgh, pa
Worst drug ever. PLEASE DO NOT TAKE CYMBALTA OR LYRICA. I promise you the side effects are awful, and it did nothing to help with my pain. I stopped taking LYRICA weeks ago yet still suffer from major depression, hopelessness, sadness, paranoia, and feelings of worthlessness. I’m terrified I’ll never feel right again. I have horrible short term memory loss along with a long list of awful after-effects.
The doctors don’t want to prescribe pain pills because they’re worried about the side effects, yet still prescribe Cymbalta and Lyrica which are two of the worst drugs ever, ever put in the market. THEY ARE SUPPOSED TO HELP YOU BE ABLE TO MANAGE YOUR PAIN. At no time did I notice any pain relief at all. By the way, the Dr did not believe these side effects were caused by these meds. It has been a nightmare that I’m now concerned has caused me permanent damage.
Springfield pa
Hi. I am hoping someone can help. I’ve been on lyrica for couple yrs. I’m
At 450mg per day. I just cut back to 300 over past 2 months. I feel horrible. I’m
Scared. So anxious n cry so much. Can’t sleep. I don’t want to go backwards. My question is can I just start doing the taper much much slower from this point on n not go back to 450? Lyrica made me gain 22lb and my teeth are crumbling in back? I’ve started otc cbd and other vitamins. I hate this feeling. Anxiety is horrible. Not sleeping is making it worse.
Banning Ca.
I have relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis . To help the numbness in my left hand 15 ninths ago my neurologist prescribed lyrics 100 mg. a day. After 2 months I noticed swelling on the left side. Of abdomin. 1 month later I started forcing my urine out constantly. 1 month after that I had small constant stomach ache. The whole time my walking suffered increasingly. I went from being able to beat my. 10 yr old son in a running race to walking with a cane. After several months 3months ago my doctor doubled my dose to 200 mg. a day. Within 4weeks I had bladder pain kidney pain swollen eye lid double vision and the pain in my entire abdomin was the worst pain of my 51 yr old life. I was in er 4times in 3 weeks. The er doctors could t figure it out.because I was on lyrica 15 months. If I didn’t figure it out myself I honestly think id be DEAD. I spent :34 days in bed out of 40. I’ve been off lyrica 28 days and everytbing is back to normal. The dangerous side affects of lyrica are normal problems of multiple sclerosis. I hope to be walking better tha. I have in the past 2 years. My leg is weak hope to gain streangth back slowly. lRICA IS KILLING PEOPLE BLINDLY. Richard
I decided to stop taking Lyrica cold turkey after taking 100 mg three times a day for about a year. I had no idea what the hell I was in store for. For at least three days, I was completely hallucinating. I lost all connection to reality, and could not tell the difference between my dreams and waking state. Tastes, smells, tactile sensation I had no idea what hell I was in store for.
For at least three days, I was completely hallucinating. I lost all connection to reality, and could not tell the difference between my dreams and waking state. Tastes, smells, tactile sensations and visuals were all distorted. Everything seemed different, to the point where I couldn’t even recognize my own house. It felt like I was literally going insane. Not to mention the fight or flight response, complete loss of balance and dizziness.
It was like benzodiazepine and opiate withdrawal combined but far worse than either of them. The only thing was that it was over when it was over. After about four days, but withdrawls went away and I got the drug out of my system and never took it again. Benzodiazepines are the hardest drug to with draw from, but Lyrica is very close. The scariest part was the psychotic break.
I had been on lyrica for 6 months for herniated disc pressing on the sciatic nerve…started at 25mg twice a day…eventually was taking 100mg twice a day….started the weaning process 3 weeks ago and am finally off the drug….had gained 10 lbs….the side affects of the weaning process are less than pleasant….dizziness and nausea are high on the list….not sure if the drug helped with the pain, but would not recommend this drug….check out other options…..
anyone having brain problems with lyrica watery eyes kike acid burning also like someone through acid in your face on times
Priscilla A
Wow is all I can say. I was put on Lyrica for my Fibromyalgia pain because I can no longer take Nsaid drugs such as meloxican or Ibuprofen because I just got diagnosed with Congestive Heart Failure from complications with inflammation and I find out that Lyrica gives you inflammation do these DR know what your doing and even pay attention when you don’t have the best Health Insurance my guess is not.
Beverly F.
Upstate, NY
I was on Lyrics for over a year. I have Pelvic Neuropathy, Sacralilitis, Chronic Pain Syndrome, and Psoriatic Arthritis. I was at a point that I would have words in my head I would want to say….. But they just wouldn’t come out of my mouth!!!! Horrible!!!! I still had pain, it brought my pain from #10 down to around #6-8 on good days. I’m also on antidepressant medication and have been for years. But being a Nurse and being taken out of work because I couldn’t walk anymore without limping in pain…. I became more depressed!!! I’m only 55 year’s young!!! My PCP slowly tapered me off the Lyrica AND WITH IN 2-3 WEEKS MY MIND FOG WAS CLEARING UP!!!!!! Now around 8 month’s later, I feel I’m back in control of my LIFE!!!! Since going off of the Lyrica I have TERRIBLE HAND & LEG TREMORS, HEADACHES, & MY YEAR OLD BIFOCALS …. forget it, I need new Glasses!!!!!! My vision is SO BLURRED!!!!! I recommend NEVER START LYRICA!!!!!! Living with the severe pain & my Injections are a better choice for me!!!!! What a NIGHTMARE!!!!!
Thomas E
On July 7th 2016, I received a torn L5-S1 disc from an auto accident. I had severe pain in my lower back and right leg due to the disc compressing both the L5 nerve and the S1 nerve. I was prescribed Gabapentin 100mg 3x daily which was increased 2700mg a day over a period of 3-4 months. After increased dosage of medication and three epidurals had failed to relieve the pain the doctor ordered a Laminectomy and Microdiscectomy on my L5 S1 disc.
After my surgery, the doctor continue to prescribe Gabapentin at a high dosage but I still received no relief from the Gabapentin. My doctor informed me that because of the compression on the nerve for a long period of time I would most likely suffer lifelong nerve damage. After continued complaints of no relief from the Gabapentin my doctor then prescribed me Lyrica. The prescription my doctor wrote out was for 120 pills 30 day supply 150 mg capsules to be taken 2 in the morning (300mg) and 2 at night (300mg) that’s 600 mg a day.
During the first two days I was on Lyrica I felt wonderful. My pain level which used to hover anywhere between a 9 and 10 on the Pain Scale had been dropped all the way down to a 2. I thought Lyrica was the greatest thing in the world it was able to decrease my pain whereas Gabapentin had no effect on me. I was on Lyrica for a total of 15 1/2 days when my wife had to rush me to the hospital for what appeared to be mini strokes. I was in the emergency room for over 9 hours with 3 different doctors running test that ranged anywhere from MRIs, CT scans, ultrasounds of my arteries, blood test, and a lumbar puncture because they thought I had meningitis.
It wasn’t until the third doctor that saw me noticed in my records that I was on 600 mg of Lyrica. The doctor asked me if this was a mistake and I told him no that is what my doctor prescribed to me. when I told the doctor that it wasn’t a mistake I thought he was the one that was going to have a stroke. He told me that 600mg was extremely high for someone who just started taking Lyrica. He said that 25 mg would be an appropriate dose to start out with.
I was admitted to the hospital for 2 days so I could detox off of the Lyrica. During the 2 weeks I was on Lyrica I gained 22lbs of water weight, had memory loss, aggression towards people around me, loss of balance, and slurred speech. After I was taken off the Lyrica, I was then prescribed Pamelor which also had no pain-relieving effect.
Please, I woulf like to receive some help ! I took Lyrica for 12 days…I stopped it 4 days ago because it made me feel bad, and I realized it caused me anorgasmia. I’m still sexually numb..I feel soooooooo anxious about it !!! Did anyone experienced the same thing ? How long does it take to recover ? Thank you
Republic of Ireland
Wow! I’ve got caudal equine. Been on 300mg twice a day for two years now. I have tried reducing the drug myself by asking for 150mg capsules (told doc I was finding the 300mg hard to swallow, but he’s reluctant to cut the dose). I cut my own dose then to 150mg twice a day and find I’m having a very rapid and irregular pulse, and awful palpitations. So afraid, I’ve taken an extra 150mg to see if it calms things.
I’m on morphine sustained release 150mg per day, and 100mg amytrptilline per day.
Caudal equine has left me in an awful state, but are the drugs designed to help actually killing me?
I had shingles, am diabetic, have been taking Lyrica for five-six years. The awful tingling in my feet is about gone now. Had none of the side effects listed except possibly balance a bit off right now. Have not felt need to discontinue. I’m 92 and still going strong, so I guess the Lyrica is o.k. for me.
Hi i have been on lyrica for a few months and now have weaned off. However the side effects are terrible. I feel so lost, unmotivated and tierd. I hope this nightmare ends soon. I need the real me to come back. Please don’t take these….bad news.
New york
Ive been reading a lot of forums about this, i have also spoke with a pharmacist about what im enduring, she said even if you take it for 3 weeks or 3 years, the gaba receptors in the brain have been compromised, it took me 3 months to wean off and its been 44 days since my last dose, i have heard of 2 people who have had full recovery, 1 was on it for 5 years at a high dose, took over a year to wean and 5 years to feel 100% great again,, this is unacceptable, the other took one whole year, still not acceptable.
Swan Hill. Australia
Wish me luck. I have been on lyrica for 3 weeks 2 a day (25mg each) . I have found this drug to give me more symptoms then i already had. As of today 5/5/2018 i am stopping it. My doctor doesnt believe me when i tell him about side affects. I am apprehensive but hopefully get through this. There must be other ways to control pain other than this drug?
You said, you found the words, the though I was trying to put together. The “me” is, was, I don’t know just gone. Every now and then I am back but then gone again, frozen, sobbing, lost, just as you said “lost”. Withdrawal from Lyrica is scary. I was prescribed this one year ago as opioid substitute until my face looked like I had been in a boxing match and legs swelled until skin cracked at one ankle. I took myself off rather quickly. Lyrica never helped the pain and the longer I took it the worse the side effects.
And now this horror of withdrawal. I am afraid I will never be me again.
I have been on Lyrica/Pregabalin for 6 years since breaking my back and suffering a spinal cord injury and permanent paralysis from the waist down. I am in constant neuropathic pain in the form of burning and stabbing. The Pregabalin dulls the pain but it is never gone completely. To have no pain I would have to be on such a high dose that I would be like a zombie. I definitely have problems cognitively and with my memory to the point where I can’t remember the names of people I have known for years at times. I don’t recognise faces of people I’ve only met a couple of times, and I have made some embarrassing social blunders due to this. I have reduced my dose and have more mental acuity than on higher doses, but more pain, unfortunately. The withdrawal each time (only 25mg at a time) has been pure hell that has gone on for weeks. I am unsure how I will ever break free of it. I would like to see a future where I don’t take any medication but I need to find a better way of coping. I use mindfulness and sport to cope at the moment, but it is not enough.
Cori RB
New Zealand
I was on Lyrica for Postherpetic Neuralgia (the pain/itch) that lasts after one has had a bout of Shingles, which I had in 2008. In June 2010, about a year after starting the Lyrica, and having gained about 15ks in weight and having quite a few of the the other side-effects, I happened to see Lyrica mentioned in a Newsletter which came to my e-mail regularly. The Newsletter was called “Prescription Drugs” and it stated that the makers of Lyrica were facing lawsuits regarding unreported side-effects found during tests.
In 2013 I noticed that my eyebrows were thinning substantially. I saw a Dermatologist. He lifted up my fringe covering my forehead and immediately said I had “Frontal Fibrosing Alopecia” and prescribed quite a large dose of Cortisone tablets, which he said may halt the hair fall, but won’t reverse it. I
I am now living in another country and had to come off Lyrica and was prescribed Gabapentin, a similar drug as one patch on my back continues to itch really badly. My hair has continued to fall out and is quite thin all over, about 3 inches back from where it used to be on my forehead and on my temples and behind my ears. I now have to wear a wig if I want to go anywhere, coz I just feel so very embarrassed.
Has anyone else experienced HAIR LOSS on Lyrica? I think I can still find that Newsletter in my inbox from that time. Will have a look.
A doctor friend of mine noticed my eyebrows were thinning and said to me, “Ah, yes, hypo- thyroid!” I had my thyroid tested, and it was a bit low but they put me on synthroid, and my hair grew back. I also gained back energy and mental acuity.
Unfortunately, if you start thyroid medication, you have to take it forever. My sister and my mother had hypo-thyroid, and it seems to hereditary. Have your thyroid tested.
United States
Have been taking lyrica 50mg for three days. Wish to stop now. Will I have withdrawal symptoms?
BC Canada
Yup hair loss, missing eyebrows too, weight gain, brain fog, swollen feet, and did I say brain fog. haha
Yes u will have symptoms, gaba receptors are compromised, dont go back on it ever, stick with it, your going to be fine, praying for u, for all here.
I started taking Lyrica 3 weeks ago for fibromyalgia, saw my Dr. Yesterday and she took me right off them. Didn’t say anything about side effects but maybe I wasn’t on them long enough. I was taking 50 mg. 3 times a day. Did reduce some of the pain but the side effects were worse than the pain. Fatigue, depression and anxiety There were times I wanted to scream I felt so much anxiety. That was it for me, time to get off them and visit other avenues.
Good luck
South Carolina
I have been taking Lyrica for several years Ann’s since then I keep gaining weight, memory is bad, can’t even describe the pain just know I still have it and my hair is thin now and have few eye brows and lashes and have been going to a dermatologist for couple of treats and she had given me hydroxy meds and creams and nothing has helped. I still hurt so bad I really want to know what would habit if I just quit using Lirica all together, i habe a lout of pain so how much worse and will my hair continue falling out???
I’ve been on Lyrica for almost 10 years because I have fibromyalgia and idiopathic peripheral neuropathy. I’ve been on as little as 300mg/day and as much as 600mg/day. Currently I’m taking 200mg morning and night. My pain is gradually getting worse but I’m not sure if it’s because I’m getting worse or Lyrica is beginning to make it worse. I’ve tried weaning off it a couple of other times and the first time, I couldn’t handle the withdrawals so I went back on. That was cutting 25 or 50mg each week, if I remember correctly. The last time was because my pain management doctor was starting me on oxycontin. I was too afraid of everything I heard about oxycontin, so I quit and went back on Lyrica. I’ve gained about 100lbs in the 10 years but have lost some because I went through a divorce and don’t eat as well when cooking for myself. I can’t seem to remember a whole lot and I’m so tired all the time. I’m not even sure what other side effects I do have since no one talked about them years ago and I’m so used to the way things are for me now. I want to get off Lyrica and try a vitamin B complex, turmeric curcumin, and alpha lipoic acid. Does anyone have any thoughts on this or has anyone tried it? I’m getting desperate!
Amanda P
It is likely that it has stopped working for you. I was on Lyrica for 8 years for spinal chord damage, spinal fusion and Hypermobility injury pain, ended up on 600mg then my pain started to gradually increase about 2 years ago from a daily average of 5 on the 1-10 pain scale to 9 or 11! I also started to get nausea, headaches, motion sickness, felt like a zombie, numbness, dry skin, unable to shift stomach fat etc etc. Long story short, a chemist told me using that drug at that level for so many years meant it had likely ceased to work as a pain killer properly. I only found this out a year ago after missing 1 dose on a long haul flight and convulsing, sweating and being in awful head, neck and upper body pain for 9 hours.
I then started looking into Lyrica and decided to come off it, I took my last dose 2 weeks ago. Withdrawal has taken 11 months, it has been hell. I went too aggressive at first, coming down 100mg a time for 2 weeks, eventually had to come down in much smaller amounts over a monthly cycle otherwise the shaking, sweating, nausea, anxiety, pain and rage were too violent. I wanted to kill my husband several times….he is fantastic, loving and supportive and has had me spitting and punching him several times through it all. I am not violent ever usually. We have been together 20 years and I am very lucky he did not leave me or have me locked up, but it was the drug withdrawal as I’m fine now. When you reduce your dose, within hours or days the pain increases but the pain is not from your condition (the reason you take Lyrica) it is pain due to the way Lyrica block calcium receptors….if you take opiates the effects are amplified and withdrawal is amplified too. My pain is not worse than a couple of years ago now and I am now looking at not taking any of these new synthetic drugs like gabapentin, or tramadol which nearly killed me when I took it. The worry part is that not many GPs know about the withdrawal but luckily my Dr did. I am compiling a list of people who want to tell their Pregabalin withdrawal stories and get the media behind this. It is a very widely prescribed drug and people who stop suddenly are dying or killing!
Hang in there no matter how long, do not go backwards, this type of drug makes people make compulsive decisions, plz,plz be prudent with desions
Merseyside, UK
Update:I took my last dose of Lyrica in the beginning of Feb. The withdrawal went on for about a month but intensity of anxiety, sweating etc was weakening. Ended up on tablets for the sweating, as it was so bad I couldn’t sleep. Stopped those tablets after a couple of weeks (side effects!). I have not taken any Lyrica since 4th Feb. It is out of the house and my life.
I still have days and mildly-sweaty nights when I feel like there is some tiny level of withdrawal going on but not too bad. I have EDS so hyperhydrosis is common but Dr has warned me that the Pregabalin may have triggered the sweating, which may never completely clear up. I feel tons better than I did on the Pregabalin and tons better than I did at the start of withdrawal.
To anyone setting off on their withdrawal or already on it: Hang in there. Tell people what is happening because you need love and support. Do not ever reach for the tablets to make the withdrawal go away you will never get off them. I found low doses of diazapam helped on the bad days (but don’t take them too regularly as they will mess you up, too. I take them for a few days then stop for a few days.)
In the next few weeks I will be petitioning the UK Government to look into it. Good luck, everyone!
Hi Lori, I was on Lyrica for 10+ years for Fibromyalgia. I took 150 mg. a day. Had lots of side effects but it did work for the pain. then someone told me about the herb Ginger. after a week my pain was so much better. I took 6 weeks to wean myself off lyrica and I am doing better in some things but cant sleep. I also take Turmeric.
Last year, I was experiencing chronic pain in neck and shoulders. The pain was constant and I felt unwell. I could not stand the pain and started drinking after being clean and sober for over 20 yrs. After 6 months wait, I got into a pain clinic.
My doctor and other doctors could not figure out my problem after chest xrays, blood work, etc. The dr at the pain clinic injected my neck and shoulder with nerve blockers. I woke up the next day realizing I did not have any pain….first time in over one year. Because of this finding, my doctor prescribed Lyrica. I have been on it now for over one year and have been pain free!!
The only side effect I have is weight gain. I will take that any day over constant pain. I no longer self medicate with alcohol and enjoy life again!! Thank you Lyrica!!!!
Chapel Hill, NC
Hal; Your Dr ordered “nerve block” when you were not diagnosed with ‘PHN’, or diabetes, or ‘fibro’ ? And if the ‘nerve block’ cured the pain, why the Lyrica? I am very curious as I am 3 days shy of 8 months into Post-Herpetic Neuralgia [PHN] . And I am now on Lyrica upon ‘graduating’ from months of Gabapentin and I am experiencing most of the listed ‘side affects’. I will see my pain mgmt Dr for the second time on Jan 25th. Good luck to you and I hope you stay pain at least until ‘father time’ takes over.
I’m thinking of going if lyrica been on high dose for 4 years what worries me is if my dr disagrees what to do then
Jennifer H
I have been taking Lyrica for about a year after I had a double mastomony chemotherapy and radiation . now they told me to take three times day 50 mg or 150 mg a day. Now for past month. I have gained 20 pounds and am very irritated at the smallest of things. I go Monday December 4 to see Dr . I thought it worked at first but pain so bad now can’t hardly stand it.
Can’t cook fold clothes wash dishes or thing like that. I look at electric lines for my way out but don’t have long enough ladder. So now with no boobs I am gaining weight and dont like that. Headache and all round full body pain and i don’t know what to do. Where do I go from here???? So tired of doctors just throwing pain meds at me I am tired of it all.
If there is help I wish I could find it. Only thing that helps me know is beer so I can get some sleep. I feel sorry for people in such pain you try your best to make others understand but so hard to put in words how much you hurt when they don’t. Life is not good . All I can do is pray night comes fast so I can be without pain if only for a few hours a day. I pray for all here and pray your pain ends soon.
Longevity (Long Life)
“Standard of Care” may not safely address your specific diagnosis.
Don’t “Ingest” “Prescription Medications” until you’ve completely read the warnings, the how to use instructions, the cautions, possible side effects, prescription interactions, and be mindful of your “Medical History Does and Don’t.”
Remember, your safety, is your primary responsibility!!!
I was started on Lyrica for pain from multiple neck surgeries, chemo and radiation for head and neck cancer. I had been taking gabupentin ( for diabetic neuropathy) for 4 years and even upping the dose didn’t help so they put me on Lyrica. At first (the first month) everything went well then the disaster hit. I became extremely irritable (I was a happy person), became tired all the time (used to hike and have an abundance of energy) and just don’t care about anything, gained 20 pounds in 3 months and I don’t eat any differentely. I have an appointment on the 1rst of December with pain management and am going to tell them I want off. I would rather live with pain the with who I’ve become. If you’re not on it stay away!
I have been on lyrica for about a 2 years now, and have slowly weaned myself down to 75mg per day.
Today is my 3rd day off and I can’t sit still. I’m having cramps in my stomach, pains in my head and the worst foggy brain. Lyrica is evil and I have no idea why Dr’s do not take these withdrawals more seriously!
A few months back when I missed a few days I was in agony and was suicidal.
I have never felt so low in my entire life and I really regret thinking Lyrica was the answer to my chronic pain.
Agreed!!! Stay away and tell everyone you know. Its being prescribed for too many ailments, i have had every side effect there is, even one part of my body as well as the entire left side of my body was paralyzed for about 30 minutes, then it stops, this is insane that docs know nothing about this? Stunning.
Toronto Canada
Have been on 300 mg of Lyrica per day plus 50 mgs of morphine for a neck injury in May 2016. Since then my sight has gotten so bad I needed glasses I have gained 40 pounds. Between the stress of not being able to work and walking around in a constant fog life was getting bad.
I decided 3 days ago to stop taking my meds and get my life back on track. I am going through some pretty serious withdrawals and not sleeping, my wife says im to touchy the least little thing irritates me im cold and sweating and generally having a very rough time. Think twice before you take Lyrica.
Michael, I hope you’re better now. Could you please share how long the misery, depression, pain, and suicide thoughts persisted after taking final Lyrica dose? Thank you.
New york
You should weaned slowly, but its done,,you would have experienced the same but would have taken longer, its a nightmare, tell your loved ones to support you and to overlook any moodiness, theres no explaining what we are going through, not even drs get it, keep reading these other stories and reaching out, we know and support one another,,,heres the hardest part, once anyone has had success coming off and feeling great again, they dont return here to let us know,,,we need to hear those stories too
Debbie D.
Has anyone experienced head tremors due to taking lyrica? I took lyrica for 19 months & I developed slight head tremors. I stopped taking it the 28th of September & I am still having slight head tremors & yet my doctor does not feel it has anything to do with lyrica. My pain has returned, yet I am afraid to take this damn drug again.
I started taking Lyrica approximately 3 months ago for nerve pain after surgery. All was good until I stopped taking it a few days ago. For no apparent reason started feeling very depressed. Went back to the doctor today to get another prescription. After reading all your comments think that the sooner I can wean myself off this drug the better.
Don’t want to sound negative but somehow I really don’t believe some of these comments…..if someone can’t spell Australia is it a real comment from someone from Australia????
I’ve been on Lyrica for years and have every side effect known….im in the process of weaning myself off….the side effects of coming off lyrica are so bad it’s scary….be aware…..do not go on Lyrica…..its a bad drug
Oh my do not restart, i too have had tremors, other body oarts and my brain too, like a loud vibrating air compressor, you will have success, trust in God, he will
I was prescribed Lyrica 25ml per day to treat nerve pain from shingles. Since stopping I have severe vertigo and can barely walk as my world is spinning. Doctors are unsure if this is a side effect of stopping lyrica or nerve damage to my ear from the shingles.
Also, I have the weirdest feeling on my tongue, sort of a numb feeling, but also a horrible taste in my mouth.
Has anyone else suffered this side effect?
I was on Lyrica for about a year for nerve pain, but wanted to get off of the drug because of the constant dizziness, vertigo, and weight gain it was causing me. The side effects were only making my nerve pain worse. I talked to my doc about any withdrawal side effects and he said your head might feel “off” for awhile. OFF!??!
Well … that was just the beginning, as I had no idea the withdrawal symptoms were SO BAD. Within a week of reducing the Lyrica dose 25mg’s I went into a DEEP DEPRESSION and I had no idea why I was feeling so terrible because nothing in my life was going downhill. I didn’t want to talk to anyone, didn’t want to do anything .. it was awful! I had already been taking cymbalta at the time, so my doc bumped my dose up 30mgs and after a couple of weeks things seemed to even out. Within a few weeks of being off of it, I dropped about 15lbs. I’ve never felt such vivid depression like that…it was so bad…! Please be careful if you take Lyrica!
Many patients wonder why Lyrica has such a detrimental effect on health and as I read the FDA’s information on Lyrica ingredients, the Titanium Dioxide caught my eye, and further reading revealed the following:
Given the size of titanium dioxide particles as well as the electrical charge, exposure to the mineral has been linked to oxidative stress and chronic inflammation (3). An increase in oxidative stress in the body stimulates cellular and DNA damage.
What are the ingredients In LYRICA? Active ingredient: pregabalin Inactive ingredients: LYRICA capsules: lactose monohydrate, cornstarch, talc Capsule shell: gelatin and TITANIUM DIOXIDE; Orange capsule shell: red iron oxide; White capsule shell: sodium lauryl sulfate, colloidal silicon dioxide. Colloidal silicon dioxide is a manufacturing aid that may or may not be present in the capsule shells. Imprinting ink: shellac, black iron oxide, propylene glycol, potassium hydroxide. LYRICA oral solution: methylparaben, propylparaben, monobasic sodium phosphate anhydrous, dibasic sodium phosphate anhydrous, sucralose, artificial strawberry #11545 and purified water. This Medication Guide has been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
I took Lyrica for 6 years, from 2011 to 2017 until I had black-outs and hearing problems in conjunction with non-stop hot flushes, and then discovered I was being poisoned by Lyrica. I stopped taking it in July 2017 and my hearing is back to normal, my eyes can focus and I don’t have black-outs any more.
Hi Marilise, glad to hear you are feeling better after quitting Lyrica, but it must be a “horses for courses” thing, because I too was put on this following spinal surgery in 2010 and I also suffered the side-effects described by others, including the blurred vision and hearing loss. By coincidence I also quit in July and am still suffering chronic withdrawal 9 weeks later, including constant insomnia etc. Also, my vision has not yet shown any improvement and I have just had my hearing aids amplified! However, your improvement does give me hope that some recovery is possible so thanks for that.
I run a group on Facebook called Lyrica Survivors (Official) and we have thousands of people suffering from side effects and withdrawal from Lyrica. Many doctors are unaware of the withdrawal and refuse to believe patients, but it is all too real.
I went looking for Lyrica Survivors Facebook page and have asked to join….looking forward to having my say
My insurance stopped covering Lyrica and I was forced to stop it cold-turkey, it was the Labor Day long week-end. I started feeling like I was going to die. I got pains I did not think I could feel all at once…My feet hurt so much I could not walk long times…my eyes were affected too…blurriness…the joints in my hands hurt so bad that I could not do anything …open jars…do dishes…I also had periods of sweats, even though I was in ac….It has been two weeks and I still am not up to normal…especially my hands and feet….I had to go to my Rheumatologist and she changed my medicines for higher doses…But I did tell her I did not want to take Lyrica…I was taking 75mgs /twice for more than a year…and I take Cymbalta too…I have Sjogrens, Fibromyalgia, Diabetes 2, Asthma , osteoarthritis and am 68 years old.
Glenn S
United States
Can you get palpitations on withdrawal?
Terry Graedon
Some people experience anxiety, which can sometimes cause palpitations.
I had terrible palpitations, chest pain, jaw oaun, left arm pain and so much more on gabapentin which is same drug as lyrica, just generic name, it all stopped once i lowered and finally stopped, then a whole new withdrawal symptoms began are still going on, every single day, wake up screwed u, go to bed screwed up,, i count the hours til bedtime, not good
I already have insomnia, so i take zolpidem and i have a bulged disc but i cant take pain medication so im on valium for the muscle relaxer. and i have social- even being alone i got anxiety. so for anixiety-xanax, adhd-amphetemine/adderal… now I accidently lost my Lyrica; which im on because an accident caused my whole right leg to get nerve-damage throughout my whole leg. i have to deal with the stabbing and numbness, cramps. shit sucks. i always lose track of my shit cause i need 8 different things for 8 different needs. plus i just moved across the country and it was almost impossible to do that.
I’m back with my last update. I’m very happy to report that I’m finally off Lyrica. After reducing my dose (see previous posts) down to 1 x 75mg per day I finally stopped. Sound easy? Let me tell you for the following week or 2 I was a train wreck. I finally broke down crying in desperation on the side of a road. I contacted a friend who helped and now I’m much, much better. If I had known what this drug does to the mental health of people I would never have started taking it. To anyone considering starting Lyrica or to those just commencing I urge you to please re-consider, consult with someone, ask more questions of your GP because once you decide to start the side effects and difficulty in stopping have proved far worse than any benefit the drug provided. (in my case)
Blessing to you all.
Tell everyone you know about this drug including the generic names, we can save lives
salida, co.
Nine days of no Lyrica after a year of cutting back. Got to 25-50 mg day but pain and crazy thoughts were so bad when I went further down, I was stuck. Then I waited until after an injection into spine for my back pain. When the shot worked I kept up all previous meds but the Lyrica. Even Lyrica couldn’t cause it’s pain against a powerful steroid. Plus a small Oxy.
My suggestion: taper very slowly. I have been taking Carisoprodol in the mornings which mellows out some of lack of Lyrica mania, that and the pain are hard to ignore. use a strong indica mmj, it helps with all aspects of quitting. i have terrible itching since i stopped, try a hot bath with baking soda and epsom salts.
eat good food and exercise! my garden is peaking now and i have a border collie, my biggest helper in this project. john
Amarillo, Texas
I started on Lyrica 75mg 2 at bedtime.for Restless Leg syndrome. This is a wonder drug. Had to up it to 3 a day months ago and I am great. However, I have developed a series of small bumps under my arm. 6-7 under left armpit and 1 faint one under right arm. They don’t hurt or itch but are a bother to me. In the evenings I have blurry vision, I am forgetful, and quit to anger. There is nothing else on the market to take for severe RLS. What can I do?
John, what is India mmj?
It’s marijuana.
we can save lives and save others from going through this if we tell friends and family, tell everyone because its prescribed more and more for many diff sicknesses, only makes everything else worse, then drs give additional meds for the stupid symptoms all caused from this one drug, what a shame, too many people suffering
Fruitland Park Florida
I was taking Lyrica 75mg twice daily for over two years mostly for severe burn in my thigh helped and helped with widespread body ache. I also take other med so not sure which constipated me REALLY BAD but, Iwhen doing a search for natural pain relief I came across something called CBD OIL which comes from the Marijuana plant but is legal in all states as it does not have THC in it.
At first I started with drops under my tounge and within two days of taking I had great BM. Anyway I started on capsules 25mg and and now 50mg as they say you have to find what dose works for you. I said all thus to say, one day I realized I was NOT taking Lyrica anymore and have not taken any for about 3 weeks now. When my leg burns, I take an extra 25mg CBD OIL as they say no one has ever overdosed from Marijuana or CBD. I did not have any withdraw from Lyrica at all except maybe a runny nose.
In 3 weeks I have lost about 12 pounds. I find that at the right dose of CBD, my burning is under control and my body does not ache near as bad as it did. Also helps with my spinal problems. I did not even realize I did not try to get off Lyrica nor had desire to, but one day I just stopped and I contribute that to the CBD OIL and God who of course created the Marijuana plant. CBD is expensive though but so is Lyrica without insurance.
The CBD I take cost $157.00 a month, but 30 capsule is half price. Without insurance, Lyrica would of cost me over 700 a month for poison as far as I am concerned. I also take suboxone and often find myself going a few days without it. I know this forum is about Lyrica so I am sharing how I stopped really without realizing it. Now I am going to take one poison at a time out of my life which is suboxone, serequel and colonzapam, all with the help of God and the Miracle Oil called CBD OIL which I purchase from discovercbd.com.
You have to be careful as their are a lot of rip off CBD around. I am also going to talk to a medical Marijuana Dr in two weeks. Regardless of how you feel about Medical Marijuana it is a natural God given herb that is even mentioned in the Bible in book of Genesis. CBD has no THC but it is a natural miracle for many of my conditions including newropathy. Just thought I would share how I just stopped the poison Lyrica.
As I was entering menopause, I also started to get symptoms of IBS and fibromyalgia. These symptoms persisted and got worse. After seeing various doctors I was put on Pregabalin (lyrics), and I was told to gradually build up the dose to 200 mg 3 times a day. I always ask if any of the drugs I take are addictive and was told no they weren’t. It did begin to work on the pain, and I was sleeping like a baby. However, I started to notice that I would have crashing fatigue, feeling as though I had no energy or ability to do even basic physical tasks. I would sleep a lot during the day. Luckily, I am retired so didn’t have to worry about work or looking after young children etc.
My memory became a bit of a joke, couldn’t even think of common words or names sometimes. I put on about half a stone, and my feet were constantly swollen. I remained on maximum dose pregabalin for about 18 months. Then it started to be less effective with the sleep and the pain. It all came to a head when I accidentally ran out of tablets at the end of my holiday and basically was going cold turkey. Nothing happened the first day but when I woke up the second day, I had a splitting headache which didn’t go with over the counter pain killers. My eyes found it difficult to focus. Worst of all were these burning flashes across my face and body and internal tremors. I had never experienced anything like it and literally thought I was dying. My heart was racing, and I had a terrible feeling of dread and anxiety.
I couldn’t think what it was but was feeling too poorly to leave the house to see a doctor. I started to google my symptoms and one of the matches came from alcohol or drug withdrawal. I put two and two together and phoned the doctors to ask them for a repeat prescription. My husband picked up my prescription and meds that afternoon. Within half an hour of taking pregabalin, I felt calm, sleepy, the tremors and hot flashes stopped and I was back to normal. It was then that I realised how dangerous this drug was. My body depended on it even if I didn’t crave it. I made an appointment with my doctor who was very sympathetic. She was not the one who had prescribed it, and we discussed coming down off the drug.
She told me I must do this very slowly over a period of a couple of years possibly. I was horrified that it would take me that long to get off it. I decided I would try to come down by 25 mg every 4 weeks, a bit faster that was advised but she did say everyone responds differently to this drug. I am now on 25mg each morning. Coming down has not been easy but I am coping and my doctor has been very supportive. I find the day after I come down by 25 mg I will have periods during that day and the next couple of days of hot sweats, internal tremors, mood swings, stomach upsets, am moody and irritarable but also anxious and scared.
Now I understand the symptoms will pass within a couple of days I have learned to cope better. I am not so scared when they hit me and as long as I have support and understanding from my friends and family I am fine. I have three more weeks on 25 mg and can’t wait to get this poison out of my system once and for all. I know all my pains from fibro have returned but I would rather manage with codeine and paracetamol than go back on any brain-changing drug like pregabalin.
For all of you in the same condition. Good luck, it is doable. You can get there by taking small steps. Feel good about your success in lowering your dosage, and don’t give up.
So I was put on Lyrica for anxiety. The first couple times I took it, it worked wonders. I was social, comfortable, and wanted to get out of the house and do things. I even joined my coworkers at a march on our Capital campaign to support X topic. However, this didn’t last long. My doctor specifically told me that this drug was non-habit forming (I questioned this when it required a paper prescription) but after my first incidence of my insurance not covering it when I ran out, the withdrawal was the worst.
I can remember one time, lying in bed all night long, shaking and sweating; my anxiety was through the roof, and I thought “Great. Thanks a lot. Non-habit forming but highly addictive.” I ended up being able to fill it at a 24-hour pharmacy about 5 am. I picked it up, waited a good two hours before feeling relief, and finally slept.
I told my doctor at my next appt that I wanted to slowly wean myself off, and I did. I had been taking 4, 300 mlg pills a day, as this was for anxiety and not fibro. I went off by taking 150 mlgs less for two weeks at a time. Sometimes I waited an extra week because I just needed an extra week feeling “ok.” It was a LONG, painful, constant withdrawal. It took me 6 months to finally be totally off of it, and that 6 months was the worst withdrawal I’d ever experienced; and mind you, this is coming from someone who first experienced withdrawal at the age of 13 from a high dose of Effexor. I also had a problem with OxyContin at the age of 24, which I quit cold turkey. And still, Lyrica was the worst and longest withdrawal I’ve ever experienced.
After I was completely off of it, I had even more severe anxiety. I still had some of my Lyrica leftover and decided to take it on a day of especially high anxiety. Again, it worked wonders. I realized right then, this drug works the absolute greatest, but you cannot take it everyday! Nor can you take it two days in a row. I take it only when I have high anxiety, and it is my miracle drug.
Unfortunately I’m starting to think that doing this is severely damaging my kidneys, and I’m afraid to talk to my doctor about this. That’s what I’m trying to look up right now before I just stumbled on this page. Does anyone know how this drug effects you if you only take it like every few days? When you have no dependence to the drug? What are the long term side effects then?
I should also mention, this drug effects me differently each time I take it. Sometimes I sleep all day, sometimes I have a motivational experience in which I get tons done, mostly around the house, sometimes I get really confused when doing simple tasks at work that normally I would never have a problem with, and sometimes all I want to do, all day long, is eat eat eat! Recently I forgot to pay my insurance copay and didn’t have my Lyrica for a month. Not the worst thing in the world as I don’t take it everyday, although I missed it terribly.
I ate McDonald’s for lunch every single weekday; usually a double cheeseburger and small fry, sometimes a specialty meal. During this horrible month of McDonald’s, I lost 20 lbs, since I didn’t have my Lyrica making me want to eat all day when I took it.
If anyone knows what happens when this drug is taken every few days rather than everyday, please let me know! When I take it I always do not use the bathroom ALL day long. Sometimes from 9 am to 8 pm. Nothing. Now, even when I’m not taking it, I really have to push down to be able to pee. Is this from the Lyrica and is it me, or is the really f**king with my kidneys. Thanks to all who read this!!
I was on Lyrica and it was scarying the people that I live with. Come to find I would be playing a game on my phone and I would fall asleep. As soon as I dropped my phone or the stylus I woke back up. I did this over a dozen times in an hour. I did not know that I was doing that. My fiancé brother and mother told him about it and he watched me one day. He took me outside and told me. I stopped taking the Lyrica and the withdrawal symtpoms are scaring me. I am so emotional.
I cry at the drop of a hat, I feel like everyone is watching me and then telling my fiancé not to trust me or be around me. I thought I was losing my mind, but then I figured out what had happened and it helps me a little bit. My fiancé has a lot more patience and is carefully watching me. The Lyrica has made me paranoia. I have never been that way and don’t like it. They are trying me on a new medication to see if it will help. I pray that it does.
Peggy, your story is exactly like mine. In fact, I had to think real hard trying to remember if I had written it. I just got off Lyrica, 150 mg x twice daily. I cut down to 1 per day for 3 days then about 1/2 (used blank caps) for 3days and the withdrawals are horrific! My stomach hurts, I have horrible cold sweats and a headache. I still swell but my bowels are working better after only 5 days completely off.
My neurologist sent me to a spine D O. I have a hard pinkish support that we’re VERY expensive that I wear in my shoes and I have a perscription in my hand for the braces that help your ankle retract so you don’t trip. Please let me know what you are doing next. I have no balance either but if I forget to put my shoe supports in, I am probably going to fall. My feet are drop foot 2 and 0.
B. Y.
The gaba receptors have already been compromised when u started taking it, your looking to take a breather from the wd effects which i understand, in my opinion you could be prolonging being 100 per ent better which takes time, be strong and have good courage, you can do it, just keep reaching out to others like us that are running this race, trust in God, ask Him for endurance, strength, courage, whatever you need, He is there, just believe and you will succeed, its not easy, no,,,but you have to
Lyrica detox – DAY 2 (reduced dose from 300mg p/d to 150mg p/d):
Not a great night. Took a long while to get to sleep and woke several times. I was in a state this morning with increased anxiety, ringing in my ears and a small headache. I’ve so far resisted the temptation of upping my dose again to get some relief. I can tell you it’s not easy so anyone else considering getting off these meds, prepare yourself for a battle. I’ll try and keep posting daily in order to help others know what they may expect. Not looking forward to the next several days as I try and wean myself of this medication. Need to stay strong. I’m hoping it’ll get easier if I can get through the 1st week. Wish me luck.
I’ve just read through all the comments to see what I can expect, as I’ve decided to get off these meds also. Currently take (took) 300mg p/d but yesterday dropped it back to 150mg. Been taking for ~3 years and sounds like I’m in for a torrid month or so. I successfully weaned myself off Xanax over a ~12 month period without any issues after taking these for several years.
The key in getting off was 2-fold. Firstly having a GOOD GP who listens, and secondly, tapering down in SMALL steps, very small. After all I’d much rather take a few months to get off without withdrawal than go through what a number of you are experiencing.
I feel terrible for all of you and the many thousands out there that must be going through the same thing. More so for those that are trying to do this on their own.
May God be with each and every one of you.
Good luck. Im on my 2 week and i feel so many different feelings like my skin is on fire and im about to have a seizure at any moment. I tried this b4 and lost weight daily. My skin started turning grey, i couldn’t eat,sleep or keep my thoughts under control so i started my 2 300 miligrams twice a day and now for 2 weeks ive been taking 50 everycouple of days.
Now, I’m completely out and im clueless on what to do besides go to the er and rake up medical bills i cant pay! I cant sleep im having stomach pains, hands and feet sweats,Insomnia and feels like pins poking me all over my body. I dont have health care so i have to do this with gods help n my wife’s help. I’ve lost my job bc i cant work like this therfore my stress levels have been thru the roof, agitated so many symptoms to remember, o yea n thats one of them as well. I dont know what to do except pray! Im trying so hard to live drug free but im 43 and i need about 5 or 6 surgeries and im in pain. Also i had been taking lyricas for almost years.
Hey Jim, I just read your comments and I feel for you. Please try and stay positive. I know easy to say but I’ll be praying for you. You can overcome . . . hang tough, my friend!
Thats it: STAY STRONG AND BE OF GOOD COURAGE you can do it. We are all going doing it together.
I was first put on cymbalta for pain in my body and anxiety. Took that crap for 5 years and gained weight, could not lose no matter what I did. During that time another Dr. put me on lyrica for anxiety and body pain. Now I have a bad knee from falling on the ice and have fell on it since again. They won’t do surgery until I lose weight. I have no nerve damage, migraines, Fibro that I know of so I am not sure that Lyrica is doing anything for me as far as pain. I take valium for anxiety. I got off the cymbalta and it took me about 10 months of tapering and have had no side effects after. I am going to start to get off Lyrica now. I only take 150mg most days. You also have to do it slow. You can google it and it tells you how. I am currently biking and have changed the way I eat and have thankfully a good Dr that gives me meds for pain. She did not give me the Lyrica and I am not sure I need anything other than valium and I only take 5mg a day most days. I am kinda lucky as I do not get addicted to meds and I don’t build up a tolerance for them. Addicted in the sense of narcotics which I really find that stuff like Lyrica, Cymbalta etc are just as bad, but Drs do not think so because the drug companies in the US make billions off that crap.
I have been on Lyrica for 10 years, starting at a dose of 50mg twice a day. I am now on 150mg x 3 a day. During the past year I have been more clumsy, unsteady on my feet on occasions and my memory has become shocking. I always prided myself on how good my memory was but am very worried about this right now.
My colleague is also on Lyrica and is weaning herself off due to cognitive impairment. I have trigeminal nerve problems which include facial parasthesia on the left hand side and a consistent 24/7 tingling and sensitivity on that side of my face. After reading some of these comments I do have a desire to reduce the amount I am taking but am worried about these side effects.
I am going to give it a go though. Do not want any more cognitive function deterioration. Good luck to everyone who has posted.
Good going, plz read about valium too, im sorry but i just learned that benzos (valium) are hard too, takes long time after stopping last dose to feel normal again, lyrica has same after effects, God bless and keep going, your going to get thru and be successful, tell everyone as to educate others to stay away
Hi, everyone. My husband has been taking Lyrica for a long time now, maybe 3 year. He was hurt in an accident and is paralyzed from his shoulders down. The doctor put him on Lyrica for his nerve pain from the spinal cord injury. Here recently he has been not sleeping–staying up for days, shaking his head, clicking, and asking people to help him from time to time. He seems to be better if he can get 4 hours of sleep but sometimes he goes for 3 to 4 days without sleep. He is talking to people that aren’t there. He is on several other kinds her medications. I am at my breaking point trying to figure out what to do. Do you think the Lyrica is what caused this? Please get back to me.
Connie, the desperate wife of a quadriplegic.
Terry Graedon
You should check with his doctor about his medications. Lyrica can cause confusion, incoordination, tremor, abnormal thinking or memory impairment as well as insomnia and hallucinations. The insomnia is specifically in people like your husband with spinal cord injury.
Do not have your husband stop this on his own. He’ll need the doctor’s help in getting off it or managing the side effects better.
Connie, I am a husband that’s the one taking Lyrica. I know its hard! Before I knew it after i started taking lyricas 3 years had went by and i didnt realize what was happening and then a friend of mine pretty much was like a son to me overdosed on other drugs but it scared me so bad that i threw all my meds out and that was a mistake.
Plz bare with him bc its not his fault bc this is a hard core medication that alot of people don’t have a clue about and the Dr’s are saying that you cant withdraw from this medication but of course you n i know otherwise. They dont have a remedy for the withdraws. Or maybe they dont want us to have it til the drs and start taking it but the Dr’s have one up on us THEY DONT RUN OUT SO THEY DONT CARE.
Tell your husband to hang in there and god bless you for hanging in there as well. I know its hard on my wife bc i know she dont want to see me in pain nand i dont want to let her see me like this. I shared my story further up the page.
I was on the same dose and it didn’t help my pain. My dr suggested taking a higher dosage and I just can’t. I am off of lyrica and feel great about my decision. It was killing me.
I was on Lyrica 150mg 3x a day for the terrible pain of shingles. It worked wonderfully well, helping not only with shingles pain but also with fibromyalgia pain. I slept deeply for the first time in years, and my colitis improved dramatically. However, l also experienced brain fog, weight gain, and incontinence. I tapered off of the Lyrica over about two weeks, and my shingles pain was gone. However, now I have night sweats, insomnia, headaches, and nausea. Worst of all I have severe clenching of my teeth ( this was not a side effect I read about). Has anyone else had this problem? My teeth and jaws really hurt, and I can’t seem to stop clenching my teeth.
Columbia, MO
For Paula – I have experienced the exact same thing as far as clenching my teeth and jaw. my memory is horrible. i do get great pain relief for my fibromyalgia and I also think it is really helping my ibs-c/colitis, although I am wondering whether or not that is being helped by the Movantik that I was given with the Lyrica.
So, I’ve had a lot of help with pain. Fatigue is the worst symptom after memory problems and i have problems thinking and understanding what people are telling me sometimes. I have, however been gaining weight, my gait is different and I’m off balance a lot.
When my doctor gave me the prescription for Lyrica, nobody said anything about problems with withdrawal symptoms being like when you suddenly go off xanax. I have more depression, I am much more emotional (which my therapist may love). and the Lyrica also “disinhibits” me so I say what I feel without worrying about anyone else and engage in activity that i normally would not engage in because I am a Christian. I do not know what to do. Please feel free to contact me if you’d like just put Lyrica in the subject field.
South Australia
I’ve been on it for 6 weeks. And although I haven’t had any real problems, I too am clenching my teeth. I’m on 150 mls morning and evening.
Yes I have sore teeth. My jaw is ok as of yet
Good choice!!!!
ive taking lyrica 300mg twice a day , for damaged trapped nerves , it took a while to start working , but eventually it did work , but I am having problems with my balance when out walking , the pavement seems to go up and down , I’m having problems urinating , and can no longer reach a sexual orgasam ,
I think I would rather have the nerve root injection , although it only lasted for just over a year , at least I felt normal .!
A friend of mine in her 70s has had chronic pain for years and has been taking Lyrica and other meds…she has been having numerous side effects from these meds. She was allowed to go off of them except Lyrica before back surgery. She did well during surgery, however after giving her morphine during recovery, she was in a delirium-like state. After reading about the serious interaction effects of morphine and Lyrica I would suggest not using them together.
Perth, WA
I had been put on lyrica about 3 years ago, for back ‘nerve’ pain, 300-600mg a day. A few months back a slip from my Lyrica pack went missing. This left me short, obviously, and it wasn’t until then that the I experienced the harsh reality of the horrible withdrawals: the sweating, shaking, headaches, restlessness, hot/ cold flashes, feeling anxious, not being able to sleep, OMG!! I just wanted it to end. I couldn’t wait to get my hands on some, to make all those terrible feelings go away. But it was then that I knew I wanted to get off them. But going cold turkey wouldn’t be the way for me to go, so I have been weaning myself, lowering the dosage over time, still suffering some withdrawals, but nothing like I went threw before. Today is my second day with none. I still have a constant headache, terrible time trying to sleep and stay asleep, cold out of bed, but then roasting when in bed under the covers. Who knows how long this will go on, but I am so very glad to be off them. Never ever again will I touch them. No, thank you.
Auburn, NE
I suffered daily, all day every day with pain that felt like a white hot wire was in my arms. I have severe nerve damage in both of my ulnar nerves from my time in the Army. I have had a total of 7 surgeries to release the nerves from a thick layer of scar tissue that had almost completely compressed the nerves.
I went through 3 years of seeking help to no avail. My primary care physician put me on the Lyrica. I was still in constant pain that I felt completely hopeless. I too attempted suicide but it was because of the pain, not the Lyrica. Eventually I was referred to a pain doctor who looked at my Lyrica dose and increased it on two occasions to reach a therapeutic dose. It has not only changed my life, it saved my life. I am virtually pain free and I have no side effects.
Perth WA
Hey Nora
I have been on 600mg of lyrica for over 3 years and am desperate to get off them…they are poison. Can u tell me how you tapered off them..how much per week etc. Many thanks
New Mexico
I was on 300 mg a day. The pain never went away so I weaned myself off, now I am depressed and full of anxiety. I sit and stare across my office for what seems like hours at a time. I have headaches and generally I feel like crap. Great drug. My Doctor is no help either. Going at it alone.
I had taken Lyrica for eight years with the only side effects being weight gain and water retention. Suddenly, I started having dark thoughts and the thought of suicide crossed my mind. This was completely out of the ordinary for me and so alarming I immediately went off the drug. Within one day of stopping it cold turkey I was in bed with chills, nausea, diarrhea and absolutely no appetite. This went on for a solid week. I checked the internet and read story after story of individuals who had the exact same symptoms when they stopped. Official literature by the drug manufacturer actually says these are the side effects of stopping it and that one should actually taper off of it. When I mentioned this to my doctor she said it wasn’t a narcotic and thus it shouldn’t cause this problem and she had never heard of it happening before. I told her to check the internet as there are horror stories all over the place. Next we’ll be seeing a class action lawsuit about this drug too.
Rochester, Michigan
Never felt this hopeless. So many health issues in my life, but never felt like giving up before. The pain and fatigue is relentless and I haven’t been able to take anything that helps that I can tolerate. Trying to find a support group thinking that would make it eaisier with no success yet. Had some real scary issues with some meds so I want to try Lyrica, but then I’m just really scared of ending up in an even worse place. Any one know about the numbers as far as the success rates go?
Withdrawal from Lyrica is a nightmare. It’s worse than anxiety, it’s akathisia. It feels like something is squeezing my windpipe and esophagus together, and the abdominal cramps are very severe. I become unable to eat, drink, or get up off the sofa except to pee. And just as it causes water retention when you’re on it, it releases all the excess fluid in your body, mostly through your sweat glands. I have a terrible time with keeping a normal body temperature and I urinate every hour until I’m essentially dehydrated. Wish I had never started this terrible drug.
Did you wean off the drug? I have same problem and the doc just had me stop the 100 mg I was taking, which lasted 2-3 days. I started to take a 50 mg still having withdrawals. Was on the 50 mg for 3 days, then I was on 25 mg for 10 days. Still having the withdraw symptoms but not as bad. Having to take ambien at night. Now, I am not taking the Lyrica and the doc gave me Clonidine 0.1 mg. This has done nothing and I have been on it 4 days now. I just learned you have to go off that drug slowly to. I am calling doctor on Monday to let him know this isn’t working. Need to go back on drug and wean better.
This is absolutely the worse medicine possible!!!!! The side affects are horrible. Plus, once off the medication I had to have eye surgery to have my eyelids fixed because it causes them to droop down over my pupils so I can”t see!!! I know two other people that have had this done
I was diagnosed Lyrica for Shingles as I was in agony. I found it so hard to get relief after 9 hours ( supposed to last for 12 hours). The dosage was increased to 150mg twice a day I was getting around like a zombie with no further relief.
It affected my left leg and I thought I would need a walking stick.
I knew I had to wean myself off this drug and yes, my leg is fine again.
I know I certainly needed some drugs for my intense pain and I still get ‘funny headaches’ which I’m not used to, hopefully it will clear.
When the drug was dispensed the Pharmacist told me to protect my Kidneys with adequate water intake.
I guess my body was in shock as I don’t need any other drugs.
Lyrica has been a NIGHTMARE!!!! Due to losing the bottle of lyrica, my Dr would not prescribe more. When I complained of SEVERE withdrawals, I was told Lyrica does not give people withdrawls. I spoke to my Dr, his nurse & the pharmacist but each time I’m told it doesn’t give you w/d’s.
That being said, I stopped cold turkey since I could not get more. I am extremely sick and I can’t do anything but sit day after day & night after night in pure hell. I am experiencing nausea, vomiting, high anxiety, I’m extremely agitated & irritable, hot flashes, cold sweats, can’t sleep, can’t eat & body pain worse than usual.
It has been 12 days now, and the symptoms are still just as bad as day 1. It’s not right to let someone sit like this because they don’t know enough about this medication & won’t take 2 minutes to Google it & see for themselves. These withdrawls are just as bad as benzodiazepines if not worse.
These are, hands down, not worth being physically dependant on & have no help getting off of because nobody believes you have symptoms. My Dr never should have let me sit with hardcore withdrawls this long because they don’t feel they need to research it. After all…..they know EVERYTHING.
God, I feel so bad for you. I know what people go through trying to get off Cymbalta. It’s crazy that doctors make people go through that. I would go to the ER.
I Have been diagnosed with Peripheral Neuropathy had all the tests MRI- ect Consultant’s cannot find out how I got the disease , So I was prescribed Gabapentin!! Only lasted a couple of days Teribal side affects so then went on to Pregabalin ok a low dose to start 150mg per day then increased to 300mg have been on them 6/7 weeks now and symptoms are getting worse i.e., walking, dizziness, sedation general well being.
Does any one out there have any ideas or recommendation that could help? By the way, I am coming off them slowly, not a good experience.
My doctor said that the withdrawals can last up to a month. Mine lasted about 2 weeks and yes it was the most horrible thing I’ve ever been through
I started on Lyrica 100 mg once a day a little over 3 months ago to help with nerve pain after back surgery. I didn’t like how it made me feel so I tried to discontinue it by a taper. I suffered intense withdrawal symptoms and had to stop. I am trying again with the help of a psychopharmacologist.
I can’t believe that there are commercials for this on television! I don’t even like taking Advil and now I am physically dependent on this drug! Every Dr. I have spoken to acts surprised by my experience and assures me this isn’t a common occurrence! It’s an inconvenient truth.
Nova Scotia
I’m getting off Lyrica slowly. I was taking 300mg twice a day. I am now feeling very depressed and having dreams about my brother that passed away 11 years ago. I wake up crying and find it hard to breathe. I don’t know what is ?
going on with me.Can anyone help me
I have just started lyrica for about 7 weeks now my Thinking is all over the place I’m still working I have a pitch nerve in my neck that’s why I’m taking lyrica I’m on 150 twice a day I have dry mouth weight gain I’m sleeping like I’m in a coma hit the pillow and asleep I’m worried about long term with this drug .
What you are experiencing are withdrawal symptoms. They are scary and the depression you are feeling is part of it (even the dreams about your deceased brother). It seems like regrets and sorrows from the past revisit us in a vengeful way.
Do you have a Dr. you can contact to see if he can suggest another way to taper that might work for you? I ended up seeing a psychiatrist who has a specialty in addiction medicine. I am still struggling and tapering, but know you are not alone.
I have been on 300mg twice a day for almost 2 years. This was for hip pain. I have now had 2 hip replacements and want to get off this stuff. I successfully cut down 75mg at night for around 2 months. I have just cut down another 75 mg in the morning dose but I’m finding this much harder. Pain is quite severe.
Windsor Ontario
I just recently started taking this med and I have started with odd scary dreams: that someone is tapping me on my shoulder and thought I heard my son talking to me. Even though he is away on a trip.
This is really freaking me out and I am planning on starting to wean off tomorrow. Fingers crossed. I read online that this drug can cause hallucinations. Ive had a bit more of a tremor in my arm as well and feeling so exhausted.
Judy B
I was on Lyrica from November 2005 until April 15, 2017. I was prescribed Lyrica because of a synovial cyst on my sciatic nerve which was removed twice. I still have periodic intense and unrelenting neuropathy. My dose was 50-100 mg 2 x day.
The withdrawal symptoms are unbelievable and although I feel better the TINNITUS is the worse. I did not have tinnitus before withdrawal and it’s to the point I think of going back on Lyrica to get it to stop.
Would that work? Any other suggestions?
Washington, DC
I was prescribed 300mg/day Lyrica to go with 800mg Tegretol, with magnesium infusion 1/month, to deal with trigeminal neuralgia. The TN had been so severe that I could not talk or eat. On the plus side, this combination puts down the pain very effectively for me.
Side effects, however, have been bad. Confusion and forgetfulness. Lyrica makes these worse, along with losing balance and severe drowsiness. Will fall asleep suddenly, even if well-rested. Will sleep through alarms, weekends sometimes don’t even get up. Sometimes so bad that I will drift off at meetings, when parked or when stopped at red lights, so suddenly I have fallen out of chairs. If I drive more than an hour I have to stop. Have to be careful. Makes my job difficult. Magnesium infusion buffers these a bit, and resolves the constipation issue. If I try to taper off, my TN comes back worse than ever.
My solution is to go ahead with the microvascular decompression surgery soon to fix what apparently causes the TN and therefore avoid the need to take these drugs. This major surgery involves many risks, but I am a good candidate and is my best hope to resolve the TN and get off the drugs. Wish me luck, with your hopes and prayers!
Due to complications during my cervical spine operation. I am currently on Lyrica. I tried stop taking it twice abruptly. Due to stomach issues. The symptoms I had after stop taking Lyrica were muscle aches diarrhea joint pain blurred vision and lethargic to name a few symptoms.
I can only speak from my experience. But both times I stopped taking it I had the same type of with drawl symptoms. If anyone else has experience the same symptoms please let me know.
Decatur, TN
I ran out of my prescription and thought this would be a good time to stop taking Lyrica. It was costing me so much and with the restrictions. I have been on Lyrica for 17 years. I have had 2 back surgeries and been burned from the waist down. When I stopped I was unable to sleep at night. I lost my appetite and felt extremely nauseous. The fifth evening I woke in the night with shaking and dry heaves it was awful. My blood pressure shot thought the roof and my heart rate as well. I felt like I was going to have a heart attack. I restarted taking the Lyrica and the symptom passed except the heart rate. I feel this more from anxiety and fear. I am going to my heart doctor today and will not go of this medication without doctor supervision. I feel this the only way to stop this medications side effects.
Palm Desert, California
I have tried to suddenly stop Lyrica several times and due to the migraine head aches, diarrhea, bones aching and feeling of almost like I’m going to die, I start up again. I have felt like killing myself because of this Lyrica addiction because of the withdrawal symptoms. My doctor laughed at me when I told him what’s happening to me. He said he’s never heard of anyone going through this. I’m so sick of this. I need HELP !!!!
Rosaria Gambino
I want to stop this meds but I am worried if I do i might take fits dose anyone know if this will happen
Does any one know if the side effects and/or withdrawals of Lyrica (Pregabalin) can be permanent after completely stopping the drug?
Paul N
I have had CRPS type 2 in my arm which was caused by a bulging disc in my neck at c6-c7. For many years I suffered neck pain, headaches etc. Over time the symptoms got worse, first a frozen should which had to be decompressed, then pins and needles 24 hours a day, which was diagnosed as damaged ulna nerve.
So, another operation but still the same. Each time I questioned doctors about my neck which was always bad before these episodes. Then the burning started, sweating, purple hands and it got so bad my consultant tried all sorts of pain relief from patches to infusions and nothing lasted more than a few days. Still no link made to my neck problems but he said I can fix this for you, you have two options, a high dose of morphine where you won’t know what day it is and we will bring you off this slowly resetting my nervous system or Lyrica.
So, I opted for Lyrica and over time got to 800mg per day. At this level the pain was numbed. However after a few years the side affects got so bad when I missed a tablet (sickness) to double vision so bad I could hardly walk. So I visited my doctor and he agreed that I should come off the tablets. However his knowledge of the affects were not great nor was any of the doctors I saw after. He told me to half the dose for a week then half again and then stop taking it.
A scary withdrawal with suicide a real prospect. I had planned everything it was a fear of my children coming home from school that stopped me. At my lowest my manager at work spoke to me and got me to call a counsellor, this was the turning point, someone who understood that every sense in my body from hearing to smell to touch to sight were all overloaded feeling like they were running at 150%. A clear understanding of withdrawal from prescription drugs helped me get the support I needed.
Three years on, I now wear glasses, my reading distance changed over night, I have been diagnosed with acute bi-lateral tinnitus and have had 3 operations for my neck, the first to replace the joint that caused the nerve damage, the second to fuse the replacement disk that failed after 6 weeks making the nerve pain even worse. Then I have had a spinal cord stimulator fitted to help block the nerve pain CRPS. So why am I sharing this information? Well I have had some tough learnings, firstly my local GPS is just that, he is no specialist.
Private health cover is not always the best route, each time I went to see a specialist they appear to have fitted my symptoms to what they treated rather than taking a holistic view and looking into the source of the issues which was my neck. I have very little neck pain since the operations. I have read many forums and people can appear to advise others on treatment, medicines etc. My personal view is we are all unique what works for one person does not necessarily work for the next, be careful to monitor the medicines and the affect they have on you, if you are unsure don’t accept the specialists view, get another view and do your own reasearch. Having worked since I left school I, have now to face that I can’t use my left arm without serious flare ups of crps. This has stopped me working aged 50.
With regards to Lyrica for me it was the only pain relief that worked but the side affects and withdrawal nearly cost me my life. My manager saved that and it might sound soft etc. but it the rope had been sorted and I really believe I wouldn’t have carried on another day with my nervous system in overload.
Be strong and remember to question and if in doubt talk to a counsellor.
Paul N
One other thing is my problems appear to have stemmed from using a laptop overlong periods prior to docking stations and flat monitors. Please please don’t ignore your ergonomic setup. Correct seating, monitor height and keyboard / mouse. Too many people ignore the original cause of their need for these pain killers.
Elizabeth Dettle
Leland. NC
Linquiring about the drug lyrica and side effects of not taking it
Manchester UK
I have been on Lyrica for a while now, just titrated the dose up from 400mg daily to 450mg daily to treat nerve pain in my right leg that presents as a burning sensation. I have started getting bad headaches, wobbly head like vertigo symptoms and I feel really unwell. I have also developed a burning abdominal pain, I am peeing loads and thirsty all the time. I am starting to doubt whether the trade off between the benefits and the side effects are really worthwhile
hi ive been taking 2x 300mg for 5days and 1x 300mg for the last 2 days for opiate withdrawals and i was just wondering if i will withdraw of that?? please reply :) thanks
Well it’s like trading one narcotic for another and personally from what I know as a nurse, it’s easier to withdraw from opiates than come off Lyrica if you stay on Lyrica long. Just get into rehab for opiate withdrawal and do NOT get on that stuff. I had a spinal cord injury 3 years ago and have been on the max dose of 600 mg per day and have tried to come off it many times.
It is a very long hellish withdrawal process. I’ve been on a taper now for 3 months and I’m half way through and I think I’m going to make it this time but it’s not without lots of sweating, headaches, insomnia, anxiety, nausea and diarrhea. Just not a good drug and I don’t know why they would prescribe it for that. Good luck.
Hi all, I am a paraplegic that was put on Lyrica after suffering severe neuropathic pain in my legs. For about a year everything went quite ok, although I still suffered the pain on a regular basis but I thought: Hey, probably without the med’s it would be worse…
Then about two years ago I had my wake up call. One day I didn’t have any Lyrica-pills left anymore and I thought that it would probably be no problem if I went without it for a few days. Two days later I woke up in the morning and found myself in a living hell. Severe neuropathic pain, headaches, extreme depressive thoughts and the inability to communicate are just a couple of the things I was experiencing. My sister was visiting me and I was not even able to explain her how to get from my house to the beach, which is like three streets away. That day I realized that I wanted to stop Lyrica since it obviously was not as innocent as doctors told me it was when I started to take it.
A look into the side-effects quickly made me realize what kind of poison I was taking for years. The toughest one, it made me cry, was realizing that if it were to have children while on Lyrica they might be born with a disability as labtests with mice indicated that Lyrica/Pregabaline get’s passed on through your reproductive system, in my case my semen.
Now two years later I am in the last phase of my quitting process and I must warn anybody who is coming down from a high dosage (I was on 300mg in the morning, and 300mg in the evening) that you must take it slowly and talk about it with your partner, family, employer or the people that you live with since it is a hard thing to do. I wake up almost every morning with feelings of anxiety and depressive thoughts and find it hard to communicate in a good way a lot of the time. Discussions in my relationship often are difficult for my partner and me since I get upset, and verbally aggressive quite fast. She is very understanding in all of this but that doesn’t make it any easier for her.
I did it in several stages, every time lowering my dosage by 75mg a month. Leaving enough time in between – several months – in order to give my body, and my partner the time to get over the tough detox month.
A thing that I learned really helped is getting enough physical exercise, as the endorphins that get produced by exercising have an uplifting and naturally painkilling effect which counters the withdrawal effects. Also being outdoors in nature seems to help for me.
I wish everybody who wants to quit this addictive and, in my opinion useless drug, a lot of courage, perseverance and good luck. It will not be an easy ride to get it out of your system but it’s most definitely worth it!
I want to stop taking Lyrica because I feel I don’t need it I have drop foot and nerve damage in my leg I don’t feel it will help but inam afraid to stop.
Katharine W
I am so glad to have read your story! I have been on Lyrica for almost 10 years for nerve pain in 85%of my body, but have been thinking it’s time to get off! I have found exercise helps the pain too. I also have found CBD oil helps a lot too. I am going to try to get off this poison. I will follow you lead and do it slowly and with support. Thanks
I was interested in learning more about using the CBD oil for pain. What strength CBD oil? How do you use it?
Drexel Hill, PA
I have a crushed nerve in my neck that causes pain, numbness and tingling and allodynia in my left hand. I have had several surgeries, but they have not corrected the issue. I was on gabapentin for several years, and was a walking zombie. Lyrica has been a godsend for me. It helps with the pain and numbness.
The only time that I stopped it was when my incompetent insurance company screwed up my authorization and I was without it for ten days. My only symptom was pain, and I had no other withdrawal symptoms. I understand that some people have issues with it, but it helps some people too, and people have to decide what is best for them.
I have been given lyrica, 75mg x 2 per day . I have taken it for 10 weeks and have had no appreciable difference in my sciatica pain which comes from herniated discs. Over the past two weeks I have taken myself off lyrica completely and am now only taking cocodamol for pain. However, the withdrawal side effects are horrible. Depression, over emotional, absolutely exhausted most of the time and memory loss. I hope these will diminish in time. Lyrica has NEVER made any difference to my pain. I am 65yr old female and completely well in all but 4 herniated discs. I will never take lyrica again and think that drs need to think twice before letting this horrid drug loose on the public
I’ve been on 400mg of pregablin for 2 years , I dropped my dose by 200mg the side effects where awful nerve pain down my back the worst pain in my head sweating pain in my ears sometimes I think my head will explode such a nightmare, the depression and anxiety is terrible I feel like I’m going to die I wish something could help .
I just started taking lyrics just one day 50mg and stop same day I’m having pain in my stomach already I didn’t no it had all this side effects the doctor didn’t tell me I looked it up it’s not for me
I started Lyrica for anxiety and its worked wonders it has also cured my restless legs and my chronic leg pain that ive seen so many specialists about without result. It has been my miracle!! Pain free and anxiety free, im a new person!
There are definitely withdrawal sysmptoms, when i stopped for a few days i had night sweats muscle pain and my leg pain felt worse then ever (but could be I forgotten how mych it hurt in the few short months ive been on it).
New Hampshire
I had a mastectomy six years ago and went on Lyrica Two years later. After my copay went skyrocketing to over $400 a month I told my MD that I wanted to quit. I was put on gabapentin as a replacement and I took both at the same time while I tapered off the Lyrica. I feel like I just went from the frying pan into the fire-literally.
The horrible side effects of being on Lyrica (constipation, trouble urinating, memory loss, tremors, sweating, odd appetite- to name a few) pale in comparison to coming off of Lyrica. I shake uncontrollably, itch, itch ITCH!!! And my stomach feels like it is eating itself. I still sweat, not “glisten”, SWEAT, LIKE A LUMBERJACK!!!
My nerves are on edge, I’m cranky and exhausted. I’m not saying that Lyrica didn’t help, I’m just saying that the side effects are much worse. I have had five operations because of breast cancer and the disfigurement it caused, and I can honestly say that I would rather go through that again, than continue on this Lyrica path to hell- yup….it’s that bad.
My 94yo dad was put onto Lyrica 3 months ago for cellulitis pain and skin graft. I found out yesterday at the aged care facility he was still on it. The RN has withdrawn it until Monday when I speak to the GP. It would explain his severe depression and suicidal thoughts, breathing difficulty, swelling in feet, sudden onset dementia, disinterest, conjunctivitis and eye tremors, insomnia, dizziness and leg cramps.
Specialist told me last week, this is as good as he will ever be… If I had known then what I know today I would have taken her to task.
Reading all your comments are terrifying. I may have done the wrong thing by suddenly ceasing it? Might have to halve the dose over time but sounds that doesn’t work either.
What is wrong with doctors? Don’t they listen to their patients?
Your stories are terrible and this is not fair.
Mildred W.
I have been taking Lyrica for about 3 weeks Took 50 mg for two weeks, an now I started, 2 days ago, taking 50 mg x 3 times a day. Now I can’t see very well and have a few dizzy times. So will go off these.
Terry Graedon
Please let your doctor know of your reaction.
In two years of being on Lyrica for fibromyalgia and intense, still undiagnosed, muscle and bone pain with RLS, I have experienced very very little relief with quite a few side effects. My doctor insists there aren’t many treatment options and it’s basically lyrica or nothing. Two years ago I weighed 128. I now weigh 171 and am not happy. I was put on Effexor to alleviate some of the depression, but… Still not happy.
Elliott Kanter
San Diego
My client was using Lyrica for diabetic pain and was told to stop Lyrica cold turkey and onto another drug. Immediately, he suffered a grand mal seizure. Any similar events?
colorado mts.
I have been taking 400 mg. lyrica for a couple of years now. I managed to stop over 2.5 months but was so sick i started again. it take much long than a week to quit? It has taken me over two months to go from 400 to 225. You must go very slowly or all hell breaks out with stomach cramping and the runs. Plan on staying home if you taper too fast.
When I asked for help, my doctor told me to just go ahead and quit. I asked about the withdrawal problems and he told me it wasn’t addictive. I went to the town neurologist who really seemed out of it. She tried to tell me it was all imagined on my part as Lyrica wasn’t addictive, sounded more like the oxy mini I take daily to her (I must have quit the oxy without knowing it…). She referred me to a shrink!
So, yes you probably will be on your own. try cutting back just a tiny bit each week by dumping some into a shot glass. if you get stomach issues you are going too quickly, take a little more for a day. when i get down to say 2.5 caps, i take an empty capsule and dip some in it so you are not throwing it away.
MMJ helps tremendously and I grew it for this reason. A nurse suggested soma and I have some. Soma seems very similar to Lyrica in how it works. 125 mg, half a tab is plenty for me but it is very addictive so don’t take it unless you get stressed, and you will get stressed. The MMJ, an indica is very helpful. I use a vaporizer made just for that purpose. get some exercise, take walks, etc. I have a dog so I have to do that anyway.
So, go slowly. if you can cut back 100 mg a month you are doing well. i have read 10% per month and I have been pushing 25%. good luck, tell the people around you and explain how you will be kind of crazy for awhile and why. john
This scares the living crap out of me. How many other drugs are so dangerous when stopped cold?
What drug was he taking instead?
Eunice Louisiana
I have seizures and my neurologist put me on lyrica 50mg 3 times a day along with ativan and zonisimide. I haven’t had a seizure for 8 months but really want to get off all these controlled substances starting with the lyrica. I too get the night sweats really bad even when I’m not trying to taper off and when I do try to taper off which I’ve done multiple times I have seizure symptoms. This all started three years ago when I developed swelling on my brain which led to seizures and now I’m stuck on seizure medicine for the rest of my life and I’m sick and tired of living my life like this tired all the time depressed and on all this medicine!
Delan Robison
I’ve been taking a Lyrica for a rare nerve disease. I take 200mg 3 times a day. I’m scared to get off it, it’s been 6 years what should I do?
I am so so sorry. What are some seizure symptoms you’ve had? I really don’t know what to look for. Please and thank you!
Well, (after being on 13yrs.) I am on my 11 week of “LYRICA WITHDRAWAL HELL”. The burning & tingling is not as bad, insomnia is better but not going away, still having some night sweats. I wish it would just hurry up & go. My nerves can’t take much more.
Barrie, ON
I’ve had fibromyalgia everywhere since I was 28 and there was nothing at the time to treat it not until the last 8 years so I get lidocaine infusion which is amazing. Now I have to take lyrica here and there past the two week period which is when your body becomes addicted and I never had withdrawals from lyrica but now I can’t pass gas without making a mess of myself my belly is rotten, I have no pick up and go plus all I do is sweat from the waist up it’s day 9 only a month back on it low dose.
My recommendations are to not take it everyday as it works immediately only take it when it’s really needed then you don’t need to worry about withdrawals.
All the best!
Pauline Tait
This post shook me a bit. I hope you are feeling much better. I am on 600mg a day of Lyrica. I have recently come off Morphine (which took over a year). Celebrex was working for me but there is a heart and stroke risk (with my history) so I was taken of that abruptly, and I intend to come off Lyrica NEXT. I have been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, M.E., and Chronic Fatigue. I have also been diagnosed with CSX and will stay on heart meds long term (for now). My issue with Lyrica is the weight gain. Plus I don’t even know if it helps. I still have pain everyday
took lyrica for 2 weeks, dr prescribed for nerve pain from a pinched nerve in my neck. had suicidal thoughts and experienced withdrawls. diareah, nausea, depression, crying spells.
physical therapy can do wonders for pinched nerves, a mechanical solution to a mechanical problem.
i am down to 25 mg per day after five months +. night sweats last night, no sleep. i normally use cannaoil to help with sleep but was out. making some now. baclofen seems to help withdrawal and muscle pain, a muscle relaxer. john
Betsy M.
I went cold turkey from 450mg 13wks ago. I never expected or experienced anything like it’s WD (I’ve been through many). I was forced to stop on my own as the full body swelling was keeping me from breathing. Choking was a frequent part of my life, still is. This continues with no assistance from the prescribing physician, who claims I simply have anxiety, that my claims are impossible.
I currently am seeking help for damaged mucous membranes, every one of them in various locations. My hair continues to fall out without signs of slowing. There is no disease pathology to follow in my blood work. There are so many symptoms, I see why they believe I’m nuts.
Be certain of all your medication before taking together. For instance, the Lyrica works by binding/ blocking the calcium channels and your friendly analgesic pain pill could be trying to do the opposite. How the meds work, your family physician is most likely to not be educated in. Only its purpose. I did not research. I trusted my PCP too much. My loss of 60lbs in 3mon, chalked up to craziness.
Malnutrition and various other issues has this 33yr old woman writing to you all from her bed, who prior to Lyrica was pretty healthy.
I wish you all the best. Keep fighting. I know that you are not crazy, even if no one else believes you. Research is key.
New York
I have severe neuropathy from a thoracotomy that I had in 2007. I’ve been on Lyrica since that time. My family doctor has chosen not to treat me any more for anything. He became insulted after I requested a referral to a pulmonary specialist for an eight week long respiratory infection.
I have since seen three other doctors. Two of the three will not prescribe ANY controlled substances, by their own choice. The third one hasn’t decided yet. I was completely unable to function after the surgery in 2007. No driving, clothing hurt, only sleeping two or three hours at a time, no appetite, the pain was all-consuming and overwhelming.
I started on 150 mg of Lyrica a day. I had an immediate positive result. Within a few weeks an additional 25 mg was added to the night time dose to improve my sleep. I felt almost human again, resuming almost all my normal activities. Approximately three years later, I was able to reduce the daily amount to 125mg. This reduction eliminated the extreme sleepiness I had every afternoon shortly after taking my
afternoon dosage. Other than some occasional drowsiness, I have had no other adverse reactions to Lyrica.
I was at the point where I could skip a dose if necessary, like on long drives to reduce the risk of drowsiness. About a month ago, I ran out after trying to find another doctor to prescribe it. The pain slammed back!! Including other nerve pain that I didn’t even realize the Lyrica was helping with. (I contracted Lyme disease last year and have neuropathy related to that.)
The latest doctor has given me a two week prescription while she decides if she will continue to prescribe it. I have not gotten anywhere near the pain relief I had before. I do almost nothing and sleeping has become almost impossible again. I know there are some medications that can give a different result once they are stopped and restarted. Does anyone know if Lyrica is one of these??
Windsor, On.
I am not sure if I am having withdrawal symptoms from stopping Lyrica. I think I have been taking it for approximately 11 months and recently informed my doctor that I was stopping them as they weren’t helping. The next day I started feeling poorly and have been consistently getting worse. Feel nauseous, have developed a cough, and haven’t felt good since I stopped taking Lyrica.
I was not taking because I was diabetic, but had developed Peripheral Neuropathy.
I found another site which listed 30 different symptoms to withdrawal.
Could anyone inform me if I am having withdrawal symptoms and how long they will last.
Thank you
I have been seeing a healer who recommends taking glutathione tablets every four hours while coming off the Lyrica. It helps a little. I have just read to reduce it only 10% at a time for a week each. May have to go to a compounding pharmacy to make up lesser doses.
Cape Cod, MA
I was on Lyrica for about ten yrs. for idiopathic peripheral neuropathy – 75mg 2x a day – and finally checked out the side effects. When I discovered “loss of balance” (the PN takes care of that, thank you very much) along with weight gain, drowsiness, and – surprise, surprise – peripheral neuropathy – I decided to take myself off it – slowly – dropping 1 pill every other day for a couple of weeks, then two pills every other day, etc. After about a month I was off it completely and for another month or so was tired, cranky, and up and down with pain. Since then (last July and August) I’ve lost 30 pounds and have finally started to feel like a normal human being. The brain fog, the afternoon head-banging on the desk while trying to read, the total lack of balance – all have improved. And I find absolutely no difference in the pins-and-needles-feeling in my feet. My neurologist, when I told him I’d gotten off it, said, “Good. The less meds you take the better,” advice I rather wish he’d offered when he put me on the stuff.
I was put on Lyrica 13 yrs. ago because of hormone imbalance migraines, due to a complete hysterectomy in 2001, and the migraines started in 2003. It got to the point that the side effects were worse than the migraines. I fought with my Neurologist for two years and finally put my foot down to take me off. I was taking 150 mg 3x’s day, it tapered off slowly for 9 months going down 25-50 mg every 3 weeks. My last dosage was on 10/26/2016.
I did OK for 28 days and then INSOMNIA came knocking at my brain. ON 11/24/2016 insomnia kicked in, from 11/24/2016 to 12/03/2016 I got 2 hrs of sleep every other night. On 12/03/2016 after midnight went to ER. BIG MISTAKE. The ER doctor put me on Zolpidem for 5 nights. I slept well, but on day 6, 12/08/2016 no sleep, day 7, 6 hrs of sleep. It is now day 7-8 and no sleep at all. I have been off the Lyrica now 46 days. It is PURE HELL. I am at my wit’s end. I can’t trust doctors anymore.
Although the insomnia has only been going on for 18 days, I am sure that I will still have problems for at least another 4-8 weeks of this. I have tried OTC sleep aids, and that does not help. Can’t take hot bath anymore due to yeast infections. Can’t drink hot drinks at night or eat chocolate after 3 pm. If anyone has any advice, PLEASE HELP, OMG. I wish I could find out how much longer this was going to last. My poor husband can’t take it anymore.
I started taking for fun a year ago and never thought it would turn into a addiction, after reaching a very high level of daily dosage 1800 Mg I began thinking of how awful my life is and i should quite immediately, not knowing of how bad the withdrawal is i stopped the day after i put my mind into quiting , the next day was strong headache and not feeling like eating anything , the next day i could not stand and leave bed with my bed full of sweat as if someone pured water all over it stayed in bed for the rest of the day and just woke up for cigarettes , the day after it was the deadliest i felt like my blood pressure was so low and couldnt even open my eyes so i decided to quite gradually, today after a long struggle i reached 75mg a day , and hopefully by the end of this week ill stop for good , i hope people understand that this drug is worse than people getting of herion its the devils drug.
Your symptoms are exactly the same as some of the symptoms I was having. And yes, it was pure hell. I went much to fast!
The sleep patterns or lack thereof was exactly how I experienced, however for closer to four months in regards to sleep. Finally, my sleep returned to normal.
Diane A
I have been off Lyrica for 23 days and have bad insomnia I hope it improves soon as I carnt take much more only getting 2 hrs sleep a night I’m thinking of going back on it just so I can get some sleep but I’ve lost weight and don’t want to put the weight back on if I go back on lyrica I just don’t know what to do for the best I did taper down so didn’t get to many withdrawal symtoms just struggling with the insomnia now.
How much were you on and how did you taper?
I’m at my end. Never poison in get legs and along Low back. On 3600 of gabapentin. It has stopped working so working with my neurologist right now to change to Lyrica. I have so much trouble on my life. No one wants to be around me. I don’t understand. I have no concept of time do an always late. I can’t hear what others are saying. I have music constantly playing in my ears. Hospitalized for cellulitis of lower legs. They all say I mentally ill. I think it is such high doses of gabapentin. Please help me figure this nightmare out. Did only listen to my husband and not me. Thank you in advance.
What is the draw of taking more than necessary? How does it make you feel? I have a scrip for oxycodone as well, and trust me, I get why ppl would take more of that… Does Lyrica elicit the same kind of ‘high’ or something?
I’m so sorry you are suffering with this! And thanks for any reply!
So sorry for your nightmare! There are thousands of us out here who have been harmed by Lyrica! There are a number of Lyrica Survivors groups on FB. Do yourself the biggest favor in your life, and check out one of these groups. It may just save your life! Good luck and God bless your recovery!
I was prescribed Lyrica 13 years ago. I had to have a complete hysterectomy due to fibroid tumors and a cyst on my ovary. After the surgery, I developed migraines. This was due to hormone imbalance. I started off slowly and gradually got up to 150 mg three times a day with the Lyrica.
Overtime, the side effects were more painful than the medicine and it felt like my body was getting immune to the medicine. I am now on the verge of being 60, and in the last two years, I have not had one migraine. I told my neurologist that I wanted to get off the Lyrica and try something else, of course his response will there is nothing else but there is.
I slowly tapered off for nine months going down either 25 or 50 mg every three weeks. I have been completely off the medicine now for 37 days. I had a few problems here and there while going down, but after a month went by I started having insomnia and for six days I only got maybe two hours of sleep per night on the seventh day my GP nurse practitioner prescribed trazodone, I took two capsules which were 50 mg each, although I went to sleep I woke up several times and it took a few minutes to go back to sleep, I probably got between 6and 7 of sleep last night.
I’m going to try the trazodone again tonight and hopefully it’ll work correctly this time. I know this is just a with drawl side effect and will sooner or later go away but in the meantime it’s miserable.
Betsy M.
I was only at 450mg, I experienced these very same symptoms you describe along with Ringing in the ears, excitability, inability to concentrate, sleep disturbances, pure mania and as you said, no concept of time. Life became unbearable. I hope you have found some help with this. I know reading and writing is very difficult right now perhaps? It’s important to keep doing it anyway, as much as you can stand. No one wanted to be around me either but trust me it gets easier. Forums are your friends right now and will help. We hear you, we are here with you. Best wishes my friend.
I was prescribed Lyrica with the caution, ‘if you can tolerate it’. I was wary then and regret ever having started it. I am on 75mg at night and by lunch time I can feel my body strongly withdrawing from it. My pain is getting worse and BP is going up, so more meds dished out, which I hate taking. Feel that doctors should be very careful about this drug. Until sites like this one I felt very alone and if I was somehow guilty of doing something wrong or being uniquely difficult. I will persist in reducing this horrible drug. Even a 25mg decrease seems like Hell! Thank you everyone and Good Luck!
Amber Garrison
My neurologist took my muscle relaxers, Topamax, and Hydrocodone away which my doctor had prescribed. He wanted me to try Lyrica for 2 weeks. I am 4 days into just Lyrica, my Neurontin, and my Amitriptyline.
I am in the worst shape ever with fever, tremors, muscle pain, legs hurting badly and muscles locking up, shortness of breath, soreness from shoulders down, anxiety attacks, and headaches. I have diabetes and was just diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. What we had thought was neuropathy for 16 year they are now saying is Fibromyalgia!
I wouldn’t suggest Lyrica to anybody! It does not work, and you will be in worse condition than you were before!
Blackburn England
I was given Lyrica for GAD when I was feeling suicidal.It was horrendous I had muscle twitches and involuntary movements especially just as I tried to sleep so didn’t sleep for the three and a half weeks on it.I also got memory lapses part way through conversations I would start rambling and drifting into moments of confusion. I was told by an emergency Dr. To stop cold turkey..it was dreadful I got more muscle twitches and diarrhoea and confusion and then a week later took an attempted suicide by overdose.I am positive the Lyrica caused my suicide attempt. Lyrica should not be given for GAD.
Upstate NY
My dr gave me a 14 day trial of Lyrica for my chronic pain. Yesterday was day 14. The last two days I have hurt more and more so I decided that I wasn’t going to take the last pill last night. Today, I woke up with a headache, nauseous and pouring sweats.
My husband forgot to lift his lyrica when we were leaving our holiday he hasn’t had any from we came home and has suffered severe headache and nausea reading all these comments I guess its withdrawl symptoms.
upstate ny
Lyrica is awful. Dealing with complex regional pain syndrome is no where near as bad as dealing with Lyrica. Wish I had never started taking it. It made it so hard for me to breathe and my joints hurt way worse than they did before. Please don’t take it. It is pure evil.
I have been taking Lyrica for about three months. Last Thursday, my dr increased my dose from 150mg a day two 300mg a day. The next day, I felt like I was coming down with a chest cold.
By the following Friday, I could hardly breathe. Went to dr. Thought I had pneumonia. Turns out, severe side effect to medicine. Now, I’m worried about withdrawal. Even my first dosage is bothering my breathing. Now I wish I had never taken it and just lived with the nerve pain from crps.
I went from Neurontin to Lyrica, and I’m going off of it cold turkey. I have keppra for seizures, but I have so much anxiety and I’m scared because I know what’s coming….. The withdrawals! I have kids, my youngest is a year old so I can’t really lay around and rest but I want to do this…… Wish me luck!
My aunt is withdrawling as I type this. It is insane! She is confused, shaking, in pain, crying one minute and mad as hell the next! When she sleeps (not much) she twitches constantly. And i think the worst part is she keeps asking when my grandmother is going to be back from the store… She has been dead for 6 years…!!!
I have been on Lycra for just over a month. I have gained 8lb and now my stomach is very swollen and constantly hurts. My doctor said maybe I am having a reaction to Lycra but has not looked at me coming off instead has just increased stomach tablets and given me more tablets for IBS.
I have been having really bad memory loss, sweating and feeling completely not with it. I have Fibromyalgia and CFS and feel like all these drugs are making me more ill not better. Doctors are quick to prescribe but say nothing about side effects or withdrawal if you want to stop taking.
Everyone is different I have taken cymbalta aweful side effects, trued the new Horizant very bad reaction as well as neurontin landed me in emergency room due to allergic reaction. Lyrics has been a life changer for me! Just be sure to take as directed or you will black out, please do not drive til you see how it effects you. Lowest dose is usually best dose. Great sleep. Not even rls anymore. Expensive most doctors carry samples. But I simply finally found what works for me. I’m a happy sleeper a bit giddy at times. Good luck y’all.
As my ER Doctor said “Lyrica either works really good or really bad!” Well I got the “bad.” My reflexologist said she has never seen anyone have such a terrible reaction to a drug. I had just started Lyrica & was at its lowest dose when on night 4 I laid down to sleep & my arm started jumping & punching – next my legs until my whole body was jumping, twitching, punching – basically totally uncontrolled actions. The worst were the punching (and my husband has the bruises to prove it.)
During the day I would be fine, as long as I was busy. Then the minute I would try to relax, the muscles would take over again & start their “dance.” I would get about 5 to 10 minutes of sleep & then it would start all over again.
After the second night I called my pharmacist – no such reaction she says. Same with the clinic my Doctor works at (my own Doc was away.) So night 3 – worse again! Talked to my doctor the next day & she assured me it had to be something else, but if I liked I could go off the Lyrica – I had already quit it on day 2.
The fourth night it was so bad & now I have had no sleep for 3 nights I went to the ER. My legs & arms were jumping so badly I had to use a wheelchair & if my husband wasn’t holding the chair, even with the brakes on it would move! Yikes! The ER doctor said she had seen this before with Lyrica, but just not quite to this degree!
It took 2 Benadryl, 2 gravol & lorazepam 6 hours to finally allow me to get some rest! When I looked it up this particular side effect it was on the Lyrica website, but very far down so no wonder my pharmacist & doctor didn’t see it . Moral of the story have caution – the only good thing I can say is that the pain it was prescribed for went away for awhile (when nothing else worked) but with no sleep for 4 nights & exhausted muscles, I did not get to enjoy the benefits.
Toledo, Ohio
In 2008 I had brain surgery to remove an acoustic neuroma. The tumor my facial nerves 5-10 with 7 being the worst. It caused partial paralysis to my face. I have been on Lyrica (150mg x3 a day) ever since. Due to insurance reasons I have to switch to Gabapentine (600mg x3 a day)
I am proof that there is Lyrica withdrawal!! Right now I feel awful. My head hurts, I have thrown up, sleep is fleeting and I’m depressed!! I have also stopped Cymbalta (30mg x1 a day).
If anyone has any advice, please help!! This hurts!!
Was put on lowest dose (150mg a day) about 9 months ago at V.A. for DN. At first it was great,helped me sleep,cut my pain way down and even helped with my pee pressure.I was watching me become a person that was a total stranger.Lost my love for my brothers and long time friends.I couldn’t watch commericals on tv and felt like killing a few of them.Had road rage every time I drove,and knew I had to get off this drug.Came off gradually and now suicidal,depressed,nauseous,horrible brain ache,pressure in my chest,hypertension,nightmares and it’s been 4 weeks scence I quit.I have never been depressed in 60 yrs of living until now.Beware,this is the devil tryin to take you out
colorado springs
The big problem is these doctors don’t know what the hell theyre prescribing because they have never taken it themselves. I went to my psychiatrist for a pain med what? I mean I went to my doctor for a psych med and they gave me this pain killer what? … It doesn’t make any sense for them to be pushing this stuff without proper knowledge about it.
Piqua, Ohio
Prescribed Lyrica by doctors at OSU after 2 brain surgeries, radiation and cauterization of my Trigeminal nerve all failed. It has taken away my will to DO ANYTHING while doing nothing for the pain of Trigeminal Neuralgia and Anesthesia dolorosa. Need to get off it but missing just one capsule a day makes the pain 10 times worse. Had to quit my job as a librarian because my vision is so blurry. I would advise to get a 2nd opinion and do some research before taking this drug.
I love your reply. This sarcasm actually perfectly sums up the idiocy of this “medical field”.
I recently had a lumbar fusion and a cervical fusion. I was already on gabapentin before the surgeries to help the nerve pain I was having. That didn’t really seem to help, but you know how it is, you keep hoping and keep upping the dose! After surgery I was still having nerve pain, so it was suggested the I switch to Lyrica. I did and was eventually up to 450mg’s a day, but I was completely exhausted all the time.
My ortho doc wanted me to see a neurologist as a precaution. She told me she thought 450 was too much and that I should immediately drop to 300. So I did with seemingly no problems. That was at least a month ago.
I am still fatigued, so I talked to my primary doctor and we discussed a plan to get off of it altogether. We decided to switch me over to gabapentin in an amount equal to the Lyrica I was taking. Partly due to expense and partly due to the availability of more increments of gaba.
I just started this a few days ago and didn’t really expect much trouble as I was really just switching to a similar drug in the same amount. For the last several days, I have felt terrible. Nausea, fatigue, inability to concentrate, muscle weakness. But the really scary one to me is jumpy muscles. Just out of nowhere, my hand or leg or whatever will jump. Sort of like they might when you are just falling asleep. I have already been thinking I have some sort of neuro disorder, but any test that I have had run came back normal. So this is really adding to my fear.
Could the jumpy muscles be part of withdrawal? Has anyone else experienced anything like this?
I would love to hear from others!
My mother has Parkinson’s as well as pain from slipped disks. She had been on 50mg of Lyrica for some time. Her neurologist put her on 300mg for her neuropathy around May 2015.
That entire Spring she seemed to be getting worse–needing help out of the shower for the first time. By July 1st she said she felt horrible and we went to her primary care doctor.
It was a substitute doctor who told her to stop the Lyrica and come back in a week. He said she could take the 50mg for a while if she wanted to, but he recommended she just stop. Her health then fell off a cliff and she was in the hospital on July 4th, 2015.
The ER doctors seemed dismayed that we were told to stop Lyrica cold turkey, but by that point she had already stopped so there didn’t seem to be any point in going back on to start a weaning process. For three days after that it was hell. She didn’t sleep at all, she was unaware of her behavior, she kept asking to be helped in and out of bed–socks, slippers, on and off each time–to go to the bathroom, but couldn’t go most of the time (I helped her for 36 hours straight, slept for 2, and continued for several more until she finally fell asleep).
When she finally made it through the withdrawals, her Parkinson’s seemed much worse, she could barely walk, she had hallucinations, her pain was worse, and she had several obsessive/compulsive behaviors she didn’t have before. We had to increase her Parkinson’s meds from 3 to 4 a day just so she could walk. At the end of August she ended up in the hospital 3 times, finally for such severe anxiety that she was screaming for hours each night (she had never had anxiety before in her life, and we were at first told it couldn’t be from the Parkinson’s…and then we were told it WAS from the Parkinson’s).
The ER put her on Ativan which seemed to help tremendously for the anxiety, and did seem to help her walk a bit better also. But then her improvement seemed to decline again. We had to hire a caregiver for 4 hours a day while I was at work, and increased the strength of her Parkinson’s meds and increased the frequency to 5 times a day. …
Ultimately we got a new neurologist who added one new Parkinson’s med, and had us wean off the Ativan. The Ativan is now down to less than 2 and 1/4 mg a day, and her Parkinson’s meds are only needed 4 times a day instead of 5. Most of her memory is back. She’s walking without her walker most of the time, and talking better than she did before this ride started, and I’m not exactly sure why or how.
It’s been a year of hell, and they told us that the Lyrica withdrawal couldn’t have been more than 1 week, so all her other problems couldn’t be related. But her worst symptoms all began a day or two after she stopped taking it, and didn’t clear up completely until literally this month. July 2016. It’s been an entire year. I would like to know what REALLY happened regarding Lyrica, but none of the research I did then (or now) seem to give any hints as what effect Lyrica would have going cold turkey from such a high dose, or what effect it might have on a person with Parkinson’s.
I used Lyrica for approximately a year and getting off of it was a nightmare. It took a good four months for 99% of the withdrawl symptoms to go away. I was very tempted to go back on it because of the craziness of the withdrawals ….but trust me when I say it’s worth getting off it and more than that it’s worth never getting on to it. Doctors make you believe that it’s all about relieving your pain and it doesn’t do anything else bad to you.
I have Fibromyalgia and I recently tapered off of the medication.
I now am having mood swings(mainly anger), mild depression, insomnia and social anxieties such as making eye contact.
Does anybody know when or how long these symptoms will last?
On a positive note, I took addd sugars, lactose and gluten out of my diet and I have very little pain aside from morning stiffness!
Can you only take lyrica when the pain is bad instead of taking it on a daily basis? I have very bad nerve pain.
My father suddenly showed signs that would suggest he had a stroke. Confusion, lethargic, trouble communicating, trouble swallowing, rapid weight loss from not eating, sudden problem with his eyes. Medically, the CAT scan showed no problem. They found a UTI that (after antibiotics) gave him Thrush. But found no reason for the sudden change in his health. At the onset of the UTI, everything was pushed off to that problem.
As it got better but the symptoms didn’t improve, a nurse suggested taking him off Lyrica. The doctor did take him off of anything to help with the lethargic issue. The symptoms stayed one day, worse the next, a bit better only to be worse again. His health, however, recovered but neurologically he was in horrible shape from supporting his own weight, feeding himself, swallowing, eyes bothering him to speech problems.
Then, suddenly, he started to show signs of improvement. We are still waiting day to day to see if we move ahead or regress. The only thing we can pin point that had happened/changed with him was being put on Lyrica and taken off of it during the month this all has went on so far. Each day we lean towards the Lyrica being the problem but it’s hard to find information supporting this. I just found this page and many of the problems here he is having.
California (CA)
Just started the Lyrica, as gabapentin had begun to fail me. They are related, I am told, so I just substituted Lyrica for the gabapentin. So far, so good. I am told it takes about two weeks to kick in. A little stomach stuff but I can handle that naturally. Everyone of course is different and will respond in their own way. I was told the Lyrica was a better drug, as you need less of it than gabapentin. I am also going to some lectures on pain by some Neurologists. They suggest writing about the pain, (your emotional responses) and also meditation…mindfullness especially. They say you can reduce the pain by 50% that way. If I can do that, then I will go off of the Lyrica.
I am not sure these drugs are any different than opioids but they are certainly used instead… it will take a while for people to know how good or poor they are. Most important is to go on them with an open mind, and decide for yourself. Not a good idea to be fearful, and if necessary go off of them slowly. Just quitting anything suddenly is not a sensible idea. Also have yourself a Doctor who listens!
I was prescribed lyrics for anxiety , two years ago. I currently take 200mg a day. I’ve put on tons of weight and recently noticed a depressant effect of the medication. My Doctor prescribed Sertraline, to combat this. The Sertraline caused severe jaw clenching and pain and so another drug was prescribed to alleviate this.
I am now in a complete state of distrust. What the hell have they done to me ? I’m suffering so many problems from dosage mistakes and interactions. I feel like they have all done the equivalent of kicking a faulty tv set. Its been a ‘ too many cooks spoil the broth , just prescribe a tablet to get rid of her ‘ thing.
I’m trying to reduce the Lyrica . Its torturous. Even on a small dosage like mine. I only went Down by 25 mg and sleep was impossible. I have extreme rebound anxiety, agitation , increased loud heart beats, jumping, twitching, the lot. I have decided to tackle the anti depressant instead . I want to get my body free of all of these drugs eventualy and the only way it seems possible, is to use my own judgement and reduce my dose by tinieramounts than the doctor can or is willing to help with. This will envoke careful measuring, weighing, storing , making into suspensions and so on. I am reflective of my extreme history of depression and anxiety. I know these things. If anti depressants and anti anxiety drugs really worked , then there would be no suicides.
We come into the world drug free and should try to achieve as much as is possible for each individual, to leave the same way. With acceptance of the fact that medicine is amazing to keep us alive, not all is good.
I have been on Lyrica for about 5 months for RLS and pain. My initial dose was 75mg twice a day. The first week or so it felt like I was blissfully drunk.
However after a couple weeks my symptoms became worse. The RLS was occurring all day not just at night. I was constantly dizzy and drowsy and my energy was so low I couldn’t function on a normal level. Life just became really hard.
My symptoms eventually got worse. I was told to step up the lyrica to 4 75mg a day which helped only temporarily.
I became very depressed as well with outbursts of violence towards myself and others. I was put on gabapetin for about a month to try and alleviate the symptoms that lyrica was no longer helping but found that made it even worse.
I came off gabapetin over a week as my dose was so low but found that I was getting intense stomach cramps and vomiting. I could not eat or drink as it would make me so sick.
I’ve stepped down the Lyrica to 2 caps a day and found my symptoms improving but am still coping with stomach problems.
I have been on Pregabalin for five years. Initially it was px for anxiety by a Consultant Psychiatrist (off label use). For the first few weeks it worked well but gradually it seemed that tolerance developed and higher doses were required to achieve the same results.
I was on 600mg a day at its worst and am now on 300mg and tapering down over several months. Coming off Pregabalin has been a nightmare. I have tried on twelve occasions to reduce and stop but the profound anxiety and palpitations have been appalling. It is only by taking Propanolol along with tapering that I am finally able to see light at the end of the tunnel.
My message to anyone offered Pregabalin by a Doctor is consider very carefully if you want to start this drug. Whilst some folk seem to come off it relatively easily websites are now replete with folks experience of profound withdrawal symptoms. The anxiety and palpitations (fight or flight response 24hrs a day) almost led me to end my life” I cannot describe just how crippled I was emotionally by the anxiety. I feared everything and could barely function. Please take time to think over if you want to start it. If you suffer with anxiety and are given Pregabalin you may have much more intense anxiety if for any reason you cannot get your prescription and run out. Be happy to converse with anyone who wants to discuss this topic further.
Lyrica is a bad drug. Period ! I have been through a lot of tough challenges in my life, but none like the challenge Lyrica has presented me. I can’t take it without getting severe side effects, and when I try to stop it, they get worse. It strips you of self. I have had racing heart, palpitations, chills, night sweats, visual disturbances, insomnia, nightmares, and on and on.
The withdrawal symptoms are sheer terror. Nothing seems real. Paranoia settles in. This is all made worse by the fact that Pfizer knows nothing about it. My doctors don’t know. My pharmacists have no idea. Some look at me like I’m crazy, but the thousands of people reporting the same difficulties can’t all be wrong. 3,500 have a support group on Facebook because it’s so mis-prescribed and less understood. When the truth is known, the suffering will stop.
how do I find the support group on facebook?
colorado springs
I have been on 300mg of lyrica for 18 months. I had broken my neck and the nerve pain in my right arm and hand are severe… my doctor refused to renew my prescription and I did not think too much about it. I stopped the lyrica cold turkey not knowing anything about side effects of quitting.
Imagine my shock when I started feeling like I am on speed. I cannot fall asleep and it is very hard to sit still let alone lay in bed. The withdrawal started within 2 days of stopping the lyrica. it has now been 11 days and there is no relief in sight. I finally went online to see if the severe nervousness was withdrawal from lyrica. I did not have any idea that many people are having this withdrawal problem too. even though it has been 11 days the withdrawal is not any less intense.
I have no idea how long this will last but it is really making me crazy. I do not drink alcohol but I am really tempted to. I am really beginning to think that any medication that is so hard to stop can’t really be much good for your body. I wish that there was some sign that the withdrawal will subside, but if anything it seems worse today.
Central Coast
Hi all, well I’ve been in Lyrica & Celebrex for approximately 8 years for carpal tunnel in both hands and nerve damage in one shoulder and it’s definitely not the drug for me. I have suffered blurry vision, headaches, fatigue all day, can’t sleep at night, memory loss, weight gain, constipation and depression. These all started out very mildly but have gotten a lot worse over time. I have questioned the use of this drug for quite some time but it’s only recently when attending a new doctor that I have a result. In conjunction with a naturopath & a nutritionist I am now on natural remedies and have my fingers crossed that they work, so far so good. I slowly took myself of Lyrica & Celebrex by cutting them back to every second day, then I would skip wk ends & in this time I have introduced my natural medicine. This will not be the answer for everyone but I’m hoping it is for me.
LYRICA ruind my life.I stopped it as caused so many issues stopped it dead went cold turkey sufferd withdrawals bad for 3 long years. I’m better than I was but I’ve never been how I was b4 this drug I’m still not back to the old me that I was b4 lyrica don’t think I ever will at this rate
My friend was prescribed this drug for one month and her face and eyes are swollen. She is distraught and cannot concentrate and she was told by her GP to stop abruptly. She has since been told that the swelling is permanent? Not sure how to support her…. I hope thing will improve in time.
I have Been taking lyrica for fibromyalgia for about the past three years. I did stop taking it for about 9 months due to no medical insurance. I noticed side effects after I stopped taking it. I noticed I was less irritable, had somewhat more energy, insomnia wasn’t as bad. I also was more focused off of it. I went back on it last November and I am having same side effects.
It also only takes away about 25-50% of pain. And that’s on my “okay” pain days. Hardly touches the pain on my bad pain days.
I have made the decision to take the homeopathic route and do herbal remedies. Weaning myself off Lyrica which I started tonight.
New York
Injured my back in 2001 and suffer with constant pain. Pain management doctor has run me through all kinds of meds including Fentanyl patches which were horrible. So I gave them back to doc. Been given shots into back with no help either. Finally, I was prescribed Hydrocodone, and it kept me at a pain level tolerable enough to function. Surgery not an option, long story.
It’s been a roller-coaster with these pills, too. Went from 3x per day 10/350 up to 6x per day. Getting doctor to understand the need lately when pain exceeds any pain I ever experienced including five knee surgeries. You build tolerance to these damn things, and suffering through pain to lower my need is a pain in itself but do-able.
Well now the federal government decides everyone is a drug addict who require opiates to maintain any quality of life. Now pain-management doctor is all flustered and won’t prescribe over 5x per day dosage But, now here’s the rub: he is supplementing my opiates with lyrica. I admit that they do work but with all the side effects everyone is experiencing. My days that I take these during major exacerbation are totally in a fog and sleeping.
I hate the need to be taking any pills to be able to simply walk without severe pain but accept them reluctantly as a necessary evil. Long drawn out story on how I manage my pain and medication consumption so I will end simply by saying the Lyrica sucks but works. I take them 2 to 3 days per week because pain doctor is afraid of government pulling his license by giving me the 6th Hydrocodone. His new tactic is Butran patches supplemented with Lyrica with the advice not to read too much into the new drug side effects, as they are all blown out of proportion.
He seems more concerned for his license than for my pain and quality of life! Can’t look for new doctor either because that is considered “shopping”. Sorry not for me! I hate the Hydrocodone but the Lyrica is even worse! Folks like us who suffer endless pain will continue to fight the good fight with or without doctors 100% support. Be your own advocate. I will continue on Hydrocodone with the occasional Lyrica for the major pain-filled days. I have noted a 10lb weight gain due to need for pain relief during this last 5+ weeks of being unable to walk without the aid of a cane, pain exacerbation, and the need to take the Lyrica as stated above. Good luck to us all who suffer!
I started taking this provided by my dr. for pain from BACK INJURY FIBRO AND LUPIS they said Lupis and Fibro although I had a previous back injury and one painful small now shunken to nothing kidney from botched kidney operation yrs before. I also take plaquinal so it is difficult to tell which causes the dizziness, bouts of anxiety, anger and what I call meanness.
I was never like that even on my worst days after 6 yrs I now want off lyrica I have tried getting of plaquinal and it is easy doesn’t cause any difference only causes joint pain to increase, I think. The Lyrica is nasty to get off I can cut down from 150 to 100 when I get to less than that yes it’s can’t sleep sweat. Nightmares, cold hot, full of pain. and it doesn’t stop, my dr says I imagine this oh ya. I cannot get off this drug and I have always been able to stop any other even opiates so whats up?
Wait what? Your doctor is still prescribing you 4-5 hydrocodone a day??? Not to sound uncaring but you are walking on streets of gold brother! I would give anything to be in your situation…I mean anything!
I, too, was involved in a horrible auto accident in 2013 and have crps. I have nonstop rib pain and nerve damage…so I have agony every day. I was put on 3 Norco a day…took 60% of my pain away. Now as of 1/13/17 my doctor COMPLETELY revoked prescribing any schedule 2 opiates too his patients. I went into that appointment to make the case that I needed to be upped to 4 a day and left being told no more hydrocodone at all…ever.
I, too, was put on 400 mg Lyrica and these so called Butrans patches. The patches are worthless and I can only take the lyrica every 2 days because of tolerance and side effects. That leaves me with 20 days out of a month with zero pain relief except for “Advil” rolls eyes. I went from nominal to adequate pain relief to agony almost everyday. I too can’t switch doctor do to fear of looking like I am “shopping”. Bro all I can say is enjoy your 4-5 Norco a day…you may not always get to have it.
I have been struggling with withdrawals from Lyrica and Targin for almost two weeks. I will be completely off Lyrica within a few days and hopefully off Targin in about 10 days! My dosages were by no means high in comparison to what I have been reading about, but the symptoms are so recognisable. Flu – like symptoms, insomnia, restlessness, cramping legs and occasional stomach cramps, dry mouth etc. I was not advised at any stage of side effects, nor what I could look forward to if I stopped. I read a lot about both drugs so was somewhat informed. I found I could not tolerate more than 125mg of Lyrica daily if I was to function and not want to sit in my chair and sleep my life away. The fatigue that comes with this drug is abysmal. Why is it not mandatory for Doctors to fully explain what can eventuate should one withdraw from this drug? Also when coupled with another addictive drug like Targin the process of withdrawal becomes almost intolerable. I might add the benefits I gained from taking these drugs was insufficient for me to ever want to put myself through such misery again.
One valuable lesson learned however is to not be so judgmental about poor wretched drug addicts who fail time and time again to rid themselves of their addictions!
Like Jennifer, I too, have been on both Lyrica and Targin but only for a few weeks following a hip replacement. I wound down both the Lyrica and the Targin in the past week or so by taking smaller doses and then completely stopped a few days ago. I am now experiencing severe nausea with some vomiting, chills and insomnia. If I had been warned about the withdrawal issues I doubt that I would have taken Lyrica at all as it was only prescribed because the Doctor “thought” I had nerve pain which actually turned out to be pain from the urinary catheter.
Jennifer, it touched my heart to hear the last part of your post about not being so harsh about judging addicts. We treat the people with the disease of addiction as though they are societies rejects and not worth stepping over them in a dirty alley. The medical profession is so kind to those who are laden with mental health issues…but not those with this disease. So far the so called “war on drugs” has created a generations of people heartlessly cold to people who just use a “substance”.
Indiana USA
Continued from my previous comment that I forgot to add. Aloso I have gained weight while on Lyrica 35 lbs and I’m only 5ft. I have been on Lyrica for 6 mos. Went cold turkey for about almost 2 weeks and couldn’t take the side effects.
Indiana USA
I have been taking Lyrica 100mg 2X a day. Lyrica does work for me but with side effects such as dizziness, makes me feel like I’m in a fog in my head and either zone out or get lost in thought. Forgetfulness, a loss of motor functions with hands and walking not svere but I do stumble or drop things. When I realize this I quit taking the lyrics cold turkey. Unaware of any type of withdrawal symptoms until after I quit taking them. I started getting restless leg syndrome, sleeplessness, anxiety attacts. Which I already suffered from but got worse. I felt like pins and needles in different parts of my body, and diarrhea.
I had multiple spinal surgeries from 15yrs old for scoliosis, and contracted MRSA in my second op and died a few times etc and should never be here basically… but lived to tell the tale. Since then I have had a range of opioids on hand for my varied levels of constant pain. Panadeine forte to oxycontin. I made a rule never to take the opioids more than 3 days in a row to prevent building up a tolerance and to reduce side effects.
Thus was against the pain clinics advice to take more to cut the pain down… but I like sleep and they basically were like taking speed. Now at 35 I was getting to a stage where it was difficult to skip the 4th day as pain was just getting worse (and always will, it’s never going to heal and i have come to terms with this) i think majoritively because my toddler is just getting to big and heavy which puts more stress on me and I relax less as he is always on the go ergo so am I.
A few months ago I started lyrica. 25mg twice a day… then increased to 50mg twice daily and now on 75mg twice daily. At 25 and 50 i felt tired, dizzy, lethargic etc but at 75 this seems to have dissipated a bunch and is seldom opposed to constant. My pain is bugger all however if I hurt myself it all rushes back for a day or so then settles fast. I also have a miraculous physio who works wonders. I skipped a dose once and will never do that again… same thing, all the pain came back.
The main side effects I feel, yet outweighed by the lack of pain I feel, is not so much blurry vision as floaty bits that are off putting but I got this with the opioids so I suppose I’m used to it, I drop stuff more often, and I occasionally nap in the arvo. I wouldn’t need a higher dose at this stage as this feels very comfortable.
I have lost weight and reached my goal weight as I can now be more active from less pain. The brain fog is minor and no different to opioids. The win opposed to opiates is that I don’t get the icky come down that I had from them or the constipation. Overall I think it’s a real win, however if I ever do stop it I would be worried after reading these posts.
That said I’m a tough cookie (mentally and sometimes physically) and would deal with it best I could. To be painkiller free and no major side effects is like a miracle for me after 20 years of increasing and sometimes debilitating pain. I guess I’m the proof it does work on some rather well. Best of luck to those who it hasn’t done so well for.
I really don’t understand when I hear posts like yours (no offense I know they are genuine). I have constant nerve pain in my back that can only be described as when you took the receding gum line of your tooth, you know, that searing and stabbing nerve “jolt”? Well I get that all over my back over and over for 16/24 hours a day. I would take ANY opiate if it killed the pain, but I can’t, because all doctors now think opiate users are secretly selling crack out the back door.
All I have is Lyrica, and it sucks and never works. I will take opiates any day and anytime if someone caring enough in the medical field would actually prescribe them and not treat them as if they are “the devil’s work”…
Oh and another caviat, when taken off the Norco I started smoking do to the pain and stress…so now I will die earlier in life then before from taking “the deadly opiate”. Thanks docs for truly looking out for my health and wellbeing.
Gloria Wijburg
South Africa
I have been on Lyrica for 1yearI had a eye op and got Shingles in my left forehead ubove the eye that was op on I have got down to 75mg once a day because my pain is so pain by the late afternoon I have to take a tab. I have tried to fond out what Doctor I should go to for this shingles pain but nobody seems to know I am really I am going out of my mind with this scraching and pain. PLease can someone help me.
I had pin in both feet took 600mg a day I am down to 300mg a day now I am doing it for two years now…
From what I know
1. Stay warm the cold effect the pain
2. There are some oils that you can rub on the affected aria that will take some of the feeling a way
Like eucalyptus oil helped me a lot
Thank goodness I found this website and others on the same subject! I had thought I was going nuts.
I have been on Lyrica for approximately 2 years, starting off on 75 mg bd. That gave me some relief to the pain symptoms of stenosis of the spine for a while, but soon needed increasing to 150mg bd around 6 months ago. In that 6 months I have gained over 10 kg in weight, without any change to a normal sized healthy diet or change in my activity level. I have also started to experience very painful oedema in my lower limbs, to the extent there are days I can barely walk.
In an attempt to combat my weight gain and the oedema I approached my Dr. who told me I needed to look at my diet, and recommended that I see a dietitian, and that weight gain can contribute to water retention. In hindsight, it seems that my Dr knew as much about the effects of Lyrica as I did! She then placed me on fluid retention medication… sigh. I knew there had to be another explanation, so a few days ago I started to research Lyrica and found this website, and others, confirming my suspicions that it was this medication at the root of my problems.
Initially, after reading many of the comments I decided to come off the drug ‘cold turkey’, but the more I read about the withdrawal symptoms so many of you have experienced, I have decided that a reduction over a 3 week period was a better way to approach the cessation of the medication.
I also noted that many people suggested that taking doses of vitamins; B, C, D and fish oil seems to have helped many people weather the withdrawal symptoms, as well as lots of water, to help flush the drug from the system, also adding a small pinch of salt to the water every now and then.
This medication has turned my life upside down in just a few short months; I have gone from being reasonable active, reasonably slim adult to someone who doesn’t so much walk as shuffle, because of the oedema, on a bad day. It would appear that the cure, in the case of Lyrica, is far worse than the cause for which it was prescribed. It certainly gives food for thought that when the health professionals carry on banging their collective drums about weight being one of the major health concerns of the general population, how much of it is caused by drugs/medications of this nature, and not by the perceived ‘unhealthy’ lifestyle that they like to blame?
I am now on the 3rd day of the reduction from this medication and I’m expecting to start experiencing the full force of the withdrawal symptoms any time soon. So far all I’ve experienced is a feeling of mild anxiety, palpitations and breathlessness, but that could be due to the empathy I feel for so many of you that I have discovered who are in the same situation as myself. Hang in there all of you!
The first 50MG pill I took worked like a charm. After that, I would just fall asleep.
Then I got nauseated, constipated, swollen belly, sweating, cranky, dizzy, blurry vision and I almost fell over for no reason. I was suppose to take (1) twice a day. The first pill made me so sleepy that I did not take the second dose. I can only keep down broth or dry crackers.
I am not taking it anymore, and that started 2 days ago, I break into the worst sweat in front of everyone. I had a 360 degree fusion with 2 artificial discs, plus they noticed during the surgery, that my L-4-5 nerve, going into my left leg was frayed. That is why my left foot is still either 80% numb or tingling. I am so nauseated today and achy like the flu. I literally feel like I will puke.
This pill is the pits and getting it out of your system, even after only taking it for a week, is the hardest thing I have experienced. Any idea how much longer this will last? I had night sweats as well and its winter.
I’ve been on Lyrica for about 4 months now and my nerve pain in my legs have completely gone away. I have however put on about 10-15 kilograms in that time. Now that I’m getting married in 6 months I want to get off these tablets and hopefully go back to how I used to be, I’m only 160cm tall so adding 15kg to my frame has been horrifying to me. I really thought I looked up the side effects to Lyrica before I tried them and I didn’t see any weight gain but now I can see plenty of forums saying just that. I’ve been reducing my dose to only 150mg X 1 per day instead of twice and it’s only been 4 days and already my pain is back and very severe. I don’t know what to do or what to try but I really want to lose the weight in the next 6 months and be pain free…is that possible?? Please help
I’ve been on Lyrica for about 4 months now and my nerve pain in my legs have completely gone away. I have however put on about 10-15 kilograms in that time. Now that I’m getting married in 6 months I want to get off these tablets and hopefully go back to how I used to be, I’m only 160cm tall so adding 15kg to my fram has been horrifying to me. I really thought I looked up the side effects to Lyrica before I tired and I didn’t see any weight gain but now I can see plenty of found saying just that. I’ve been reducing my dose to only 150mg X 1 per day instead of twice and it’s only been 4 days and already my pain is back and very severe. I don’t know what to do or what to try but I really want to lose the weight in the next 6 months and be pain free…is that possible?? Please help
Evans mills ny
I am getting off lyrica that I was given for fibromanelgia but I could not cry at all was the main thing I noticed did anyone else have this problem? I will be glad to go off it never again.
durham uk
i have been on 300mg twice a day for 3 years and put on over 2stone but the last few ,onth i felt they were nothing for me and asked the doc to take me off them, i have been cutting down over the last 3 weeks and except for sweats and then feeling cold i have been ok but my doc did put me neafopam or acupam its other name , the pain as nearly disappeared and it is nice to be able to walk about without pain, although i cannot still stand and do anything,but after 5 years of agony i am really please with these tablets
GPs are almost totally unaware and/or generally unable to accept anecdotal information regarding the dangers of withdrawing from Lyrica.
To demonstrate how oblivious GPs can be, My GP actually gave me a months’ long large 1000mg dose of Cipro while I was starting a second phase of treatment with Cymbalta, (which causes a MASSIVE increase in Cymbalta’s effect: http://www.drugs.com/drug-interactions/ciprofloxacin-with-cymbalta-672-0-949-2273.html?professional=1) and left me with Serotonin syndrome. It was NOT fun.
I’m 27 now, and was on 600mgs a day for 2 years. I was taking it for fibromyalgia-related nerve pain. Recently its effectiveness had waned to a negligible amount, so I tapered off it. Knowing the possible adverse effects (from the wonderful WWW, not my GP :/) ; I soldiered on through the process.
Side effects: – Vomiting/Nausea
– Cold sweats
– Hot flashes
– Severe tremor
– Severe diarrhoea , followed by Chronic constipation
– Hypervigilance
– Migraines
– Insomnia
– Body wide fasciculations
– Confusion, Depression, anxiety, restlessness
– etc.. Too many to even list!
And all of this, for me, lasted MANY months; with numerous side effects which can continue for a long time., if not for the rest of your existence.
This is a drug which is gaining in popularity, so with that I hope that doctors become more aware and concerned with its discontinuation and withdrawal effects. It may be a fantastic drug in the short term; but when its effects become negligible, and you decide to come off this drug, expect a nightmarish hell that will make benzodiazepine withdrawal and opioid withdrawal look like like a cozy picnic.
And for anyone looking into Cymbalta; Just do yourself a favour and STAY AWAY unless you’ve exhausted every other avenue possible. Its discontinuation syndrome is equally as horrifying. Withdrawal is easier in the short term than Lyrica, (aside from the brain zaps) but much harder in the long term. It can leave you fundamentally changed forever in terms of your body’s ability to balance its neurochemicals. This can leave you with snri discontinuation syndrome which can be a very long-lasting nightmare.
To end on a positive note; Your body has a miraculous ability to heal when given the right circumstances and the right support, so never give up, and just keep fighting :)
I have been on Lyrica for four almost five years. With a weight gain of 100lbs. I finally just told the pain management doc I wanted off. We did a 3 week taper. I have lost 15lbs without trying. I use Nucynya for the fibromyalgia and arthritis. My pain is somewhat improved and my attitude is becoming normal again. All I can say is to find the recipe of medications and alternative care that works for you. And, never be afraid to throw in the towel and start the treatment process over. I am so glad I did!
Correct spelling Nucynta.
I have been on Lyrica for over 5 years now. I build up to 900mg per day, taking 300 3X per day. I did not function well taking Lyrica during the day (the brain fog everyone talks about.) I cut out the 300mg taken during the day and only took it in the morning and evening (600mg) but even that was too much and I cut down to 300mg at night only.
I have been taking it this way for maybe the last year and a half. I have gained over 100 lbs in weight and now I want to get off of Lyrica entirely. I called my doctor first who said go ahead and drop down to one 150mg pill a night for a whole week and then let’s see how you are. I seemed to have tolerated reducing the amount well enough and after a week the doctor said go ahead and cut the other pill out. The last pill I took was on a Tuesday evening. By Friday morning I was starting to go through some pretty tough withdrawal symptoms and it was getting worse as the day went on.
By Saturday, I had not slept for two whole days and I was anxious, near panic states, angry, a complete cotton dry mouth, having hot flashes, chills, extreme headache, sleeplessness and severe depression. I knew I was dying, no doubt about it and I started saying good by to my family members one by one, not suicidal which means taking your own life, but simply feeling life was over. By Sunday as symptoms continued to get even worse as I became touch sensitive, hearing sensitive and strange smells coming to my nose, my husband and I tried to reach the trauma nurse on duty who tried to reach the doctor. I went back on 150 mg capsule Sunday evening and slept well. Monday I reached the doctor who agreed to call in a prescription for 75mg capsules which I expect will be an easier cut down. The doctor said I may need to stay at that dosage and not try to quit completely, my body being in too much of a need of it. That said, no prescription has come through yet and I remain on the 150 mg capsule at night only. Most of the withdrawal symptoms have disappeared with the exception of the depression. I still plan to get off of it completely but will need to find a better way to do it.
Newcastle Upon Tyne
Hi Sharon
Hope your feeling ok. I’ve been on Pregabalin for 1 year and Gabapentin before that. I too have suffered many side effects and have wanted off this drug for some time now. I was taking 300 mg a day 150 in morning and 150 at night. I’ve have now reduced this to half the doses.
You must tapper your dosage down slowly and will probably take a month or so to come off completely. Don’t give up just take your time and you’ll get there ….. good luck
Your comment about life being over and saying goodbye to everyone happened to my mother as well. Mom has Parkinson’s and slipped disks. She stopped cold turkey (from 300mg/day) July 1st, 2015. By August 24, 2015, she told me she “wasn’t going to make it” and wanted me to get herto the phone so she could say goodbye to everyone.
When I refused (as I could tell that whatever was going on with her, it wasn’t that she was about to die), she started screaming and generally showing extreme anxiety and anger (totally out of character). It seems to have taken a whole year for my mother to recover from stopping the Lyrica, which had me extremely confused early on as they told me withdrawals would only last a week, when clearly she had very specific problems that began a day or two after stopping it–problems she had never had before and were ongoing for far longer than a week. (Despite all her doctors saying withdrawals don’t last that long, the EMS guy told us on August 24–which was nearly two months later–that “you can never tell how someone might react to stopping something like Lyrica”.)
It has been extremely difficult to get reliable information as none of the doctors will say anything that might reflect negatively on another doctor’s actions, prescriptions, etc., and finding anything on the internet has been mostly futile. We went from thinking we would have to put mom in a nursing home last summer, to her back to “normal”, and in many ways better than she was before ever taking Lyrica this summer (her greatest improvements being these last two months, June and July 2016). The only different things we have done are add one new Parkinson’s medication, added two vitamin B complex vitamins, added one sublingual B12, a daily multivitamin, and begun reducing her Ativan that they started her on in August 2015. She was taking 3 to 3 & 1/2 mg of Ativan.
Now she’s taking 2 and 1/4 a day. We’re only reducing by 1/16 of a mg per week as going faster than that will put her in a screaming fit again. And again, no one told us that there is a “rebound” effect when reducing Ativan, ie, the symptoms for which you took the drug to begin with resurface WORSE than they were before…unless you go very slowly to reduce it. So earlier in the year when we tried to reduce, we thought her underlying anxiety was still there and the Ativan was controlling it…when in fact it was just Ativan withdrawal. Anyway, I agree with those who say you must be your own advocate. And Lyrica definitely had a negative effect on my mother, before stopping it and especially after stopping it. (I posted a separate comment on mom’s story also with more details.)
Austin, TX
I just started Lyrica for Fibromyalgia about 2 months ago. I was on 75mgs a day and because I was still in so much pain doctor increased it to 150mgs 2x day.
I have noticed a pretty severe increase in brain fog but it can fluctuate dramatically from day to day. I have much much less overall pain, which is fabulous, but I am far from 100% pain free.
I am willing to continue to give this Lyrica a go for another month or two and see if I adjust or if the cognitive blur side effects decrease enough to make the payoff greater than the cost. In the meantime I will continue to look for alternatives.
I have a very complex system in addition to Fibromyalgia and I have never responded to alternative meds for my various conditions which include ADHD/Bi-Polar I, Anxiety, PMDD, and D.I.D.
I was med free for six years as my other symptoms pretty much went into remission or I was able to deal with the issues through a strong meditative, spiritual, and general lifestyle that afforded me the ability to be med free. (I still live this lifestyle today).
However, about a year and a half ago I ran into a series of sudden and abrupt major losses and life changes that sent me back to pharmaceuticals. I have not responded well to most of them. Meaning I have had edema responses to most of the meds and/or developed an allergic reaction.
The only meds that I have not had this reaction to are Aderall and Ativan. I am also currently taking Seroquil again but am having severe lethargy as well as increased edema to it.
I realize this post is beyond the scope of the Lyrica discussion but I can’t very well leave the additional information out either as one of the issues with the Lyrica is the increased brain fog, which is making the Aderall way less effective, and the possibility that there is a reaction between the Seroquil and the Lyrica that is further contributing to brain fog and lethargy.
I am advocate for people finding the right treatment approach for the individual. I just really wish that one day the pharmaceutical industry would work cooperatively and hand in hand with the alternative approaches to give people their best possible chance. Thank you.
Los Angeles
I took one lyrica 2 years ago for anxiety. About 30 mins after taking it I felt horrible and drunk/dizzy, I had to leave work, I could barely get home because everything looked and felt so weird. I finally got home and went to sleep. Then woke up to treacherous pain in my hands and back, I was 23 and never dealt with joint pains, I never took it again, now 25 and still deal with crippling pains including in my back. It’s sad how this med has disabled me, I can no longer even excersize, sometimes can’t even open a jar all of this after trying one high dose of lyrica. Beware! I wished I could say the effects left me alone. 2 Years and no relief
Dustin I also took just one Lyrica (first and only) at 11pm and had very similar reactions to you that began in a very short time of taking the pill. I went to bed and at 4am awoke suffering stroke like symptoms, vomiting and totally deaf in my left ear. Long story short ambulance called, hospitalization, violently ill and now 18 months later still minus 100% hearing in my left ear. Specialists have told me that it is permanent. One pill, one night and irreparable damage. Beware indeed!!
I was prescribed Lyrica to treat severe neuropathy that developed after a spinal trauma. Pain and ‘sensations’ were keeping me awake at night and I was very uncomfortable to say the least. My neurologist started me on 600mg of Lyrica ( starting with 50 twice a day and over three week working up to 300 twice a day). I’ve been on it for two months now, it’s been the ‘magic’ drug for me that made the nerve pain tolerable.
The primary side effect for me has been gaining a few pounds. I’ve been taking Vicodin, Flexeril and NSAID long term with breaks since the trauma, and now adding Lyrica as a constant seems to let me feel ‘normal’ again, or as normal as I can be since the trauma. Unfortunately physical therapy, and chiropractic haven’t provided significant relief, not that I’m giving up, trust me I’d rather be drug free as I hate taking Rx’s.
Sometime life life hands us a bum deal, but just wanted to let people know Lyrica seems to be working for some us. I’ve been told not to quit cold, when the time comes to stop taking Lyrica to slowly reduce dose over 3 weeks to wean off, sounds like from other post I can count on some withdraw issues at that time.
Canberra, Australia
Yes, it seems to be working a miracle for me too. I had a back injury and after many months I seem to be with tolerable pain. I have the ‘fog like’ feeling that everyone is talking about, find concentration difficult, fine myself making mistakes more often. Still, I want to give it more time and see if the side effects will go away as I feel so good after started taking Lyrica.
Wilkes Barre, PA
I am weaning off the last 50mg dose (I was on 3x day). This has been a painful process. My biggest complaint is at night: I do not stay asleep (toss and turn all night), and my shirt is soaking in sweat, sometimes 3 times a night. I am about a week into this final drop, and am a zombie.
I wanted to share one thing that seems to help — a pinch of salt in my water bottle. I don’t know how or why, but during the day it is my survival. It makes me feel at least alive and seems to cut the chills down too.
Good luck all. This is horrible!
I was taking to start 300 mg up to 300×3 GABA . This first thing I had was acid trips, I was trying to sleep and reaching out to nothing ? I took at night with Zanaflex, for 3 months. I finally stopped cold turkey, going back to the gym and getting healthy. BUT, I woke up all the time in the night with my mouth so dry and tounge glued to my mouth that u had teeth marks in my tounge?? Why did the Doc not tell me if this horrible drug?? They dnt want you to take pain meds (opides) but they will give you this drug??
And I had HORRIBLE withdrawals from GABA !! I thought I was going to jump out of my skin!! Went to the doc., Sunday, they ran blood, ekg and X-rays. They knew I was NOT feeling good! Have not slept in over a week!! Finally started to feel better and then go to the pain Managment Doctor and they give me Lyrica?? I am scared to death to take this drug! I can not and will not go through that again. Why are the pushing us to take medicine like this GABA?? No marijuana or pain pills?? Take somthing that really will mess with you??? Come on!!
I will stick with my plan and go back to the gym and take vitamins. And only take pain medication when I need it….
I made the mistake and took my first 25mg and last 25mg Lyrica…. I can not go through more of that horrible feeling. I wish I would have read this first….. Thanks
Freemansburg, Pa
I was put on Lyrica 50 mg for nerve pain due to Spinal Stenosis. First week was fine. Second week I was using my inhaler for my asthma more often. By day 14 I had breathing difficulty and it felt like my heart was being squeased. My chest was hurting. It was a Saturday and couldn’t get my doctor. I stopped Lyrica on my own and my side effects went away.
New York
Who takes 600 – 900 mg a day and what for? You have to have your own grasp on things regarding medications.
I am an LPN who works in New York. 15 years ago I started having nonspecific nerve pain along the entire right side of my body. I was put on 150mg of Lyrica, but eventually went down to 75mg with the help of physical therapy and Vicodin for acute flare-ups.
I normally do not have any pain except when under undue stress. My pain flared up recently and just got worse. Here, the doctors do not want to prescribe painkillers. So this jerk of a doctor gave me 5mg of Vicodin for 15 days. Well I spent a week in horrible leg, arm, and facial pain.
Finally I went to a well-known chiropractor who did more stretching me out and then adjusting things, and the next day all the pain was gone. Try anything: chiro, physical therapy, acupuncture, herbs, meditation, faith healers, other medications, use heat, use muscle soaks. My best to all of you.
I was prescribed Lyrica due to Multiple Sclerosis. I feel more depressed with even less energy than the little that I had before taking this drug. I don’t feel like doing anything except stay in bed. I’ve had weight gain and eating a lot more than before. My hands and feet are swollen, can’t get my wedding ring on/off due to swelling. Don’t want to talk with anyone or socialize. Feel lethargic, just don’t care about anything. Can’t think straight and my speech has been affected.
Basically, this drug has compounded my existent MS symptoms and made them worse. I still have pain, such as numbness with pins/needles but also now seem to have more joint pain. I already had muscle spasticity, tightness but it is much worse since taking Lyrica. I am in more pain now than before with additional negative effects. Thankful to have read about the withdrawal because I had decided to quit cold turkey but will taper.
I have similar experiences to those mentions above: dry mouth, no appetite, blurry vision. I had been given Lyrica because of the side effects of gabapentin caused me to be so tired I could barely function and caused me to have hot flashes like I was in menopause again. Both drugs were to help nerve pain from a pinched nerve in my back. I could see no improvement in my pain level. The doctor started me on 25 mg increasing to 75 mg a day. Wanted me to go up to 150 mg a day in two doses. The cost was prohibitive. Have been trying to wean myself off the Lyrica and am down to 25 mg a day. But after discontinuing the drug for four days started to have really bad withdrawal symptoms had to take 25 mg again. Guess I’ll try 25 mg every other day for a week or so and see how that works. I concur this drug is dangerous.
co durham
My sister was put on this drug she has ms she suffered a mental break down 4 yrs ago was prescribed this drug she decided because of bladder problem just to stop taking it she has now had a seizure and in hospital can anybody help shes very confused sweating bladder problem still there shakey very anxious this is heartbreaking shes only 47
I have been taking Lyrica for a little over a month for chronic osteoarthritis pain. I have none-so far-of the other side effects ppl talk of
I know this sounds crazy (even crazier then lyrica?) but in the last week or so, I have been ‘processing’ what I see in common everyday items, like always. But here is the issue-when I see these things, my brain is processing their names in Spanish (I do not speak Spanish fluently but have had a lot of exposure to the lang over about a 20 yr period). I cannot carry on a conversation in the language but I do find myself thinking to say the item names out loud in spanish to my children or wife-it takes a bit of ‘over-ride’ to say it in english.
Nutty right? IS there anyone else here that has had anything similar to this? If so, have you had the courage to tell your Dr-that is courage that if you says this, he/she will automatically assume some type of psych issue instead of a side effect issue?
Pls comment back.
This is the second time I’ve been on Lyrica, Pregablin. I was able to get off it before and intend to this time also God willing. I take 300mg daily which I have reduced to 150mg daily. I was given it for anxiety but I don’t believe it was anxiety I had. The weight gain is awful hence the reason I want off it.
I don’t think of things in another language or anything, but have found since I started taking Lyrica a month ago that I have started to analyze all things. This is not normal for me and makes it hard to concentrate on the tasks at hand. I have fibromyalgia so the brain fog is normal, but this kind of kicks my brain into overdrive and instead of thinking slowly or foggily now it is constant, continuous flow of random thoughts that I cannot control. I have not brought this to my physicians attention as of yet, but I to have been called “crazy” or that all of the pain, brain fog, and anxiety is “in my head.” So I do understand your fear.
I just weaned myself off of Lyrica, I recognized the depression that I have been experiencing and am all to familiar with. I have been dealing with fibromyalgia since 1990 I eventually want to be off all meds. I am now looking into the oils from marijuana to see if that gives me relief. Has anyone out there tried this yet? If so I would like the input. And yes this depression is like no other!
Hi, how did you wean off of lyrica? I must get off this drug. Did you have any success w using oil therapy? Please reply?
Brief history… Iam 45 years old and have had 20+ orthopedic and reconstructive surgeries. I have had some very intensive surgeries that dealt with cutting out bone in my leg and back and placing a rod down my tibia and a cage in my lower back. Doctors have put me on many meds for pain,depression and sleep issue’s. I would like to get off all my meds but know that’s not going to happen so the best thing I have found to work is the marijuana oils. With permission from my pain management doctor I went to Colorado and bought as much oil as I could. While using the oil I was able to use less prescription drugs the only problem is my state is not a state that has passed the marijuana laws. These oils are pretty expensive to buy for every day use. I have been using lyrica for over a year with pretty good results it’s just getting to expensive. When the state of gets off its butt and passes the marijuana laws then we who suffer from severe pain all day every day can stop taking some if not all prescription drugs. My thoughts and prayers go out to all who struggle with pain,depression and to many both. Always lean on your family and let them know what you are going through and don’t assume that they know.
Lyrica does indeed have serious withdrawls with sudden stoppage. I was told by my gp that there are no withdrawls from this drug but that it affects different people in different ways.
My personal experience was pretty terrible, dull clouded haze, intense (thankfully short lived) depression, cold and flu like symptoms lasting for 2-3 days. Intense soreness, agitated, anxious, and generally depressed.
My best advice is taper it down. I was taking 600-900mg a day and stopped cold, had terrible withdrawl. The second time I was taking the same amount but then took 150mg for three to five days and then stopped. It was much more manageable. This drug is not for everyone and I would suggest gabapentin first, it again affects different people in different ways but is much less ‘potent’. My advice for diabetes sufferers is avoid this drug if possible. Try to control your blood sugars and eat more vegetables. Forks over Knives is a great doc to illustrate this point!
I had a failed spinal fusion , the dr prescribed Lyrica for my foot pain, i took it for a few weeks and felt hyper and couldn’t sleep then one nite my hart started racing pumped out of my chest I got dizzy and had an anxiety attack … I called the doctor and he told me to stop taking it …. The next day I was incredibly moody had chills and fever Felt like crap … And the whole time I was taking it and I only have my foot pain a small amount.
Chino, CA
Hi everyone. I started taking Lyrica about 5 years ago for epilepsy. Why I was put on Lyrica.. I still don’t know. What I do know is since I am very sensitive to heavy seizure drugs, such as Depakote, Depakene, Lamyctal, and Zonagran, which all gave me hives, suicidal thoughts, and many more pleasant things, they decided to have me try this new drug on the market called Lyrica. As if I already didn’t have a hard time focusing and remembering things, I feel that Lyrica has made it all worse. Not to mention, my wallet isn’t very happy with the drug either. I have been off of Lyrica for about 2 weeks now because I haven’t had the cash to refill it lately so I am waiting for my next paycheck. Really bad, I know, but what can I do? Even with my insurance, the copay is $60 monthly! I just graduated college.. how can I afford this drug that doesn’t even deliver well?
Anyways, since I have been off of Lyrica, I have been experiencing extreme mood swings. I have crazy breakdowns, panic attacks, and I feel as though I have lost control of my emotions. I have a very difficult time focusing and completing anything that requires more than 10 minutes of my attention. I am a very negative, cranky person and this is so upsetting because I don’t even recognize myself anymore. I feel anxious, nauseous, and worst of all, I have insomnia and I have never had insomnia! I try taking supplements to help me relax and sleep, but it has become impossible to get more than 4 hours of sleep a night.
I know cutting cold turkey on anything is bad, but it does really upset me that whether I am on or off the meds, my body reacts negatively. I want to stop taking Lyrica and wasting my money. I am really glad that I ran into this article because I really thought I was just loosing my mind.
great falls, montana
I recently found out I have diabetic neuropathy. I was seen by a NPR. She told me to take lyrica and neurotin at the same time twice a day. I went to the pharmacy and when they filled my medications they told me that taking these medications together were very unheard of here. And to take strong warning when I do. So that night I took my first dose. Within two minutes I couldn’t see anything. I couldn’t walk and I was unable to talk. A family member helped me to bed. I then selept for 13 hours. I woke up and my left leg was swollen five times the size of the other leg. I then began having seizures. And every since my sugars have been in the 20’s and won’t go up. So I caution anyone and everyone one taking these drugs at the same time.
San Jose, California
Can anyone comment on how long the withdrawal lasts. After tapering off, I have been off @0!! Lyrica for about 7 weeks. About 10 days ago I noticed withdrawal symptoms starting up again. I have trouble swallowing and there is constantly a feeling like I’m starting to choke + all the itching, nausea, anxiety, sweating, etc. Has anyone discovered how to manage these symptoms?
Even with all of this I am truly more willing to go through all these symptoms even for the rest of my life just to be rid of the Lyrica. It turned me into a sleeping, absent minded, completely forgetful, unfocused, unable to do anything person. I lost my job because I was such a mess and almost lost my spouse.
One thing to do to taper even slower is to alternate doses. I learned this from tapering off Prozac. For example, 2 pills one day, 1 pill the next day. Even 2,2,1 – then 212, then 211, then 111, then 101. etc. At least two weeks at each step. I didn’t cut my pills up because I think you should use a very accurate lab scale if you are going to do this without hurting yourself. What I also did was increase/decrease the hours between doses to get 5-10 mg drops in dose per step. Using this method I did not have any serious withdrawal symptoms until now.
They can last months. It is common to feel a period of calm and then have symptoms return. Feel free to join the Lyrica Survivors Facebook page to find others who have been through the same experience.
Lyrica and Neurontin are not supposed to be taken together. They are basically the same drug. Lyrica was created after the patent ran out on Neurontin, and is about ten times stronger. It can also react with other medications. Glad you shared your experience to warn others!
My problem with Lyrica–prescribed for persistent pain after rotator cuff surgery–was NOT that it made me feel terrible, like so many of those who commented here. No, it made me feel very, very good–energetic, euphoric, free of all my different kinds of pain, from damaged nerves, to torn muscle, even trigger points and arthritic fingers. And I slept great!
But Lyrica turned out to be a deal with the devil, since it also slowed my thinking, left huge holes in my memory, and caused rapid weight gain and swollen hands and legs. I took it only for about three months, 150 mg 2 X day, and coming off it has caused sleeplessness, crying jags, and a pervasive feeling of being overwhelmed.
Because of two surgeries, I was on Norco almost daily for six months, but I never became addicted. I became addicted to Lyrica almost right away. My advice: avoid this drug.
I am withdrawing right now. Only was taking 150 per day, and tried every other day taking 150 and 100 for a week. Next is to just stay with 100 for awhile, then do the same with 100 and 50.
BUT-I am nauseated all day, not sleeping well, and sweating like nobody’s business. Working out hard, but it’s almost embarrassing how much sweat I’m producing, even sitting still. I’m not ready to give up. My doctor is committed to helping me with this. If you have a doctor who is not up to date enough to understand withdrawal from Lyrica or SSRI’s, get NEW DOCTOR.
Wow I have similar things going on I have trigeminal neuralgia in my face & was prescribed this med on Friday. Start dose 300mg to work up to 600mg well after taking 300mg for 3 days NEVER again, anxiety through the roof, weird thoughts, feet don’t feel like they’re part of my body, chin & neck feel strange.
I am also a chronic pancreatitis sufferer so I am on oxy for that (I don’t drink alcohol) and I am also on diazapam for anxiety & muscle relaxing properties, I’ve tried 17 times to get off diazapam and can’t do it. I am only on 10mg a day and I’m a 40 year old female been on it since 17 so familiar with the living hell that is benzo w/d, I’m worried that after only three days use this is w/d from lyrica. I am thinking about taking extra diazapam tonight (I do this VERY RARELY) as I’m living alone and worried as can be, so glad I stopped taking this med on Sunday awful side effects feet are swollen too I’m sweating loads as well & it’s cold weather.
However it’s the mental side that’s terror, anxiety & paranoid very badly, I can’t sit still and I’ve not used it for 2 days is this side effects or w/d ?. I wish you all good luck in recovery God I hate being dependent on prescription meds. I like many others worry what would I do without diazapam, oxycontin does not worry me so much as that’s easier to get off than benzos not fun though. Again love to all Tyler xxx
Hi, I have been using Lyrica for anxiety for nearly 10 months. I went down from 2-300mgs daily to one to nothing. The withdrawal has been horrific with mental anxiety, lack of energy, feeling scared and so unsettled. I have been off of it for 10 days, and I think I’m feeling better. Also the anger I have felt is a mad rage which is not like me at all. Take care.
I was put on Zoloft for hot flashes and Lyrica for fibromyalgia after treatment for breast cancer in 2001. In 2009, I started weaning Zoloft over four months and then Lyrica over four months. It was not long (about 6 weeks) and I became very sick with flu-like symptoms, pain “jumping around,” dizziness, nausea, diarrhea, mental blackness. I persisted not taking the meds for 10 months with NO relief ever. When I finally relented and took the Lyrica, I was instantly better. I went back on the Zoloft. Here I am, six years later still on the meds. I wonder what would happen if I could no longer get these drugs. I never thought I would be a drug addict. I was told by my doctor that there was no such thing as Lyrica/Zoloft withdrawal. It helps to see by the other reports that I am not alone. That is why I am writing this now.
K. , I have had this same experience with zoloft and lyrica. I found information on SSRI withdrawal symptoms, and what you describe is just what they report.
Like you, I wonder if and how I’ll ever get off of these drugs. Hang in there.
Foley Al
I sure hate to disagree but I must. I was on Lyrica for years and am now trying to withdraw and it’s pure hell. I have all symptoms of flu, diarrhea, nausea, can’t eat or sleep, My doctor has cut me down gradual from the 300 mg twice a day I was taking to 75 mg once every other day, I’m 81 and praying I live to get off this terrible drug.
If you are still going through this, feel free to join the Facebook group Lyrica Survivors. Several doctors knowledgeable in SSRI withdrawals recommend tapering 10% every couple weeks, or month. Lyrica affects your brain chemistry and it is important to allow your brain to balance at the reduced dose before dropping again. We are an extremely supportive group, and most of us have had a hard time on this drug. Hope this helps!
David V.
I am a Canadian male aged 71 and a half, living in Morocco for over six years. Last May I was diagnosed with Shingles. Once the blisters on forehead dried up and went away, the intense pain on the right side of my head and right eye continued. I have come to learn that what I have now is Postherpetic Neuralgia.
Since early in June I have been using Lyrica, 150mg morning and night. Lyrica has eliminated the hot pain attacks (like a seizure) I would have several times a day inside my head. However, I still have pain on the right side of my head and eye, not as bad as previously, for which I am using Paracetamol.
For various reasons, I would like to cut back on my consumption of Lyrica, and plan to do it slowly.
I would like to hear from others who have had Shingles or Postherpetic Neuralgia. I want to know how you managed the pain, and if you used Lyrica.
Hi, I had shingles about 5 months ago and was prescribed lyrica which I took for about a month before realising it wasn’t too good for me. I stopped taking it cold turkey. For the past five months I have just never felt right. My anxiety and depression ( which I have always suffered from on and off) Has seemed to have gotten worse. I am just starting to research this and have found similar experiences in others. I have never felt this awful for so long so I am guessing that the month of taking lyrica has affected me awfully.
I had a bad neck herniation and two neurosurgeons could not figure out how to read an MRI. They said nothing was wrong with me. I went on gabapentin due to the terrible pain down my arms. When I got to 600 mg. I began having leg pain—heaviness. My legs felt like I ran a marathon. No one knew these were side effects. Another doctor told me to increase my gabapentin to help the pain. I went to 900 mg per day. Soon, I almost could not walk. The muscles in my legs (quads), glutes, and low back were locked up. I could barely go up and down my stairs or get out of my car. After I found a competent surgeon, I had neck surgery. I began weaning off gabapentin. Each drop was hellish. After seven months of tapering in small bits (opening capsules and splitting the contents) I got off of gabapentin. Immediately, my legs were normal. I could jump out of bed again. But my arms hurt a lot yet. So I asked to try Lyrica. I was pleased with it and went to 300 mg per day immediately. One day I went downtown and did a lot of walking. Instantly, my quads, glutes and low back seized up again. I was in agony and could barely stand to walk to do anything again. I began the weaning process. I decided to drop it quickly. I went from 250 mg to 175. I was a bawling hysterical pain ridden person. A total nightmare. Then I was told by some in the medical field that a person must taper very slowly on this drug. Great. I could hardly walk. My quads riddled with knots and my knees and hips killing me. I took a long time to get all the way to 20 mg and my life went nuts. Again, a bawling hysterical person. I increased to dose all the way to over 100mg per day again. It took nearly a month to feel good again. It was horrible. Panic, crying, pacing, etc….. So now, I am at 70mg. again. I open capsules and then dump the powder (which is not time released) into clear capsules you can get at the healthfood store. Then I measure with a sharpie. I drop the dose a little every few days. it’s agonizing. I had no idea that Lyrica would be much worse to get free of than gabapentin. Both DO work for nerve pain, but you will have to pay the piper if you want to get off of them some day. My advice would be to use them at the smallest dose possible which helps pain. And when you start taking them, wait a few weeks before raising the dose. It can take awhile to work. Now I will tackle the last 70mg and hope I can conquer this monster.
I’ve only been on Lyrica for 3 days and I already can’t do it with the side effects. It’s been triggering my depression and anxiety while it was under control thanks to Effexor before. Now I also suffer headaches, stabbing pains, burning pains, itchiness, nausea and dizziness, I have so low energy that the people around me have noticed the sudden change, etc. I’m stopping it right away, from what I’ve read the more you have side-effects, the worse the withdrawal, so I’m not going that way, hell no.
I suffer from severe chronic spine pain from failed fusion surgeries, nerve damage, sciatic dysfunction and intercostal neuralgia. A new pain mgt doctor mistakenly diagnosed fibromyalgia as well. He added Lyrica to my cocktail of pain medication. The first day I had severe muscle pain in every single muscle in my body. Even in parts of my body that didn’t have pain. I felt like I hadn’t even taken my strong pain medication and my hands and feet/ankles were swollen to the point I thought my skin was going to crack open. I also had a fever. No exaggeration.
I decided I was not taking anymore Lyrica. I called the doctor to let them know about my “side effects.” They said to stop taking lyrica. The next day the extreme muscle pain was gone except the normal spots but it took a few days for the inflammation to dissipate. Lyrica – bad for me. Now I’m still on opioids (OMG I’m not addicted. Yes there are people who don’t get addicted to pain meds), Gralise (can’t tolerate more than 900 but it cuts the burning pain in half), muscle relaxer, injections, injections, injections. 2 spinal cord stimulators to be implanted soon. Yikes!
Hi Berni,
I so agree with you. My muscles hurt so bad on this drug, but the withdrawal after being on it for any length of time is beyond horrific. I am still on 70 mg. and creeping downward. I dropped 50 mg. over the span of a month and had the melt down from hell…panic, anxiety, extreme pain unlike my original injury. You were smart to stop soon. My muscles did not spasm until I was on a large dose for a month or so. Agonizing low back, thigh and glute pain!! Still, at 70 mg. I sit on a heating pad every evening to release the muscles. My thighs have large sore knots. AND I also agree that there are people on pain meds who are not addicts. I am so tired of the stigma. It is a cruel thing that people heap that on those who are already suffering in pain. I take hydrocodone 10s and I do not crave them ever. The only time I have felt desperate is when my pain exceeded the relief. I have recovered quite a bit since my neck surgery, but I need the pain meds for the terrible hip pain that is caused from the Lyrica! If I can conquer Lyrica, I will start reducing the hydrocodone. Sadly, the doctors do not know about this hip/leg and buttock thing. They do not recognize low back pain and myalgia I guess!!! Nice to read your post.
I have been suffering from trigeminal neuralgia for 26 years. Was on tegretol for about 18 years and was working to point when I developed a tolerance and was told to add lyrica. Gave me much relief and could function very well with flare ups that sometimes were very painful. About a year ago flare ups were getting worse so my lyrica was boosted to 300 mgs a day and 200 of tegretol. Stress really a factor in my flare ups and have learned to try to control that in my life. I have gained weight, on lyrica but it is a small price to pay for relief from the pain.
I recently changed insurance policies at my job and was sent a letter that my lyrica would no longer be covered and had to try 2 more lower cost prescription. I went to my doctors office to show them letter and ask what we could do about it. I was given prescription for duloxetine (generic Cymbalta) 30 mg once a day. This meant I stopped taking lyrica cold turkey. Within 2 days I had severe nausea, headaches, cold sweats, chills and no appetite. anything, including water, came right back out and I was basically bed bound. The nausea was so severe that even standing up was impossible. It was now going into Saturday, so of course the my doctors office was closed. I spent the weekend in bed and miserable. called first thing Monday morning and got drs. appointment. When I got there doctor gave me shot of demerol and anti nausea medicine in order to get belly x-rays and blood work done. He gave me prescriptions for muscle relaxers, and ulcer medication and changed my medicine for the facial pain to baclofen 10 mgs 3 times a day. Symptoms did not go away at all. I spent another 2 days in misery. My daughter was then informed of how sick I was and came to my rescue!! She did a lot of research on internet and we determined that I was going through withdrawal cold turkey from the lyrica.
Because my insurance company was still denying me the prescription we decided that paying out of pocket at 300 dollars a month would be worth it to stop my withdrawal pain. Within 6 hours of taking lyrica my stomach pain and nausea was starting to disapate and I actually started to feel like I had an appetite… within 2 doses I actually started to feel human again. called doctor and now he realized that all this was because I had been going through withdrawal. I would like doctors to realize this is a serious mistake and dangerous to have patients quit lyrica cold turkey. Slowly getting back some strength and feeling there is some light at the end of the tunnel. Thank you to my daughter again for stepping in and and doing all the research. The pain I was in made it impossible to have accomplished any of this on my own, instead of me sitting here and typing this experience I would have been in the hospital instead.
I cannot tell you how great it was to read you’re post . The doctors have no idea . I intend to show youre post among others to my doctors . I am 10 days off 300 daily and dying . I was buying the tablets for anxiety . I am a recovering heroin addict and lycria helped now I have to stay off as I am pregnant . I’m scared and no one will listen ….lost addict
I’m writing for my wife who was prescribed Lyrica and Effexor for MS .
At first taking the poison she was sick alot then started to sleep alot. Her moods began to change and anger seem to be the most . She almost showed signs of every listed side effect and the pain eventually was not being help by the meds and the meds were raised in mg. This knocked her out most of the time causing her to be stuck in bed most of the time with side effects still and missing family get together’s , holiday celebration’s , birthdays , ect… After a while the higher dose started to fail. Things started to get real bad at this time and weening off made it extremely scary when mind confusion ,paranoia , words and sentences made no sense. Also she has had no sleep in eight days and has repetitive down spirals with outbursts of rage and trowing things. Everything to her seems like the first time and she is terrified of everything she is thinking of. I have had only a few hours sleep for fear of her hurting herself or me ( I usually sleep during her short calm periods ). She has muscle spasms ,shakes and seizure like shaking periods.
I could go on about all the problems this poison has caused both physically and mentally to both patient and family . But most know this drug is not for them , others will find out the hard way , but hopefully all will avoid this nightmare before it’s to late.
Jason I withdrew cold turkey from effexor about 10 years ago. I was told by my GP it was worse than quitting heroine. After 8 weeks of bell I switched to citolapram and after taking that for a couple of months stopped taking it. Citolapram is a much less aggressive withdrawal. It made me a bit sick for just under two weeks. I find citolapram really helps my pms so I started taking it again after the birth of my daughter.
Unfortunately I was prescribed pregabli n 2 months ago. Stopped cold turkey, absolutely couldn’t take the withdrawal. I am now tapering over 8 days – I’m on day 8 and its manageable. I am currently taking cocodamol for a shoulder injury and the pharmacist did mention that would help the withdrawal.
I would tackle one drug at a time and even switch to a different drug that is proven easier do stop.
Goog luck
dublin Ireland
I will avoid Lyrica at all costs. I was on 150mg 3 times daily for 20 months. I had all the side effects listed above whilst on it and the withdrawal of it has been an absolute killer. I have one more week to go and then I will be off it having been slowly weening off it for the last 5 weeks. I will never put as much as a 5mg dosage of it past my lips ever ever again and I would strongly tell anyone I know and love to avoid it and look for an alternative to their chronic pain or disorder.
Thanks for your comments. I am trying to wean off of Lyrica. I am down to 70 mg per day. I have to open the capsules and then whittle on the dose. Clear capsules from the health food store make it possible to drop the dose in tiny bits. I called the company and the drug is not time released. Even creeping off of it is torture. I almost got off of it and then had a melt down and could not cope. I have heard that the last part of the taper is the hardest and that a person has to go extremely slow at that point. Good luck to you. I am right behind you trying to get off this terrible drug.
Thank you for posting these comments, both of you. I am in the same boat. Slowly weaning off of Lyrica, but even doing that is so difficult. I feel pretty sick most of each day. I have taken to drinking lots of alka seltzer and every once in awhile, a quarter of a dramamine tablet can help. The sweating, low grade fever, and poor sleep are really frustrating. Hang in there. You are NOT alone.
syracuse, NY
I had lyrica 100mg twice a day added to pain meds for lower back pain, I have already had a fusion. The dr increased to 300mg. I started noticing a metal taste in my mouth and not being able to taste sweets so I decreased to 100mg once a day and the metallic taste has subsided but I am so nauseous AND anxious, it is not funny. I wished I had known all this to start with because I don’t think I would have done this to myself!! I took 1/2 a 100mg about an hr ago and feel the side effects diminish. I guess it will have to be a very gradual decrease.
My symptoms of withdrawal right now is fatigue through my whole body. I’m down to one 75mg every 3 days from 2 a day. It does suck and is hard but I’m pushing through it so I can get off them.
I have an undiagnosed neuro condition off a bad lumbar sprain that has resulted in mild to sometimes debilitating nerve pain down my whole right side. Lyrics has not helped me at all which is why I’m getting off it.
I was on Lyrica for 5 months and it did not good. Took 75 mg two times a day. Now down to 75 mg once a day. I have really got problems with burning in my arms and my muscles in my arms hurts and burning in neck and face… Are you finally off and how long did it take you to get off the 75 mg.. Did you have the burning problems I am having.
After gabapentin not working for Fibro, nor Trigeminal Neuralgia, I thought I found the Wonder-Drug, Lyrica. I was started at 75mg AM & PM. At night, it helped me sleep & feel refreshed. I could even wear my mouthguard again after 2 years. I could NOT take it during the day. It caused me to feel drunk, like I was on LSD & popped 2 sleeping pills. Completely nonfunctional at my detail-oriented, multi-tasking job with the public. Over the 1st week, I had more difficulty concentrating, balancing, coordinating my body, dropping things, speech issues. The 2nd week, I became increasingly emotional; crying & irritable to an abrupt breakdown. I was not myself. I started considering “exit strategies” & was having a difficult time finding my rational self. I’ve stopped as of yesterday. I am experiencing awful rebound pain & insomnia, furthering my incapacitation to work.
I’m sensitive to many anti-depressants & anti-anxiety meds, some flat out allergic. First time experiencing this extreme…And I’ve been dealing with Chronic Health Issues (Fibro related) & a compromised immune system since childhood.
I’m on HSV Suppression for various forms of the herpesviruses now (Chickenpox/Shingles, Mononeucleosis 3 times & HSV2). I do believe my antivirals became less effective while on Gabapentin & Lyrica. For anyone carrying these viruses (as many do & they don’t go away), that can be dangerous. There is under recognition for viral meningitis; which mimics Fibro & treatments are similar. However, the meningitis causes permanent neurological damage & could even be fatal. It gets into your CSF, Vagus Nerve, Gut Tissues & is one of the few causes for Trigeminal Neuralgia (usually blamed on TMJ). So, I suggest anyone in this position to do your research! Many doctors haven’t even heard of it & won’t connect the dots for you. Get to the bottom of your Fibro (HSV-chicken or the egg, LYMES, MS, PTSD, major Vitamin Deficiencies, etc…). There are more answers out there. Don’t give up & trust your intuition!
If I just knew this before! I had multiple ankle surgeries and my doctor finally realized it was neurological pain. I started with 50 mg of Lyrica twice a day. The pain, burning and stabbing was gone in one week of therapy. But this med took my life wrong way.
I can’t use my brain, I feel I have no control over my life because I am so miserable. Its as though someone else lives in my body and I just tag along. Weird un-personal sensation all day long, I don’t have words to explain. Never before in my life this happen to me. I gained 15 lb in four months of taking it and my hair falls off in chunks. Not that I needed to gain any in fact I had to loose that much. I have been severely constipated since day one, no stool softener helps. In the morning I shake like drug addict.
So I decided to wean myself off. Ha!! First day I moved my dose past one hour I started bouncing off the walls. So I came here and to many other blogs online to read what people have to say. Yes I know, this is not professional service, but as one blogger said, no doctor want to listen about side effects. I want my life back and I will wean myself off slowly every day till I am done! After two weeks I am on one dose once a day. It looks like I have stopped gaining weight now. I am still crazy, forgetful, confused, irritated, weird person. People used to call me “jolly” now I am monster.
There must be other ways to deal with pain but this monster. Good luck everyone, I wish all of you best!!
In 2006 I was diagnosed with lymphoma – lost a kidney and went thru chemo and have been in remission now some 8 years. However, the chemo left me with peripheral neuropathy which began in my feet and has spread to my hand. I am now 72 and just lived with the pain up until a year ago when I asked my doctor if he could give me something to help ease the electric shock pain. He prescribed gabapentin I took it for 3 days and was so out of it, I just stopped taking it and again lived with the pain. 6 months later, I asked my doctor if he would prescribe Lyrica which he did. The prescribed dose was 75 mg for 3 days and than increase to 75 mg twice daily. The first 3 days I felt a bit drunk (by the way I DO NOT drink), so I never started the second dose and remained on 75 mg per day. Now, 6 months later, 75 mg of Lyrica for the most part is still control the pain. I have been to see my ophthalmologist because I thought I was loosing my sight as my vision was getting so blurry, but he said my prescription hadn’t changed and he saw nothing that could be causing my blurred vision. I’ve also gained 7 pounds with no change in my eating habits. But the worst is my hair loose. I now have bald spots larger than silver dollars. I’m starting to slowly back off the Lyrica and am terrified of the pain returning.
south carolina
lyrica has reduced my pain……terrible pain in my feet hands back everywhere. I had taken gabapentin for years and it really helped the terrible pain in my legs and feet. but I got so fat so fast I could not convince my dr. that I was not eating too much and I was getting as much exercise as I could take. it pisses me off that the dr’s don’t believe you when you tell them your not pigging out. so then he put me on lyrica. at first it was a mirical. I would have eaten the whole bottle just for the pain it relieved. but after a short time and taking gabapentin too. I was huge and could hardly move and fell down over and over. I broke my foot and now I have to wear a permanent brace. I am having visions and lo-sugar with dehydration. I have to keep going to the hospital for treatment. I don’t know what to do. I think I will stop taking the gabapentin and take one 75mg lyrica per day. i’ll see how that works. I am 61 yrs. old and I can’t take the pain. I have had 26 surgeries due to osteoarthritis and other things. I am no sissy to pain but this is too much for me…………………………………………………..
I’ve been. On lyrica 300 Mlg for a year for fibro. My Dr stopped me cold turkey. I’m now hurting, aching, and my pain is out of my control. I have or should I say I had high pain tolerance but no more. I wish I would of never. Been put on this drug!
First and foremost I need to get this off my chest. When did “Google” become a substitute for years of medical school and practice? It agitated me when I read people who want their doctor to ‘Google It’ because the professional disagrees with the patient’s self diagnoses.
In any event, I was placed on Lyrica 300mg per day (150mg in the morning and 150mg at 8pm). I was placed on it for nerve pain following a neck injury and also to help control my general anxiety disorder. I was taking 2mg of Ativan per day and am now down to 1mg every 2nd day so it did it’s job on the anxiety but it lost its effectiveness on the nerve pain after about 5 months.
Major side effect was weight gain and water retention. My doctor cut my dose to 75mg 2xday (150mg daily). My doctor so specializes in addiction management by the way. I stayed in this dose for 4 weeks. I then did another 4 weeks at 75mg taken with Lunch. I did that for 4 weeks and then took 75mg every two days for 2 weeks. The result was a very gradual taper with no side withdrawal symptoms.
As for the weight and water retention I started noticing improvement about a week into the reduced dose and by the time at was on 75mg daily I had actually started to notice looser fitting clothing. I now see results of my weight loss efforts whereas no matter what an did on Lyrica I couldn’t she’d weight.
The medication worked but I would never take it again if given a choice. The weight loss was significant as was the edema from water retention. I had blurry vision most nights with some morning grogginess after taking morning dose.
The biggest issue for me as hair loss and hair thinning. This started about 3 weeks after I started the medication. My hair was falling out in clumps and my hair became straw-like with no body or life. It feels like thread.
I’m 2 weeks off the medication so I’m hoping that the hair issue starts to correct itself as the weight did.
Anyways, these are my experiences on Lyrica and I understand that no two people are the same. However if you trust your doctor when starting the medication there is no need to turn to Dr. Google when you want to stop or when you want to discuss side effects. If your doctor doesn’t want to listen, seek a second opinion.
Most importantly, never rely on discussion forums or search engines when it comes to matters of your health. There is nothing worse than self diagnosis.
marina witsky
You have totally misses the point Frank!
Asking the doctor to google Lyrica withdrawal was an invitation to discover the countless patients complaining of withdrawal symptoms online despite some clinicians submissions that withdrawal does not exist. No knee is suggesting you opt for Google advice over your doctor! Thanks for your 2 cents though.
I see your point and agree. The sad part is the doctors read their little pamphlet from the drug company which says that people can go off this drug in a week! A week?? I would be in the nut house. My doctor said I could get off of the drug in a week. But in reality (as a person on this stuff) I cannot do that. I dropped my dose by 50 mg. over the span of a month (gradually) and I had panic attacks, anxiety and triple the pain of my original injury. So that is why we turn to Google. I have found some helpful hints on there about how to get off this terrible drug. I would like to trust my doctor, but unfortunately, he has not read the REAL experiences of those on the drug (not from the drug company that wants to sell the drug). Some people weather the withdrawal better than others. I want to trust my doctor, but I know he, as in most of them, are out of touch with the real experiences of these drugs. My opinion is that doctors should diagnose (if that is possible) and pharmacists should prescribe. There would be a lot less deaths if that were the case!!
United Kingdom
Well I’ve just had my first dose of pregablin last night after trying gabapentin (unsuccessfully). I have to take it for sciatica and pain from bulging disc pushing on a nerve. So I took my dose last night at 8pm and I woke up sorry was woken up by other half at 11.30 am!! Thankfully he got children of too school as I would still be asleep now. Taking pregablin was the most bizarre experience ever. I hallucinated, was unable to stand ordered food at midnight as I was hungry, by the time it arrived I couldn’t feed myself. The whole “experience ” was like a mixture of drunk and tripping (I have never taken LSD before but imagine it to be like this) I went from happy to sobbing floating etc and it lasted until I went to bed. When woken I had a headache, my eyes are hurting and blurry my hands are shaking… I’m tolerant to most meds but this was something else. There is no way I could take these daily and function normally. Is this normal? Has anyone had extreme effects like this? It looks like it back to numbness and stabbings pains again!!(very hard to explain to others how you can be numb yet feel stabbing pains there! Don’t you think?) if this is garbled I apologize but I’m still shaking and vision blurred..
dublin Ireland
Hated taking the lyrica. I was on 450mg per day. I can relate to all that has already been said. I cannot remember what I did yesterday, and I feel I am on the outside looking in. I have stepped down to 300mg in the last 10 days and I feel awful, so scared. I have to get down to 150mg in two more weeks.
I cannot wait to get off it for good and I will never ever put one past my mouth again. I have a spinal cord stimulator implant now so getting pain relief from that. I will be so relieved when I get off Lyrica completely. If your doc suggests it for you, question its side effects seriously. I just did as I was told and now I am the real sufferer!
Well, lyrica has saved my life I was in so much pain that the thought of suicide was my only way out from the pain. My diabetes is not under control so they opted not to do surgery on my hands and feet so I was forced to live in pain. I couldn’t walk, I wasn’t sleeping and I WAS IN PAIN. My toes felt like someone has wrapped rubber bands around them and cut off the blood flow. You could not touch my feet. Since I have been on lyrica I can walk my toes are not sore, I am sleeping. I feel like I have my life back and I have lost 5lbs. LIFE IS GOOD!
Northern Ohio
Reading all of this scares the hell out of me. I’ve been on Lyrica since 2009 for my feet. I knew about the side effects from the get-go but I just recently started reading forums like this where REAL people talk about their unbiased experiences. This really has me worried. I had depression, anxiety, and addiction issues (alcohol) BEFORE I started Lyrica. Since then the depression and anxiety has become progressively worse to the point where I can’t even enjoy the things that used to make me happy. My short term memory is shot, although I initially blamed that on the years of alcohol abuse.
I have gained weight as well. I get headaches and although I don’t have blurred vision, my eyesight still feels a little “off” at times. I blamed that on the years of nearsightedness.
I’ve been off the drug before, but my feet go right back to hurting and I can’t sleep. On the other hand I noticed that my short-term memory improved, at least temporarily. The memory loss and foggy head really concern me, though.
Lyrica made me depressed with suicidal thoughts for the year I was on it
I have just finished going through the withdrawal symptoms after going cold turkey from pregabalin. What a horrendous drug it was, left me stuttering for my words. I had blurred vision, memory problems and depression. After stopping the drug I had terrible itching all over, restless legs, aches all over my body and a feeling of detatchment. Now 8 still have pain from my bulging discs and nerve impingement, but the pain isn’t as bad as before I started the drugs. I think pain worsens through anxiety and the inability to cope with a change in your once good health. I don’t think drugs are the answer now, I believe yoga, meditation, walking, massage and positive thinking help more. I may one day need an operation, just holding off from that as long as possible. The thought of being reliant on these drugs again worries me so much. I am better without them, I can only suggest others try, because you might find you weren’t getting as much pain relief from them as you once thought. The placebo affect plays its part, the metal addiction to these drugs is powerful, you fear the pain returning, so think you need them for longer than you actually do. Maybe dvo cold turkey. I stupidly stopped everything I was taking all in one go. Pregabalin, naproxen, paracetamol with tramadol and omeprazole for stomache. I also cut out caffeine…oh my goodness I think it could have killed me hahaaa but after such a nasty withdrawl, my pain is not so bad now. :-) Good luck and god bless you all with these awful conditions that put you through so much pain and make you turn to drugs which are damaging to your minds and bodies. Without them we think more clearly and can be free to feel what is really going on inside. Alternative therapies are the way forward and a positive outlook on life. I hope you all find a better way as I have done.
Hi Sally, just wondered how long did your withdrawal symptoms last? I am on day two of cold turkey and I feel the sooner this stuff is out my system the better. I have been on Lyrica for nearly a year and other painkillers. The panic and sweats drive me crazy. Hardly eaten in days too.
Suffolk UK
To all of you struggling to get off of this medication, hang in there, it can be achieved and the horrendous, frightening and long lasting withdrawal symptoms will come to an end. I never could take Lyrica or Pregabalin as it is called here in the UK but was on a massive dose 3600mg of Gabapentin instead. I suffer from severe nerve damage in both legs as a result of failed back surgery syndrome.
I took Gabapentin, which is very similar in make up to Lyrica for about 4 years without any major issues and yes it did ‘shut down’ most of my debilitating pain and yes t did make me fat! Towards the end of that period I started to notice that my legs would swell up and my hair began to fall out. Not from my head but all over the rest of my body. I went from being a fairly furry guy, to having virtually no hair in a very short space of time and strange little blood blisters started to appear where my body hair had been (as I now know I was being poisoned). I had blood tests but nothing came back as conclusively causing the issues. My doctor did say he wanted to wean me down from my very high dose of medication though, so I began that process.
One night shortly after while I was away on holiday in Ireland, in the middle of nowhere I had the most massive allergic reaction to the Gabapentin, virtually going into anaphylactic shock, it happened just moments after taking the tablet. I was VERY ill and discovered later that had I not been seen at a local hospital very quickly, I would likely have not survived. Anyway long story short. I had to quit the Gabapentin immediately, something we are advised not to do. The effect that had on my central nervous system was horrendous and debilitating and I thought permanent. I felt physically nauseous and dizzy continuously for months. I was low, depressed and lethargic. I experienced what I can only describe as weird buzzing, electric shock type sensations over the left side of my head, ear and face and tremors all over the rest of my body. They went on and on. I felt bodily ill constantly.
Everyone, including my doctor (but not my Pharmacist) told me it could not possibly have been the medication withdrawal that had caused the issues BUT I knew differently. It was the only valid answer. It was the Gabapentin that had been responsible. It took a full 8 months before I started to feel normal again and a good year before I felt (relatively) well. What I can say to all of you suffering is please hang in there. However bad you feel It WILL get better and the horrible symptoms you are feeling will subside. Mine were very protracted BUT even I got there. I’ve now had conversations with people who have quit cold turkey and who were lucky enough to get over the Gaba imbalances in their brain in a matter of days or weeks, we are all different.
I never ever believed I would feel ‘normal’ again BUT I did eventually. I’m through with drugs now and live as best I can with the pain. Alpha Lipoic Acid and Benfotiamine supplements help me and next month I am having a spinal cord stimulator fitted, which I am praying will give me back my life fully. Good luck and God bless to all. Remember it will get better.
Cape Town
Trying to get off 50 Lyrica in one go too. Tough, and feeling a lot of agitation, panic attacks, etc where never had those before. But the drug is so damn debilitating I had to get off, no matter how good it was for the pain (nerve pain in neck/arm). Confusion to the extent I couldn’t make decisions any longer. What kind of life is that!? I am sure I sh/not do this without help, or all at once, but I am so fed up feeling befuddled and diminished…. Now all I have to do is get through this period of anxiety and shakiness. Not sure how to deal with the pain now that lyrica is off the table, and I certainly fear trying any other wonder drug!!
How long did it take you to feel somewhat normal again after the withdrawals ?
I was prescribed lyrica for two herniated disks and a pinched nerve. Right off the bat, I had intense blurred vision (almost crashed my car) and nausea, not to mention it made me ravenous, to the point I was eating food barely cooked to just get it in my mouth. This was quite different than my usual eat a meal a day habit. I hate this stuff! I prefer my oxycodone and naproxen for the pain relief and I stopped taking the lyrica. I didn’t tell my doctor because he is hell bent on me being on it. I’m just like yup, I’m taking it. Stopping it sucked, I felt like killing everyone. This is not good stuff, at least for me. Oh, I’m only 35 and otherwise healthy except for this damn back of mine.
I started taking Lyrica almost 2 years ago for non-related diabetic neuropathy. I suffered from nerve pain after enduring numerous mini-strokes (nothing “mini” about them!) It worked on the pain wonderfully – side effect was 25 pound weight gain. I tried to wean myself off of it about 6 months ago and had the most horrible 2 days… I finally started taking it again because of the withdrawal effects. I haven’t given up – I’m going to try taking it every other day again and toughing out the grueling withdrawal.
s.e.ohio on the river
I too was put on Lyrica for leg shakes and then pain with most of all of your problems After 3 yrs I have been on 300m g 2xd. I have gone from cane to walker full time and oxygen 24/7. I ran out of Lyrica last Monday and I am going cold turkey to get off this stuff. Wish me luck.
Lyrica is great for the Fibro & RLS, but IS horribly addictive! The withdrawals are unimaginable! Dr. tried to put me on 300mg to start & right away I sat & watched the walls breathe. I knew I couldn’t handle such a dose & tried to talk to my dr about it. He said I needed to “get use to the med & then we would increase it.” What? From experience & seeing patients reactions from similar drugs I knew I needed to be on a smaller dose.
I finally convinced my dr to prescribe lower dose pills with the pretense that I would take them throughout the day. I eventually got down to 50 mg a day within two weeks and after three years dropped down to 25 mg for a little over a year. All the same symptoms as other people though. Immediate weight gain of 35-40 pounds, blurred vision (which I have seen many drs for), exhaustion, irritation (the neighbors won’t even talk to me anymore), I basically don’t remember much of the past few years, unreasonable thinking, depression, feet, hands, face, mouth swelling. All the side effects they tell you to contact your dr for & the dr said it was either not from Lyrica or just not a problem. After realizing how “crazy” I had become & not even being able to deal with my kids, I went off the Lyrica. 25 mg every other day for a week & a half & finally nothing. The pain from the withdrawals, the all over muscle & body pain was worse than the fibro!
I have also reduced my other pain meds, 800mg ibuprofen 3xs day, 20mg oxycontin 3xs a day, 10mg percocet 3xs a day to 600mg ibuprofen 1-2 xs daily, 10mg oxycontin 2xs a day, & 5mg percocet 2xs daily. Yes, there still is some pain, but honestly, there was still pain with higher doses, I was just too loaded to care as much. I getting some memory back, I started cleaning my house again ( it’s been at least 4-5 years since I’ve done anything period!). I am regaining some control of my moods & temper again & kids actually want to be around me again.
All the meds suck! I just desperately need the edge off though & have to deal with the rest of it! Some days are bad/worse than others. I have strongly thought about the medical cannabis or the cbd (?). Am going to look into it. I think we all need to stay away from big pharma because they don’t care about any of these drugs killing us off. They have plenty more victims to sell. Think about all the effects & don’t be afraid to question your dr & research. Definitely take the lowest dose you can that works for you. Don’t let them tell you that a small dose isn’t “therapeutic”! Only you know you & pay attention to your body. I know it’s hard when we get wrapped up in our pain & sometimes can’t see a way out. Find a small dosage that you can manipulate. Only you know when your bad days are.
I’m not a dr, yes, I understand pain therapy (I started pain management almost 10 years ago!), I understand the importance of keeping the meds in your body so you don’t have to try & fight off the pain when it gets too bad. I’m just saying from my experience, I needed my mind back & lowering my doses was the only way. Coming down from the Lyrica was so painful & reminded me of what heroin with drawls look like! So far, getting rid of the Lyrica has been a good move. It’s been almost 2 months & hopefully I can stay off of it. The skin pain from the fibro was the worst & it is still there. I just don’t want to have to deal with Lyrica again. It is that bad.
Is lyrica worth Going on, for tactile alidynia?
The People's Pharmacy
Almost all the research on pregabalin (Lyrica) for tactile allodynia has been done in rats and mice. It seems to help in these experimental situations and might help humans as well. Do keep in mind the side effects and possibility of withdrawal difficulties when you want to stop. Only you can decide if possible risk is worth the possible relief.
In one rat study, an alcohol extract of Vernonia cinerea was as effective as pregabalin, but we are not familiar with this Asian herb. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25211113
I agree with everything you said. I survived lyrica and the withdrawals from it. I am 9 months post my last lyrica pill. I had to go slow with it because dr told me to stop a 75 mg dose and I had a seizure. Now I am starting to think mini stroke. To be absolutely honest. I never liked it. Made me feel awful pls quite certain made my moods aggressive. Made me crazy a little too . I also want to try the cbd oil. Sounds like it would actually help. When I got hurt I actually learned smoking pot with boyfriend helped with pain but that was years ago. Over 15-20 years ago. I have 2 kids with autism. I need to be patient and understanding. Lyrica was like a roid rage plus I didn’t say what I wanted. I still do that. I actually have some crazy symptoms still that neuro thinks MS. There is a FB group called Lyrica survivors that helps others see that symptoms aren’t bizarre, that it’s addictive.
Look up Lyrica pain management dr Scott. See about the studies.
Anyone have awful migraines since Lyrica? Oh, neurontin and lyrica same med pretty much. Phizer patent was up so changed a molecule or two here and there and created lyrica (but same drug, same company). Phizer is an awful company. See what other meds are getting attention. It’s like a John Grisham novel
Lyrica takes time to numb brain and nerves, synapses. That’s why at first we are questioning it but drs reassure our bodies adjust and it does to a point. When weaning/withdrawaling. Your brain has to wake up from this numbness Lyrica does to it. Why need to wean slow. 25 mg decrease every 1-4 weeks. They make 25 mg doses. They can also compound it to be lower doses. But thank goodness our nerves are good at healing and regenerating. It takes time and that is dependent on individual chemistryand dose and how long you took lyrica/neurontin.
Eric K.
Portland, OR
I am scared s***less of starting Lyrica or any other drug from a corporation that I’m not familiar with, other than to pay for a program to entertain me and support their friends in Hollywood.
I am not looking for a cure, just a pain relief. I find this in Oxycodone 5mg but the Dept of Veterans Affairs prevents me from this. Seems everyone is in each others pocket’s while I’m the one in pain.
In just 10 days Lyrica nearly killed me. Now I’m having withdrawal symptoms that make me wonder if this stuff will ever go away. This is an awful medication. Pfizer should be taken to task for this dangerous drug.
I have lyme disease that was misdiagnosed as fibromyalgia. I was put on Lyrica to help with the constant pain. For a while, I thought it was working because every time I accidentally skipped a dose I felt like I was dying, and a lot of the Lyrica side effects/withdrawal symptoms are also symptoms of lyme disease. Turns out the awful pain, tremors, nausea and migraines I got when I didn’t take Lyrica weren’t a sign that it was working, but a sign that I was totally dependent on it. I’m now working to slowly wean myself off. It’ll take almost 4 months because I’m on a very high dose, but it’s so worth it. Good to know that the depression, irritability, restless legs, etc is just my body coming down from the Lyrica. After 3 years on Lyrica and 3 years on antidepressants for the associated anxiety, I am more than ready to be done with this god-forsaken medication! One thing that helps me is Kratom- it’s a plant from South East Asia. It’s legal in 48 states and is best described as a very mild form of marijuana. No tripping; just pain relief, subtle mood enhancement and a relaxed feeling.
Ann L
I have fibromyalgia. I started with Cymbalta, then eventually was prescribed Lyrica. All seemed good at first but then the weight gain set in and very blurred vision. I world-out three times a week, and eat pretty healthy. For over a year I tried desperately to lose 15 pounds and had no luck. I decided the Lyrica wasn’t helping with the pain anymore and the bad was outweighing the good do I weened off for a week. Since then I feel sad, tired, numb, empty, scared, lonely, worried all the time. It’s only been 1.5 weeks, but I’m hoping these feelings go away soon. Everyone around me has said something to me. “Are you okay, you seem sad, you’re not the same, I’m worried about you” please god I just want “me” back again.
london ontario
I have been on Lyrica for approx a year, it has done wonders for the pain but I have problems that I can not explain? I have swelling of my ankles which they have given me a water pill which real doesn’t Help. I started having anxiety attacks which include shaking, feeling of alone, after my bowels empty the most foul smelling stool with cramps and my body is covered in sweat I can control them now!!! They last any wherefrom 2mim to 15 min. Then there the sleep appena that happens at night at approx 2-3 am at night which wakes me up. Which a good thing because you can die for it ….. I am on 150mg a day 1 pill in morning and 2 a bed time .I have to say the worst problem with the med is I am falling asleep all the time in less I am moving I am sleeping, even on my computer I am nodding off… so I have decided that I am going off Lyrica I have read all these thoughts of Lyrica and I can not say I am on scared but I am sure I can do it. I take methadone for another medication for withdrawals so I am sure I can beat this giant also, I just wonder is there any drug out there that wont give me bad withdrawals????? That will help my pain??? I also take the other drug everyone speaks about Cymbalta its the next one I shall quit. I think you can wean down any drug you just need to be smart doing it…. GOOD LUCK EVERYONE!!! I know how you feel.
having been put on Lyrica as a non addictive way of getting of benzos, may I confirm that getting off it is proving as difficult as coming off Lorezapam.
Why are psychiatrists and other doctors allowed to tell us that this drug is non addictive when it quite clearly is not?
I have only been on it for eight months – prescribed for general anxiety disorder. I believe it is not licensed in America for GAD. Trying to come off it as side effects have not been good but it is horrendous to get off as though it has made my anxiety worse! Doctor said it isn’t withdrawal just my anxiety breaking through – if so, it is twice as bad as it was. Side effects as I upped my dose were nausea, difficulty urinating, eyelids and ankles swollen and difficulty swallowing. Hard drug to come off.
The People's Pharmacy
Often doctors have presented withdrawal symptoms as a recurrence of the original problem, because they don’t know about withdrawal. That might be the case here.
How hard is it getting off benzos? My daughter was given and Ive been trying to take off. So mad they gave in the first place.
I have heard clonidine short term can help. Eat healthy veggies and fruit. We have baked fish in parchment paper (salmon) for omega 3s. I also take llyseine and magnesium and vit d. Llyseine seems to cause vitamin deficiencies.
Los Angeles, CA, USA
I used Lyrica for almost 3 years, put on 40lbs since starting, it helped but I was always tired, blurry, not sleeping well… life sucked. I have PHN and PN, both treated with Morphine, Lyrica, and a handful of other medications, Cymbalta being the last, and having the worst side effects.
I started using medical cannabis to help with the pain, and have been able to decrease the morphine by 50%, and completely stopped Lyrica, and a number of other things. If you live in a medical marijuana state, consider a high CBD strain to help with the pain. It has transformed my life from a constant state of pain, to being pain free most of the time, nights still being a challenge, but getting better. And if you can find a high CBD oil that is used for children suffering from epilepsy, that works without giving you any kind of a “high” like normal marijuana.
The worst thing about the Lyrica withdrawal in my case if the nausea. I can’t eat much, am having panic attacks, and I hope that this will stop soon (it’s been almost 30 days off the Lyrica)…
Good luck, I know it’s going to get better, because it has been so far.
I started Lyrica 5months ago for fibromyalgia pain. I am a changed human being in all the good ways. Lyrics has greatly reduced my pain and I am an orthopedic nightmare!! My anxiety has also decreased…I sleep well at night…I have so much more energy during the day. Even my family has noticed the difference in me. OK…it does have some bad effects too…I have started gaining weight…have some fluid retention…..but that’s about it. To me the benefits greatly outweigh the side effects….thank God for this medication. By the way…I take 450 mg daily.
That is a high dose. If you start noticing getting in fights and angry all the time or lots of migraines. Or the fatigue. I also would get this weird paralysis. I would fall asleep on couch before my kids even and wake up from hubby and I would find myself unable to get up.
It can be really sneaky. It also gets worst longer on it. I was on it for 3 years. I noticed I was nauseated and migraines increased and wouldn’t go away. Dr gave me zofran and migraine meds. But than it just got worst. Weaning and withdrawals were the worst. I have had seizures and mini strokes. I stopped a 75 mg dose. I was taking 3/daily as my dr directed.
I now see so many other things. Like my mood, eye sight. I even say things that I don’t mean to say. I also have a horrible memory.
Las Vegas
I am so glad to read everyone’s comments and realize I am not crazy! Right now my eyes are twitching & aching, my head hurts, I have experienced severe side effects while on Lyrica. Told my Dr. I want to stop.. He said just stop, ur on a low dose at 1 75 mg a day! I have turned into a mad crazy woman! Don’t remember why I am yelling! Foggy brain, weight gain, swelling, rls, sweats, abnormal thinking, memory loss, leg cramps, heart palpitations, stomach pain, constipation & more.
I starting taper on Sunday, one day on,one day off, it’s only Tuesday & I am a wreck! Anxious & worried how bad the wd’s are going to get! Told my husband I should just live alone since he thinks I overreact to everything! Got off Oxycodone, switched to Norco, had withdrawls, take xanax for anxiety. Diagnosed 8 yrs ago Fibro, deg disc disease, herniated/bulging discs, sciatic nerve pain, can barely walk 100 ft. Bursitis right hip pain, carpal tunnel (recent surgery) severe spinal stenosis, cervical herniated discs, frozen shoulder, depression, anxiety, panic attacks from living in chronic pain. Just had radiofrequency injection (burning the nerves) low back.
The fibro pain is so bad I have lost my quality of life. Very weak, no energy. My husband is very supportive but still thinks I talk to much about my pain. I have crying spells and now I want off the Lyrica! I wish I would of looked it up before starting it. The PMD is wonderful but like it says LYRICA is not for everyone!!! It’s been horrible on it and now hell to get off it!
Was on it for 3 years.
Sore eyes, memory loss, tiredness, ocd.
Lowered levels, 2 weeks on still can’t eat drink sleep.
Too many side effects.
From reading what you wrote, every comment and damage mentioned about the spine I felt that I was in my own doctors office telling me what drugs I should take. I have been on them all. Now, I tried a neutron simulator, and now have a morphine pump, all of which have yield absolutely no pain relief at all. Every day, I have burning from my shoulder to my feet. The pain in the base of my spine feels like a knife is cutting me open. No one knows what to do. I have been on neuron tin for 5 years, no benefit, lyrics is causing me withdrawal symptoms, which they tell me I am crazy. The only thing crazy, is that I listened to any of my doctors at all. Since my last lumbar surgery, I can nearly walk, no quality of life. I am now 63 and the last 6 years have been so painful I can understand a weaker personal killing themselves.
Did you have a withdrawal from Lyrica? What are you now doing to help yourself?
I wish you the relief I wish myself.
Best of luck. Elliott
No, not crazy. That was me.
I suffer from so many of those. I developed bursitis and weird bladder issues from the lyrica. They are one day going to tell us how bad lyrica is. I actually don’t know one person it helps with minimal side effects.not one person. People try it and it doesn’t help or barely helps but with awful side effects. Im not just talking weight gain. It’s poison.
This was a few months ago. Im surprised, well not really FDA and drs are lied to about the side effects and withdrawals. We are going to find out that it’s addictive as much or more as benzos and narcotics.
how are you feeling? Still taking lyrica? Its a hard medication to stop taking. FB group:Lyrica survivors.
Lyrica, best ever for fibro. Been on it for 8 months. No more restless legs, anxiety down, have done so much more get up and go, and confidence. I sleep sooo much better too. Wish I’d tried it earlier. Still foggy but no more so than before! Peace. Don’t be put off. It could work for you. Effexor is dreadful to withdraw from in my experience.
I was taking Lyrica for about 4 to 6 months, and I noticed almost immediately a depression starting. I tried to write it off saying I was too busy to see My Doc, or at the least hoping it was a side effect and would slowly go away. It got worse. I also take 5 other meds for my back and stress issues. One morning I woke up so disoriented that my family was scared to death. This did not go away till mid afternoon. I immediately researched all my meds to find a cause. I had mixed my Flexeril with the Lyrica. BIG MISTAKE!!!
Anyways my depression became worse, the positive person I was before was all gone, replaced with nothingness. I used to have a wonderful relationship with my kids, Now I was constantly fighting with them… For some reason at that time I was not blaming it on the Lyrica, I had suffered from depression once before, but this was 10x worse. My family pressured me to see my MD right away. My MD put me on Celexa. Within a week I began crying nonstop, and thoughts of how horrible a person I was plagued me…I could not even get off my couch. Family and friends could see something was horribly wrong with me but had no idea how to help. I began having memory loss along with hiding things around the home and blaming others. I quit my job, I couldn’t function at all outside my home (or inside for that matter) My kids were scared to death. I even was threatening to kill myself and really wanted to (so not me). I ended up having a nervous breakdown, and my kids were taken to stay with their grandparents till I got better. I stopped taking Lyrica that day. But It took a few weeks for me to fully come out of the haze left over my brain. Some 3 months later and I am so much better, my kids were ready to come home now that I wasn’t acting “forgetful and paranoid” as they call it. But Lyrica is definitely one of those drugs that is hit and miss with some people. I will never touch it again that’s for sure. It really screwed up my life!
I can so relate. Unfortunately I didn’t have any help from family, lived 12/13 hours away. My husband was deployed. I lost friends. I even had a crazy psycho harassing me. Guess she saw I was going thru something and it made me a target. Everyone thought it was narcotics. It was lyrica. I was so stressed and tired. I honestly wanted to die. But couldn’t do because refused to do that to my kids when it was just me.
Weaning lyrica wasn’t enough. I am doing so much better with finally being off it 9 months was my last pill (50 mg). I took 3 75 mg /daily. My dr had me stop after she realized lyrica was making me so lethargic and forgetful. It was like a lightbulb when realized it was the lyrica. She told me to stop 75 mg dose. I dropped the middle 75 mg dose and had a seizure the next day. Later found out mini stroke. So I weaned slow after that but hubby came home and moved and told new drs that I was allergic to it. They didn’t know what I went thru. I didn’t know if they understood why I was weaning slow. So stopped at my last 50 mg/day. That gave me withdrawals bad. I didn’t know at the time. Thought maybe menopause. The hot flashes. I would wake up at 2/3a from awful nightmares in a cold sweat, severe nausea, headaches, migraines, weird bladder issues. I have bursitis in both my feet and some weird thing on pinky finger. Xray was normal but my dr can feel it. She thinks bone spur but I have a history of bone tumor (my leg) but they are more common on fingers. I wished I had help. But I am doing much better. Although my memory sucks and have an issue with my eyes and these awful migraines, I also say a word when I was thinking of saying a different word. My pupils move back and forth too. Neuro wants a MRI and lumbar puncture. Might be MS.
Lyrica made me worst. I went on it to get off norco. I actually had to increase to oxycodone 15 but decreased to 10. Lyrica made my body hurt.
I’ve been on Lyrica for almost two years and trusting my Dr when he put me on it I did no research on what the side effects could be. Shame on me for that! I am 53 years old and my memory is so bad that I’ve been terrified about my severe memory loss thinking I’m having the onset of early Dementia/Alzheimer’s. Until today I had no idea that Lyrica can be responsible for severe memory loss. I was talking to my daughter in law today after going to see her grandmother at a “memory care” facility that because my memory is so bad that I am afraid I’m having symptoms of it myself. I was telling her that the last new medication I was put on was Lyrica a couple of years ago and was wondering if it had anything to do with it. We googled it and it was on all kinds of websites about people and what this drug is doing to their memory. Looking back it started right after first going on to this medication but never connected the two. She finally admitted that she’s noticed that I repeat myself over and over all day and that it has gotten worse the last couple of years. I’m now awaiting a call from my Dr on what the next step is to get off of it. I just pray that it’s just t one of the side effects and not on my way into a memory care facility myself. I am fully willing to suffer with the physical pain again to have my mind back. I also pray that if this is what is causing my problems that when I get completely off if my memory will return to what it used to be. We tend to trust our Dr ‘s and not think of things such as this. I used to be the best speller but find myself now asking my husband how to spell words that I used to know. I had one incident where I rented a movie for my husband only to have him tell me that we had gone to a theater to see it. We watched an entire season of one tv show that I have no recollection of. I get up to do something and as soon as I stand up I have no idea what I was going to go do. I have gotten to the point that when I do get up to do something I now start saying over and over why I’m getting up and why. I pray to GOD that going off Lyrica will get my mind back to where it used to be. I am desperate. Even writing this my mind is having a hard time focussing.
I’ve been on Lyrica for almost two years and trusting my Dr when he put me on it I did no research on what the side effects could be. Shame on me for that! I am 53 years old and my memory is so bad that I’ve been terrified about my severe memory loss thinking I’m having the onset of early Dementia/Alzheimer’s. Until today I had no idea that Lyrica can be responsible for severe memory loss. I was talking to my daughter in law today after going to see her grandmother at a “memory care” facility that because my memory is so bad that I am afraid I’m having symptoms of it myself. I was telling her that the last new medication I was put on was Lyrica a couple of years ago and was wondering if it had anything to do with it. We googled it and it was on all kinds of websites about people and what this drug is doing to their memory. Looking back it started right after first going on to this medication but never connected the two. She finally admitted that she’s noticed that I repeat myself over and over all day and that it has gotten worse the last couple of years. I’m now awaiting a call from my Dr on what the next step is to get off of it. I just pray that it’s just one of the side effects and not on my way into a memory care facility myself.
I am fully willing to suffer with the physical pain again to have my mind back. I also pray that if this is what is causing my problems that when I get completely off if my memory will return to what it used to be. We tend to trust our Dr ‘s and not think of things such as this. I used to be the best speller but find myself now asking my husband how to spell words that I used to know. I had one incident where I rented a movie for my husband only to have him tell me that we had gone to a theater to see it. We watched an entire season of one tv show that I have no recollection of. I get up to do something and as soon as I stand up I have no idea what I was going to go do. I have gotten to the point that when I do get up to do something I now start saying over and over why I’m getting up and why. I pray to GOD that going off Lyrica will get my mind back to where it used to be. I am desperate. Even writing this my mind is having a hard time focussing.
I am on Lyrica and have just read Tammy from Arizona’s experience on this drug. I really mean it when I say that my experience is a mirror image of her side effects. My memory, or what is left of it, is so bad that my doctor had me tested for Altzheimers which proved negative. I know we forget things a bit more as we get older but this is ridiculous. I even forget the names of my grandchildren. I forget appointments, even having no recollection of making them when reminded. I too repeat myself, get disoriented and one day ended up at the wrong hospital. There is a catalogue of events relating to this. I also have problems with walking and use a stick to keep my balance. I empathise completely with Tammy. I am coming off this drug but I also wonder if my memory will return and I can walk straight again. My doctor did tell me that this drug is notorious for side effects!
I see Mindy in Australia has just to stop it immediately. It must be worrying. I was on 150mg per day, have been put on 75mg per day for two weeks and then 2weeks with nothing. I can’t understand any doctor allowing a patient to stop it immediately especially on such a high dose. I take only 75mg and being weaned off.
To Verna in Oregon. My heart goes out to you. The side effects are bad enough without your horrendous treatment by the medical profession. I hope things improve for you and you get the treatment you deserve. My walking is diabolical. I too kind of run uncontrollably down slopes, stagger at times, my legs are all over the place never where they should be. It’s awful. I had massive lung surgery 2years ago and after was still short of breath but just put it down to post op symptoms. Eventually had a catheterisation to check lungs out but all was well. I now know it was the Lyrica. I live in hope that coming off will improve my life even a little.
To all sufferers take care.
I was already on lyrica for the shingles aftermath when I had a horrific car crash. In an effort to stop me being addicted to endone my doctor ramped up my lyrica dosage and put me on a new morphine drug called ‘Jurnista’. I was on 75mg lyrica in the morning and 300 mg at night for a total of 375mg. I read your stories at the 75mg mark and now I am totally freaked out. I have all of those side effects and talked to my doctor about them yesterday. The blindness and dementia were just too great to endure. Well, he isn’t weaning me off them at all! He told me to stop taking it, cold turkey, and keep,a diary of what happens. I am terrified! I fought so hard to survive a crash that I should have died in….. I certainly don’t want to go now! Will I be ok??
Verna Smith
Grants Pass, Oregon
I started taking Lyrica in March 2015 due to nerve pain from cervical stenosis.Pregabalin ( aka ) Lyrica. Sever shortness of breath,swelling of upper and lower limbs and abdomen ( Edema )uncontrollable jerking and shaking,poor coordinnation and unsteadiness walking. injurying my forehead with rug burn do to my legs taking off like a child learning to walk and going fast downhill.my walk is getting uncontrolable. can not lift my legs without assistance.memory and confusion problems. the Pharmacist told me to just stop taking the med and said I was suffering from sever side effects of Lyrica. Ithen told me to go to urgent care immediately. Urgent care said they would not see me because they don’t treat people with shortness of breath due to medication. Went straight to the ER and after immediately being taken in I waited 5 1/2 hrs to not having any of my questions answered by the doctor in regard to what to do to counteract these side effects, he left without answering my question. At the end of the 51/2 hrs he came back and said I can give you Atavan for anxiety.I refused it. What a absolute horror of that experience. I have been off the Lyrica since March 26 2015 and am still suffering the effects as mention above, At 5:45 this morning my feet felt like they were being handle by remote control. I have rug burn on my forehead because my legs are no longer working correctly.I am calling Pfizer who made the product and FDA as well as filing a formal complaint against the attending physician at the hospital .I pray I get my life back soon. I am sorry for each of you that have suffered as I have. I still do not know what you have to do to get a straight answer to the question “What to take to reverse or eliminate these side effects. I left the hospital as diagnosed with shortness of breath. THAT is not a diagnosis that is a symptom , some very dangerous symptoms I might add and still have.By the way they never hooked up the IV after injecting it in me,nor give me a button to ring for help. My nephew had to bend down under the bed to get it. When I rang the button for help for my nurse she never came one time during the 5 1/2 hrs. What a nightmare. I will never go back to Three Rivers Hospital for treatment nor could I “recommend them. I will never allow the so called ‘attending” MD Drew J. Lewis. If I do not get better I am filing a lawsuit! Please reply. Thank you.
London Helen
London England
I have Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome Type 3 (genetic), with CFS and fibromyalgia. I live in pain from damaged nerves and have had several operations to fix worn out joints. I just weaned off my final dose of Lyrica four days ago. I was on it for 7 months trying to get to an effective dosage to deal with the chronic pain. Over those months I stopped going out apart from light grocery shopping, I found it impossible to concentrate, felt utter confusion at the thought of performing simple tasks and feel geriatric/brain damaged.
I would rather be bed bound in pain again, working from home rather than being brain damaged.
I pray to God that my brain function will return (got to the pot where serving up dinner on to my dinner plate was too taxing on the brain). I still have a goldfish brain!
I’ve lost the last 7 months of my life. I’m only 45yrs and had to give up law school.
My doctor never warned me of any possible side effects.
I have been on lyrica 75 mg 2x daily and neurontin 800mg 3x daily now 3 weeks. I’ve have had fibromyalgia and lupus now for a year and had just been taken neutrontin. Since I began lyrica. I have been having blurred vision, muscle pain, depression and a rash with my lupus butterfly facial rash. Is it too soon for me to benefit from the lyrica? I just want relief. I felt as if I have the flu everyday. After talking to my dr he said give it time. But how much time?
Well, after reading all of the above, I know now what the heck is going on. I had a total hip replacement and the surgeons stretch my siatic nerve and now I have drop foot and nerve damage down the outer part of my leg. I started lyrica 3 months later. It was not too bad at first but then the weight gain,not being coherent most of the time,anger, sadness,unwillingness to be part of my family, so much has been happening to me and my Doctor shrugged his shoulders and basically said deal with it. So, I am. I knew I couldn’t stop taking it cold turkey so I am weaning myself off also. The side effects are almost as bad as the pain itself. I just took my last pill yesterday morning. I was up most of the night terrified for some reason. I woke up not breathing, then heart pounding so hard I really thought I was having a heart attack. I was almost to the point of calling for help but then as I sat up frightened I started to read about withdrawals. I talked myself down and am still fighting to get off it. Because I now know what to expect I will deal with it myself. Now , I just don’t know what to do about the actual pain itself. I will be gun shy from here on in. Maybe I will get my family back.
thanks for all the help each and everyone of you have given me. Take care of your-selves!
Angel P.
I am a 50 yr old new user of lyrica And yes it works wonders for my spinal nerve pain but I must admit I am starting to feel A LOT DIFFERENT the longer I take it I can use the weight gain but my throat n gums n neck feel really bad when the med is due or missed slight headaches appearing now. I never had these before and yes I feel very very sad and alone BUT I MUST WAIT IT OUT DOES THE BENEFIT OF NERVE PAIN outweigh these symptoms thats a profound HECK YEA for me so far Now. WITHDRAWAL Is scaring me from getting off.. I hope headaches are relieved by a simple headache med & that my swollen throat w sore throat medicine again I need the weight so I hope n pray I can keep it on if no vomiting starts to be a side effect to the side side effect so AS U ALL CAN READ I AM PRAYING THAT LYRICA IS AS CLOSE TO THE REAL DEAL AS PENICILLIN TURNED OUT TO BE TO MANKIND. keep working on it & at making it better, if you can. Thank You . . Was I venting or sharing my story!
I would never say lyrica is like penicillin to humankind. Its an evil drug
First off, I just want to say that for all these people posting about cost, that there’s an assistance program through pfizer for lyrica and many other meds. I’ve been getting mine free for 4 years. Secondly, I have not gained weight while on it or had any swelling. I’ve actually lost 85 lbs while on it. If I didn’t have it , I wouldn’t be able to get out if bed with all my chronic pain and fibromyalgia, two badly herniated discs, one bulging disc at c5, migraines, ibs, insomnia , anxiety and depression. This med is the only reason I can move. I’ve unfortunately run out about two weeks ago thanks to my dr not faxing correct papers . So I started withdrawing off it after 4 years being on it. Not a good feeling , but nowhere near the hell of coming off Cymbalta. That med will kill you.
United States
some people cannot get on prescription assistance because they make too much money. My own mother cannot get assistance through the drug companies for her very expensive breathing medications that were costing her $500 a month, and she is on social security, however the medications that she needed were not covered. So, please, do not tell people to go through the company and their meds will be free. You are giving people who need them false hope. Oh, and my mom’s Social security is just over $1000. How is she supposed to live off of that amount and still get her medications? She cannot. She has to have the meds, yet she cannot afford to live.
I have been on Lyrica since 2007 for Fibromyalgia. Over the years, I have had to obtain pre-authorizations from my insurance carriers time and again. I had to utilize co-pay assistance cards in order to afford this drug. I just changed insurance carriers and instead of paying $30 copay/month, I found out it has increased to $250/month! I need to wean myself off and just going from 200 mg/day to 100 is causing withdrawal symptoms in a two-day period. I am scared as I had to wean one time before when I was waiting on a pre-auth and withdrawal symptoms were very scary. I could not sleep, had cold sweats, inner trembling and all over itching. My depression was overwhelming, racing thoughts, anxiety. Well, here we go again. Only this time, I have no choice but to get off of it. I see my doctor in two days to start on gabapentin. I have no idea if it will help with my withdrawals. I wish I never would have started Lyrica to begin with! Once you are on it, be sure you have the means to stay on it; because you are pretty much stuck. Someone please tell me if gabapentin will help me with my withdrawal symptoms. Thank you.
You do realize pfizer has a medication assistance program? I’ve been on it since 2011 for my lyrica. I ran out two weeks ago thanks to my dr. Going through withdrawals now.
Gabapentin is not even close to lyrica in being helpful . I’ve tried both . I’ve never had any issues with lyrica ; swelling , weight gain , sleepiness .. Nothing . I’ve even lost 85 lbs while on it .
Hi Hallie,
Yeah, I am using the Lyrica Co-Pay Assistance Program now. The card takes off a maximum of $70/month. My doctor rewrote my prescription and we somehow got my price down to $80/month (after the assistance program took the $70 off). My doctor’s office will be fighting this with my insurance company since my withdrawals are terrifying. So I am back on my 100mg twice a day and feel back to “normal” (whatever that is).
As far as the medication, I too have never had side effects from Lyrica. Right away, it helped with my fibromyalgia pain. It’s the withdrawal effects that concern me. I think for now, I will have to continue on Lyrica. My central nervous system has grown accustomed to the medication; to stop it after 7 years of usage has too many adverse effects on my body.
There is also a psychological component to this as well. Lyrica helps with my depression and when I was withdrawing from it, I had all kinds of horrible thoughts. I have had a major tragedy happen in my life that has rocked my world. To be having withdrawals on top of that is way too much for me to handle.
I hope you have some resolution to your situation–either getting back on the Lyrica or getting through these awful side effects. I wish you the best of luck.
Been taking this for 3 weeks and I’m getting some relief, but still have back pain. Had fusion back surgery on disks 4/5 02/27/2015 and I’m still in pain, but I was in horrific pain before surgery. Tried Gabapentin (Neurontin), and would be eating a burger at Carls junior and would start crying, not out loud, but tears would come down my face, stopped taking that. After my surgery, I’m still in pain and have to sit for my job which pisses my back off.
So I started taking Lyrica 75mg, then just upped it to 150mg and it seems to be helping a little bit, but I have dry mouth and my eyes are watering pretty bad, I thought it was from allergies till I started reading here. Still have to take percoset anyway, so I’m going to stop taking the Lyrica today and it is very expensive, the doctor gave me a prescription to move me to 300 mg which would have been $290 a month, told the pharmacy I didn’t want to pay the $290, they kept the dose at 150 mg for $145, but between the Percoset, Singular & potassium pills, I’m putting out $375 a month. Found out that percocet slows down everything in you body, breathing, bowles, everything, that is how those pills work. This is why I take Singulair to open up my airways from the percocet, so sad.
After reading this, I’m done with Lyrica, will stop to 75mg for a week, then stop taking all together. Will se if they have something else. Be careful with Cymbalta, it worked great for me, but it made me hold water and raise your blood pressure and also made me sweat really bad which made me dehydrated, which caused 15 kidney stones and three surgeries to remove the kidney stones. Plus, I went thru withdrawls for 7 weeks. Best of luck for everybody.
mandy a.
I am currently taking pregablin have been for over a year now I’m on 200mg twice a day I have fibromyalgia and restless leg syndrome. Also very bad depression. I have gained 3 stone since taking this awful drug! My memory is so bad I am very agitated. Really bad mood swings. But I’m frightened of coming of them as I was on gabapentin before pregablin for 5 month and my old doctor took me of them without weening me. I had terrible depression, I was suicidal my mum and fiancé had to take me to the hospital. I’m scared I may feel that way again.
First, a huge thank you to everyone who has shared their experiences with getting off of Lyrica. At my last appt I was given 2 sample packs to “try”. Because of the 70% hike in out of pocket costs since Obamacare went into effect – all part of the “Affordable Care Act”, the first thing I did was search out the cost for the suggested dose, and then with the insurance formulary. It requires special approval AND is only covered at 50%. … around $300 if not approved, $150 if approved, and that’s just the starting off dose. Given the hundreds and hundreds of dollars already marching out every month, I had a problem justifying another $150-$300 regardless of how well it works. Also as I’m sure many have experienced “special approval” can be fleeting. I can only imagine starting to take this and having insurance later pull the approval, leaving me with either a forced withdrawal or $300/mo to keep going and/or however long the weaning process would be.
After reading what most everyone has gone through with Lyrica, and trying to remove it from their lives, I have made the informed decision to not take a single dose. I opened the sample box to read through their information sheet and will be returning this horrific substance to the doctor. At the last appt they said “you need Lyrica.” I am glad it has worked the miracle for some. However for the rest whose personal lives are crumbling due to the side effects and the withdrawal- I echo the sentiment ‘how did this ever get through the FDA’?
Another heart felt thank you to those willing to share, you have saved another person from having to go through the same thing . I refuse to “give a try” after my doctors said I “need” it. Thank you.
Hi Wilma,
I am so glad you made the decision not to even try Lyrica! I have been on it since 2007 and it has always been relatively affordable. I filled my last prescription two days ago and WITH insurance approval, my co-pay went up to $250/month (from $30)! I have no choice but to get off this horrible medication I, at one time, praised. I have begun to take 100 mg from my normal 200 mg the past two days and the withdrawal symptoms are beginning. I had to wean one time before, but not entirely. It is a scary medication and I fear what will become of me in the next few days. Maybe Pfizer will get their way and I will have to cough up the money just so I can function. Consider it a blessing the Lyrica won’t work out for you financially. It stopped helping with my fibromyalgia pain years ago.
Pfizer has an assistance program for lyrica . You would t have to spend anything . I’ve gotten mine free for 4 years.
Angel Peterkin
Yes, Wilma your one of the lucky ones who were informed so to speak but most were sold the dream as in Docs orders but as usual Help for Some And A Hinderance for the Others
Brisbane, Australia
I was recently diagnosed with MS after dealing with muscle spasms, pin and needles and aching pain for years now my neurologist prescribed me Lyrica. As soon as I had my full 24hr dose I started getting agonizing pain in my hands that radiated up my arms. I went to the dr and they said it can’t be the meds. I’ve been on it for a month now gained from 10kgs, have severe insomnia, fatigue, nausea, lack in concentration, no ability to hold a conversation, memory problems, I am agitated all the time for no good reason, moody, irregular periods, unable to produce satisfactory amount of urine, feeling full after fluid, fevers and the list would go on. I have more side effects than I do symptoms from my MS. I have decided to when myself off because I feel so horrible all the time and I’m only 21 yr old with a 21month old son. I just want to feel normal again.
I started taking Lyrica when I had a compressed nerve in my neck. I found it really helped with my fibromalgia pain too. Thought it was a great pain reliever until, within weeks I was crying for no reason, gained 15 pounds in one month. My eyes are teary and I was so emotional and short tempered. I tried to get off the Lyrica and I sweat all night, pain and no sleep. So I am still weaning. I hope this stops soon. I don’t know how long it takes to get out of my system. As you all know chronic pain is horrible but I don’t think Lyrica is the right answer. Not to mention my doctors didn’t believe me either.
Lisa S
Ft. Worth, TX
I have been on Lyrica since I was approximately 29 years old (I am now 35). I started taking it after being diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, and was given the maximum dosage of 600mg a day. In addition to being high as a kite, I gained a tremendous amount of weight (about 30 lbs). I took this dosage for several years before attempting a much lower dosage of 300mg a day. I went down to this dosage immediately, without weaning down slowly. I remember the withdrawal symptoms well. I had horrific nightmares, insomnia, headaches, diarrhea, nausea, extreme anxiety, an overall feeling of sadness and depression, but would also experience a wide range of emotions in addition to that, including exaggerated feelings of joy and anger. I also experienced a sudden increase in pain, as well as restless legs, extreme skin sensitivity, itchiness, and a decrease in appetite. Once I became used to the lower dosage, things returned to normal. I have been on this lower dosage since then and have only recently had the desire to increase it because of residual pain due to my Fibromyalgia. I made the mistake of taking more of my prescription instead of simply speaking with my doctor, and ran out early. Luckily, I was able to get a prescription for Gabapentin, but it only helps with the withdrawal symptoms somewhat. I have still experienced much of what I described above, unfortunately, leading me to believe that the Gabapentin is not helping as much as I thought it was. In addition to going through Lyrica withdrawal, I am also coming off of Xanax. I have made a conscious decision to stop taking it because I don’t want to become dependent on it. Well, as you all know, coming off of a benzo cold-turkey is dangerous, and I have had a seizure as a result.
Although I will completely stop taking Xanax, I will not stop taking Lyrica. Despite the withdrawal symptoms, it is easy to take responsibly when you have the right dosage and is a miracle drug, in my humble opinion. It helps *tremendously* with pain, and I highly recommend it to anyone diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, neuropathic pain, diabetic pain, etc. The key is to take the lowest dose possible that helps with pain, and like with all drugs, it is to be taken responsibly.
I took Lyrica for fibromyalgia, I gained over 20 lbs. It didn’t help the pain as much as I thought it would and gaining the weight definitely didn’t help at all.
I did wean off of Lyrica with the help of a doctor over the period of 6 weeks. I have complicated migraines that are debilitating and take about five days to recuperate from. They leave the left side of my body weak and numb. I have a hard time talking and making sense when this is going on. I wish I had known before I ever started taking it how it could affect me even just getting off of it. I no longer am taking it.
Recently, the doctor mentioned that I should try Cymbalta, and after reading about the problems with that drug there is no way in Hades I would even take money to try it!!! This experience with Lyrica has been far too painful and scary for my husband, the family and myself.
Brisbane AU
About 3 1/2 months ago I woke up with a migraine and have had it ever since. None of the usual migraine medications worked until one day my new doctor prescribed me lyrica. He assured me there were NO withdrawal effects so I was obviously thrilled. I still constantly had the headache and occasional migraine but the pain was so much more bearable! After a month off work I was able to go back, but my memory was terrible, I couldn’t keep track of conversations and I gained 10Kg in a month!
Finally got in to see a neurologist and he has put me on Deralin, slowly increasing my dose of that while also decreasing my dose of Lyrica. Withdrawals have included nausea, vomiting, headaches (different to the usual one), chills, aches, tingling in fingers and toes and now a late period (not pregnant). As a painkiller, lyrica was amazing but the side effects and now withdrawals are terrible. I have completely finished Lyrica as of 2 days ago and can not wait until it is completely out of my system! Deralin has done the trick and I can now go a couple of hours at a time without headaches.
Let me know if you have had these symptoms, hopefully by sharing my experience you’ll know you’re not alone!
I have been on lyrica for pain in my legs, feet, arms and hands following the chemo drug taxol. In 2008 I was diagnosed with two different breast cancers. A different one in each breast. The treatment for both was thankfully the same, but taxol was one of the drugs known to cause nerve pain in extremities. If burning occurred, I was assured it would go away within 2 years. For me it did not.
I tried many other drugs before I was given lyrica. Nothing else worked, whereas lyrica helped a lot!The pain I had was way over a 10. When I take lyrica, I go down to a 6. Still have a lot of pain, but nothing in comparison. I have many of the side effects- blurred vision, sleepiness, sore muscles, RLS at times, twitching jaw, blurred brain, can’t really finish a long train of thought, but the relief I get from the drug is worth all of that. A few years ago I went off the lyrica for just a week, and my pain was astronomical!
I agree that the side effects are horrible, but for those who wonder if it’s worth it- it’s not worth it for you. Don’t take it! If you have choices, don’t take it! The drug should definitely have been made for people like me- and I am very grateful! Everyone should be told what the possible side effects are and then weigh the pro’s and con’s for yourself! I’ve tried to convince my doc’s to put in a spinal infusion of some other drugs, but so far they won’t.
I Have been taking a combination of Lyrica and Cymbalta for about 5 years for neuropathy. Along with the pain and numbness in my feet I also experienced extremely cold feet. I recently tried acupuncture for my symptoms. The treatments have helped greatly with my cold feet. I couldn’t tell about the pain and numbness because I was still taking the Lyrica and Cymbalta. It has taken me 3 weeks to wean off the Cymbalta with minimal side effects. I plan on beginning to wean off the Lyrica today. It’s the only way I can see to tell if the acupuncture will help with my pain and numbness.
I had been taking Lyrica around 6 months. I started from 50mg to 150mg then one day my stomach cramped and I couldn’t eat anything.
I stopped to take all the medicine and vitamins. First I thought I must have the stomach flu, cold and hot, sweat, diarrhoea etc…. those were not the problem on me. The most serious situation was one night I wanted to end my life because the stomach cramp and acid in my mouth made me in a lower mood I never had.
It was lucky my dog found something wrong on me and cleared my thought. I almost used 2 weeks to clean up a part the Lyrica in my body. It is over 4 weeks now and I still having diarrhoea. I believe Lyrica need a good explanation when the Dr lets you try it.
I am doing some simple Yoga everyday. It is quite helpful for the emotion and my neck/back pain. I did not take the Lyrica over 4 weeks and feel alright. I still have some neck and back pain but I think it is much come easily than the side effects of the Lyrica.
My day one of getting off lyrica,…everyone needs to write this to the fda, to get warning signs on this drug,…I have been a pharmacy technician for 20 years and u can just stop the drug and have all the WD in the week or drop down every week until ur off..either way ur going go get the wd’s…so for me am done with it and day one is almost over…very bad headache, hot then cold…am going to go to my Dr tomorrow and ask for some help, get medicines for the WD,.zofran for the nausea,.fiorcet for headaches…I may have to take 5 different things for a week or two…but I will not take this zombie waking drug again,..if fda gets a lots of problems with this drug they will make the bad WD known before u take it or the will take it off the market….good luck to all
I’ve had a completely different experience. I’ve been on Lyrica since last spring for fibromyalgia I’ve suffered from since my thirties. I’m now in my fifties.
For me it has been a great blessing, especially for the nerve pain that nothing else has helped. While I’ve had a little weight gain and some foot swelling, it pales against what I would be going through without it. Because of this, it has also helped me sleep better at night without the constant nerve pain and aggravation, nothing like at the level I’ve experienced before I started Lyrica.
I was recently reminded how bad that was, both physically and mentally, when I skipped a few doses to make my prescription last longer. I won’t be doing that again. I realize each person is different and that it doesn’t help everyone. I honestly don’t think I could live without it, without going crazy.
I had been on Lyrica for some time now but my insurance ran out. I had NO clue how dangerous this was because I couldn’t afford this med. Well about a day after I went off I now realize that all my hot flashes and sweats and loss of sleep was not about menopause but going off the lyrica.
About a week later I was a mess, including all of the mentioned but then the hard stuff came. I started with the vomiting and diarrhea, but even more came on which the hardest was the convulsions and when I finally went into the hospital (my fiance had to help me walk because I was so weak) my heart rate was seriously dangerous. The convulsions came on every few minutes and the doctors were running all around me. Well I was put back on gabapentin and will NEVER touch lyrica again.
When you feel like your heart is trying to jump out of your chest you wake up fast, oh by the way, I’m only 48, still feel I’m a little young to leave this world.
Voodoo child yeah
I have been taking Lyrica for sciatic pain and it is great. My PM doctor has slowly worked me up to 400mg a day. It gut my pain from 10+++ to 5 immediately and I can live with that until I find the cause. I don’t have any depression or weird thoughts. Sorry but it works great!!!
I have been on Lyrica for over 5 years and currently trying to get off all my meds due to the side effects. I was successful with Oxi but Lyrica is harder. The lack of sleep is crazy living on 3 hours, so I am trying to go slower and taking 1 – 50mg away every 2 -3 weeks. Yes the pain is back but I have to find another way to deal with it because not just the financial cost but the physical cost of taking this drug is too high a price to pay. Before going on or off any meds think of the long term cost.
I’ve noticed some rarely discussed symptoms from taking lyrica, & it’s withdrawal. When I take it, I get very noticeable muscle twitching, especially in my eyelids & legs, muscle cramps in my calves, and bad head & sinus inflammation. Anyone else notice this? Also, drooling at night; never had it before. Also, when tapering down, I notice the symptoms can be the same as some of the side effects from taking it, which makes it very confusing to know where I’m at in the WD process. I’m detoxing on my own, because my docs’ advice was worthless- cut down over a week or so, ridiculously too fast. My pharmacist said there are no withdrawals!
Does anyone know how to detox from 150 mgs. a day without noticeable wd’s- I have to function at work. Thanks.
Wakefield, UK
I was taking Lyrica for 6 months for a compressed nerve in my pelvis and when I started the dose at just 50mg, I immediately noticed a lot of the side effects previously mentioned here. My dose was gradually increased to 400mg a day. The excruciating pain I had been feeling in my lower back and legs was gone, I was sleeping through the night (a first for me) but I felt anxious and would cry at the drop of a hat. For me worst thing has been the brain fog. Forgetting words and how to string them together to make a sentence, losing concentration mid task or conversation and generally being a bit air headed. This is not me, this is not the person I have been for the last 29 years. I’m confident and outgoing, not afraid to open my mouth for fear of being labelled “stupid” because I can’t remember the term for the person I pay my rent to (landlord) or the person who brings our post (postman)!
The weight gain was also a big issue for me. I’ve always lacked confidence in the way I look and the sudden gain sent me spiralling into depression.
One week ago I took my last Lyrica. I forgot to fill the prescription before the weekend and thought I’d be able to handle the pain until the doctor opened on Monday. The pain didn’t return straight away but I spent the weekend fatigued, feverish and with a hell of a headache. When the doctors opened on Monday I was too ill to get my prescription filled. It’s Saturday again now and I still don’t have the tablets but the withdrawal symptoms have increased tenfold. I can’t eat, sleep or drink. The nausea is debilitating and the fever is making my skin feel sore. I have developed restless leg syndrome, diarrhoea, kidney pain, stomach cramps, flu symptoms and mouth sores over the last 3 days alone. My husband doesn’t know how to help me and I’m too weak to get up out of bed most days. I don’t know whether to stick it out or start taking the Lyrica again just for some relief.
I sincerely hope that you all find the peace you’re looking for.
Who the he’ll ever approved this drug -.- I have had to go off this drug for weight gain making my pain worse while on it, and it took them 6 weeks to wean me down. The sweating, anxiety to the point I wanted to die and aching body pains were horrible. I was put back on this drug after being told that what I went through WAS NOT WITHDRAWLS OR LINKED TO THE LYRICA. So I TRUSTED doctors and I am now pregnant and have to come off it again. I am so worried for my baby and don’t know how I’m going to face this again. And this is only a few weeks after I had to severely withdraw from oxycontin 100mg a day ( which is nothing compared to this.)
This drug needs much more regulation and doctors need educating after I had multiple doctors tell me that what I was going through was a case of mind over matter. I’ve been on it over 12 months and can’t see any easy fix for this one. And now I have to weigh up the risk of withdrawals on this baby and the risk of associated fetal complications. Right now going back to spending every morning in bed in agony seems a better option than this.
I have been on lyrica for 2 years. I tried quitting it cold turkey and I thought I was dying… dizziness diarrhea headache that wouldn’t go away sky high blood pressure nausea vomiting stomach pain… It was horrible. I took a lyrica and the side affects stopped almost instantly… Don’t stop taking your lyrica until you talk to your doctor… they will help you decrease slowly so you wont have the withdrawal symptoms! Hope you feel better!
I was prescribes Lyrica for leg numbness & pain. I took 300mg for about five months. I gained quite a bit of weight so decided to stop taking the medication. I did not discuss this with my Dr before I discontinued the drug.
Little did I know the hell that awaited me. Approximately five days after I stopped taking the Lyrica my scalp became very sore & it even hurt when I brushed my hair. The next day I had a headache that was so painful I thought someone was hitting me with a Sledgehammer!! The headaches & the nerve pain on my scalp got worse & I spent five weeks in bed wishing I could die. The Dr couldn’t figure out what was happening & told me I was having migraines!! My Neurologist told me I had Rheumatoid Arthritis in my neck & I probably had a pinched nerve!! He prescribed an anti seizure medication for me!!??!!
Four days ago I was lying in bed thinking of how to take my life & end this excruciating pain, I thought about the Lyrica. The sensitivity on my scalp was exactly the same as on my leg. The headaches, however, I thought must be attributed to the nerves on my scalp being ultra sensitive. It was then I decided to start taking the Lyrica again, just to see if my theory was correct & these horrific headaches would stop. It’s now four days later & I am pain free!! No more excruciating headaches, no more scalp pain!!
I’m now going to share my findings with my Dr & see what he has to say. I’m even going to contact the drug manufacturer to inform them of the suffering they’ve put me through. When a drug has this type of horrendous side effects when a patient is stooping the drug, it should NEVER have been approved in the first place.
Sheryl s.
Greenville sc
We I have had a lot of pain in my left leg to the point of having it checked for blood clots.thankfully their wasn’t . And my head aches are so bad and my vision has got a lot worse. And I’ve put this all together as being Lyrica WD because I didn’t have the money to fill my prescription Thant headaches and leg pain got so bad I thought it was from my fibromyalgia that I pawn my ring to get the money.
Well, the Doc lowers my mg from 300 ,1x a day to a 100, 2x a day. I still had a lot of swelling and pain in my left leg so I lowered it to 50, 2x a day. But then I couldn’t get my Meds filled and now my whole bodies paying for it.my head is busting at night my legs are killing me my vision is terrible , and my arms ,hands and the rest of my body can even function hardly. I’m in more pain now than I was before I started. And I take 4/5 loratabs a day that don’t even touch it hardly. This is unreal. Sand I didn’t mention not sleeping now the body temp changes. My Legs will be on fire when the rest is fine. God please help me through this. And the doc never warned me about this drug. I guess that’s what a clinic does for you. I don’t know. Hope y’all get some relief.
Calgary, Canada
I have experienced constant chronic pain for over 40 years. I am kind of like ‘a perfect storm’ of stuff causing my neuropathic pain. I was born with one leg about two inches longer than the other, because I don’t walk with a limp, my spine and hips had to adjust to this causing scoliosis, and also balance issues. I had a very bad fall as a child and sheared off part of my SI joint, then I had an issue with my spine called tethered spinal cord, which I had surgery for in my late teens, and in my early twenties I was in a bad car accident which caused significant soft tissue damage to my neck and shoulder. As one of my pain doctors says, I’m an absolute mess and he can’t figure out how I’m even able to walk. Anyhow, after years of pain meds, sedatives, and pain treatments, one of my current pain doctors put me on Lyrica. I noticed no change at first except that for the first time in over thirty years I went from having an average of 3 hours sleep a night (due to pain keeping me awake) to sleeping 9 hours!! Wow, that was all I needed to encourage me to stay on the drug for a few months. I suffered with confusion and brain fog, as well as lethargy at first, we adjusted the dose and I went down to just 150mg taken at bedtime. That made all the difference for me, I was back to feeling like myself in the day, yet sleeping through the night. It wasn’t until a year later that I truly noticed a difference pain wise. It was summertime and I suddenly realized that I was able to ride a bike (if I had an ergonomic one), something that had become unheard of for years was now very possible. So for me, Lyrica, combined with other pain treatments has been very beneficial. I will say that due to an inescapable situation a few years ago, I happened to miss two doses, that was brutal as I started to go through withdrawal. Both of my pain doctors would agree that Lyrica should NEVER be quit cold turkey, this is a med that directly affects the brain and nervous system, PLEASE listen to your doctor and strictly follow the regimen for weaning off of this drug on their timetable. Thanks! I have been on Lyrica for about ten years now.
Scarborough, Ontario
I’ve been disabled with major complications for over 7 years now. I’ve gone through just about every pain medication you can think of and nothing worked for me. Then I found Lyrica. It has been a God-send for me. Yes, I have some of the side effects mentioned in other posts but, compared to the unrelenting nerve pain it’s worth it. I have a tendency to become immune to drugs if I take them regularly. I only take the Lyrica (225mg) when I just can’t handle the pain anymore. It lets me sleep which is a miracle in and of itself.
Unless I’m on the Lyrica I’m in constant pain from a major back injury in April almost 8 years ago now. I had surgery to repair two herniated discs (L4 and L5) and to repair my Sciatic nerve which had been caught between the discs and was grinding between them for two weeks. I’ve had Endometriosis since I was 17 (I’ll turn 46 this year) and have a very high pain threshold. This back injury was so bad I was literally screaming in agony. Nothing but morphine would even touch the pain. I was warned that the surgery might not be 100% effective. About 10% of the people who go through the surgery are left with residual pain. I’m one of the 10%.
The Lyrica was like a warm soft fuzzy blanket swaddling me in pain free comfort. It’s worth the side effects to me. Yes I feel stoned but I don’t feel the pain anywhere near as much as my daily unmedicated pain. I don’t have any withdrawal symptoms because I don’t take it regularly. The pain meds that have to be taken for over a month before you feel any relief never worked for me. I have found that Lyrica and Baclofen are miracles of modern medicine. I have no feeling in my left leg below my knee as a result of 2 weeks of misdiagnosis’ except for when the burning stabbing nerve pain hits.
My left Sciatic nerve was so damaged (to this day I don’t know what I did to cause this agony) I had to be taken to the hospital by ambulance. I was screaming in agony from the minute they strapped me to the stretcher in my bedroom. They had to carry me down 50 stairs in a narrow hallway and I screamed all the way. I screamed for the 20 minutes it took to get to the closest hospital. They gave me a shot of morphine and sent me back to the first hospital I’d been to about the pain. The morphine wore out before the ambulance ride did. And I had to deal not only with the pain but with the fact that I was being sent back to a hospital that had previously misdiagnosed my condition! And, 3 years prior, this same hospital had performed the wrong surgery on my left hand and now they were sending me back to be butchered again.
So, the solution to weening off of Lyrica is to only take it when you absolutely need it. It’s been a miracle drug for me.
London uk
Hi all,
I was taking 30/500 codeine tablets for the last 18 months, about 4000mg a day due to two compressed nerves in C4/C5 of my neck. With extreme pain in my upper arm prior with numbness and pinching…a bit like hitting your funny bone (elbow)pain. The surgeon who performed the shaving of my two discs a month before surgery put me on Pregabalin (2 x 150mg) a day. I immediately felt the pain had decreased dramatically and slowed down my codeine intake. My codeine went down to two 500mg tablets a night with a 150mg pregabalin.
I had my surgery five weeks ago and regained my strength in my arms which were numb prior.
Okay this all seems fine so far eh…. Since taking pregabalin in just two and a half months I have put on two stone(24LB). I have felt confused to the point where I am half way through a conversation and just drift off, kind of like daydreaming. My company will not let me back to work as I program things.
I am due to go back in 4 weeks so I decided to come off from the medication. I am on at day three now and finding it so hard. My symptoms so far are throat glands swelling, fever, unbelievable feeling of sickness. Flu symptoms, diarrhoea headaches pain like I have been hit by a bus my left foot is a little numb too while I type.
These tablets helped me prior to my op but are now causing me big problems. I am sitting up at 01.20am for the third day now. My doctor is basically a drug dealer who sedates me until I will go away. I am really stubborn and will not let this beat me.
I know the best thing is to wean off of these but I need to go back to work in a month. From 4000mg of codeine to 300mg of pregabalin and 1000mg of codeine to nothing phew. The drugs industry is a trillion dollar business. I wish all of you love and positive thinking,
Dan ;) 41y old from London UK.
york england
Hey, I’m on my first day of removing these from my system because of the bad side affects I was having. I was on 150mg.
The advice I got from my lovely doctor was take a couple of days off work as it’s going to be a tough ride. And flush out your system with lots of water. Serious headaches. I mean head splitting! Sore light sensitive eyes is what I have so far. Not looking forward to tomorrow.
york england
Hey, I’m on my first day of removing these from my system because of the bad side affects I was having. I was on 150mg.
The advice I got from my lovely doctor was take a couple of days off work as it’s going to be a tough ride. And flush out your system with lots of water. Serious headaches. I mean head splitting! Sore light sensitive eyes is what I have so far. Not looking forward to tomorrow.
UPDATE.. Tomorrow is here. I’ve never had such horrendous nightmares in my life! Slight hallucinations and a night of feeling like I was on fire. The headaches have calmed down a bit. My mouth is sore and I feel like crap.
I can’t believe this med is legal!
I stopped cold turkey. I think lowering your dosage would be better if you have been on it long time.
But you can get off it! Just keep going and believe that you can. Keep drinking lots and flush it out. Xxxxxx
Im taking 100mg of Lyrica, once a day, and I am wanting to get off of it also. I was able to do this about 3 yrs ago by s l o w l y cutting back (ever 2 weeks) on the millagrams. At that time I was only taking 75 mg and then I went to 50mg, then 25mg. My Dr was never able to come up with anything that could replace the Lyrica so he talked me in to getting back on it. Now I am taking it again!
Im really dreading this because I now know what it does when you try to break free. Please advise anyone not to take this drug!
Dear friend, as about Lyrica keep in mind that the placebo effect of anticipation for withdrawal, plays a major role. As of codeine, there’s a ceiling effect on 30mg, anything above that just doesn’t do anything other than side effects, so 4000mg of codeine is “criminally murderous” on behalf of your doctor. Always research, never put all of your trust on them. Wishes for a quick recovery!!
You really need to wean slowly. Lyrica changes the way your brain works and if you don’t wean off of it then you can have major problems…. Try asking your doctor if they can wean you in that amount of time. I think they can because your dose isn’t too high. I am not on 50mg twice a day I used to be on 150mg 3 times a day but I’m doing mine very slowly a decrease every 3 months… You won’t get rid of those withdrawal symptoms if you don’t wean off of it…. hope you feel better :)
Melanie S.
United States
I am currently weaning off of lyrica. I am 24 years old and “diagnosed” with fibro. I was on it for just two months when I started noticing my inability to comprehend simple conversations. Side effects listed on the web included “mental impairment” and thats exactly what it was! This was accompanied by dizziness, nauseousness, mania, impulsiveness and impairment in my movements.
The first week has been hellish. I am experiencing pain in my sciatic nerves, fogginess, depression, exhaustion and headaches. I cant sleep a full night without waking up with intolerable dry mouth. I was happy to see i am not alone in this because my rheumatologist assured me that it would be no problem. I am currently seeking alternative and holistic medicine practices to help alleviate my health issues.
Matty g
Hi everyone I’m so glad I found this site. I’ve been on 300mg per day for 18 months and have recently tried to stop, I started taking half doses for about a month before going cold turkey, its had been about 10 days off and I was that messed up in the head I started having suicidal thoughts and violent behaviour towards my wife and I was always angry at how I was thinking a acting I just couldn’t stop and like other posters have stated the drug is very dangerous, my wife had to stay away from me due to my irrational behavior, so over the last 24 hours I’ve gone back on full dose and just like snapped fingers I feel fine again, I’m wondering how I will ever get off this drug as the drug does not seem to give enough relief for what the side effects are but I’d rather be taking lyrica for the rest of my life then ever go through what I’ve been through trying to get off it, suicide is such a big risk with this drug yet no health professionals will tell you this because they don’t know, it’s people like us who can tell the real effects of this dangerous and deadly drug.
Anyone thinking of trying lyrica please read through all these posts first before taking it, it may just save your life, also others have stated no one understands what’s going on when withdrawal kicks in, trying to explain it is near impossible even to your loved ones, it truly becomes a personal battle between your willpower and body and mind which I couldn’t win, I’m now stuck in the lyrica circle, please everyone don’t make the same mistake I did, don’t take it in the first instance, ask for anything else available.
Hi,I’m 30 year old male I’ve just started taking lyrica for a few months now for a nerve pain they can not explain where it is coming from I’ve been to the emergency room at least once a week for different injuries from the shooting pain in my hands and arms causing me to fall off ladders and nearly loose my hand in a brick saw. I’ve had MRI’s CT scans XRAYS etc and was told the only drug that will help with this nerve pain in my arms and hands is Lyrica. I started off on 75mgs 2 times a day and now on 150 mg 2 times a day the pain has been less however the side effects have been huge. I’ve lost 25kgs in under 2 months I can’t keep food in me with constant diarrhea, nausea, blurred vision, memory loss, and unable to get words out properly / unable to string sentences together, balance is way off and have lost my appetite and don’t want to interact with people and friends. I’m depressed and constant thoughts about suicide to end the pain. I’ve now done my own research and found Savella, Gabapentin, Cymbalta however all seem to have same sort of side effects, when i showed this to my doctor I was advised again Lryica is my best option even though I’ve told the doctors about my side effects, i desperate need to get off Lyrica ! any thoughts or help would be greatly appreciated
Im 52 year old female who was diagnosed with fibromyalgia eight years ago. I started on Lyrica 150 mg 2 times a day for 6 plus years and I noticed that it hasn’t been helping like it did in the beginning. So I decided with the help of my doctor to wean off of Lyrica. it was a 3 weeks process. By the third week my skin was crawling like bugs were on me. On the first day that I didn’t take Lyrica I was nauseous had diarrhea had hot flashes and I was so cold I thought I was freezing, my legs were so restless that I couldn’t keep still, I felt so depressed and I had a headache, I couldn’t eat or drink anything and became dehydrated. By the third day I called my doctor and went to see her and she told me I was indeed going through withdrawals and I needed to go off of it slower. I ended up in the emergency room because I was so dehydrated. They put me back on 75 milligrams once a day to wean off of it slower, hopefully in a couple weeks I will be free and clear of this horrible drug called lyrica….
I had no ideal how bad this drug is.
Blessings to everyone who is going through the withdrawals of this drug…..
After reading your post I have decided to get off this Lyrica again. I hope and pray you have been able to get rid of this medication. Im talking to my Doctor asap about it. Im praying for you also. Please add a post to let everyone know how you did it and how you are doing now.
Belmont n.c.
I have been taking Lyrica 150 mg. 3 x a day. It has not been helping lately, eyes burning, itching, I have more pain in my legs, can’t get my words out. I am swollen. I wish I would have never taken this drug.
United States
I’m a 52 year old female. I was on Lyrica 150 mg 2 times a day for 5+ years,for my fibromyalgia. I didn’t feel it was helping the pain of fibryalgia anymore so I stopped taking Lyrica with my doctor’s approval, weaning off of Lyrica was bad, when I took my last dose I started with Itching skin, hot flashes and cold sweats, nausea, vomiting, restless legs, insomnia, couldn’t eat or drink,headaches, ended up dehydrated. I ended up in hospital . Now I’m back taking low dose of Lyrica again to go off of it slower… I hope I can get off of this drug totally someday soon! I was never told about how bad this drug was to get off of or I would have never started taking this drug. Beware of this drug.
Kennebunk, Maine
I have been on 300 mg. of Lyrica a day for 7 years. Not realizing that it has been killing me slowly. I have been getting terrible body heat and body heat meltdowns for years. I have what is referred to as chicken skin arms. You take a freshly plucked chicken and feel all the little bumps where the feathers came out of and that is what my arms feel like. The biggest problem is the body heat that never, never, never quits. It’s like going thru menopause 24 -7 and I am 73.
I went to a warm climate this summer and thought I was going to die. After many different specialist Doctors finding nothing wrong with me, my Doctor decided to stop all my medicines and supplements. I have been trying to get off Lyrica for 5 months now. I am down to 50 mg. once a day. I have splitting headaches, horrible bouts of nausea and lack the willing or ability to do anything but sit and cry. It is not getting any easier on me or my Husband. I am 73 years old and have absolutely no life other than my bed, chair, computer and tv. My Doctor, my Husband, my Family and myself at all at our wits end trying to help me. Is the and end to this????
Centurion, SA
Margaret, I share you sentiments about Lyrica. I also ended up in emergency care for severe withdrawal symptoms, the least of which was the unbearable pain in every part of the body, the worst part being the anxiety. I am free of it now, but truly, it took me months. Will never just pop a pill again. Paracetamol is the heaviest pain killer I am taking now.
I was to lazy to do anything since last year some of my friends where taking lyrica so I tried once. It would make you super hyper talk more eat more .. walk on the clouds … I took lyrica 300 for 2 months I felt am losing memory. So I stopped right away, at first 3 days I had pain all over my body just like I left morphine now I get big dizziness in my head heart burn nervous problems like any one talk to me I yell at him . Last 2 weeks been like hell for me. No doctor can help me here… They just give me an injection to put me to sleep. I am still the same condition. What shall I do? Any advice or help to recover? I am really suffering from this nervous pain. Recently got problem with stomach its burning badly.
I have been on lyrica for years. At first I only used it to help me sleep, then I started taking it as prescribed 3x a day. It did make me more social, made eating things very simple, and as it did you made me feel like I was walking on clouds. Please know that a lot of withdrawal symptoms are mental and only some are physical.
You have to think your body is used to having this chemical and now it has to get used to not having it there or not having as much of it there. So, it is going to be an adjustment. You didn’t get hooked on it over night and you cant expect to be unhooked to it over night. But IT WILL happen.
YOU CAN AND WILL GET BETTER and when you do, please research anything before you just take it again weather it from a doctor or friend. I too am guilty of thinking just because my doctor prescribed me something, oh suuurrreeee yeaaaah it must be ok right? WRONG. So now not only am I working on getting off of Suboxone, I am working on getting off this Lyrica as well…. But like it I said all this can be done…. and for those of y’all who are being weaned down, trust me that probably is the best way! It stops the withdrawals from being SO hardcore and all at once… imagine those awful things you are feeling but times 10 or for some even 20. It makes jumping off a lot easier when it is time. Hope everyone is well and God Bless anyone that is going through any W/d’s right now..
Wayne R.
Hi everyone I cant believe what I’m reading!
I’m taking 600mg a day now for about 1 year now it makes me feel as high as a kite , I have a compression injury in my lower spine with two flattened nerves before lyrica pain was 9/10 now pain is 5/10 i have slight weight gain but to me that is great as I’m 6’3 and now weigh 82 kg so I don’t look like a toothpick any more I have stopped lyrica instantly before and had not one single withdrawal but after 3 days my pain returns to 9/10. because off my injury I am depressed anyway but lyrica makes me feel awesome I like to skip it for a couple of days as to get that walking on the clouds feeling still with no side effects but everyone is different lyrica may not be for you I think that people need to experiment with this drug to see if it is for them it is definitely for me…
Tampa, FL
I’ve been on lyrica for at least a few years, taking 50 mg. about every other day to help with the nerve pain in my legs. The worst side effect was lack of concentration.
Recently, I thought if I boosted the intake, the pain I have in my hip/leg area would subside, but it only caused more side effects like pain around my eyes, lack of focus, and dry mouth with sores. So, I chose to get off of it and asked if I could switch to neurontin.
The doctor prescribed for me 300 mgs. three times daily but after the first two doses, I was barely able to function. A state of confusion that was impossible to shake rushed over me. So, I dropped that too, and now I am facing the withdrawals of whatever either or both of those medications have caused me, mostly depersonalization, dizziness and confusion. The mouth sores are beginning to go away.
I take two other meds as well, xanax and hydrocodone, for fibromyalgia, neither of which I am willing to get off, as they do help me to cope with the severe all-over-body pain that hits me every time I awaken in the morning, and at times through the day. Xanax helps me to deal slightly with the dizziness, but I know I am likely headed for an extended withdrawal from lyrica since I was on it for so long.
I don’t recommend either neurontin or lyrica, as they both have side effects that aren’t worth the effort to try. My remaining option, which I’ve used through the years, is to get cortisone shots for the nerve pain.
All of the above is risky, I know. But having pain is a terrible existence that can’t go away by itself, I’m afraid.
I have Fibromyaligia, my pain started in my knees and soon after it became widespread. My family doctor had me on Cymbalta for over a year with no results, so she sent me to a rheumatologist. I was given Lyrica plus Cymbalta,sleeping pills, pain and depression medications. I don’t feel like myself anymore, the medications have taken over. Lyrica is my worse nightmare. Night sweats, weight gain, headaches and blurred vision.
My doctor refuses to discuss changing any of my medications. I agree my pain is better but all the side affects are just as bad if not worse. Please consider all the side affects when offered Lyrica, not all medications are equal.
After taking 8 capsules of Lyrica, I had to stop. It was making me feel awful. I could not even go to work for 4 days. I could not get out of bed. Lyrica is not for my stabbing pain. After spending a $100 for the medicine I would rather live with the pain than take Lyrica. It is the weekend so I can’t talk to my doctor. I will call him Monday am. I hope I won’t have any withdrawal problems. Good luck with it.
Melb Australia
I have been on Lyrica for about 1 year, very low dose 75mg for nerve pain in the beginning it was working a treat, but slowely the side effects got to much to bear, blurred vision, altered speech, altered mind set, headaches, weight gain. My Dr and I decided it was time for me to come off it.
Well what a nightmare it has been, nausea, diarrhea, major headaches, chills, feeling like I have been hit by a bus.
I had no idea till I googled that coming off Lyrica was going to be so hard, please tell me there is light at the end of the tunnel, I still have to work and function like a human being.
Its been 2 weeks since my last lyrica and I want to hear that feeling so sick wont last for ever.
Thanks for listening.
Thought it was great at first. Finally got some sleep, had a lot less pain and felt calm and normal finally, but then the swelling came and horrible blurred vision. This was after taking it only two weeks. I decided to taper off slowly. Well, I just about lost my mind. Now I feel even worse than I started. So what I do is take it every now and then when I just can’t stand it. Only two days a month if that. I’m so scared of feeling that horror again. I feel for the poor animals and souls they decided to experiment on with this drug. I guess we are the guinea pigs now. I do not understand all of these maintenance drugs that have unbearable side effects. I guess it’s about MONEY! MONEY! MONEY!
Woodstock Ont
I have an autoimmune disease that has been diagnosed as Lupus or Lupus like and suffer from other diseases due to the Lupus such as Raynaud’s disease, spastic colon… To name a few. Due to all of the above forementioned I suffer greatly with chronic and quite severe at time bone/ joint pain…
My Dr. Prescribed Lyrica to assist my pain medication in controlling my pain… I honestly couldn’t tell you if has made much of a difference in my pain levels what I can tell you is this… Without a doubt in my mind I can honestly tell you that to stop taking Lyrica suddenly can make a person extremely ill and seeing as the withdrawal from it is as bad as suddenly coming off of opiates which anyone who’s lived through that hell knows exactly what I mean…
The shakes, the sweats, rls, sleeplessness and vomiting terribly… Therefore my suggestion from one chronically ill patient to I hope many others who may read this I would not suggest to anyone that you should suddenly quit taking this medication. Also just a quick note.. If at any time for any reason you are suffering from the horrific withdrawal off opiates that Dr’s should be telling patients just how much Lyrica can assist with the withdrawal drastically…. It will help keep away the shakes, the sweats, in my case it has helped me sleep which is almost impossible when coming off of opiates…
I have found unbelievable relief from Lyrica during a difficult time- greatly helps!!! I hope maybe the things I have written can help someone else in a time of need
San Diego, Ca
Hi Everyone. I have been taking lyrica 300 for 3 yrs. I have gained over 40 lbs on this stuff, but it helped great with my nerve pain assoc with a pinched nerve. I had surgery 8/4/14 to ‘make room’ for my nerve and started weaning off of lyrica a month later. I decided on the surgery as my depression became so bad I thought I would commit suicide. I also had very vivid dreams, although not scary. Well, the weaning off has been probably too quick and it’s sometimes annoying. I have itching that travels along my blood stream and will settle in a certain area until i can’t take it anymore! I also noticed a rash on my upper left arm that is not going away. I have been off lyrica completely since 11/2/14. This rash on my arm still flares up during the day. It has been there for almost a month. Anyone else experience this?
Belfast, Irelans
I’ve been on Lyrica for over a year now. I’m not too sure if it helps at all as I still get stabbing pains in my spine. The problem comes when my prescription runs out and I go into a few days of withdrawal. Hot and cold sweats, nausea, vomiting up bile sometimes. When I get the Lyrica again I feel ‘normal’… that is, I’m still in pain only not going through the withdrawal. It’s as if I’ve been given an extra illness rather than been given any help. Lyrica withdrawal is awful!
Salt Lake City
I have Mixed Connective Tissue disease. This causes so many symptoms you can’t even imagine. Schleraderma which I am showing more syptoms is so dibilitating . What this is nerves dying causing muscles to dibilitate. One of the first places it started effecting me is my TMJ. Otherwise known as joints to your jaw. At 11 I had transferred nerve pain into my teeth. I had no idea I even had auto immune disease. I thought it was normal to be in pain everyday.
Back to my TMJ. I had my dentist pull 2 teeth because they would not stop hurting. Go ahead and read what it like to have your TMJ joints completely be eaten away by arthritis from the muscles surrounding the joints dying. Imagine not being able to chew because the pain is so bad. Many different types of headaches.
Now at age 59 I have absolutely no joints left. Point is you have no right no business to think that all people are opiate addicts. As I stated I’ve lived in severe pain in every part of my body my entire life. I thought it was normal because friends and unneeded advise made me think i was just complaining for nothing.
Well now read how you feel with Lupus symptoms which I also had besides the ongoing dying of nerves causing arthritis in all joints. So don’t you dare say all people want opioids. See i listened for so many years to people who should have comfort for their friends or the 100’s of doctors who think you are a hypochondriac because you couldn’t possibly have so many symptoms.
Do you cringe when you try and get out of bed because the pain is so intense? Even on opioids. Do your hands hurt to try and open them? Does your entire digestive system not work because of nerve damage? Has your colon completely stopped working? Have you had over 30 operations for TMJ to all the problems associated with nerves dying which cause thyroid to die and then go through all the symptoms of what that causes? Until you have walked in my shoes please just be quiet.
Salt Lake City
Now for Lyrica. THEY HAVE NOT RELEASED ALL SIDE EFFECTS. Now I’m just taking 50mg 2x’s a day or BID.
As for sleepiness i didn’t even wake up until 1pm which has not changed for 3 months of starting. Oh i forgot nausea and the fact that if i did wake up before 1pm I couldn’t even walk. How about those hallucination and nightmares or really really weird dreams. So i told my doctor I’m definitely am having all kinds of side effects and she tells me to go to 75mg BID. Like really.
Well I did feel a little bit of help in fibromyalgia so i continued taking it but I have cut back. 1 50mg at nights only. Well after almost a week I can stay awake.
The muscle spams I’m getting are, well please help get it to stop. I’m a cashier and one night I came home from work and I kept trying to bag items on my bed which didn’t exist. Now if that isn’t scary. As far as your thinking goes forget that. I’m excellent at math and I just can’t figure things out.
I have been told my so many doctors that this drug never should have been released including many people working in pharmacy.
Oh yes I forgot if you have problems with constipation this will take it to a new level. My tongue turned to leather and now the remaining sores left after I’ve cut down have almost stopped bleeding.
As for what made me feel better. I’ll get over that. Hey slap me silly. I can give it to Jesus He has never failed me.
Marina W.
Just thought I’d give a quick update since my last entry almost 1 year ago. It has now been 18 months since I quit Lyrica and although things have massively improved, I still have a long way to go. Never in my wildest imagination could I have dreamt Lyrica withdrawal could go on thing long.
My current symptoms are and this is a non exhaustive list: nausea, back pain, neuropathy, insomnia, fatigue, lack of appetite, head pressure, vertigo and more
Mental symptoms include the following: depression, severe anxiety, irrational fear, OCD, brain fog, de realisation, depersonalisation, complete loss of social skills, terrible memory and more.
And for those who are quick to suggest this is all in the head… I can tell you I have NEVER suffered from any one of the above symptoms.
I came close to losing my job, my family and at times my life. I am so grateful that I God is getting me through this hell. Stay strong and put you trust in God
Inland Empire, CA
I know some have not had good results with Lyrica, but for me it has been a godsend! The side effects have been minor, no weight gain, just a little sleepiness and lightheadedness while I got used to it and even that tapered off. 75 mg three times a day. I fell asleep easily and slept the whole night after the first dose for the first time in years! I can stand upright when I get out of bed. It’s a miracle drug for me and thank God the insurance covers it. I never knew I had fibro until the pain management dr for my back injury tested me. Whatever I have, this has made a real difference in my life. Much better than the hydrocodone I was on for years.
Mary ann
Hello Everyone,
My question is how long do the withdrawals last?
I had been on Lyrica for about 7 yrs did great for my fibromyalgia but a new doctor I spoke with about trying to figure out if I truly had fibro. I also have aggressive rheumatoid arthritis. He decided to take me off of lyrica 7 weeks ago. I asked do I wean off the medication he said no just stop it, you should be fine.
I have been feeling horrible I do not want to get out of bed my entire body hurts, headaches, chills, sweats, irritable. depressed just feel miserable. I made appointment to see a therapist because I am just losing my mind. I lost my son 5 years ago and the depression of his loss has creeped up out of no where.
I’m going on my 8th week and I just don’t know how much more I can take of this pain.
How long do withdrawals last? I’m considering going back to my old doctor?
Help anyone
For what it is worth….I previously used Vitamin B-1/B-12 in addition to Alpha Lipoic Acid for 6 months and nearly eliminated Neuropathy in my feet while reducing the Amitriptylin prescribed at the time for Neuropathy. Unfortunately I got an auto immune disease called Dermatomysitis and the docs took me off these natural remedies for the past 2 years. The Neuropathy returned. They recommended I try Gabapentin 3×300 mg about a year ago which I did in lieu of the Amitriptylin.
About a month ago the Gabapentin script was increased to 4×300 mg per day. Shortly thereafter I experienced significant depression/anxiety/extreme tiredness for a period of 2 days when I totally stopped taking this prescription. No more of that for me! Over the past 7-9 days I have been less tired/anxious, the depression is gone, stomach gas/burping increased but is now decreasing. I seriously recommend anyone with Neuropathy to look at natural remedies! They may take a bit longer to get relief, but I think the side effect risks are significantly reduced. I will again revert to the natural remedies and hope for the best!
P.S. Am a 68 yr old male, and have been on Coumadin for the past 12 months to reduce my risk of pulmonary embolism.
Chicago, IL USA
Once on 350 mg. a day, I reduced my dose weekly, which initially caused me to suffer thumping headaches, unpleasant bathroom visits and body soreness for a day or two over the first four weeks.
The aforementioned symptoms may seem daunting, though they were next to nothing compared to when I first set about becoming accustomed to Lyrica.
I have nothing against Lyrica, because it was somewhat helpful until I found a pain management physician, who is clearly much more vested in managing chronic pain of long-suffering patients than paranoid about being duped by lying and scheming opioid-seeking drug addicts.
As a patient of a severe T.B.I. (Traumatic Brain Injury) with locked in syndrome, I can honestly say that when taken in smaller doses along with other medications Lyrica has helped me tremendously. I understand that this is not the case with many, however it works for me and I have apparently been lucky in that I have Zero side effects. None, at all.
This for me is a miracle and with careful administration of medications I can live a life that is not just sitting and drooling on a couch, that my friends is something to celebrate.
Susie S.
Wilsonville. OR
Also, adding to my comment: I’m told by my family that my brain doesn’t work right. Constantly battling daily with them. My daughter says I make things up! I told her she was lying! Does this happen to anyone else?
Susie S.
Wilsonville OR
I started taking Lyrica a very long time ago! It’s all I have for pain right now (going through some stuff at Kaiser!) Anyway, I take the max! I have gained lots of weight and was never concerned about withdrawals from Lyrica. Well, somehow I misplaced my Lyrica or someone took it, and the withdrawals are worse than Benzos or opiate withdrawals! Please don’t ever run out of it or you will go through a horrible time like I am!
Annemarie T.
United Kingdom
I had been prescribed Amitryptiline and Dihydrocodiene by my doctor.I have 4 prolapsed discs in my back and neck.I have been on these for about 10 months.I am waiting for appointment at Pain Management clinic for anesthetic and steriod injections into one of disc sites..I saw the surgeon 3 weeks ago and he said he wanted to change my medication.So a week later my own doctor issues me with these tablets and asks to see me in 2 weeks to see how I am with them. Had to start at 25gm at night for 3 days then double it , then add another after 4/5 days in morning.I should be taking yet another one at lunch time then more till i get up to 150mg a day that the surgeon said I would get pain relief.
Well this drug is something else.The first 3 days I had really bad dreams and hardly any sleep.Then I was ok for first few days of doubling up,Then I started wakening up 4/5 times nightly and found it very difficult to get back to sleep.I was wide awake..I was exhausted during the day.My pain in bed is agony,during the day Im still taking as much of the Hydrocodiene as I was 2 weeks ago.The pharmacist called me to see how I was getting on.I thought that this drug must be heavy going if the pharmacy is calling you! When I started the one in morning as well that was me up to 75mg ( this seems low when you read some info) that’ s when the night horrors started(this is the reason i am on my phone in the middle of the night with the light on because I’m too scared to go back to sleep!)
Im having very vivid nightmares of black shapes floating round my bed and still there fir about 5 seconds after iv’e opened my eyes.Its terrifying ,I don’t feel safe in my bedroom, I am going straight back into these dreams when i try to fall asleep again and as I said like tonight Im too scared to close my eyes.I live alone so no one to hold onto!.This is happening most nights when I do sleep.I must be getting about 4/5 hours a night on a good night.2 days ago my head and scalp started itching.I thought maybe needed to wash my hair or could be allergic to some hair product.Then my face and hands started itching intensely.That night I nearly itched my eyes from their sockets and my whole body started itching..I called the pharmacy and spoke with chemist.She suggested taking an anti histimane to see if that helps and explain when I see my doctor tomorrow.It has dulled it down but not made it go away.This has only been just over 2 weeks and Im telling my doctor that i cannot cope with this and want to come off I’m a 51 year old woman who is afraid to close my eyes for fear of the horrors and all because of Lyrica. The nightmare drug,literally.
London, UK
I was prescribed Lyrica about 6 months ago, 50mg 3 x daily for anxiety, I am on several other medications for depression. I found that Lyrica worked fine and I didn’t seem to have any side effects of note, although I was in a pretty bad way and perhaps wouldn’t have noticed or cared. Recently I started a new job and I realised that my brain just did not function quickly any more and I could not retain information easily, I also noticed a shake when I pick up things, like a cup or folder.
I cut back my dose to one at night over a period of several weeks and finally stopped 5 days ago. I have had terrible trouble sleeping and the anxiety has come back immediately but I am in a different place now, my shakes have stopped and I hadn’t even realised I was a walking zombie. My brain may take a bit longer to find … But that could just be my age!
All in all I haven’t had that bad a deal with Lyrica. Would I take it again? Most certainly.
I hope this helps if you are considering taking or stopping this drug.
Kennebunk, Maine
I was told by my Neurologist to just cut my Lyrica in half for a week than every other day and then just stop. What is wrong with Doctor’s? They don’t take this stuff so they have no idea what it causes. I have been nauseated for 2 weeks now.
I have to get a prescription written to cut back 10 % at a time. At this rate I will be 15 months before I am totally off this stuff. It was wonderful while it helped but terrible when I started suffering with other physical problems that my Doctor is blaming on cymbalta and lyrica I believe that I will have to live with over the counter pain reliever and acupuncture. (Which is $75.00 a visit OMG) Anyway, any help with this nausea feeling?
Margaret…..I was taking 75 mg of Lyrica for about 6 mos (for fibro)and it made me dizzy, tired and fuzzy. I told my dr. that I wanted to stop and he said to take it every other day for a wk then stop. I’ve cut back and my wk is almost up, and my weaning hasn’t improved any. I’m trying to drink a lot of water, hoping that it will help to flush the drug out of my system. I have headaches, diarrhea, no appetite and nausea and just feel irritable and weak. What I take for the nausea is Emetrol (which can be bought over the counter), it is a liquid with cherry flavor. It helps somewhat for awhile. I try to eat or drink something on a regular basis (even tho it isn’t easy) and I believe that having something in your stomach helps the nausea. My heart goes out to all these people on higher doses for longer periods of time and can only imagine how awful they must feel! Best of luck to you…..
Jen Fair
Was prescribed Lyrica 300 my twice a day for 1 year and had no trouble mixing with methadone but due to the high cost and lapse in coverage not to mention it is a controlled substance so refills are rough waiting for and I had experienced withdrawals from this medication in the past but this time I decided to go with it because I can’t afford it anyways and no doctors believe me I feel awful withdrawing right now it’s been almost a month since the last Lyrica and I did taper down but it has not been any easier as time has passed and I’m so sick and tired of not sleeping and being shaky, sweating, hot/cold, hay fever, body aches, anxiety and panic constantly I wish I had never taken this crap because nobody cares as far as the pharmacy and ER, doctors not to mention the only thing that helped at all was benzos and more than 2 weeks of those if you can even get a rx for them that’s another dependency for your mind and body! Just make sure you never run out of the stuff and it’s not that bad but it’s a rule that anything that helps pain or anxiety will always cause more harm if needs to be discontinued :-( just praying this ends soon!
N Redington Beach, FL
Hi everyone,
I have been on Lyrica for about a year. I have severe polyneuropathy in both feet and now in both hands. I have been suffering with this for 10yrs. I have been on every antidepressant known to man. They work for awhile and then stop! I am now on the Lyrica and I can tell you that if I run out or go for more than 12 hours without a dose I suffer sever withdraw. I break out in cold sweats, have nausea and vomiting, restless sleep and hallucinations! It is horrible but I don’t know what else to do about my nerve pain! It is so miserable!
I was prescribed Lyrica for nerve pain from a car accident (c spine, left shoulder and right wrist) along with a brain injury. I began first dose with extreme dizziness, feeling clumsy, disoriented, nausea, couldn’t fall asleep but once asleep after hours of trying was unable to wake up in the morning or all day really. I had severe and immediate weight gain, swelling with tingling in my hands, skin tingling on arms, severe itching, constipation, waking during the night many times urinate but with difficulty. I had challenges with vision after the brain injury and this intensified this with the most effected eye tearing excessively. The skin on the bottom of my feet is very rough and sloughing. I was on Lyrica for a month. Oh, my mouth and tongue feel sore.
I had a weird congestion in my lungs along with a sense of a slight gurgle in my chest when lying flat. The doc said most of these symptoms are not due to Lyrica and that I am having a weird response. But he stopped it and prescribed something else. Prior to that he prescribed Neurontin which wiped me out. I could barely function I was so drowsy.
I think the Lyrica did decrease the pain but the rapid weight gain, especially after the rapid weight gain from the Neurontin was such a shock. I have almost no clothes that fit and don’t want to buy new clothes for this much larger body.
So, I am going to find out what happens when I stop tonight. I only took it for one month and only once a day because it was too strong at only one dose, I never took the second dose, just one daily at bedtime. I am still itching intensely. Wish me luck that I can go to sleep every night and sleep all night and the itching subsides quickly.
I was prescribed Lyrica five days ago by my Orthpaedic Surgeon as a potential aid in pain following ankle surgery. He prescribed 75 mg. once a day at bedtime for a two weeks period to determine if the pain in my ankle is a nerve issue or something else. He is a good doctor and I trust him.
Took my first dose with no issue. The following morning at work – I felt “stupid” – misspelling simple words multiple times (ie – spelling it wrong once, trying to correct and getting it wrong over and over). This seemed to pass by mid-day and I felt things were good.
Took my second dose that night and within 30 minutes, my tongue began to tingle and I started feeling something like a lump at the back of my throat.
I knew immediately it was an allergic reaction and started to monitor myself to determine if I needed to call 911. I did not take a Benadryl (which I carry for allergic reactions) because the cautions that come with Lyrica do say that the drowsiness/sleepiness of certain medications would be intensified if taken with Lyrica. I do get extremely sleepy with an antihistamine and did not want to pass out in this situation.
The tingling tongue subsided soon and the “lump” did not get worse so I did not go to the ER. But I did stay awake until about 2-3 AM to make sure I was fine. The lump in my throat did not subside until mid-afternoon the following day. (It did not interfere with breathing, eating or drinking.)
I did inform my doctor’s office that I would no longer take the Lyrica because of this.
Two and three days after that second and final dose, I still have moments of feeling “stupid” (it really scared me while driving – thankfully no accident). The best way to explain it is almost a “fogginess” in my thinking (or lack of thinking ability). It comes and goes (thankfully) – but I am not particularly happy it is happening at all. I am also having blurriness in my eyes/vision that is disturbing. I’ve not had any of these things prior to taking this medication. I can’t believe only two doses could potentially be the cause of this.
I am finding it incredible that there are so many people having so many concerning effects from this drug and it is still considered “safe” to be taken at all.
I was prescribed Lyrica 7 years ago for nerve damage to my feet from a bad fall. I take 225mg 2x daily. If I miss my dose before bedtime my feet twitch, so I will get up and take my Lyrica and it stops twitching. Lyrica works great for me with my nerve pain, but I really believe there are withdrawals from Lyrica. I go through withdrawals if I run out of Lyrica before I can get back for a refill- I dread bedtime because I know how my feet won’t stop jerking/twitching.
Steven m
Virginia Beach
I was prescribed Lyrica for nerve damage due to arthritis. My dose was 150mg. 2 daily. After several months I started having suicidal thoughts. To the point I became scared I could actually hurt myself. I went to my doctor who cut my dose in half for 2 weeks and then step down again for 1 week. I am even more depressed. I can’t stop crying. I have missed the last four days of work because I can’t stop crying. I am still afraid of doing something stupid. It has been 5 days since I started lower dose. I am somewhat relieved to see I am not alone in what I am experiencing. Not that I take pleasure in anybody’s pain; I just feel a little more at ease that others have noticed the same thing happening.
Terry Graedon
Lyrica can be difficult to discontinue, and needs to be tapered gradually. We are glad you have checked with your physician, but suggest you check back again and ask for help lowering the dose more slowly.
I was on Lyrica for 1 month when I was ready for a refill the pharmacy told me that I did not have a refill on the bottle that they would fax the doctor. my doctor appointment was just 3 days away so I waited until I got to the doctor explained to him that my prescription has run out I needed him to refill my prescription. He proceeded to tell me that I needed to make an appointment for him to give me a refill and pay my co pay again. I was there for a physical. He said there are no withdrawals. I have been so sick with sweats, chills, pains in my chest, depression and anger. Fibromyalgia, is bad enough, this med could send a person over the edge.
While in hospital for sciatic pain a fractured disc and herniated disc. I was on 200 mg 2 xs a day while in the hospital and sent home with the same. I reduced it to 1 a day then I just can’t bring myself to put more in my body I am sweating, freezing, think I am having a heart attack as I speak.
I can’t explain the mind twist it does to your thoughts if you think you are going crazy I fully understand why you do. I have a new respect for for my body and what I will put in it I also will ask what are you giving me why and what does it do. I wish I had been advised of what was about to enter my body and had the choice I trusted my Dr I will never ever do it again.
Hi everybody. I went thru drug induced hell today and I am glad to know there are others. I have been on Lyrica about a year. The dosage was increased to 100mg twice a day. I began having major brain fog, couldn’t remember what I read. My MD decreased the dose and it helped some. I began omitting the evening dose, and then started skipping the am dose. I stopped two days ago. I have been awake for three days, am anxious, cold, sweaty and irritable. I will get off this drug. I am taking Turmeric for the pain (MD is aware). I have tried all the other drugs and had to stop because of the side effects. I wish I had never started this drug.
Well I’m in the same boat as most of you, crying swelling sleeplessness, getting off this stuff is HELL as you all know and I have gone the mile as well, I have a new granddaughter so I wanted to be around for her while she grows up. And the depression and dumbfounded mind set is just not worth the loss of seeing her grow up. I’m 48 now and have been on this crap for a few years I think (can’t even remember when I got on it). But I’m off and its like an addiction I want more of it. I’m in a more trying issue now trying to get off the pain patch OMG please help me someone …….
Hi Jan… I just found this site and your comment. I found your info to be very helpful and wanted to thank you for your post. I have never heard of using Vicks on the feet before to help with issues but later today I will be headed to the store to get some to try tonight. Thank you again for the suggestion and prayers that I will have good results. God Bless. Lynn
I have been on Lyrica for only a month and the pain and humiliation that it has caused me is awful. I have swelling in my feet and legs that I can not control.
so now I am on all kind of diuretics and that is not good for your kidneys. So take my advice: look at this med before taking it.
Hi drm
Sorry you had such a bad experience with Lyrica! I’m on it 19 mos now, no weight gain for me. Side effects are dizzy drunk-like feelings. Crying and depression, dry mouth, etc. side effects are tolerable. I’m TRYING to wean off. I was on 350 mgs I’m down to 300 mgs took over 15 days to get here. I can’t go the next step (taking away another 25 mgs,) I’m afraid of the withdrawal! I’m trying to wean off, because its not helping with my neuropathic pain. Sigh!
I was diagnosed with Idiopathic small fiber neuropathy 2 yrs ago. Its predominantly pain, its awful. I’m otherwise “healthy”!! What is Topiramate? did you mean Topamax? I tried Neurontin, it gave me anxiety and palpitations…
What do you take now for your nerve pain? Do you have neuropathy? PM Doc gave me Trileptal, its old school, hit or miss, anti-seizure medicine that sometimes helps with pain. It’s not working either. How bad was the Lyrica WD for you, you say no more for you, so what do you take for your pain? Gosh, you were on it for just a couple of months. Hope you continue to do well…
Wow, I too feel drunk when I take my 3rd one at night, it helps me sleep and helps with leg pain. I have heard that if you take Methadone while taking Lyrica that it throws you in instant withdrawals, I cannot believe the Dr or hospital did not wean (sp) completely off Methadone before starting you on Lyrica.
You poor thing no wonder you were in horrible withdrawals. Just remember you cannot have them both in your system, instantly throws you into withdrawals and those are no joke. I hope this helps you.
In response to the mixing with methadone comment, that simply isn’t true (at least not for everyone.)
I had a brachioplexus injury 6 years ago and between the ruptures and avulsions along t1-c5, the only working combination to make pain tolerable is Percocet, methadone 12.5 mg and lyrica 75mg x 3.
The reason I’m even here is because of some inexcusable clerical errors that left me without Lyrica for the past 5 days. I’ve had trouble sleeping, been incredibly irritable, and started breaking down crying out of frustration (these are all uncharacteristic of me).
I wanted to see if there is any research on sudden withdrawal physiological effects, but I saw the methadone misinformation and felt I should include that I take the combo just fine. Thanks for everyone’s contributions.
I know somebody that doses 65mg a day on methadone and takes 2 -3 300 milligrams of Lyrica a night and it makes her nod off.. far from withdrawal. I am on Diazepam Codeine and Lexapro and was curious to find out what lyrica did.. It knocked me out ! Like the first time I had Xanax. Took me 3 years to taper off. I am so glad i did my research into Lyrica because I’m one week in and hopefully early enough to stop cold and not have the withdrawals… I’m not having a stab at you btw. I’ve just seen too many people on methadone who love the Lyrica combo… I’m still learning about the other interactions… stay away from LYRICA
I have been on this drug for two years now. I take 300mg twice daily for nerve and lower back pain. I wish that I would never have been put on the drug and because we are a military family going back to civilian life, it will be about 15 days before our insurance switches over as this is how the coverage’s work. I will just tell anyone reading this that I would agree with everyone who has said that getting off from this drug is hell.
I ran out of medication about nine months ago and could not get a refill at the time for about three days due to the long weekend. I thought I was going to die from the sweats, chills and near death sickness I felt.
This drug has caused me to feel confused and forgetful and yes, depressed. Now that we are back to getting back to civilian life, I am hoping to get off from Lyrica with the help of my doctor. Hopefully he or she will listen to me. I will not stop asking until someone will help me.
I agree that the pain may be worth losing the weight gain that I never experienced until being put on this after my surgeries.
To feel like I was seriously going to die and all of the restlessness and loss of appetite I experienced goes hand in hand with what I have read from some of you.
I cannot understand why this drug is being prescribed like it is with all of these stories that are very similar to each other. With the exception of knowing the drug companies are really pushing it and the doctors are going along with it.
I am glad I came across this site. Hopefully Mayo Clinic will handle this differently for me.
Good luck to all of you and thank you for the honest experiences you posted.
Judy G
I’vee been on n Lyrica for about a month. Didn’t notice much if any improvements. About a week ago, my hands became swollen. Figured, normal from the OA. Then, my feet started to swell as well. Did all the normal things, elevate, ice, rest and so on. After about a week, I called my doctor. She is weaning me off of it. I went from 150mg 2xdaily, to 15mg 1xdaily, then Tue will be 75 1xdaily, then off by Fri. Since the change, my feet are not as swollen, my hands tingle a bit, migraine headaches, and feel tired and sore all over. I slept all day yesterday. Today, I hurt and have chills. Very little appetite. Only ate to take my meds. These withdrawals are almost worse than fibromyalgia by itself. I’m so tired ofbeing in pain. Plus, my insurance says I’m not disabled enough to not do my job. So, they refuse to pay me, but I can’t work like this. Feeling so broken and broke!
OMG, first of all on lyrica for about two months, after being on gabapentin,Three weeks ago my neurologist upped my dosage to 200 mg per day.
My skin is dry, my head is spinning with confusion, I thought my cataract came back; my eyes are so blurry, and I blew up like a balloon. The quick weight gain is appalling. With all that being said, I am still in extreme pain and getting headaches.
I was prescribed Lyrica for the prevention of headaches together with helping with nerve pain. REALLY, still in pain, have headaches and am heavier than ever, most of my clothes don’t fit.
So weaning off, I agree, this is a joke. Oh let me add that for years I was on topramate, I lost weight and was pain and headache free. I had to be taken off because I developed kidney stones. I agree with so many that Lyrica is a joke. I hate the way it made me look and feel. No more for me……
Glad your starting to feel better emotionally. You say you came down with Bells Palsy about two weeks after coming off of the Lyrica. And that you had been struggling with intense sadness ever since. Sorry. I’m a bit confused. Are you sad bc of the BP, or were you depressed from coming off these drugs (Lyrica & Cymbalta)? Did the Med withdrawal cause your Bells Palsy?
I was Dx with Idiopathic small fiber neuropathy 3 yrs ago. It is a painful and debilitating disease. I take Lyrica, I was on 350 mgs , but am slowly starting to wean off, after taking it for 18 mos I do not feel any better. Cymbalta gave me too much anxiety. I am down to 300 mgs after 13 days. How much Lyrica were you taking? How long did it take you to go off it and hows your itching?
What kind of Neuropathy do you have. Are you better from your neuropathy now? What do you take for your pain now that you stopped your meds?
As I wean off the Lyrica, the PM Doc gave me Trileptal, which I’m reluctant to take. But at this point I do not have many choices. I tried Gabapentin (NEUROTIC) and others. Sorry for all the questions. Just trying to get a better understanding about Neuropathy and diff medications from peeps like you that are suffering like me..God Bless You. Thanks!
I was taking lyrica and cymbalta for neuropathy for almost 9 years. I started feeling unusually unhappy last year and I thought it could be from so much time on the lyrica. My doctor looked at me like I was nuts and sent me to a therapist. I stopped taking lyrica in March and then the cymbalta in May, with the help of my therapist.
I came down with Bells Palsey about two weeks later and have been struggling with intense sadness ever since. I have never experienced depression before and never ever understood it until coming off these drugs. I can not stop itching either.
As I read through these posts I realize that many of the symptoms that I have been dealing with could well have been these drugs and they were attributed to post chemotherapy brain fog and menapause, sweats, sleeplessness.
I am finally starting to feel better emotionally, in that I don’t feel like crying constantly. Thank you to everyone for sharing your experiences, it helps to know that this will pass eventually and that I am not imagining these symptoms.
Ugh! I have been on lyrica for fibro for a long number of years now. I can’t remember how many because my memory is almost gone and my cognitive abilities are rapidly shrinking also.
Now the stimulus for me to get off is that with the new health care changes my copay shot up to $280. Can’t do it. So I told my PCP and I just decreased from 150 mg twice a day to 150 in the morning and 75 at night. Did that for a week. The second week I went to 75 and 75. Then I stopped altogether 7 days ago.
I have been on many very strong narcotics over the past year due to a perforated ulcer. It was not too hard getting off any of them and I just went one at a time until I was down to Vicodin which I am still taking. The ulcer perforation almost killed me but for a miracle. I was IV fed for 5 months. I looked like a concentration camp survivor. I am slowly regaining my health (very slowly after a second ulcer) and have many other troubling health issues that are still being investigated for a diagnosis. I felt I should try to be as drug free as possible so as to eliminate side effects from true symptoms before I go back to my rheumatologist.
All I can say is even after all this experience, I was shocked to realize that my decreasing cognitive abilities and memory were not from all the narcotics but the lyrica. It explained a lot. But this week has been maybe the worst ever. By day 3 I was experiencing new nausea and headaches. Ok, I could handle that. By day 5, the headaches and nausea were both very much worse and I also had really bad anxiety and was pacing the floor and had to go back on Valium. I wasn’t sleeping at all so back came the ambien.
My PCP agreed and with those and the Vicodin I vowed I could get through what he said would be the next three weeks and then go back off those supportive drugs. By day 6, I was so depressed I couldn’t stop crying. I had to increase my wellbutrin which I have also been on for maybe 20 years (various antidepressants over that time). I still thought I will just be strong and determined. Last night I slept for four hours. My body pain and especially headaches and back pain and my neuropathy pains everywhere and numbness in many areas was horrible. I prayed a lot and vowed not to give up.
I got up an hour ago and was hit by nausea accompanied by dry heaves since I haven’t eaten anything yet. I decided I could not accept this symptom or I would be back where I was on my GI issues. So I thought I would just take a 25 mg pill and dump about half of the powder out and take the rest which I did with a zofran. And promptly threw up. I don’t know if any of the lyrica got into me or not and I didn’t see the zofran so I think it may have stayed down.
So now, having gotten off of many drugs, in order to do this lyrica withdrawal and still be somewhat functioning, I am back on about 4 more meds again. I am totally shocked by this. Never would I have dreamed that this medicine was so hard to quit. I think I didn’t taper long enough but just thought what I did was enough and my PCP thought so too.
Now I don’t know what to do. I will talk with him again but am considering taking 25 mg a day or every few days or something for a while. As I sit here the headache is growing. I am really miserable. I appreciate finding this site and everyone’s sharing. I see it is not going to be a 3 week withdrawal most likely. I do hear some hope from those who have said after 6-9 MONTHS they are feeling themselves again. Holy cow!
I so want to be myself again. I want my brain back. I want my depression back under control. I don’t want to end up back in the hospital from nausea and vomiting and weight loss. I say I am willing to deal with my fibro pain and neuropathy pain so I can have my brain back but as my pain seems to be returning with a vengeance I am scared. Can anyone comment on whether their pain subsided after the initial withdrawal started? I have to be able to function. I have very little support and have two lives depending on me functioning. I wish all of us a recovery from the miseries of these illnesses. And understanding from others who can’t see our pain. Thanks.
Hi there – most of the pain meds generally make me feel a bit hyper so I try to limit them, I find strong panadol-codeine is good most of the time. I use Tramadol and Targin for bad days, but then have trouble sleeping and keep itching… I take Endep (an old style anti depressant but also useful for nerve pain in some cases) in a low dose each night and that does seem to help a little with the nerve pain with no side effects except a dry mouth constantly – makes me drink a lot of water which is good!
It took me about nine months to get over the side effects once I stopped taking lyrica but I also think I came off it too quickly – the GP I saw at the time said I should be able to taper down from 350 mg a day in a week or two, and it believed her. I should have given myself a couple of months in hindsight.
I use boiling hot heat packs on my butt and feet, which is where the worst pain is. I have a microwave next to my desk and heat packs regularly to sit on or put my feet on – it seems to work! :-) I also have a spinal chord stimulator which works well for leg pain but doesn’t really help with butt and feet pain. I try to rest more now, and have cut back on working hours so I can rest with heat packs for a couple of hours at least each day – that seems to really help also. It’s just hard to adjust to because it’s not the life I had planned for myself! :-)
My nerve pain comes from failed spinal surgery, I’ve tried most invasive treatments since but while some work, it is very short term and then the scar tissue around the spinal chord comes back stronger than before, ie – increased nerve pain. But I have a great GP now, and a pain specialist that I feel very confident in. Now I just need that one big break through in research that will help all if us get away from this rotten never ending pain!
I wish you all well, be kind to yourself, if you suffered like I did coming off lyrica (it never helped with the nerve pain anyway) then I especially wish you peace very soon.
Hi Kb
Glad to hear you are doing better. Sorry you went thru so much suffering to get off of the Lyrica. What are you taking now for your nerve pain? Do you have Neuropathy? I’m in the process of getting off of Lyrica. Today is day 6 where I take 25 mgs less, will do this for 7 to 10 days. Then take away another 25 mgs. I hope with a slow taper it wont get too bad. :( I dont know what Im going to take for my nerve pain. My PM Doc wants me to try Triliptal , its another anti seizure med. second line medication to Gabapentin and Lyrica. I tried all the anti-depressants, couldn’t take the side effects. I do not have too many side effects from the Lyrica, and no weight gain. I’m only getting off of it because 350 mgs is not helping with my neuropathic pain. I also take 50 mgs Tramadol a day for pain. What do you take to help control your pain? Take care and stay well! Marie
Hi Diane, I hope your doing better with your brain-fog and your Lyrica withdrawal. I take 350 mgs of Lyrica for neuropathic pain, dx with Idiopathic – small fiber Neuropathy. It’s a Horrible and painful debilitating disease. I am otherwise healthy. I am starting to wean off of lyrica because its not helping with my pain and plus my hair is starting to shed/fall out. Did you have hair shedding? I’m on day 5 of taking 25 mgs less. So far I get some sweating, I believe its the withdrawal.. Did you sweat a lot while withdrawing?
I am scared to death of whats to come with this withdrawal. I will do it very slow. I know it may takes me months. How are you feeling now? Are you still withdrawing from Lyrica? What do you take for your pain. Sorry for all the questions. I’m desperate and in pain. I do not have a good support team like you. I hope you are doing well!! Thanks Marie
Hi Kb, Sorry to read about your pain. I understand chronic pain. I suffer with small fiber neuropathy. I also take 350 mgs of Lyrica. The side effects are not too bad. I get dizzy , drunk-like feelings etc. Now my hair is shedding/falling out! :(
I would tolerate it but its not working/helping with my pain. May I ask what the cause of your pain is? I started tapering off the Lyrica. I’m gonna go very slow. 25 mgs at least every 10 days. (I hope that’s slow enough.) How slow was your taper? Do you take anything else for your pain,I’m assuming your still taking Lyrica. I hope to hear back from you. Scared, in pain and depressed in NY. Thanks. Marie
Hi CD, You posted back in May that you continued taking Lyrica because you had bad side effects after you tried cutting back. (head ache and tiredness). How are you feeling now? How much Lyrica are you taking? If you were trying to stop your Lyrica, can I ask what else are you taking for your Neuropathic pain. I have small fiber neuropathy-Idiopathic.
I take 350 mgs of Lyrica that is not helping my pain. I also take 75 mgs Tramadol. I cant take higher doses of Tramadol bc of SE. Are you still taking Lyrica and how do you feel? I started 5 days ago cutting back 25 mgs for at least every 10 days. I hope that will be a slow enough taper. Let us know how you are feeling. Thanks. Marie
I went through hell coming off this drug (as did my family), if it wasn’t for wonderful friends and family I don’t know how I would have got through it. I ended up changing GPs because the GP I had kept telling me I had depression and wanted to add antidepressants into the mix. The new GP was fantastic, very sympathetic and helpful. It took me at least six months to feel “normal”, but in the interim I lost 10 kilos (and I wasn’t overweight to start with), was so ill, almost gave up work, I was a mess. I’m back to my old self completely now (with never ending nerve pain but that is preferable to feeling suicidal, very sick and never sleeping). It has been a year almost to the day that I came off and I am so glad I did. Sure it works for some, but for the five percent of people who have their lives turned upside down by it, it’s hell.
The new pain management specialist I see (who is young and open minded) told me on the last visit that he monitors new patients who go on Lyrica every two weeks until he is sure they are not going to be adversely affected. Hopefully over time the older, less open minded doctors will start to do the same thing. Take care, stay strong – it will get better.
susan K
Lyrica has worked wonders for my nerve pain. My only side effect has been weight gain which is very depressing and I can’t seem to take the weight off. My question is — did any of you that had weight gain lose it automatically when you stopped lyrica?
Hello Everyone, I took Lyrica for a fibromyalgia diagnosis in 2010 until 2014. When I stopped taking it I started to experience tingling all over my body. Additionally, I became exhausted. I also was nauseous and gagging and had diarrhea. I also smell something that makes me gag. I also had a couple of anxiety attacks. Never had anxiety. My skin is extremely sensitive. So sensitive that is hard to wear clothes.
I also get hot flashes and not sure my internal temperature is working correctly. I stopped taking Lyrica July 8, 2014. It is now 8/17/2014 and I am less exhausted. All over symptoms remain.
Does anyone know when this will stop? I do not know if there is something wrong with my stomach. I do not feel comfortable seeing a doctor as I find they can be ignorant about discontinuation of Lyrica and the side effects. Any ideas or advice> Thanks
Lijnie W
After having been diagnosed with shingles and postherpetic neuralgia 6 months ago, my doctor put me on Lyrica 600mg/day to combat the excruciating pain.
I can honestly say, the drug was wonderful and it allowed me to function almost normally again.
After not having been able to sleep well, due to the extreme pain, I could sleep again. Thanks Lyrica!
Not everyone has bad reactions on this drug!
I am now in the process of Lyrica withdrawal and doing it very slowly. I am having a little bit of trouble sleeping, but otherwise, I am doing fine.
One more week on 75gr/day and all should be well.
I hope this positive comment will help some people. Good luck!
Hi all – I can’t tell you how happy I am to have wandered across this site. I take Lyrica 75mg in the morning and 100mg at night.
I injured my back at work in 2008 initially but in January 2013 one morning I couldn’t get out of bed. I had back soreness which I treated with pain killers from time to time but this was a shock to say the least. I already suffered with severe anxiety depression and am wondering why someone would put me on this drug which appears to make depression symptoms worse.
I was diagnosed with Spondylolisthesis L5 S1, Faciitis and severe arthritic change. I wear a 10mcg Norspan patch (morphine) I take two different anti inflammatories, one in the morning and the other at night, Valium if I need it, OXYNORM 10mg when I need it, a tablet to protect my stomach from the drugs, a low dose blood pressure pill, 2x panadol osteo pills 6 hourly, an anti depressant, Pristiq and the Lyrica..
I never take my pills at the right time as I have no night and day. That is, I can’t sleep or I fall asleep at whatever time day or night and sleep for approx 14-16 hours. I have dry eyes, mouth, skin, etc., my taste is off, I’m getting fatter and hardly eating cos I’m nauseous, I have no appetite. I live on soda water for my nausea, I’m constipated and now have a prednisolone suppository for my poor bum, I have developed skin pain, etc etc…..
I live in Australia can someone please tell me how to get off the Lyrica successfully. Oh yeah and I have chronic pain syndrome, adjustment syndrome, a new husband and have gone off sex. I am going insane. Please help me help myself. I need me back!
Dawn R.
I’m ready to get off this stuff, so many side affects weight gain blurred vision dry mouth….A few months ago I went 1 week with no Lyrica and it was hell I am suppose to take 100mg 3X daily but tomorrow I am only taking 100mg 2X daily I’ll do that for a month or so then 100mg once a day then I’ll ask the doctor to lower my mg to 75mg or 50mg But one thing for SURE I am getting off this stuff I have gained about 25lbs from this lyrica….I’m done with it SOON.
Dawn R.
I am SO READY to get off of this Lyrica I am take 100mg 3X daily it doesn’t help for the nerve damage I have in my neck but I have gained about 25-30 pounds since I started taking it and my vision is so terrible from the Lyrica I can’t wait to be off of this stuff….but I’m doing it!!!
I have been taking Lyrica for five years due to severe nerve pain due to chemical exposure. Lyrica worked well for me as it lessened the pain. I did gain about 30 pounds, but it did help, so I continued to take Lyrica 75 mg 3x a day. I would still be on Lyrica, but my wonderful insurance company would no longer pay for it. So I have been tapering my intake trying to make the Lyrica last for days. I have reduced my intake to one 50mg pill a day with having only two left. Even with gradually reducing my intake I am having pretty severe withdrawals. I have no appetite, am nauseous, cannot sleep, always tired, have head aches, no desire to do anything, cranky, cry easily (and I am a 58 yr old man, 6-3, 290 lbs) and have the attitude that I would be better off if I would die. After reading all of these comments, maybe being off Lyrica will be a good thing. Only time will tell.
I am currently taking 100 mg 3 times a day. My gp wants me to go to 800 x 3 a day. I have never felt so ill before. I’m coming off it, I can’t cope with the dizziness, forgetting my words when I’m speaking to anyone. My tummy is swollen, and I’m so down I just want to cry. I know I’m gonna feel awful when I come off it, but I just can’t cope with this fog that I live in.
I have to use fentanyl patches at 100mg, this is the maximum dose, also have to use amitriptyline 75 mg every night, I just want to be me again, not the person I am now.
I’m so glad to know there are many who are dealing with issues coming off of Lyrica. I was prescribed Lyrica for nerve pain after an incompetent nurse missed her IM injection and hit my sciatic nerve. The stabbing pain in the back of my right calf is more worth living with than the lack of functioning on Lyrica. I don’t have myself back because I can’t sleep, have nightmares, chills, feel like I have the flu, ache, headache, and heavy headed. I can think better than I did on Lyrica, but I’m really concerned I’ll never recover from this terrible syndrome of Lyrica withdrawal.
I too am not happy with my doctor for prescribing Lyrica and how he minimized the side effects because he didn’t want me to be talked out of taking it. If I knew now what I didn’t know, I would NEVER take Lyrica. By the way, I too thought it was a “great drug” because of the pain relief. As it slowly decreased my capacity it was like the scene in Harry Potter when they ate the lotus flowers keeping them in a fog not knowing the reality of time passing or really cognitively functioning. So……I wish us all the best of luck, sincere recovery, and support to endure.
I have been on Lyrica for fibromyalgia for almost 6 years. I cannot imagine my life without it, although I may have to go off, as my insurance is requiring “preauthotization” to continue paying their part. Lyrica made my life worth living again. It does not eliminate the symptoms, but diminishes them to the point that they are (usually) bearable.
Initially, I had blurry vision, sleepiness, constipation and brain fog, although brain fog is also a symptom of fibromyalgia, so the degree that Lyrica affected that is difficult to ascertain.
Now, I see 20-20, sleep normally, poop and think, all fairly well. Give it at least a couple of months if you can tolerate it, and see if the side effects diminish.
It’s been nearly 6 days since I’ve been without lyrica, its the worst feeling every. I really cannot sleep .. my heart is beating like I’m walking or something, and I’m aching all over. The pillow feels hard like a stone. I don’t know how long I can hold on.. but I am determined to be free from it. I’m tired of all the side effects I have experienced. I hope 1 or 2 days more and I will be better. I just can hope..
I have been taking lyrica for almost 10 years… I stop taking it a few days ago and I am feeling like crap…. my body is aching all over .. my pillow feels like a big hard stone… my fever is on and off … and I am having trouble sleeping… why am i taking it off?? Lyrica doesn’t do much to me nowadays… I am just tired of having a fever every time I forget or fail to take it. Today is already my 5th day without any of them and I feel like going crazy. For your info, before, I took 150mg of lyrica 2 times a day.
I am currently taking 100 mg 3 times A day. My gp wants me to go to 800 x 3 a day. I have never felt so ill before. I’m coming off it, I can’t cope with the dizziness, forgetting my words when I’m speaking to anyone. My tummy is swollen, and I’m so down I just want to cry. I know I’m gonna feel awful coming off it, but it can’t be worse than this, hopefully.
Not sure if this will help anyone……the side effects from the Lyrica are as everyone described. I had been taking it for over a year for a pinched nerve in the groin. Because of the side effects I wanted to get off this mind numbing drug. I decided to cut my dose in half.
That is when I discovered this website……the headache and alternating between freezing and feeling hot was enough to make me go back on the same dose of Lyrica which was 100 mg in the morning and 150 mg in the evening. Because of my dosage I was taking 50 mg increments of the Lyrica.
To get off it I reduced my dosage by 50 mg a day for 4 days alternating between reducing the morning and evening dose. It took almost a month to get off the Lyrica but I have to say that I no longer have any of the side effects of withdrawal. I hope this helps others in knowing that it is possible to get off this drug unscathed.
mark e.
Is there something else to take to help get off this stuff
mark e.
Hi I don’t take lyrica but my girlfriend does and what a change in her. She is very irritable and snaps at the drop of a dime it is addictive I don’t care if it’s non narcotic I’m telling you as a recovering addict of 6 1/2 years now thank God.
She will spend her last dime on it doctor shopping and all that stuff that goes along with any addiction. She can take 60 200mgs pills in 2 days. I’m trying to get her off but she has to want to stop on her own. Anyone know of a med to help her get off of it please let me know.
When I am asked to describe fibromyalgia, the only thing I can compare it to is feeling achey like with the flu. Is it possible that due to the reduction in Lyrica that you just feel the fibro more? I would really like to reduce my nightly dosage which is 200 mg but after reading about the trials and tribulations I am reluctant. I started taking the medication to find relief in the first place not create more problems.
I began taking 50mg 2x day in November 2013 for fibro. I moved to 100 mg at night and did not take during day because of the brain fog. After feeling like I have been living outside my body for months, I have decided enough is enough. I am now taking 25 mg in the morning and have been for about a week. I am having some very strange withdrawals. Bottom teeth are very sensitive, headaches (which I normally did not get), dizzy, dry mouth, blurry vision, one day sick to my stomach, the next can’t get full.
The worst is the swelling in my fingers and feet. I was tested for lupus but results came back at the bottom of the scale so my doctor said it was a false positive. The only thing I am positive about it that the medicine makes me feel like I am recovering from the flu. Please, someone tell me that I will wake some morning and feel half way normal.
Jayne O.
I have been on gabapanton for at least 10 years, when it stopped working I was prescribed lyrica. I was on the drug for only 5 or 6 months when I started having terrible side effects. I called the hospital nurse and she said to discontinue it. I did that and for the past 3 weeks I am going through withdrawal that is making me crazy. Lost 15 lbs in that time so far, I have no balance, my whole body hurts. I can’t stay awake most of the day, I have no energy and feel like a shell of myself. Can some one please tell me what to do and how long will this last. I feel like I am loosing my life.
Lin J.
I have been taking Lyrica for 3 weeks now. I take 75mg, 4 times a day. I have a bulging disk in my L5-S1 joint that was causing crippling pain. On the Lyrica, I can function again without hurting 24/7. There was some dizziness the first two days, but that has vanished. The fog left after 3 days and my eyes cleared after 5. I haven’t had any other side effects.
Frankly, I am grateful to have the drug. Without it, I would be bed bound. Now, I can move, get to therapy, and hopefully avoid surgery for my back. I am sure people feel they have issues with this drug, but I suspect they have trouble with many drugs. Some people just react poorly to medications and others react well.
I started taking lyrica two years ago to address problems in the legs resulting from sciatica. The dosage was 75mg twice a day. It worked miraculously well. Without I might have had to use a wheelchair. There have been side-effects, notably lack of balance and the occasional staggering like a drunk when out walking.
Two months ago I began to notice skin irritations and decided to lower the dose to 75mg once a day. This is equally effective as a painkiller but the skin irritations, slight each and general feeling of the flesh creeping are disagreeable. Things are improved only during the 8 hours or so during which the drug appears to have maximum effect, that is from breakfast, when I take it, until after dinner in the evening. Some constipation is also occurring which has never in my life occurred before.
I do not like the drug and am considering lowering the dose further. I would like to know how to treat the itching and creeping flesh problems. Any suggestions?
I do not think that I want to risk giving up the drug altogether. Sure, it may have side-effects but these are not worse than being unable to walk more than 50 metres without sitting down. So I walk normally with the occasional stagger but I feel itchy.
I took lyrica 1 time and the next day I felt like I was in a fog, felt weird like a zombie and felt like I was shaking. I stopped taking it immediately. For some reason doctors believe that these medicines should work for everyone and they tend to get a little upset when they don’t. I’ve also found that some doctors don’t listen to the patient very well. I’m glad that medicines work well for some but please, doctors, don’t get mad at patients that it doesn’t work for and listen to your patients. Patients know their bodies better than you do. God Bless the compassionate doctors.
John S
I actually take Lyrica for anxiety, but it has saved my life. For me the side effects – brain fog, can’t drink alcohol because it amplifies it 10 fold, terrible short term memory, feeling tired and flatulence is nothing in comparison to how ill the anxiety made me and also how it left me crippled in regards to being able to live a normal life. I tried 2 weeks cold turkey from this med and it was horrific, shakes, sweats, intense paranoia and more, but I was warned about all this beforehand. Lyrica really is dependant on the person taking it and whether they feel the side effects are worth whatever the reduction is for the reason they are taking it. For me it is more than worth it, except for that time when I forget to shut the gas hobs off. Lesson learnt!
So glad to find this website! I have been on Lyrica for only a week, and I’m a zombie! :( I walk around feeling like I’m going to lose my balance. Dr prescribed this meds for fibromalygia. I think I’d rather deal with the pain than walking around like I’m drunk… that’s another way of describing it, feeling drunk. Funny how you remember something you did so many years ago… haven’t had a drink in years! lol
Hello everyone, I have been off this drug for 2 weeks now and I have never felt so ill in my life. Hoping like most of you that this is short lived. I’m sure after this experience I will find it very hard to trust medication again. Good luck to you all.
Diane McG
I appreciate your comments and am glad you are having a good experience with Lyrica.
You mentioned ‘fibro fog’- I am very familiar with it and learned to work around it quite well. At about the 12-month mark after beginning Lyrica, I noticed quite a different kind of ‘fog.’
The first scary incident happened was when I was driving down a well known road. I ‘checked out’ and when I checked back in, I had no idea where I was. I remember thinking ” I’m not in any danger, no one is around that can be harmed, and my husband, whom I trust, is just a cell phone call away.” The elapsed time between ‘checking out’ and ‘checking in’ was about 20 seconds judging by the distance I had travelled but that was completely unacceptable to me. From there things got worse.
I was working on a project and about a third of the way into doing some data entry I stopped, looked down at what I was doing and totally forgot how to do what I had just been doing. It was suggested that perhaps I was multi-tasking when I should be mono-tasking. I was told to touch the surfaces around me to bring myself into ‘focus’.
These are just two of the incidents that led me to the path I am on – weaning myself off Lyrica. I know everyone will have a different experience and I sincerely hope you have a good one with this drug.
Debra H.
I was in such a fog from using this drug for over a yr, I forgot my doctor’s instructions and taking 100 mgs 3x’s a day. I went cold turkey thinking it couldn’t be that bad, 20 lbs lost and still losing, The constant nausea, and vomiting landed me in the er. 2 weeks later and I still get cold sweats, nausea, headaches. I am now being weened off slowly. I would rather be in pain than feel nauseous all the time. I wish I knew then what I know now about this drug, I’d never have taken it.
Any drug that has gabba as active ingredient, causes my throat to swell. Back in the 90’s-my neurologist attempted Gabbapentin for migraine headaches, I told him it causes my tongue to swell. He called me a liar, so I went to the hospital, took a pill, at first, he thought a joke, then I showed the bottle, he immediately took me to the emergency room. NO MORE MEDICATION WITH GABBA. Yet, now the wonder drug Lyrica is available, it’s almost shoved down my throat. Even a pain psychologist told me, if you don’t take it you’ll be considered non-compliant.
Because I’ve CHF, no N-said, nurse overdosed me on Tylenol, can’t take gabba medicine so pain Dr refuses to give anything.
I was on medicine regime, I was diagnosed with diabetic peripheral neuropathy. EMG TEST DOCUMENTATION – NOW EVERYTHING A DOCTOR CAN’T OR WON’T DEAL WITH BECOMES FIBROMYALGIA.
DOESN’T ANYONE GET IT, PAIN CHANGES BRAIN CHEMISTRY, THUS, PAIN overwhelms a person to the degree they can’t function. Cymbalta literally almost killed me.
I have no medicine. Also a veteran.
Diane M
An update – I’m just starting the third week of my plan to get off Lyrica and I feel good. The brain fog, memory loss and confusion started lifting after just a few days on the supplements. The first week and a half were rough when it came to my pain level but I had determined that I would stick to the plan for at least 2 weeks. I’m glad I did because my pain started lessening at about the 2 week mark.
Today I feel pretty good. I do hurt more than I would like to – which is no hurt at all – but I am functioning, thinking clearly and I am getting things done. I am stretching daily, resting when I need to and so far I haven’t needed any pain killers.
I’ll update again in a few weeks. Take care everyone.
Diane M
Yes, you can get these supplements online or at any health food store without a prescription. If you are feeling that depressed, call a help line or see a professional. Drugs and supplements interfere with the delicate balance of chemicals in our bodies. They can cause us to feel all sorts of things for the better or for the worse. Take care of yourself any way you can. Soothing music, meditation and prayer, singing, napping, reading and talking to my husband are a few of the things I do to lower my stress level and help me get through tough times. Take care.
Olivia G.
After reading all the complaints about Lyrica, I decided I must add my comments as a grateful person who has fibromyalgia and finds relief from this drug. Many of the complaints I have been reading about can be caused by the fibromyalgia itself. Have you not heard of Fibro Fog? When I have a flare up of fibro, my mind goes blank, I am extremely tired, nauseated, and in pain. At that point I just go to bed until it passes. If I forget a pill, all of these symptoms reappear. I blame the fibromyalgia and not the Lyrica.
I am a patient of one of the best Rheumatologists in a city of over a million people. He is a believer in natural medications as well as pharmaceuticals. I trust him implicitly so when he prescribed Lyrica for me well over 5 years ago I took it with excellent results. Perhaps Lyrica should not be prescribed for back pain, neck pain, etc. but it certainly helps lessen the symptoms of fibromyalgia for me.
Brandy B
First off, I would look in to finding a new PMP. You deserve to be listened to when it comes to your health and he doesn’t seem to even care. Second, research a supplement called 5-HTP, it can be found at health food stores or online. It sounds like you suffer from serotonin deficiency like I do. For several years I tried antidepressants which did not yield a positive effect. Third, if you like to read, I suggest a book titled The Mood Cure. I found it to have valuable information and have since seen a tremendous turnaround in my depression which has plagued me since high school. I cannot stress enough how 5-HTP helps and it is natural. I take 100mg at night and after about two weeks my insomnia has resolved itself, which was a huge stress factor for me.
I can’t take any drugs with gabba, thus depakote, Gabbapentin, neurotin, Lyrica, ALL cause my tongue to swell, slurring, throat swelling. I asked to try Cymbalta – because I thought it would help-all I now know is Cymbalta almost cost me my life. One minute I’m sewing on a sewing machine, the next I’m waking in a psych ward with bandages, where I supposedly stabbed myself (I have no memory of doing anything) no one wanted to believe me, yet this behavior was contradictory to me. The cops told my daughter the room was so full of blood, it appeared as though a massacre had happened. I have no recollection of the incident, just that I believe side effects have not been appropriately investigated.
Now, because I can’t take drugs with gabba, or Tylenol nor N-said, pain Dr won’t give anything. I was tested, peripheral neuropathy, hip fx, torn cartilage (severe enough to have total knee replacement) didn’t happen/after misdiagnosed with bronchitis, X-Ray showed CHF, so surgery scrapped. Sciatic pain has not gone away after 11 months, now big toe pulls towards floor, pain is horrible yet pain Dr just says fibromyalgia. I know the difference in sciatic pain and generalized pain.
Fibromyalgia has become the catch all diagnosis when either the patient is known for expecting Dr to be held accountable, or Dr doesn’t know/care. If I hit you at your pressure points, you’ll go to your knee also. I believe patients should be proactive, never just blindly accept Dr opinion as gospel, if there’s no change after 10-14days, it’s time to seek second opinion.
I’m not a rat/nor a specimen under a Petri dish to be subjected to guess work diagnosis. If your doctor won’t listen, refuses second diagnosis, ignoring your-pain- you now must become your own advocate.
Hi, Diane…and good luck to you.
I am wondering if this protocol would work with “gaba pentin”? I cannot afford a naturopath (I am on Medicaid, and my PMP is not very cooperative with wanting to try natural approaches, physical therapy, diet, etc. Can I get these supplements online, without a Rx, do you know? BTW, I have had prob w/depression all my life (my family calls it the “melancholy Dane”) but now it is much, much worse and I find myuself thinking about suicide….I know I should see a psychiatrist, but, I cannot get my PMP to refer me to one. He will only give me antidepressants which do nothing for me, except cause parkinsonian type movements…..any advice would be SO appreciated…anyone?? I am crying right now and I dont know why….I have never, ever been like this…my partner is terrified to leave me and this clinging only makes it worse.
Diane McG
An update – I visited with my naturopath and together we decided that I would, indeed, need to come off Lyrica.
He devised a reduction schedule for the Lyrica that involves a specific supplement schedule. I will reduce my Lyrica dosage 25mg per week over the course of 7 weeks and I will supplement with 600mg GABA and Magnesium Malate.
These supplements will increase in dosage over three weeks, stay steady until I’m off Lyrica and then I will reduce GABA until I am no longer taking it. [My GP didn’t really understand why I couldn’t just ‘go off it’ but agreed to give me prescriptions in the dosages I will need].
I will, then, stay on a yet to be determined level of Magnesium Malate. I will incorporate rest, a good diet, gentle stretching, pacing, analgesics and a HUGE dose of acceptance of the fact that I have FM. It has gone into a ‘remission’ before – maybe it will again, who knows, but while I have it I need to accept the fact. No DRUG will make it go away. I’d rather be clear headed, have my vision as best as it can be, and acknowledge the health and strength I DO have.
I have to say – I’m more than a little anxious about the next 28 days but I am determined.
All the best to all of you. I will continue to update as things go along.
I’ve been through hell and back on this drug, a year plus of taking it and becoming an emotional wreck, and then six months of “tapering” and also becoming a physical mess. I’ve finally got through it, now back to my old self, still with awful nerve pain but I’d rather live with that than the hell I went through with Lyrica. Interestingly, I saw a new PM specialist yesterday, who told me he is being very careful when he prescribes this now as for some people, it produces dreadful side effects (significantly increased depression, suicidal ideations etc).
This is the first time any doctor has admitted this to me. My former GP tried to convince me that I needed to add antidepressants to the mix but keep taking Lyrica (hence, former GP). For some people this drug must work but for me and my family it was hell, it was kind of reassuring to have a specialist confirm that what I went through was real. Good luck with your own journeys on Lyrica but please stay alert to the changes that this drug can bring on.
I was only on lyrica for a month was getting really dizzy and felt awful so I just stopped. 6 weeks on I have a constant head ache tingly feeling wish I never heard of it. The doc reckons it’s not to blame, strange it only started when I stopped taking it.
Brandy B
Honestly after the first week I noticed a difference in my overall mood and after two weeks I was not having issues with the insomnia that was plaguing me. I also finally convinced a friend who was experiencing anxiety attacks to try 5-HTP and it has helped them tremendously.
Kathy h
To brandy b; how long before 5-HTP started helping you?
I didn’t. After 6 weeks I had to go back on it. The withdrawal was horrible.
Diane McG
What is SCS? How did you withdraw from Lyrica?
Brandy B
Yes, I take a 100 mg dose of 5-HTP every night about thirty minutes after I take the Lyrica. It has definitely helped me sleep.
Has anyone else had blood disorders while on Lyrica, this is my third blood transfusion while on Lyrica. Low blood counts.
I have been a national medal winning athlete, and now to do a half an hour of exercise leaves me in dreadful pain for a week – sometimes it’s worth the emotional relief to be able to do something physical, sometimes I can’t bear the thought of the pain that exercise will bring.
So – mind over matter?? I’m sorry but anyone who says that can’t possibly understand the the dreadful chronic pain that I (and therefore my family) live with, can’t begin to know real pain. Lyrica, in my case, was an evil drug that took me at least six months to wean off, and without the support of wonderful friends and family I couldn’t have done it. If it works for you and you can live with the side effects, then I am happy for you, but for me it stole my life for over a year and I would prefer to learn to live with the chronic pain than to want to die from the side effects of Lyrica. I don’t think medical practitioners know enough about how debilitating this drug can be emotionally, or they wouldn’t continue to prescribe it.
And if you are trying to give this drug up, and think you won’t or can’t – you can. It took me six months at least, and it was hell, but I’m back to the person I was emotionally and mentally, and I deal with the pain in any way that helps (rest, heat, SCS, analgesics etc) but not Lyrica. Be strong even when you think you can’t be, and know that you can get through the dreadful withdrawals and it WILL be worth it.
Diane McG
Are you taking the 5-HTP along with Lyrica?
Brandy B
I understand the crying at the drop of a hat. I was on many anti-depressant’s over the years partly due to the pain of the fibro. Anyway, I felt they were a waste of time / money as they did not help. Lyrica was prescribed and has given relief but I went on a quest to find a more natural cure for the depression. I came across something called serotonin deficiency and it described me well. I have begun taking something called 5-HTP, which is over the counter, and has had a tremendous impact on my overall well being. Best of luck to you.
Sorry but this is absolute rubbish, I’m not sure where you got your information from.
Try to keep your mind off it? Well of course we do our best, but depends what levels your pain are, and most importantly how they affect your day to day life. Personally there are many things I’ve had to accept I cannot do any more and this is nothing to do with motivation, but common sense. Certain things cause so much pain and this includes things I used to do before like weight bearing exercise. Any kind of exercise causes pain, even swimming, so please don’t quote ‘mind over matter’ here.
Fact is most poeople with CP HAVE to pace themselves they don’t have a choice.
As to 14 days tapering off – your comment is really patronising, have you actually tried comming off Lyrica yourself? The evidence of people who have actually tried coming off this drug is overwhelming, that its a long drawn out process, months not days, unless of course you want to have agonizing side effects.
Diane McG
As soon as I finished my last post, which took me forever to write because I had to continually correct spelling errors and even then I noticed I had the same info in twice – ahhh… the blessings of brain fog, I called the pharmacist, made an appointment with my naturopath, and ordered some magnesium malate/malic acid.
The pharmacist gave me an emphatic “No” when I told him the doctor’s advice to me to just stop taking Lyrica. He told me that I would need, at the very least, to wean myself off of it slowly over a week to 10 days. He advised me begin taking Lyrica again and to go from the 150 mg at night and the 75 mg during the day to just 75 mg day and night for three days then start skipping doses until I am off it completely. I took 75 mg immediately and within an hour was feeling the wonderful effects of the pain relief it provides me. After two nights I found that 75 at night leads to interrupted sleep and more pain so I’m back to the 150 mg at night. I also doubled up on a magnesium supplement I was taking [magnesium bisglycinate 150 mg once a day] until I can get my order of magnesium malate/malic acid in.
I’m convinced that the magnesium malate/malic acid was giving my brain what the Lyrica was taking from it and the ‘brain fog’ [see post by mike | August 3, 2013 4:23 PM]I was experiencing can be reversed and eliminated with the resumption of this supplement. In looking back I can see that, although I was experiencing some side effects from Lyrica, overall I was 80-90% pain free and had a fairly well functioning life. None of the side effects were debilitating but gradually became so when I stopped taking magnesium malate/malic acid.
If the going back on this supplement does the trick, then I’m on the right path and I will stay on Lyrica. If taking the supplement doesn’t make a difference, I will seek help from my naturopath rather than my medical doctor. I’ll post again letting you know how things are going and what my naturopath advises.
Take care and be kind to yourselves.
My new Dr. Took me off off Lyrica after being on it for years and put me on gabapentin. My skin itched and felt crawly and I couldn’t sleep; it was awful. After 6 weeks I got her to put me back on Lyrica and I feel great again. Never have had bad side affects except sleepy. I have been anemic 3 times now and have had to have 2 blood transfusions…3 pints of blood the 1st time and 4 the 2nd time and now need another one.
Has anyone else been severely anemic while on Lyrica? Why am I not suppose to drink while on Lyrica. I drink while on it and don’t have any problems.
It’s a bit difficult to keep busy do sports whatever when you have much pain due to not being able to get lyrica anymore. Glad this works for you but not a good fix for most.
Hello I have been taking Lyrica for 4 months 75mg in the morning and 150mg at night. It was really helping me reduce the pain of fibromyalgia. I could climb up and down the stairs again and was not in a lot of pain like I used to be. I am only in my 30s! It was a relief after trying Cymbalta and experiencing horrible side effects.
Unfortunately I didn’t stay happy for long as I began to add up around 800g to 1kg every week. Then I began to feel confused so much that I could not hold on to a conversation any more. Finally I was having trouble seeing. My vision was so blurred that I had to see an ophthalmologist. He prescribed me drops and advised me that I had to reduce Lyrica until I quit. That was around 10 weeks ago. I still can t get rid of my weight gain but at least I’m not confused any more. What is still worrying me is that I still have blurred vision and its much worse at night time.
I can now confirm that adverse reactions from Lyrica really exist and they are not pretty. I hope my vision will come back but right now I am really worried as I thought side effects will gradually disappear after a couple of weeks :(
Diane McG
I am SO glad I found this site! I have been on Lyrica for 19 months for fibromyalgia. The last 6-8 months have seen a great increase in adverse symptoms liker dry mouth, memory loss, brain fog, weight gain, confusion, more depression than I had before the Lyrica, loss of energy, blurred vision and fatigue. [The official Lyrica website says that none of these symptoms should last longer than a few weeks after beginning it…???] I needed to know if my issues were physiological, psychological or pharmacological So off to the doctor I went, list in hand and husband by my side.
I was told that he had just accessed a website about these effects because that morning another patient had been inquiring. He said that I need to stop taking it, that I should try Tylenol extra-strength and Advil or Naproxen, for which he gave me a prescription [‘in case you need it’]and to come back in two weeks time. Then he said we should know whether it is the Lyrica causing my difficulties. When I asked how should I go off Lyrica I was told that, “Lyrica is just a pain killer. It’s not a narcotic. You can just stop it.” So I did – that was two days ago.
I feel awful – restless legs, hot flashes, nausea, no appetite, can’t sleep, anxiety like crazy and it feels like every muscle fibre and joint I have is either burning or aching in some way that will not stop! The doctor told me to use Tylenol extra-strength and Advil. He also gave me a prescription for Naproxen, ‘in case’ I needed it. None of these medications is helping for more than an hour or two.I cannot imagine more of this and it’s only been two days!!!
It is clear that he knows nothing about the side effects of this drug – in fact, the very fact there ARE side effects should tell him that stopping it is not as easy as just stopping it!
I have a call into the pharmacist and I will be calling my naturopath who helped me wean off Prozac [ another thing the doctor told me I could just ‘stop’]. Perhaps between these two people, I can get off this roller-coaster. I’ll post when I know more.
In the meantime I’m going back on Lyrica – I’ll just take a lower dose. It gave me great pain relief and I could at least function at a higher level than I can right now.
One last thing before I go – I was taking a malic acid supplement, too, but stopped – finances are tight enough with Lyrica – but in hindsight I think it was helping keep the negative aspects of Lyrica at bay.
Thanks for listening.
Hello all,
I was really nice to find this website I’ve been on lyrica for the past 4 years and until now, and I’ve weaned of it many times Kindly follow a simple steps below:
1. Try to forget about not to think of it as it will make you feel worse by keeping your self busy by doing activities.
2. Do SPORTS it helps a lot.
The withdrawal of lyrica is 14 days to get out of your system, and think about it, lyrica became a routine so of course it will be hard, and you have to fight it and don’t even think of taking it.
and hopefully you will be fine.
I’m back on Lyrica and am having blood disorders, very anemic again. Don’t know if the Lyrica is causing it. I drink beer and have no side affects. I sure hope Lyrica isn’t causing anemia. It works well for me with cymbals for fibromyalgia.
Finally back on Lyrica. Never had that high feeling. Mostly sleepy. Glad to be back on it. Withdrawal was horrible itching and grouchy. Lyrica has made me feel like a person again. Less pain and can sleep at night.
Kelly F. C.
I have only been on Lyrica for a couple of months for arthritis in my spine. I am 30 years old. Like many of you, I stopped taking it just not thinking about it. All of the sudden my entire body has been on fire, horrible nausea and diarrhea sweating and then extremely cold. Insomnia for about four- five nights in a row. It just dawned on me that it was the freaking Lyrica. This sucks.
I have been on lyrica for approximately 4 years since being diagnosed with neuro pain 9 months after a bike accident. I was given the impression that I’d only have to take them for a few months, otherwise I’d never have started.
So first of all they seemed helpful, tho did not allow me to function normally. Over time the benefits disappeared (helped me to sleep, gain weight (I was previously underweight)- my memory has been badly affected, my eyesight somewhat too. I had never had rosacea before being on this drug.
Mood wise I do think this drug has affected me adversely over time. I went up to the top dose for a while, then cut down to 300mg per day, but whatever I do I cannot get past this dose. Depressingly a few months ago I went right up to the top dose again, ironically some medication meant to help another issue led to a big increase in my chronic pain. I cut down by 100mg to 500mg around 2 months ago. I note that when I cut down my sleep gets worse, my mood gets worse, my stomach gets upset, and this is with gentle tapering!
After reading all this comments I want to come off this drug more than ever. I’m horrified by the comments of the medical profession – seems to be a consensus amongst them that withdrawal from lyrica is not an issue whereas quite obviously there is a massive problem – with huge amounts of anecdotal evidence to back this up.
I don’t know how I’m going to come off this drug after 4 years + on it. I’m sure that the continual headaches I get (very bad weird one this weekend) are due to lyrica. I’m so frustrated that doctors just do not want to know about the experience of real people on this drug.
I just started taking Lyrica this week; 1- 75mg a day. The pain in my lower back and hips has decreased by 85-95%. I hate to give this medicine up but I did send one of those “gibberish emails” to my boss. Yesterday I dosed off around 6pm, woke up a little before 8, thinking it was the next day I got on my work laptop and starting working.
I sent an email to my Boss apologizing for not sending him an email at 7:30am. He replied with a smiley face, getting an early start? That’s when I noticed it was 8PM not 8AM. We are both still laughing at that. I can read the side effects just as well as the next guy so I don’t need that.
What I am looking for is someone who has had a positive outcome and any advice they might give me on how to take Lyrica in a way that will reduce the “high” feeling. For example with food, with a particular food, no food, late night, morning etc. The medicine does wear off so I want to get the most out of the “reduced pain time” during the day but I really need tips on what regiment has worked well for others.
I only just really started Lyrica, before that on Endep for 4 to 5 years. Doc asked would I like to try Lyrica for my PN instead of Endep. First started taking 150 at night and 75 in the morning to slowly get used to taking it. Then the doc bumped me up to 150 at night and 150 in the morning.
Oh boy what a difference, my eyesight has changed, constipation like you wouldn’t believe and such horrible pain in my legs, it is agony, had to take Panadeine Forte every few hours to kill the pain and even though I am on depression meds started to feel unhappy and crying at the drop of a hat.
So I cannot stand this, I decided I am going to wean myself off this med and have nothing to see how I go. It was a long time ago when they told me I had PN and I think they misdiagnosed me, as I have severe Osteo Arthritis in my lower back and 2 bulging disks in my spine, this all squeezes the nerves and does not let the signals through as they should anyway it’s going to be a bumpy ride, starting now with the 75ml only and try that.!
Will M.
It is extremely helpful to find this web site.
My wife lives with chronic phantom pain due to a back break many years ago. About four years ago she met someone with similar pain who recommended Lyrica. Although expensive her doctor agreed for her to give it a try. She was so grateful for the relief that it gave, although the immediate obvious side effect was a desire to eat all the time. But weight gain seemed a small price to pay for the real reduction in excruciating daily pain spasms.
After about three years using Lyrica, last year, during 2013, I noticed a change in her general behaviour, increased irritability, uncharacteristic irrational thoughts, occasional red face. Starting this year she began to notice that she had increasing unexplained sweats and increasing lethargy. In the last few weeks she has had to stay in bed, feeling completely apathetic, regular sweats, uncontrollable shivering, red face, headaches, aching back. The list is extensive.
We feared a serious problem such as cancer. Over the last two weeks she has had every test possible to be made except hospital admission for more intrusive investigations. A CT scan has been booked. The only noticeable problem is a low white blood cell reading on one of the several white blood cell indicators. Her doctor/s admit defeat.
Now, having read the list of indicators on this website it is completely clear that she has developed an intolerance to Lyrica and will have to endure the severe withfrawal systems, for we will start to reduce her dose as from today.
She says that she will endure anything now she knows what the problem is, and try to get her doctors to prescribe diazepam more frequently instead.
it seems to me that Big Pharma has a lot of responsibility for this problem, i.e. not properly testing for and admitting to the fact that so many ‘wonder’ drugs in reality affect different people in different ways. This issue is massive when related to anti-psychotic medication. Too many people’live’ on these drugs when actually they should be used for very limited and specific interventions, while more long term side effect free support is put in place, such =as re-organising life style, diet, exercise, establishing proper sleep pattterns etc..
Thanks for all the valuable info. provided by your subscribers.
Hi ch, yes I had extreme tiredness after I stopped Lyrica on Dr’s advice due to suspected pregnancy ( was not pregnant, faint positive test was due to my being menopausal.) For six weeks I could do nothing except lay in bed sleeping or awake in extreme pain ,my house fell down around me as I could do nothing except sleep almost all the time. I had a non stop excruciating headache that nothing would relieve so after 6 weeks of this I had to go back on Lyrica as it was the only way to stop the headache, it was like no headache I’d ever had before. This was in January 2013, I am still on Lyrica having been prescribed this by my Dr 5 years ago for neuropathy. I want off as I have gained about 25 pounds and my eyesight is always blurred.
I am actually afraid to face the exhaustion again, I already have Chronic Fatigue so I know what being tired is, but Lyrica is a whole other ball game.
Hi Sue. My husband also was taken off Lyrica do to insu. Yes he has had crawling itchy skin. It comes and goes. After a month off lyrica it has lessened. The itching seems to only affect him at night. Of course when he tries to sleep. Gabapentin was no help and it made him loopy. Insu. made him use it before getting lyrica. Wish I had an answer to stop the itching. Time should help. Prayers for you.
I used lyrica for at least 5 yrs. It worked so we’ll for me. Had to get off of it because ins. wouldn’t pay. The withdrawal are terrible. Can’t sleep and have itchy crawly: skin. It’s horrible. Wish I could get back on it. I have dropped about 8 lbs. Thought cause I feel so awful. Must have been the lyrica. It’s been replaced with Gabapentin but it’s not really helping. I was on a very high dose 2x a day. Was on 3x a day but got to sleepy So I cut my lyrica back myself. Also on generic cymbalta now cause of ins.
Has anyone else had itchy skin from withdrawal? Benadryl hasn’t touched the itchy crawling skin and made me feel worse.
I have been taking Lyrica for fibro for apx six months, my husband takes it for diabetic nerve pain, we take the same dosage, 400 mg a day. I have gained 20 pounds, he hasn’t gained any. I have noticed a small amount of pain reduction, but no more than on gabapintin. I went off the gaba to try Lyrica because my doctor was concerned with my pain level slowly climbing back up with Gaba. I still work full time, my husband is retired.
We ran out of lyrica a couple of days ago, and for financial reasons (it is expensive) we could not refill until today. We had tapered to 200mg’s a day knowing we would be out. My husband noticed no difference from going off at all. I however, went through hell. I had nighty sweats, stomach issues, pain increase, insomnia, you name it. I was so sick I could not work today. We filled it today, I have taken the 400 mg’s my body is used to, but it will take another day for it to level, my husband took one 200mg, he still hasn’t noticed a difference.
Lyrica frightens me, I do not want to be dependent on anything, neither does he, both of us have pain meds, but only use them when absolutely necessary. I am worried about the long term affect of Lyrica due to this withdrawal issue.
My husband has been taking lyrica 150 twice day for 6 yrs for a miss fire in a back nerve. The pain would hit unexpectedly and knock him to the floor. The Lyrica stopped the pain after many other things did nothing. He is now without it do to insurance stopping coverage. Just can’t afford over 200.00 a month for it any longer. Has anyone had extreme sudden tiredness while coming off lyrica? Thanks.
I understand exactly how yu feel, VS…I have intractable pudendal nerve pain for about 10 yrs….they want to try everything on me EXCEPT opiates (which DO help–and I don’t use much, when I have them) I have been on gaba pentin and lyrica at the same time—they both make me feel like crap—they blur my vision so bad, I need new glasses Rx every time I go…. was on a very low dose) 5 mg) of oxycodone, when I needed it (enough for 2 a day)—now thaty cut that off… what will I do? I withdrew from lyrica, gaba pentin and now oxycodone and have had my colon removed—this should be great….I am afraid I will die….
I don’t understand why Drs. are SO reluctant to prescribe pain meds for pain, but freely prescribe drugs like Lyrica and Cymbalta. I still have the pain and
I’m coming off of Cymbalta and it’s pure hell. As soon as I get over the Cymbalta withdrawal hell, I’m going off Lyrica! I’d rather live with the pain than feeling like a zombie that is a spectator to my life instead of a participant! I loose my string of thoughts, forget words when I’m trying to explain myself. I feel like an idiot most of the time when I’m trying to express myself at work, etc. I’ve NEVER experienced anything like this on small doses of Vicodin. And at least Vicodin does lessen the pain. Something I’m not experiencing from Lyrica. I’ve only been on it a few months. I’m hoping that helps with the withdrawal. DO NOT go on either of these drugs without first really checking out the withdrawal symptoms!!
Wow, I am so glad I googled weaning off of Lyrica! I have been on 75mg X 2 per day for the last 8 months. When we switched insurance companies at work, the new one would not approve me taking Lyrica. The doc has now put me on Cymbalta, but what bothers me is that he never told me I had to taper off. The pharmacist did! I have enough for about two weeks, and per the pharmacist, I reduced my dosage to 75mg per day. I already have body aches and a headache and am scared to death of feeling worse! Ughhhhh!
Thank you for your comments. I stopped taking lyrica about a month ago with doctors knowledge. I weaned off of it. I too am feeling more depressed than usual. Also my thoughts are jumbled. It’s good to know that I’m not alone, am not crazy, that there’s light at the end of the tunnel. Will keep in touch with my doctor. Thank you again for having this website.
Hang in there and be brave – seven months after weaning off Lyrica (from 300mg a day) my life is back to normal. It was hell, my family and friends were what kept me going. Doctors didn’t understand what was happening and it was just through sheer determination to come out the other side for my kids that I was able to get through this – and so many, many times I didn’t want to keep going. I’m still in pain now, but I’m fine emotionally, I have my life back and laugh, I can think clearly and I remember people’s names and what I did five minutes ago. Lyrica is a curse, it may help some but it nearly killed me and I truly feel for those of you who are going through or went through what I went through. Hopefully one day it will pulled off the shelves, to save the one in two hundred people who go through hell on this medication. Please hang in there – I promise you it will be worth it.
thanks for all kind replies…I am now “tapering” (my dr won’t help—just says “cut ’em in half”–does he realize how small they are?? but these are generic, anyway) It is very, very difficult, the side effects don’t seem to be letting up commensurate w/how much less I am taking….luck to all and to me!
amy b
Hi C.C.
Sorry to hear of your struggle in dealing with this drug. Just know you are not alone . I am currently trying to wean off Lyrica, and what a painful process! .I too had a trust issue with the dr who put my onto this medication.The new dr has changed my prescription to 25mg.I now take 100mg a day, Instead of the 300mg I was initially taking.I still feel like a zombie and have symptoms like yourself.Foggy brain, shaking/ seizures, crying, aches and pains, vomiting, headaches, restless legs and the list goes on.
Maybe you could go and see your G.P and ask to be put down to a 25mg prescription and try and decrease your current prescription by 25mg and see how you go…Baby steps are going to be the only way.I am going to seek the advice of a naturopath to see whether they might be able to help in some way…..
Wishing you the best of luck.
Can anyone please help me figure out how to get off Lyrica and still be able to function? I don’t trust the doctor who prescribed this to me. It was unnecessary and it does not help my back pain. it is causing me more and more pain. I took it on and off for years but only recently took it everyday.
For 4 weeks and now I can’t even wean off it or I am crying shaking dizzy feeling faint etc. please someone tell me something I can possibly try to get off Lyrica. thank you anyone for your advice. I am praying God will help me stop taking Lyrica for good.
amy b
Suzanne, thank you for your kind words and well wishes.that means a lot.Thank you also for taking time to share your story . Hopefully your words will reach many and make people aware of the dangers of this drug.
wishing you all the very best in your weaning process.
I have been on Lyrica for 2 years for nerve pain in my lower back. I was feeling better and my new doctor is trying to wean me of the Lyrica. I used to take 75mg 3 times a day and now, 1 month later I am taking 50 mg 2x a day.I feel anxious and have a fear of impending doom on and off, which makes me feel lousy and sick to my stomach. I wake up with a headache and go to sleep with a headache. Lyrica helped deal with my pain but I’m starting to wonder at what price.
Amy, I wish you the best and hope you’ll feel better soon. You are not alone in this.
Good luck
amy b
Oh my goodness. I’m so happy that I have found this website. It totally confirms to me that I’m not going crazy. Though I’m at a total loss to understand how this drug can work so differently for people. It seems its either a miracle treatment or a total nightmare. For me it is the latter.
Apologizes in advance if I’m not making sense but that’s one of the side effects I’m suffering (foggy brain).
Six weeks ago I was prescribed Lyrica 75mg to treat neuropathic pain in my shoulder, neck and back. After 3 days I returned to the doctor without any relief so he changed my prescription to 150mg twice a day. It helped with the pain somewhat but I was having blurry vision, memory loss, and foggy brain and generally feeling groggy. This coupled with insomnia made me feel like a zombie making daily tasks near impossible.
I decided that I couldn’t go on like this and stopped taking the meds. I thought dealing with the pain was better than existing like this.I had no idea that these drugs were addictive as I was not told by the doctor.
I had the worst withdrawal symptoms .A pounding headache, profuse sweating, sore tummy, vomiting, aches and pains, shaking, depression, suicidal thoughts and my heart was pounding, it felt like it was going to explode.
I have sort help from another doctor as I no longer trust the doctor who put me on this evil drug I am in the process of weaning off this poison but I’m suffering terribly and I have only reduced my intake by 25mg a day.
Reading some of these stories has been a comfort knowing that I’m not alone but at the same time has instilled a lot of fear. I now realise that I am going to have to do a lot of fighting to get my life back. Im just praying that I am one of the lucky ones that can beat this evil drug.
Wishing all my fellow lyrica suffers all the best in their battle to win back their life.
To anyone considering taking lyrica please don’t do it.Look for an alternative….
Amy B
Oh my goodness!. I’m so happy that I have found this site. It totally confirms to me that I’m not going crazy. Though I am totally at a loss to understand how this drug can work so differently for so many people it is either a miracle treatment or a total nightmare. I am suffering from the latter apologies in advance if I am not making sense but this is just one of the side effects I am suffering.
Six weeks ago I was prescribed lyrica 75mg to treat neuropathic pain in my back and shoulder, which I was taking twice daily.after 5 days the doctor doubled my prescription to 150mg twice daily. It has some what helped my pain but I was walking around in a total fog. This coupled with the insomnia made daily tasks near impossible. I felt like a zombie.
I decided that I couldn’t cope feeling like this so I stopped taking it. I was not told by the doctor that these meds were so addictive! I suffered the worst withdrawal symptoms. A pounding headache, profuse sweating, aches and pains, vomiting, shaking, anxiety and severe depression and suicidal thoughts not to mention my pounding heart that felt like it was going to explode.
I have sought help from another doctor now as I no longer trust the doctor who put me on this drug. I am now in the process of weaning off lyrica, though reading these stories arent filling me with optimistic thoughts. I’m just praying I am one of the lucky ones that can beat this drug. Wishing all my fellow lyrica suffers all the best in their battle to win their life back!
Lyrica may work for some people but be prepared to take it til you die because coming off of it is near impossible… people need to read about other people’s experiences when trying to come off Lyrica…
And I believe only God can help someone get off Lyrica God Bless anyone who is trying to stop taking Lyrica.
I have been taking Lyrica for roughly 8 months for nerve damage to both feet sustained after an accident two years ago. I am currently at high school an have found it nearly impossible to attend my classes, let alone concentrate in them. I have just taken myself off Cymbalta which also gave me terrible side effects, and am weaning myself off a 400mg dose of Lyrica. I have been suffering from depression and anxiety as well as blurry vision, excessive sweating, a cloudy mind, and terrible confusion. My personal, social and academic lives have been thoroughly disrupted by my injury and the ensuing medical shenanigans.
Although Lyrica has supplied me with noticeable relief from the pain I have decided that I need to find a better way to help my body without loosing my cognitive abilities as well.
I’ve been taking Lyrica since 2008 or 2009. My memory is abysmal, my eyesight unbelievably poor, and every time I try to stop or decrease my dosage, I get these horrible feelings of my skin crawling. I did tell the Lyrica people about it, but I think they ignored it. And it didn’t go away. One time I went for about a month or so without it, because of a prescription mixup, and the symptoms didn’t go away.
Hi, I have been on lyrica for almost three years and I have recently noticed that I am getting very angry and irritable with things. I take them with beta blockers to help with atypical facial pain. It has helped but I don’t feel with it, my memory isn’t very good, blurry eyes and now I am feeling angry and irritable and sometimes I feel like I’m in a bubble and don’t know what direction I need to take in life. Does anyone else feel like this? I am on 125mg Lyrica, 80mg beta blockers.
Marina W.
I stopped taking Lyrica in April 2013 after being on the drug for a year. I was taking 600mg a day an couldn’t deal with the feeling of being drunk 24/7, memory loss, weight gain etc. After a one week taper from 600mg down to zero, my body went into withdrawal.
I have never experienced something so testing in my entire life. The physical symptoms were endless, nausea, severe joint pain, back pain, insomnia, fatigue, head feeling like its going to explode with pressure, rapid heart beat and more. But this was nothing compared to the mental symptoms which include severe anxiety coupled with severe depression, a constant state of irrational fear, being overwhelmed by the smallest of tasks, suicidal thoughts.
This phase lasted for 3 months without ANY cessation of symptoms. I simple couldn’t take it anymore lying in bed for 12 weeks so decided to go back to 300mg a day an taper down. As soon as I took the dose 50% of my symptoms disappeared over night confirming that it was indeed the lyrica at cause. Due to the does being half my usual does I still experienced horrific withdrawal but less severe. After tapering down over 5 months by 25mg increments per week, I finally stopped in December 2013. One month after discontinuation I am still experiencing withdrawal although the intensity is reduced. I still experience many of the physical symptoms like joint pain, insomnia, nausea etc and mentally my outlook has completely changed. I am filled with fear all the time, have severe anxiety particularly in the early morning and a general sense of being uneasy/panicky all the time.
I never suffered from anything like this before the pregabalin and would never have taken it had I have known the nightmare journey that awaited. I have been prescribed an antidepressant and benzodiazepine to easy the symptoms but nothing has helped at all. I am on the verge of losing my job after 12 years and without God in my life would probably not have had the strength to carry on. May God grant you all easy.
I started coming off Lyrica in early Sep 2013, after 18 months of being on it. It was the worst thing I have ever experienced (after having a major road accident/chronic ongoing pain). Please hang in there, it is worth getting off it. It might take as long as it did for me (three to four months) but things will get better. I am now more or less back to normal, off this drug and with no better or no worse neuropathic pain. The withdrawal is horrible, and for me took months, but so worth it now I am through it. I am putting weight on again (after losing 10 kilos from feeling so sick all the time). I am laughing again. Hang in there, I wish I’d been able to say this one month in, but three months in, it is definitely worth getting off it.
Well, my pharmacist (after filling them both for 6 mos) has told me I cannot take Lyrica with Gabapentin—prob never should have been, but, now I have to cold turkey it.
I have been on Lyrica for about six months. I have gained just under 3 stone in weight and have been experiencing great difficulty in concentrating and problem solving. I stopped taking the drug 6 days ago and have never felt so ill. One moment I feel I am going to explode with the heat – the next moment uncontrollable shivering all over. My whole body hurts, I have violent headaches, non-stop skin irritation and now sickness.
I have been on Lyrica for about a year and I didn’t take any for 3 days and the withdrawls were terrible….I finally got them today and OMG I feel SO MUCH better….I never knew I would feel the way I did if I stopped taking it…I will never do that to myself again.
I’ve been on a fairly high dose (400mg/day) for almost three years. I broke my neck in 1984 and a hip in 1989 (both pretty severe car wrecks) and after running from doctor to doctor to get multiple opinions to avoid spinal surgery, one of them prescribed Lyrica.
For me, it has been wonderful. The severity of the pain decreased over time and I have actually had restored ability on my right side, I.e. eye-hand coordination, fine motor, and most important, arm strength.
The only side effects for me have been weight gain and some blurred vision. I know there are many different reactions to this drug, I would just like to share mine.
Hi all. I have been on Lyrica for a few months now. I have had two craniotomies in the last two years. My GP started me on Lyrica and I have been on 500mg a day. I have gained 19 lbs, I’m shaky, I have no balance. My headaches at first seemed better but are back to where they were if not worse.
Three days ago, my right arm got really heavy and began to hurt, then it moved into my chest and it was horrific pain.
My mother took me to the emergency room and they could find nothing wrong. Their diagnosis was chest wall pain and told me to see my GP the next morning. I went to her office and while waiting for her I passed out, so back to the ER in an ambulance. Still nothing.
I feel like this is related to the medication. I could cry at the drop of a dime which has JUST begun. I feel angry at moments that I can’t explain which has also JUST begun. My body feels stiffer than normal and aches which also has JUST begun. I’m only 32 and I’m scared. I’m just plain miserable. Is any of this familiar to anyone else?
Thank you
Hi to all tapering off Lyrica thank u for your great posts am in middle of withdrawal am experiencing same symptoms have been on Lyrica for 2 Yrs for pain following allergic reaction to my liver from antibiotic sick for 4yrs liver fully healed tg. had post viral fatigue few rough yrs!!!! lyrica helped initially but side effects hell. Withdrawal awful trying to keep positive v hard. Cutting by 25mgms twice a day hope to be off this awful drug by March all going ok. That will be 7mnths. affecting muscles big time I try to swim once a week it def helps keep me focused. Night time I dread not sleeping great lying in bed have muscle spasm feel as if my muscle fibres are spinning know sounds mad hissing sound in rt ear nausea etc. only thing keeping me going is knowing I will be off this soon. My heart goes out to all knowing we are not alone in this helps. I take omega36 and magnesium vit B C etc. wish u all well in withdrawal. Xxxxxx
Kathy D
I’m grateful to know others are out there with my withdrawal symptoms and I’m not crazy. Although as stated, doctors seem to think there is no such thing as withdrawal from this medication. To that I say BS!
I took myself off this back in September. I told the doc I wanted to wean myself off to which she told me that with the dosage I was taking (100mg 2x/day) it wasn’t necessary. I insisted and she gave me 10/75mg pills to take for 10 days.
First off, the reason I wanted off of it is like others I’ve read about I’m in pain with or without. Due to the side effects, drowsy ALL day long, brain fog, loss of memory and concentration and weight gain it’s not worth it to me any more. I was on Oxycontin prior to that but weaned myself off due to the nature of the social dangers. Who needs it.
At any rate, my withdrawal symptoms include constipation, restless leg syndrome which the Lyrica did help, continuous nausea and depression. I’m on Zoloft with no real help. Is there anyone out there with suggestions? How long will this last? Any information is greatly appreciated.
Sarah T
Can someone give me information about how long their discontinue syndrome lasted once they were off Lyrica? I discontinued Lyrica about a month and a half ago. I didn’t know to taper because I didn’t realize how hard it would be to discontinue. I was on 25mg, once or twice a day for fibromyalgia. Since I am so sensitive to medication my doctor put me on a low dose to see how I would do. It helped me a lot when I was on it, but gave me terrible food cravings and weight gain so I decided I would rather live with the fibro.
Since discontinuing I have had a dramatic increase in depression and anxiety, so bad that I can’t function normally, and start crying all the time. My doctor doesn’t seem to think coming off the Lyrica has anything to do with the this, he told me that withdrawal typically lasts 7-10 days. I am positive this is due to discontinuing the Lyrica. I have upped my Cymbalta and Lexepro but that is not cutting it. I take some natural supplements as well, under my doctor’s care, which is helping with the fibro but doing nothing for the severe anxiety. I would just like to hear from other people how long this lasted. Thanks.
Hi Paul
have things improved for you at all? Your story is so similar to mine (including the decreased white blood cell count). I am now five weeks with no Lyrica at all (after weaning) but still have overwhelming nausea. My brain is less foggy but I’m struggling to do day to day activities with the nausea. Docs (and I have also seen three different ones) seem convinced this isn’t due to weaning off Lyrica (similar story to yours again). I was very active and healthy before this nightmare began two years ago. Really interested if you have been able to learn more to help you stay off this drug.
Jess S.
I have been on Lyrica for about 6-8 months. I have never been good at remembering to take my pills so sometimes I skip a day or two. I didn’t realize that I was so dependent on them…I didn’t take for a few days and I have been sick for a week. I have been terribly nauseated, hard time breathing, head and severe neck aches….I didn’t think to pick up my pills cause I didn’t even think I could get them down my throat. Last night I could not take the pain anymore and I found one of my Lyrica in my overnight bag and took it…almost immediately I started to get relief. I had no idea that all the horrible symptoms I was experiencing were from Lyrica withdrawals until then. I thought I had cancer or something and was even too sick to go to the doctor had zero energy.
I am scared because I get kicked off my insurance Jan. 1st and I have no idea if my new insurance will have good prescription coverage and I know Lyrica is damn expensive. I don’t ever want to feel like this again…I felt like I was gonna die. I am really depressed because I don’t want to be dependent on a medication like this….I thought it was fairly safe and now I feel like it is completely toxic.
Here are all the symptoms I have been experiencing (have been off of work for 5 days). Started with extreme nausea, then headaches, then severe neck, and shoulder pains. I began getting hot and cold flashes so severe I thought I was going through menopause at 34. Crying, feeling just completely ill…taking pepto, zantac, pepcid etc. trying to get rid of nausea with no relief…throwing up..even water tasted disgusting. I have no idea if this is also a side effect but last few months I have had to go to the ER cause periods have been so bad I was nearly hemorrhaging and had to get IVs…going through a pack of overnight pads a day….
Now that I know it is Lyrica causing this misery I will take it for now, but I feel very upset that I get to look forward to feeling like this again if I choose to get off or can’t afford it. People need to be warned of this!!! I am very sensitive to antidepressant/mind altering drugs and I always ask to not be put on them and apparently I was and now I am wondering if this isn’t the worst medication in the world for me!!!
I too suffer from needles and pins in my feet, numbness, jerkiness, etc. At night, when it is at its worst and affects my ability to fall asleep, I begin, before bed, to put liquid glycerin on my feet and a pair of socks; when I go to bed, I rub my feet with Vicks. If that does not work, take a hot bath and go to sleep! It works most of the time and I would rather deal with it this way than take a dangerous drug.
I was on Cymbalta, and the withdrawal was horrid! The only way I could successfully get off this drug was to eliminate 2 beads a day from the capsule and weaned myself off that way. Going cold turkey will lead to lots of problems, like lethargy, depression, deep sadness. Get off the drugs! I also take gyemena sylvestrae for diabetes. My glucose went from 142 to 98 in one year! Now I am starting to exercise, line dance and the goal is to lose weight.
Also, Vicks on the feet will cure nail fungus. Just put it on and then a pair of socks. You will feel better and your feet will thank you!! Go Vicks!!!!
Hi to all currently weaning off lyrica slowly was on for 2yrs stabbing pains in tummy back etc withdrawals awful!!! Can’t wait to be off this drug!!! My heart goes out to u all. I was on Valium for muscle spasm in leg tapered off that it’s nothing compared to lyrica. Anyone know what I can take for stabbing pains!! Best wishes to everyone :)
Paul N.
I have been taking Lyrica for about 4 years following an ulna nerve transposition which left me with chronic nerve pain around the elbow. After trying various medication my consultant suggested Lyrica which was the only drug that has worked. I have suffered side effects especially when I have forgot to take just a single tablet. I suffered upset stomach and a general unwell feeling until I took it again. Once I forgot to take the tablets away with me and by day two of not taking them was shaking uncontrollably, sick, weak etc.
I recently went to see my doctor to get weaned off the tablets and they suggested a reduction from 400mg down to 200 then 100 over a few weeks. I have now been off them for 3 weeks and I am really struggling and looking for help. I have been to the doctor three times, the first told me I had a virus or the flu, the second put me on diazepam to help me rest but when this ended I went back to feeling weak, confused, tired but unable to sleep, lack of appetite etc. So I went back and put back on diazepam for night times only. The problem is I feel so weak that I can’t carry on like this. I don’t think my doctor understands the extreme change, previously I was very active and now I struggle to do anything and have minimal concentration. I feel like I am going to break down and have done in front of the doctor which is not me at all.
I have had a blood test and they have told me my white cell count is low but not to worry as it is the same as in march when I also felt weak.
I would never have taken this drug knowing how I feel now. I need help to get back to normal, I can’t work, drive etc and have no indication to how long this might last. I don’t want to go back on these drugs.
Can anyone offer any advice please?
Dear klf, FEM and other members,
It is several years since I started suffering from peripheral neuropathy. It began after having surgeries for Morton’s neuromas on both feet and sciatica on the right side. The excruciating sciatic pain started 4 days after the last surgery and lasted for 4 long months.
I was put on large dosage of anti inflammatory medication. I have very little or no pain from the neuropathy but do suffer from much numbness in both feet, especially at night. Once I fall asleep, I usually sleep through the night. I consider this a blessing. ( I have numbness in the toes, soles and heels of both feet and up to the ankle of the left foot. ) I still manage to do a lot of walking everyday but the only kind of shoes I can wear are sneakers.
The neurologist’s diagnosis is idiopathic peripheral neuropathy and he prescribed high doses of Lyrica ( gradually going over 1000 mg per day !) which I refused to take after I joined a neuropathy forum. Most people had terrible side effects and rapid weight gain. I am fighting to lose some extra pounds and do not want to add more pounds to my weight.
Some weeks ago I started to take benfotiamine and r +alpha lipoic acid. I will try these for some months then will post a comment. Maybe if I start having pain I will ask my family doctor to put me on a low dose of Lyrica and see what happens.
Last summer I was in the hospital due to osteo myeolitis in vertebrae 6&7, and an inflamed disc, caused by a bacterial infection. The pain was a nightmare. I had been on toradol and morphine, and also percocet while in the hospital, and on percocet for the prior month because the horrible back pain was diagnosed as “arthritis” & “muscle strain”.
So as part of my discharge planning, pain management came in, and I took Gabapentin for two nights. The second night, I had bizarre dreams and seemed to wake up every half hour, between 11:00 pm, and 5:00 am. I felt so exhausted from hallucinating all night that I wouldn’t take it the 3rd night. The pain management doctors were upset with me.
My neuro surgeon stopped in and reminded me “infection hurts”, I remained on the morphine until I went home, and used percocet for another week or so, until the infection responded to the IV antibiotic therapy. Since it’s in my chart, the Cleveland Clinic thinks I still use it– finally after many attempts. a staff member figured out how to delete it from my list of meds. I never want to take it again.
john w.
For the last twenty years I have neuropathy of both feet, especially at bed time. I am not diabetic. It is a problem that I have resigned to live with. In numerous conversations with other people I have learned that this is a very common problem. Hopefully, the Graedons could dedicate a radio program on this subject. Just maybe there is a genius lurking out there in cyberspace that has an answer. He or she will surely get many Thank Yous.
Many meds that are not opiates cause a wide range of withdrawal symptoms that far exceed ‘side-effects”. Many people consider withdrawal to be reserved only for opioids. A commonality in withdrawal is the drug’s effects on the Hypo-thalamus, Pituatary, Adrenal Axis(HPA) for short. Putting aside the big word-it basically means that your metabolic system is compromised or maybe not working at all.
I w/d from a 9 yr addiction to benzos that included a 80lb weigth gain and pre-diabetes. Basically, you need to have a Basic Metabolic Panel blood work done before beginning a taper program. its also helpful to have a nutritional counselor or do self-study. You may not be on a drug used for psychiatric treatment, but these drugs offer some good examples as to how the HPA becomes compromised and clinically neglected by many prescribers.
Working w a physician who is willing to address the metabolic aspects of a drug is critical. Many physicians are dismissive of the effects drugs have on the HPA-for apparent and some , not so apparent reasons. Brain fog, for example is effected by depleted magnesium(take magnesium aspartate for max. absorption) Neurotnin is well-known to rapidly depleted magnesium. Other drugs may also have similar metabolic dynamics.
Go slow, realize that this is only a temp. time and have some support system in place. Cognitive Behavior Therapy can be helpful, as well as, mindfulness training and practice and while many communitities lack specific support groups, there is one that helps w a program that is well represented and scientifically valid. Its SMART recovery and has meetings in almost all states,as well as, online support.This is based on cognitive behavioral, as well as, rational emotive cognitive therapy. Remember that it takes at least 20 yrs of clinical application for many prescribed drugs effects to be known. Good luck to all! You have the power to regain your health. Perhaps, Joe wlll do a program specifically on the HPA and how many drugs effect this.
I too am one of the ones that has had positive benefits with Lyrica. Before Lyrica I self medicated with OTC meds. I took so many of whatever I could get that said it was for pain that my liver began to fail. At that time I was seeing a Doctor that didn’t put much belief in Fibromyalgia and wouldn’t give me anything for pain.
I ended up in the hosp. for nearly three weeks with doctors trying to get me up and able to get around again. I actually had one foot in death’s door. After that I found another doctor that started me on a small dose of Lyrica with my Gastroentorologist’s (liver dr’s) approval. FINALLY relief. The most I had received since the time I spent in the hosp. and was given pain shots for the pain.
Of course with the liver disease I have been kept closely monitored. I may have some of the side effects, but some of the ones that were described in the side effects warning also are fibromyalgia symptoms, so I can’t say that the Lyrica is the culprit.
I belong to a couple of fibro support groups and most of the members have basically the same symptoms as I, and some of them use natural remedies for relief, the Lyrica certainly didn’t cause their symptoms. If I miss a dose the intense throbbing begins and I know it’s time to take the lyrica.
When the doc asked if I wanted to try something else, I declined. I’m getting satisfactory relief and I’m not messing around with that. I’m sharing this in case someone else reads all of the negatives and is afraid to give it a try, that someone has had relative success with Lyrica and it just may help them too.
OK, from what I read, Lyrica seems to work fairly well for what, I think, it was “invented for”–diabetic neuropathy, aside from the side effects…so why is Big Pharma pushing it for off label and experimental uses? I went off of codeines, to avoid addiction, and now I have to taper off of this?? We are guinea pigs to them, nothing more…it doesnt help my colo-rectal-pudendal pain, but, I was desperate, so I am on both gabapentin and lyrica and I am suicidal….I am controlling myself, I wouldnt do that, but, why cant they come up with more medications for pain, to cure diseases, etc and fewer for erection problems?
I created an account with People’s Pharmacy just to comment on Lyrica. I, personally, have had a very positive experience with Lyrica overall. I lived for years with neuropathy in my feet and legs due to surgery for Morton’s Neuroma on one foot, and severe sciatica on the other side that extended to my foot. I do not have diabetic neuropathy as my blood sugar is normal. Before Lyrica I on was on Neurontin for a few years with no discernible benefit. I actually had my feet in buckets of cool water most days and slept with wet socks and a fan at night. My symptoms progressed to sharp stabbing pain in addition to burning which had also progressed. I started Lyrica the moment it came on the market and was rewarded with immediate relief. I still have burning and pain but with less severity. Yes, I’ve gained 15 lbs I cant’ seem to shed and at one time “stepped down” from Lyrica for that reason only to have my symptoms worsen again. When I resumed my regular dosage (200 mg 3x day) I immediately noticed the burning and pain improve dramatically. While it’s no cure, it does allow me to have a life, participate in daily activities off limits before, wear socks and closed shoes once in awhile, do yoga (albeit with double cushioned mats)and be outside in warm weather occasionally. The lessening of pain has dramatically improved my quality of life and for that I am grateful for Lyrica. Mine is only one positive story on this page but I wanted people to know that not all outcomes are negative and that Lyrica has been a life saver for me.
Jan S.
I’ve been on Neurontin then Gabapentin for years, 300 mg 3 x’s a day and cannot do without it. I am not diabetic but have had neuropathy for years and think it might be to hypoglycemia. I tried Lyrica once and my feet were burning up until I cried. I am okay on the other routine and 2 x’s a day Ultram generic. The neuropathy will get worse over the years but at age 76, I hope I will go before the wheelchair is next. Good luck to my friend who says she loves the Lyrica!
Helen M
I have another bit of information I would like to share about edema. I too suffered from edema for many years as a side effect from an antibiotic. Have you heard of lymphedema? It is swelling that can result after surgery and there is help for that. It is a special massage that more and more physical therapy places are offering. Compression stockings will also help. I had the massage for my edema; I went three times, then two times a week for 39 weeks and lost 27 pounds, no change in anything. The usual therapy for lymphedema is three times a week for a week or two. I continued the massage at home, as well as I could, and lost another 5 pounds over a long, hot summer. 32 pounds of fluid, and still some left, but I could live with it.
Two months ago I had knee replacement surgery. After the first week or two, my leg began to swell and swell. I could not get my compression stockings on that leg. I began massaging it tho, at first, I could not pick it up. I also found my biggest stockings, I had four, and began using them on the four days I did not have PT. My husband and I struggled for about five minutes to get them on. Once he got them past my ankles, I could pull them up with his help. Then I began wearing the stockings every day, doing the massage before I put the stocking on, or, if I forgot, all too frequently, with the stocking on. In four weeks I have lost almost five pounds, and the pound or so that is left is livable. Plus I have had a good recovery and get any of my stockings on by myself. Nevertheless, I plan to continue with my treatments.
I hope this information helps those of you who are suffering with edema from meds.
Helen M
I have neuropathy from diabetes and fibro. My neurologist could not understand why my neuropathy constantly worsened when my control of the diabetes was very tight. He sent me to a rheumatologist who diagnosed fibro. Gabapentin suddenly stopped working for me and the burning was so intense I thought I would die. Hence the lyrica.
After just reading this article, I wonder if my worsening fibro might be due more to lyrica side effects than fibro. I don’t remember when the depression hit, it is a daily struggle to get beyond tears. I also have cognitive decline, no short term memory, except sporadically.
But I am stuck. My neuropathy expresses itself as severe burning all over my body and constant electrical shocks as my nerves misfire. I cannot live with that. No natural supplement has helped; however, I am, once again, considering benfotiamine. Last time, many years ago, it made my pain worse. If I can get off narcotics, I would like to try low dose naltrexone.
My neurologist weaned me off gabapentin very, very slowly and I had no withdrawal. Lyrica could be worse because I have been taking it longer and at max dose. I was upset when I read this article and thought of all the problems that were hidden by big pharma, even the doctors. My first doses were bottles from the doctor, no patient information. Truthfully, as I said above, it is lyrica or a long horrid slow death. But with this knowledge, I would advise people to think long and hard before beginning it. The problem, of course, is that we have so little help for neuropathy.
On Gabapentin and Lyrica and so miserable and confused, don’t know what to say….will have to wait until they wear off a little….what is wrong with just a little codeine for chronic, horrible pain (which I have) I don’t even know if I am making sense….will post more later, I am also on Ambien (Zolpidem) which adds to the confusion. I have been sending gibberish emails to family and, finally, to the dr….I hope he will decide to do something (I said something about blue tarantulas and wanting to die) It scares me and my boyfriend (who lives with me, thank god). But everyone is getting tired of it. I also take diltiazem for high blood pressure and generic Lipitor for cholesterol, also Synthroid…..I would get a second opinion, but I am on Medicaid in Ohio and I can just forget it….anybody? Thanks
I was put on Lyrica after being taken off high dosages of methadone and morphine that I had been on for nearly 8 years…and done so without being weaned off like I should have! I went thru withdrawals, lost 25+lbs and needed to be taken to the hospital by ambulance 3 x`s in 7 days due to my chronic pain and no meds and withdrawals….Lyrica was a joke! it had me stumbling around like I was drunk, and I was using a cane at the time and I was in great fear of hurting myself worse, or being arrested for being ‘drunk’ in public….it was of no help at all with pain relief and I believe a huge medical mistake was made by the staff of the Hospital by taking me off high dosages of prescription narcotics, without weaning me from them…what about ‘DO NO HARM’ ???
While it is fashionable to lambast certain drugs for having unfortunate side effects on people using them, I feel it’s more balanced to point out that many questionable drugs can and do help people.
I developed a terrible case of shingles while on a trip two years ago. Unfortunately, when I went to an emergency room after suffering for a couple days, and not knowing what was wrong with me, it was too late for the often effective treatment with an anti-viral drug which generally should be taken within 24 hours of the shingles outbreak. The ER doctor gave it to me anyway, along with a week’s course of steroids. This treatment did not noticeably help with the searing pain and sensitivity.
Finally getting home and seeing my personal internist, he noted that I’d moved into a neuropathic complication which effects a small percentage of sufferers even as the rash subsides. He suggested I take a generic type of gabapentin, which might work on my nerve pain. It did not. Then he suggested Lyrica, which while not a named treatment or use, nevertheless has been written up as effective for some patients with lingering nerve pain.
Within 3 days of starting on Lyrica, I felt relief. The extreme skin sensitivity subsided, the pain retreated and I could begin to function. I had no ill side effects, though I’d been warned. My doctor suggested I take the pills as prescribed for 3 weeks, tapering off gradually the last week or so until the expensive pills were gone. By the time I finished the course of medication, I was pain free and felt fine without any withdrawal symptoms.
I don’t set my experience as typical… but this drug worked for me and I had no complications from using it as prescribed and supervised by my physician.
People’s Pharmacy response: Thank you for sharing your experience. You are quite right that people need to know about the benefits as well as the risks of the medications they are prescribed.
My Mom was prescribed Gabapentin for Diabetic Nerve Pain, neuropathy. She is 85 years old. Apparently, with other diabetic health related issues, the Gabapentin built up in her kidneys, and she had the side effects of extreme dizziness, lack of balance, exhaustion, depression…. She was prescribed to take 100 mg., 3 X’s a day. It helped with the neuropathy. So, this was communicated to her doctor and he said reduce it to take as needed. She takes 1 a day. It seems to help, with far less side effects.
joe h
I was getting some benefit from a low dose of Lyrica, then neuro said lets try to go to 150mg 2x a day, side effects sneak up on you.
I finally realized I was feeling like a zombie , when I stopped taking it I rapidly cleared up. I’m sure it helps some people, just take it with utmost caution.
I’ve had restless leg for most of my life, and neuropathy for many years. The neuropathy may be from having rotational scoliosis, post-polio or undiagnosed Celiac and autoimmune thyroid disease. I have all of the above, but not diabetes. My mom and brother also had restless leg and neuropathy, but they didn’t have diabetes, either.
I decided I can live with the symptoms of the diseases, rather then risk the horrible side effects of those dangerous drugs. There are various natural supplements that do help lessen the symptoms, and that is good enough for me. I can enjoy life, without the adverse reactions that the drugs can cause.
Bryna B.
While on Lyrica my Rx for my reading glasses changed from 150 to 225! And brain fog? It was so embarrassing.
I much prefer the pain. Joe, for the knowledge and the service you provide, once again–you’re the best!